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I have never seen so many helpful people in game before. Are you paying them or something?

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Try playing part of the game that is not carebare land of open world Tyria. Your perception's gonna change fast.

True, the angry griever types are mostly confined to PvP/WvW, raids and funny rage posts on the forum.

Oh and *carebear.

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It strikes me every day I play, too

One important reason I agree it's OWPVE mechanics themselves: no competition allowed, only co-operation

And then, these mechanic tend to let people valuing this model to stick around

If you think about it, even SPVP/WVW is built around the concept of co-operation


Myself, I tend to help other players as much as possible, as often I've been on the receiving side of that help


But the single thing that strikes me most is mesmers constantly porting people at Jumping Puzzles or Mini-Dungeons for free: that is just pure, condensed awesomeness


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:


>But what you're coming across is a very warm community playing a game that doesn't actively discourage someone from helping another player. (Remember kill or loot stealing? Guild Wars 2 doesn't have that unfortunate mechanic.)


Totally agree. The game makes helping others not only easy (which should be the standard, but it's not), but even fun. Many MMOs pretty much require you to have friends playing at the same time as you to enjoy most of its contents, but GW2's design makes it extremely easy to make new friends directly in the game.

Even the fact that for you can just join in on group events without having to worry about messing someone's loot or exp shows how cooperation friendly it is.

And that is also what I tell everybody every time I am asked why I keep playing gw2 or if the game is good.

Basically, at least as far as open world goes, this is in my opinion the modern approach that any new MMOs should try to implement..

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I'd agree that GW2 has the best gaming community I've come across so far. But, it also helps that many of the game's mechanics encourage a cooperative mindset by avoiding frustrating mechanics that put players at odds with each other. Of course, you will encounter the nasty apples now and then, that is pretty much guaranteed in any online environment, but it happens a lot less frequently in this game (unless you are playing in a PvP environment).


In all honesty, other devs could learn from ANet's approach in certain aspects of the game design. Things like shared mob tagging and loot, world events that encourage players joining regardless of what they're doing, etc, all helps foster cooperation. I remember playing ToR and I had a horrible time completing the one quest because the target that spawned would always be hit by someone else first, and whoever hits an enemy first in that game is the only one that gets counted for defeating it (this is only partially alleviated by being in a party). Eventually you just had a room full of people all standing over the spawn point, spamming their attack skills so they could get the first hit, with an enemy with a long respawn time, and with no-one wanting to form a party to make it easier. It was a nightmare, and it's a mechanic that actually makes you dislike the mere fact that other players are near you. And then people wonder why the communities in such games end up becoming toxic. Lol.

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I read other game’s forums occasionally and I remember a thread where a new player was talking about his experience in a game. He said he was leveling in one map by doing quests and there was another player also questing. He said hi and the other player told him to leave the area. The reason why is because in that game mob killing and nodes are for one player only. Players in the same area in that game are competing for quest progress. It’s not surprising that people who play a game like that don’t help each other as often since the game frequently penalizes the helpful.

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I try to help out where I can. If I'm in the middle of a meta and someone's asking for an HP run I'll tell them I'll get back to them in a bit if they still need it, but if I'm free I'm usually more than happy to accompany people.


As well as that, in VB especially, you often get people asking questions about what's going on. That's easy to answer, takes seconds out of my time so I'll happily answer. I think some people forget that there's always new people coming in who don't have the same experience they do, so I like to pitch in.


I got so much help on my path to 80, and while learning the masteries to help me get around HoT - I feel it's only right to give back.

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Most of us that mostly PvE like to help it give us something to do....That said you won't find the same help in WvW or PvP those places are a toxic pool that A-net like a to force us PvEers into for some reason. I would join a WvW of a PvP build for those places of you want a helping hand with those game modes.

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> @"Last Crysis.1934" said:

> Most of us that mostly PvE like to help it give us something to do....That said you won't find the same help in WvW or PvP those places are a toxic pool that A-net like a to force us PvEers into for some reason. I would join a WvW of a PvP build for those places of you want a helping hand with those game modes.


I'm not sure I agree with the notion of being forced into WvW and PvP. I've never indulged in them and I have felt no pressure to join them. There's plenty of events and rewards to be gained from PvE.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> Try playing part of the game that is not carebare land of open world Tyria. Your perception's gonna change fast.


I have played WvW for years helping people out as much as i can/could. Too easy to be an Ahole imo so am trying to be nice.

