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Stop nerfing mesmers

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After the last nerfs to mesmer this is what i believe Anet achieved :


- Chrono still broken with the 10 million phantasms and the perma taunt .

- The nerf to Bountiful Disillusionment is just a disaster from 5sec stab to 3sec stab and now to usless non sense 1sec stab !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't play the broken meta and i use this trait,so why did u hurt me !! just target directly the main problem that is Chronophantasma remove that trait it obviously don't work with the new phantasm rework, you can spam the screen with a lot of visual noise, just remove it and don't destroy anymore mesmer for the sake to nerf one broken build.

- The nerfs to Phantasmal Warlock OMG why Anet just why the dmg was already very poor compared Phantasmal Berserker and now you nerf Phantasmal Warlock even more and left Phantasmal Berserker because logic!!!! ill say this again the problem isn't the dmg the problem is that most players fighting chrono can't target the actual player because the screen is full of phantasms and clones, and this happen because of the access to taunt and with the Chronophantasma that's 2 taunts from the trait and 2 taunts from the Phantasmal Defender utility skill and you can chain even more with Signet of the Ether and Continuum Split .

- Why nerfing Illusionary Defense !! normal mesmer build can hardly cast 2 phantasms or maybe 3 phantasms max in 5sec so its in the best situations you can reduce damage 15% for 5 sec however the Chrono broken build can perma reduce dmg 25% tnks to CHRONOPHANTASMA and what u decided to do is to nerf every other build just to not remove the Chronophantasma!!!. now this trait Illusionary Defense is usless in best cases u can reduce dmg by 6% for 5sec, and yeah the broken CHRONO build still can perma reduce dmg by 10% .

So stop this Anet target the real problem and stop trying nerfs here and there the problem is CHRONOPHANTASMA remove it replace it i don't care just don't touche other builds .

- The proof that CHRONO with CHRONOPHANTASMA is still BROKEN just watch the Monthly At .

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Why is anyone surprised at ANET's inability to do things properly? It is obvious they went for lazy fixes over addressing the biggest issue (phantasm+clone screen clutter+ infinite might and haste from the stupid dual warlocks/zerkers or other infinite buffs/taunts/whatever depending on traitline)


What's hilarious is when inevitably they DO address the bigger issue, they probably won't revert the previous band-aid nerfs.


They should have done away with double warlock, as well as scrapped that trait to get double beserker. Whoever thought the double phantasms was a good idea with chronophantasma and the might stacking and haste stacking traits in illusions literally needs to be fired. Fired. Seriously.


They should have STARTED with those things. Then, Also, Disenchanter's and Defender's damage nerf was very much needed. Avenger and Warlock was retardation. I was dumbfounded (and I almost never run staff on mesmer)


I do think the signet nerf was healthy, but the chronophantasma nerf was wrong. Nerfing the damage on the second one was a band-aid. A really lazy fix. Uneeded after all the phantasm damage gutting. If they just cut off one of warlocks and removed the double zerker trait the clutter and buff spam would be a lot less. Damage would be under control after the Defender and Disenchanter were gutted.


They did this with staff DD too and never fixed it. Remember when thieves were just spamming infinite vaults? If I remember right they first gutted vault (and borked it's trait synergy) by upping it's ini cost blindly without fixing traits like Lead Attacks. They also bugged vault and made it so that you can't cancel the animation (the only thing in game I can think of that can't have animation cancelled, this is a problem because vault has a shorter evade frame than its animation meaning you're a FRIGGIN SITTING DUCK if you use vault). A few other band-aid nerfs were thrown out at that time too if I'm not mistaken.


Then a LONG TIME LATER they finally got around to nerfing the REAL problems in the acro line like the dumb passive garbo.....BUT THEY NEVER REVERTED THE STAFF CHANGE BACK OR EVEN BOTHERED TO FIX IT'S BUGS WHICH ARE STILL LIVE RIGHT NOW.


