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Is there a profession you love mechanically but can't get into thematically or vice versa


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Saw this thread on reddit and found it pretty interesting on how people look at different classes. Thought I would post it here and start a discussion to see what classes others would like to play but just couldn't get into them either it being how it looks or how it plays?


Here's the link

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Like I said on the post, which btw ty for showing since I miss it on reddit :D

Is guardian and Warrior ( with a bit of necro ) I just love their skills and how they feel and play but I just dont see myself as one.

I started playing this game because of Mesmers ( look at my name and u will know y ) and no matter how much I play other characters I come bck to mesmers :/

TO REVERSE it tho, ele was super appealing to me and fun to lvl untill I hit endgame with all the hard rotations and stuff and also air not being valiable :/ ( the lighting powers was y I started playing ele in the 1st place )

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I feel like this post screams Revenants...


Personally, I love the mechanics, and the theme is fine... But HOLY CRAP do you see a *ton* of Rev's get very, very sad cuz they want to live their GW1 nostalgia dream, or be an edge-lord-dark-knight in a blindfold with a demon talking inside their head to them, but then just get destroyed by the energy system. Anet did a hilarious thing by packaging such an obviously popular theme in a tough to master package (although in their defense, it was an expansion class, so they assumed everyone would have a handle on the game by then.)

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For me it was guardian. I really like the "paladin, big, tanky, slow, defensive" thing, and in almost every other MMO that is what I enjoyed a great deal -- second only to things like the "death knight" in WoW, or the necro in GW2.


Unfortunately, mechanically, guardian felt terribly slow, and that it had extremely poorly controlled defenses: aegis is great, but having one controllable instance on a 30 second cooldown, and the rest randomly popping up, and so blocking a teensy tiny melee hit, following with me having nothing for that giant swipe? Bleh.



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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> I feel like this post screams Revenants...


> Personally, I love the mechanics, and the theme is fine... But HOLY CRAP do you see a *ton* of Rev's get very, very sad cuz they want to live their GW1 nostalgia dream, or be an edge-lord-dark-knight in a blindfold with a demon talking inside their head to them, but then just get destroyed by the energy system. Anet did a hilarious thing by packaging such an obviously popular theme in a tough to master package (although in their defense, it was an expansion class, so they assumed everyone would have a handle on the game by then.)


Yep, it's Revenant for me as well. It's the lack of build flexibility that puts me off it though, and I actually have the opposite problem with the energy system: I find it much easier to manage, and consequently less interesting, than the GW1 energy system.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > I feel like this post screams Revenants...

> >

> > Personally, I love the mechanics, and the theme is fine... But HOLY CRAP do you see a *ton* of Rev's get very, very sad cuz they want to live their GW1 nostalgia dream, or be an edge-lord-dark-knight in a blindfold with a demon talking inside their head to them, but then just get destroyed by the energy system. Anet did a hilarious thing by packaging such an obviously popular theme in a tough to master package (although in their defense, it was an expansion class, so they assumed everyone would have a handle on the game by then.)


> Yep, it's Revenant for me as well. It's the lack of build flexibility that puts me off it though, and I actually have the opposite problem with the energy system: I find it much easier to manage, and consequently less interesting, than the GW1 energy system.


I feel like the lack of build flexibility with Revenant is sort of a false complaint for most game modes... No matter what class you play, if you're playing end-game PvE, sPvP, or even WvW to a good extent, you utility choices are extremely limited by people's expectation of the meta anyways.


You can't join a raid or t4 fractals as a chrono and not be expected to take Wells, SoI, and portal for skips... The same as how playing something like a Firebrand with a 100% spirit weapon build in sPvP will get you flamed into oblivion and probably reported for win-trading.


I guess it's a valid complaint if all you do is Open World PvE where any build works, then yes, you might feel restricted... But most Rev legends give you enough to build around your weapon choices with, and it's not like you'd have enough energy anyways to spam every skill you wanted to take even if you could mix and match them for some sort of uber-kit.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> > @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > > I feel like this post screams Revenants...

> > >

> > > Personally, I love the mechanics, and the theme is fine... But HOLY CRAP do you see a *ton* of Rev's get very, very sad cuz they want to live their GW1 nostalgia dream, or be an edge-lord-dark-knight in a blindfold with a demon talking inside their head to them, but then just get destroyed by the energy system. Anet did a hilarious thing by packaging such an obviously popular theme in a tough to master package (although in their defense, it was an expansion class, so they assumed everyone would have a handle on the game by then.)

> >

> > Yep, it's Revenant for me as well. It's the lack of build flexibility that puts me off it though, and I actually have the opposite problem with the energy system: I find it much easier to manage, and consequently less interesting, than the GW1 energy system.


> I feel like the lack of build flexibility with Revenant is sort of a false complaint for most game modes... No matter what class you play, if you're playing end-game PvE, sPvP, or even WvW to a good extent, you utility choices are extremely limited by people's expectation of the meta anyways.