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I'm a mental and social klutz. I'm the player that "doesn't get it" when playing on a team/squad whatever name group. I've found GW2 to have supplied a great environment to play in. The community is great! I've played many of the major MMORPG's and this is the most helpful community I've run into.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> > @"Selminus.1490" said:

> > I am not the most social or helpful person in game, I enjoy keeping to myself and grinding. It's just how I relax. That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps, explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots. I'm kind of taken aback. I have been gaming for 20+ years and this is very unusual. Do you guys have employees playing or something? Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?


> In PvE, most players are willing to help you. In PvP or WvW, not everyone is going to help you. There are toxic players, but if you ask politely for help in PvP, pay attention to those that help you. Many players would say that helping new players in PvP is non existent, but there are still players that do try and help out others.


I remember when i was a total newb in wvw. People helped me when i asked even stupid questions (sure, there were some troll answers) and even the leading comms, the best of my server, whispered answers or suggestions to my questions. And that made me stick to wvw, since then.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> I help people all the time, so much so that I even made a character named New Player Helper. I've gone way out of my way to help people, mostly because I enjoy it. But the cooperative nature of the game does lend itself to people being generally nicer, at least in open world PvE.


I think I saw your account in Queensdale once, offering help. There were some serious warm fuzzies here when I saw it :) I think there's another player who does something similar during non-prime hours too. How cool is that? I've never seen anything close in any other MMO.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

>That said, at least a dozen random people in map chat have walked me thru entire hero point maps,

Some of us remember how much a PITA they were. :)


> explained kitten at length regarding gear and crafting

When we all are prepared, we all do well. It comes from having world events and making sure everyone can contribute to their best.


> and logged on Mesmers to get me to hard to reach spots.

Again, some jumping puzzles are a PITA. And having been one of those Portal Mesmers on occasion, all the Thank Yous and gratitude makes me feel squishy inside. :)


> Or maybe you are really onto something with this open world setup that forces people to interact with each other? Maybe both?

Having a world in which everyone gets loot to participate, everyone can heal/rez, and we don't need to compete in open world tends to make folks pretty generous. Having a death in a really bad spot and getting saved the Walk of Shame by a friendly passerby kinda makes you want to pay it forward.




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Like someone already said, there's simply no reason not to help out. You see a bunch of friendly helpers in a map, you're impressed, and maybe in the next map you will help someone out in return, give advise in the map chat, portal someone up to a vista, help someone kill a boss, or revive some unlucky newbie who fell off a cliff. In an environment that encourages helping others (no xp/loot stealing, the more the merrier etc.) goodwill spreads like a wildfire.

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I've had some wonderful help and kindness shown to me in the game, as well as some serious breaches of the TOS and MMORPG etiquette sent my way. I've had people mail me 100gold to help me get the Griffin mount, and also call me several filtered reprehensible things on open map chat for making one small mistake on a world boss as a returning player who'd never done it before. (Things that others reported that person for).


When people on this game are good, they are great. When people on this game are bad, they are awful.

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Something that I always do whenever I am in the starter areas, (_Queensdale, Caledon Forest, Wayfarer Foothills, Plains of Ashford and Metrica Province_) is to tag up the Mentor tag and shout out in the map chat, if anyone needs help/advice or have any questions due to being new to the game or returned from a long break.

This is really something that I owe to the GW2 Community as an one of the Elite/Veteran players both for that I enjoy this game for so many years and that we all have been new to the game. I always smile and it warms my heart whenever I get PMs or mails from many players showing their appreciates, :)


I often see other helpers just like me who does the same thing daily! I am so glad GW2 Community is so strong, united and are helping each other out!

And remember… _you never fight alone_. :innocent:

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I think a lot of it is attributable to things like the fact that in this game, people can't 'ninja' your resource nodes etc. The game is designed to encourage cooperation. Also I think the player base is simply older and more mature than those of most MMOs.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> Except in specific places (like raids), the GW family is one of the most friendly on the planet.


> That DOESN'T mean all players are nice. But, the vast majority are.


Dude, raids probably have some of the most helpful people in the game... I've had runs where experienced people pug on training runs, and end up getting some of their usual friends and literally carried the group through whole wings or more, usually after already having done their rewards for the week.

That means dedicating something like1-2 hours of their time, at least, for the sake of just teaching others to do that content. That beats the hell out of killing a champion in 2 minutes.


Sure there's a more strict requirement for builds and and mechanics, but it doesn't mean that people aren't helpful. There's ENTIRE guilds just dedicated to benchmarking so the rest of the community has a better knowledge of their options. Do you even realize how much time and money does it take to gear up new builds and test them?


Go carry your bias somewhere else please.

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Believe or not, through the forums, I've met many helpful folks in the PvP community. /shock

Occasionally I take very frustrated players under my wing and help them out or play with them just to have fun.


This games deep, pvp/wvw or pve, there's much to learn. Feels good to teach the youngins.

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