Things like this really made me want to commit acts of violence lol

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> With all due respect, you Mesmer players are so used to consistently playing SS+ tier builds on the Arenanet favorite child that rarely ever receives true nerfs "usually just alterations", that when a Mesmer spec is actually brought into viable balance amongst other classes, you guys throw a fit and parade around as if "Mesmer was destroyed." Come on now.. Mirage is still by far the most powerful Conquest spec, hands down. You guys need to swallow your OP entitlement as the favorite child and let them balance the game.


> If you want to feel what "getting nerfed" really feels like, you ought to try and play some different classes for a few seasons. See if it changes your opinions of Mesmer patching.


I think you may have misread, or maybe I did.

Some key words I picked up....


> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> - Chrono still broken with the 10 million phantasms and the perma taunt .

> - I don't play the broken meta and i use this trait,so why did u hurt me

> - you can spam the screen with a lot of visual noise, just remove it and don't destroy anymore mesmer for the sake to nerf one broken build.

> - the problem is that most players fighting chrono can't target the actual player because the screen is full of phantasms and clones

> - The proof that CHRONO with CHRONOPHANTASMA is still BROKEN just watch the Monthly At .


I'm reading he wants more nerfs, but I may have misread.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> With all due respect, you Mesmer players are so used to consistently playing SS+ tier builds on the Arenanet favorite child that rarely ever receives true nerfs "usually just alterations", that when a Mesmer spec is actually brought into viable balance amongst other classes, you guys throw a fit and parade around as if "Mesmer was destroyed." Come on now.. Mirage is still by far the most powerful Conquest spec, hands down. You guys need to swallow your OP entitlement as the favorite child and let them balance the game.


> If you want to feel what "getting nerfed" really feels like, you ought to try and play some different classes for a few seasons. See if it changes your opinions of Mesmer patching.


OP was saying they nerfed the wrong things (mostly) and didn't fix the bigger issues, hammering less used spec in the name of nerfing the ridiculous ones.


Like I said, they should have FIRST addressed the illusion clutter (removing the stupid dual phantasms, rework chronophantasma; not simply lazily nerf it) along with the Disenchanter+Defender nerf, THEN see what else needs to be done. (Mirage problems are a different topic) However instead they just nerfed the damage on everything which does nothing to address the biggest reasons people despised the spec. The signet nerf + disenchanter and defender nerfs were the only things they got right IMO.


No one in their right mind thought Chrono was OK in it's previous state, and no one in their right mind thinks current Mirage is OK. My point is simply that they are being lazy and nerfing damage and CDs instead of reworking mechanics.


I think his point is simply that ANET is stupid and doesn't know how to fix their game lol, which most of us agree on I think.

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They nerfed the (((utility))) skills that were responsible for most of the burst, nerfed the rate at which they can be thrown out and that wasn't enough?


"This burst is way too strong"

"ok we nerf the burst, here"

"wtf why did you nerf the burst this is wrong do this instead"



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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> I'm not asking for some mechanical change because over the years of hearing Mesmer players say this, I kind of feel that request is a cop-out to avoid what really needs to be done


I agree with pretty much everything you said when you made points about mesmer, except this above statement. My biggest issue isn't with them nerfing things into the ground; (to be clear, many things in gw2 need a good f-ing nerf into the ground) it's that they just simply do it in a retarded way that ends up breaking more things that they never go back and fix (like the vault example I made above, where vault obviously needed a nerf but instead of doing it the right way they just broke vault and now nobody runs staff anymore because vaulting is literally asking to die because of animation lock)


I'll give you an example of what I mean by mechanical change, starting with Mirage. One of the biggest problems with Mirage is Elusive Mind, right? So they band-aided it by adding that stupid exhaustion thing. What they should of done is change it COMPLETELY to be something else. Scrap the whole kitten thing. It was a BAD idea and everyone has been telling them how bad of an idea a stun break on dodge was, even mesmers told them that. Change it to what? I don't care, someone on another thread threw out the idea of perhaps making it cleanse 2 condis instead of 1, or add something else onto it. Doesn't matter: just remove the stun break. OBVIOUSLY that's not going to even be enough, given the points you made above, but we should certainly start with nerfing those ridiculous things before modifying CDs and damage.