Yeah, I'm rarely interested in end-game content in any game, since I tend to find it contrived, repetitive, and detached from the game itself. In GW2 it has the added drawback that almost everyone expects you to know what you're doing before you've done it, and is only interested in doing everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. I understand why they do that, but it's totally the opposite of how I approach games.

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> @"narcx.3570" said:

> I feel like this post screams Revenants...


> Personally, I love the mechanics, and the theme is fine... But HOLY CRAP do you see a *ton* of Rev's get very, very sad cuz they want to live their GW1 nostalgia dream, or be an edge-lord-dark-knight in a blindfold with a demon talking inside their head to them, but then just get destroyed by the energy system. Anet did a hilarious thing by packaging such an obviously popular theme in a tough to master package (although in their defense, it was an expansion class, so they assumed everyone would have a handle on the game by then.)


Actually allot of people like it because its a unique class, it does not remind anyone of a death knight lol, not sure why it would remind anyone of that all because of one legend, and lore wise the class can be allot of fun.

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Mesmer. I used to like mesmer but I just can't be asked. I like both their theme and playstyle but I don't feel like I'm fighting when I play them. They're just always invis or always kiting or always doing something other than fighting... yet end up with the highest damage and most kills.


Engineers. I like them thematically but there is too much unnecessary micromanagement. I could, but I would just start to get upset thinking about how unnecessary and inefficient it all is, all just to convey a sense of high skill cap and to drive the idea of a jack-of-all-trades type. There is a better way to do this.


Revenant. I actually like their playstyle but can't really get into the theme. I feel like their theme tries to appeal to too many people lol. (get it?)


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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"narcx.3570" said:

> > I feel like this post screams Revenants...

> >

> > Personally, I love the mechanics, and the theme is fine... But HOLY CRAP do you see a *ton* of Rev's get very, very sad cuz they want to live their GW1 nostalgia dream, or be an edge-lord-dark-knight in a blindfold with a demon talking inside their head to them, but then just get destroyed by the energy system. Anet did a hilarious thing by packaging such an obviously popular theme in a tough to master package (although in their defense, it was an expansion class, so they assumed everyone would have a handle on the game by then.)


> Yep, it's Revenant for me as well. It's the lack of build flexibility that puts me off it though, and I actually have the opposite problem with the energy system: I find it much easier to manage, and consequently less interesting, than the GW1 energy system.


Yeah I think a lot of people were left disappointed with the class. Honestly it should have been a medium armor class and they shouldn't have cool downs on the weapon skills. Why give revs CD when thieves don't have to deal with it with their initiative.

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Love the revenant theme, don't really like the gameplay. Not quite sure what it's missing for me but there's something that just doesn't do it for me, it doesn't feel as fun as most other classes. It's theme though, i'm all for. I love most things spooky and channelling legends is no exception, gave me a fair few character ideas.


Same but with MUCH more hate for theif. I love the assassin archetype and it's generally my go to for any and all games, but i haaaaate theif, daredevil makes it not so boring it makes me want to sleep to play it but boy i only just managed to stick with it long enough to get to level 80...soooooooo boring.


On the other hand, i hate the engineers theme, i HATE holosmiths theme even more than base engi, i hate scrappers theme EVEN more...but gameplay wise, it's not too bad really. It's sure not my preference for professions, but i do enjoy playing it. In a game where i can wield a sword, i'm never going to chose a gun, so i'm very glad holo gave us a sword...:P I'm not a huge fan of guns in games in general, 0/10 not dramatic enough a weapon theme.

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Necromancer, I enjoy playing it but I just dont really care for the theme.

Revenant I really love the theme of rev but I don't like the energy system in GW2 and the lack of utility skills/build flexibility, basically the same thing others have said.

Thief, It's weird because I usually play assassin classes in MMOs but it's something about thief I do not like in GW2.

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Love theme, hate mechanics: Mesmer. I loved it in GW1 and I love the concept of winning through deception and manipulation, but lets be honest, all it is in GW2 is a minion bomber. Yawn.


On the reverse, there's the Revenant. I like the energy mechanics and the attunement-lite mechanic a lot; it mixes quick reactions with planning combos ahead. Unfortunately, the execution is beyond terrible and the class sucks. Also, I hate channeling the heroes. Having Ventari grunt like a constipated Kevin Sorbo whenever you move the tablet gets old REAL fast.

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Mesmer - I like spellcasters, especially when they use a more 'pure' form of magic instead of stuff like curses or elements and have a chaos theme, but at the same time I absolutely dislike illusions, overbearing deceptions and especially time manipulations. Which is sad, because it's a fun class. A mesmer without illusions and with a more direct style would be perfect for me, but like this my mesmer will never be more than a gathering and storage char.

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Engineer for me. I absolutely love the aesthetics of the Engineer and both its Elite specializations, but I just cannot get into the gameplay. I have tried so many times, but it is just not for me.

On the flip side, I love the Revenant's mechanics, but thematically they are not my cup of tea.

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