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What kind of changes would you pay for?

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I just want to know if any of you like any of these ideas. Bringing Back the Minigame means the one where branded could be and players and then players could "un-brand" them by killing them, this could also be used for all dragon minions.



If you do not like the options, DO NOT VOTE.

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I want /block to work in-game as well as on these forums. If suspensions or banning goes both ways, so should /block. As far as items and the like? Slots for cosmetic effects that don't take valuable space on armor or equipment. Selectable item(s) tab similar to the minis tab would be awesome.

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I would pay for a Dedicated Shared Inventory Slot for my harvesting tools that would could be accessed directly from characters.

It's a QoL issue, but if you can access everything else automatically without shifting the icon to the character's inventory, there has to be a way to do the same for harvesting tools.

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I'll pay for a change that will never happen. Have Anet start a new server where the only way you can get to level 80 is total map completion.

No boosts, none. When you get to 80 and finally get a mount you can only use it in level 80 zones. This includes any alts you make also.


To me this is the way it should be played, when it was fun. I'd be more than happy to pay a monthly fee for the privilege.

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Gameplay wise :

WoW-like duel system.

Being able to equip outfits items individually instead of just the outfit as a hole or nothing.

1 or 2 more spell slots.


Story wise :

Being "an adventurer" and not "the god/dragon serial killer", a nameless soldier of the pact and not its commander.

Vilains that aren't cliché "I want to destroy the world for the sake of it and feast upon your souls and misery mwahahah" all that


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Would love the dragon skin for gryphon.. I'd die having one of those X)

The personal guild hall just would be more appropriately named proper player housing to be honest. I would adore that so much.. If it's all instanced, the framework wouldn't be that difficult to implement and it would open up a whole crapload of new vanity crap from the gem store as well as event rewards/crafting projects for professions to achieve via open world, pvp/wvw, and raiding etc... Even old dungeons could be given a bit of help by offering thematic decorative things/trophies.

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I know I shouldn't want it, I know it doesn't fit the lore and would look out of place and potentially obnoxious with loads of people riding them, but I also know if they ever added a dragon skin for the griffon I'd buy it.


(I'm not sure I actually want them to do it, because it would be lore breaking and would look out of place, I'd rather have a middle ground where we get to ride Aurene in a story instance...preferably a really big story instance in a really nice looking multi-level map so I can keep going back to it.)


Also I'd love for them to bring back Season 1 as permanent content and I'd definitely pay for that. Not in Fractals or a mini-game or whatever other complicated 'work around', just do it like Season 2 onwards - instanced content on what's normally open-world maps.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Story wise :

> Being "an adventurer" and not "the god/dragon serial killer", a nameless soldier of the pact and not its commander.


Isn't it so painful watching games make this mistake over and over? You, the player, are the one and only hero. Just like everyone else.


Except you get no agency, because the story requires progression along predetermined lines, and you cannot significantly alter the outcomes as the world is shared with every other unique one-and-only hero.


Being a nameless soldier, even an important one, following the orders of a commands who I don't control would honestly be more satisfying. Sure, I don't approve of their decisions, but ... at the end of the day, they are the boss, so I'm not frustrated that *I* am portrayed making the fool decision.

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I would pay for deeper skill/trait customisation, where each skill can be evolved/upgraded in 2-3 different ways (ie bigger radius vs more damage vs longer duration, modified control/support including boon/condi effects, or even dramatically changing skills, etc) including multiple weapon auto attacks allowing for fine, niche and unique build possibilities, and each trait can similarly be evolved in at least 2 different ways allowing for more unique options.


Of course this kind of thing would totally wreck any form of current balance, which is why it would be something I would be willing to pay for so there is a reason for Anet to double down on balancing what would initially be a mess.

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I would legit pay to have better animations by now.


Unique animations for the professions and races [as in, if everyone's a Warrior with Greatsword, they will all do different animations with it, similar to WoW who did that FROM THE START with all races, classes and genders], idle animations and poses.

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