For Chrono, a huge problem is what you describe here


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

>The most confusing dynamic of playstyle by nature, which contributes greatly to unintended escape routing and damage mitigation through soaking cleave limits via clone spam. The larger AoEs have a limit of 5 targets, some attacks are limited to 3 targets and some things only hit 1. When a Mesmer is spewing clone clutter all over the place and he is on the node with 2 teammates, let's say a Ranger with a pet and a Necromancer with a Flesh Golem, that is more than likely going to be 10 targets on average that are on the node from the Mesmer's team color, only 3 of which are actually players. So a player from the opposing team could target 1 player with a large AoE, let's say he is trying to hit with an Arc Divider. The Arc Divider will priority target the first player he actually has name bar targeted, but then the 4 other strikes from his 5 cleave limit will only target the next closest targets, with no priority of if they are AIs or Human Players. <- This is broken and probably the #1 most busted mechanical advantage that most players never recognize about Mesmers. This is more powerful than any protection buff or any statistical damage mitigation offered in game. Those clones are better than Aegis spam. This becomes exponentially broken, the most Mesmers that are on a node creating random AIs that soak cleave limits In team fights.


Illusion clutter. What things are causing this outside of core mechanics? Chronophantasma is probably the biggest offender, so to relieve some of this stupidity of illusion clutter they....nerf the damage on the second set?


Rework. The. Kitten. Trait. REMOVE IT. It does NOT WORK with the new way phantasms work. Change it to buff phantasms in another way, I don't care. Remove the dual warlocks and dual berserkers. Heck, completely remove cd reduction on signet as well. Change it to do something else. These things are causing mesmers to have infinite stacks of certain boons. But yet they nerf other traits like the defense stacking one to combat a problem that wouldn't exist if they just fixed the mechanical source of the problem FIRST, and then took another look at what else they still need to do afterward.


Apologies for wall of text, I get really fed up with anet sometimes

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It would be great if it were just a hot fix like @"Trevor Boyer.6524" suggested, while they fix the underlying issues, but they almost never revert things or fix things they broke lol


*sigh* I guess flat throwing out these kinds of nerfs is better than nothing, just makes me sad. I really want to play other non mmo pvp games but none of them let you make your own characters like an MMO ;-; I luv my characters ;-;




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> @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> It would be great if it were just a hot fix like @"Trevor Boyer.6524" suggested, while they fix the underlying issues, but they almost never revert things or fix things they broke lol


> *sigh* I guess flat throwing out these kinds of nerfs is better than nothing, just makes me sad. I really want to play other non mmo pvp games but none of them let you make your own characters like an MMO ;-; I luv my characters ;-;




Yeah GW2 is still easily the best game of its genre and now that I'm older, I don't tend to like too many new games.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> With all due respect, you Mesmer players are so used to consistently playing SS+ tier builds on the Arenanet favorite child that rarely ever receives true nerfs "usually just alterations", that when a Mesmer spec is actually brought into viable balance amongst other classes, you guys throw a fit and parade around as if "Mesmer was destroyed." Come on now.. Mirage is still by far the most powerful Conquest spec, hands down. You guys need to swallow your OP entitlement as the favorite child and let them balance the game.


> If you want to feel what "getting nerfed" really feels like, you ought to try and play some different classes for a few seasons. See if it changes your opinions of Mesmer patching.


I play many classes in Conquest so this isn't a problem from Mesmer/ranger(soulbeast)/necro(scourge)/thief but mesmer is my main, in pve i play other classes too like ELE the only classes that i don't play are rev(poor rev) and guardian.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> With all due respect, you Mesmer players are so used to consistently playing SS+ tier builds on the Arenanet favorite child that rarely ever receives true nerfs "usually just alterations", that when a Mesmer spec is actually brought into viable balance amongst other classes, you guys throw a fit and parade around as if "Mesmer was destroyed." Come on now.. Mirage is still by far the most powerful Conquest spec, hands down. You guys need to swallow your OP entitlement as the favorite child and let them balance the game.


> If you want to feel what "getting nerfed" really feels like, you ought to try and play some different classes for a few seasons. See if it changes your opinions of Mesmer patching.




"Let them eat cake" syndrome all over the place. A surprising amount of mesmer mains have been coddled so long they can't adapt a fraction as far as their constant buffing has forced everyone else to. Every class in this game has had a dunk in D or F tier as far as conquest/wvw goes, except Mesmer. Mesmer has never dropped below B since the game's conception.


And Condi Mirage can still break stuns by dodging.


And chronomancer is STILL strong, it just isn't canned cheese like it used to be.



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As you edited the title, I'll respond.


A lot of these changes are just a damage normalization. Phantasmal Defender, now deals 7k on crit, instead of 14k. This is a DEFENSIVE skill, and 7k is already high. But considering the CD, I guess this is reasonable.


About Phantasmal Warlock : You have to consider the fact that PW is a 1200 range skill, which deals damages, vulnerability on 3 targets, and summons two clones, with a 18 sec CD.


The real punch you got there, is the nerf to Bountiful Disillusionment. That's a heavy nerf, I totally agree. But considering all the evades, blocks (if Chrono) and invulnerabilities you have as a mesmer, I guess it was necessary to give some opportunities to your foes to CC you. And still, 1 sec, it's not nothing. Believe it or not, a stab proc on shatter use was a kitten passive protection against CC. So once more, well deserved.


Dont worry, they took away the whipped cream, but you still have your coffee, your cookie, and the silverspoon.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Madisonlee.9641" said:

> > It would be great if it were just a hot fix like @"Trevor Boyer.6524" suggested, while they fix the underlying issues, but they almost never revert things or fix things they broke lol

> >

> > *sigh* I guess flat throwing out these kinds of nerfs is better than nothing, just makes me sad. I really want to play other non mmo pvp games but none of them let you make your own characters like an MMO ;-; I luv my characters ;-;

> >

> >

> >

> Yeah GW2 is still easily the best game of its genre and now that I'm older, I don't tend to like too many new games.



Card games let you use hero portraits and MOBAs and Battle Royales have skins. They're not that much more limited than wearing a costume.

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> @"Theros.1390" said:

> As you edited the title, I'll respond.


> A lot of these changes are just a damage normalization. Phantasmal Defender, now deals 7k on crit, instead of 14k. This is a DEFENSIVE skill, and 7k is already high. But considering the CD, I guess this is reasonable.


> About Phantasmal Warlock : You have to consider the fact that PW is a 1200 range skill, which deals damages, vulnerability on 3 targets, and summons two clones, with a 18 sec CD.


> The real punch you got there, is the nerf to Bountiful Disillusionment. That's a heavy nerf, I totally agree. But considering all the evades, blocks (if Chrono) and invulnerabilities you have as a mesmer, I guess it was necessary to give some opportunities to your foes to CC you. And still, 1 sec, it's not nothing. Believe it or not, a stab proc on shatter use was a kitten passive protection against CC. So once more, well deserved.


> Dont worry, they took away the kitten cream, but you still have your coffee, your cookie, and the silverspoon.



Phantasmal Warlock has a Beam attack, meaning it will almost never hit 3 targets as well it's damage was moderate at best since the phantasm rework. The nerf to it didn't make much sense seeing as people were more upset about the fact that there are two of them (re: Visual Clutter).

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> @"Theros.1390" said:

> As you edited the title, I'll respond.


> A lot of these changes are just a damage normalization. Phantasmal Defender, now deals 7k on crit, instead of 14k. This is a DEFENSIVE skill, and 7k is already high. But considering the CD, I guess this is reasonable.


> About Phantasmal Warlock : You have to consider the fact that PW is a 1200 range skill, which deals damages, vulnerability on 3 targets, and summons two clones, with a 18 sec CD.


> The real punch you got there, is the nerf to Bountiful Disillusionment. That's a heavy nerf, I totally agree. But considering all the evades, blocks (if Chrono) and invulnerabilities you have as a mesmer, I guess it was necessary to give some opportunities to your foes to CC you. And still, 1 sec, it's not nothing. Believe it or not, a stab proc on shatter use was a kitten passive protection against CC. So once more, well deserved.


> Dont worry, they took away the kitten cream, but you still have your coffee, your cookie, and the silverspoon.



I didn't edit the title the forum moderators did .


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