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New Players: Welcome to Guild Wars 2!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We've noticed an increase in new players jumping into Guild Wars 2 in recent days, and we want to say "howdy" to the new folks. We hope you will love your new home in Tyria, and that your adventures will be richly rewarding and everything you've hoped for.


**Veteran players -- Here's something we'd love you to do: Share your best bit of advice for new players!** (We're asking on social, too, and you're welcome to share wherever you prefer, or even on both.)


Maybe it's a sound suggestion about a good starter profession. Perhaps it's a recommended way to progress along the Personal Story. Maybe you have a great tip on how to best use that terrific Level 80 boost, how to get familiar with inventory management, or the best way to maximize Mastery Points. Whatever you've discovered along the way that you think would be a great thing for new player to know, we'd love to hear it!


New Players: We hope you will enjoy reading the helpful suggestions from our veterans. You may also wish to consider these excellent resources:

* [The Guild Wars 2 Wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Main_Page "The Guild Wars 2 Wiki")

* [Our Players Helping Players Subforum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/players-helping-players "Our Players Helping Players Subforum")

* [The Guild Recruitment Subforum](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/looking-for-guild "The Guild Recruitment Subforum")

* [in-Game Events -- all welcome!](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/in-game-events "In-Game Events -- all welcome!")


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I would like to say to all the necomers a biiiiiiiig WELCOME to one of the best games on the MMO market, and if anyone needs any kind of help feel free to ask anyone on the map, there are plenty of friendly veterans on the maps, oh and if anyone want to join our guild just send me a MP and we will gladly help you with anything, be it PVP/PVE/WvW content, see you in tyria.

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If you're mostly without direction, doing the story is honestly not a bad way to go. You can get to it from your character panel in the Story Journal tab (8 pointed star icon) and it will let you start different chapters based on what content you have unlocked.


For general gameplay advice, find a weapon and set of skills you like the feel of, and then once get the hang of them, re-read all the descriptions in detail again! Skills in GW2 are often very nuanced and it's easy to forget or overlook aspects of a given skill that are super valuable once you know more about the game.


Learn about Combos and Break Bars. The game doesn't teach these well to new players and knowing about them will up your skill in combat significantly!




Finally, for money, there are all kinds of farms and ways to get it, but for starting out, I would recommend selling every crafting material you find on the trading post instead of depositing them in the bank. You will make a solid amount of money just by playing the game in any mode this way. When you decide to craft, you can simply use the money you've made to buy the specific materials you need at the time.


Good luck, and welcome! :)


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All the gear you get for loot, that you don't actually equip, salvage. (Unless it's an Exotic item, which is unlikely at lower levels. Blue, green and white and most bright yellow items are safe to salvage.)

You can right-click on salvage kits to salvage all your loose gear at once!

In the upper right of your Inventory window, there is a gear with options, you can use it to deposit ALL your materials into storage at once.

You can right-click on Luck and many other consumables to consume them all at once.


The salvaged stuff goes in the materials section of your bank. You can take it out and sell it to the trading post later, or save it for crafting, which may give you nicer gear than you found, with different skins, and will give you experience points.


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If you type "/wiki topic" without the quotation marks into the game chat window it will automatically take you to the wiki article covering your topic.


Dont sell gear to merchants. Gear that you do not want can be salvaged into crafting materials with a higher trading post value.


Salvaging an armor piece or weapon will unlock its skin for your entire account.


Dodge. Face tanking rarely works here. The game is balanced around the idea that you will actively attempt to avoid the big attacks.


Have fun. Always. Dont do things that are not fun in 5he hope that they will make some sort of a difference later.



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_Take your time._ Don't try to rush to level 80. Slow down and thoroughly enjoy this beautiful game in every aspect. Experience the story. Explore every nook and cranny in the sprawling world. Listen to ambient dialogue. Participate in dynamic events. Experiment with every weapon available to your class and figure out what you like, not what's "meta" at the moment. Once you're level 80, or you decide to PVP or do WvW, then you can worry about the meta or other things, but when you're just starting out - take it slowly, learn, don't be afraid or shy to ask for help (this community is incredibly friendly)...and most importantly of all, _have fun._

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My suggestion: find your niche. There are so many different game modes to choose from. What's kept me going is a single game mode that I've enjoyed on and on for years: World v. World. For you it might be fractals, living story, raids or sPvP. Find what you enjoy and don't be afraid to focus on that small aspect of the game!

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My advice: don't listen to people, dungeons are NOT dead! They are not profitable at max lvl, true. But I highly recommend trying them at least once for **FUN**. I run story mode dungeons with newbies all the time and they truly enjoy them!

Also, find a guild, it's a good way to make friends and get help as a new player.

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Another tip: Check the Trading Post (or the Wiki) before selling/salvaging/destroying/using items; they might be worth a fortune!

Also, you can set different skills (Utility +) underwater. And, you set different builds in each of the three modes: WvW, PvE, and PvP.


Just some (of many) things I didn't realize for a few months when new. Lol.

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Hailsa, New players to Guild wars 2! and Well Met!

the above veteran players have all been giving outstanding advice. My kudos are out to them. I am one of those players you will see in game with a Mentor tag(that's an apple over my head) asking if anyone needs a hand. A Mentor, from what i understand, does something kind of like what you are reading here in this forum thread, but they do it in real time while in game. It's not hard to spot them, like i said, they will be running around your map with an apple on their head. (please don't try to shoot it off.) When you enter Tyria for the first time, regardless of what character you are playing, you will be thrust into an opening sequence of events. once those events complete, the world itself opens up, and you are immediately going to feel overwhelmed, lost, eager to learn everything and do everything. Advice number one: slow down. Tyria is massive. truly truly massive. take your time to explore, and as you are doing so, learn your class, the combat system,, crafting, everything you can. there's no rush to endgame, trust me it will be there. Advice number 2: look at your minimap. if you see a funny apple looking icon (it's colored red), that is a mentor. these guys and gals are able to answer any gw2 related question, because they have been there, and yes, they have done that. also, they might be in an area where a large event takes place, and that gives you the chance to get experience, learn your class more, and keep the fun rolling. Another icon that will occasionally show up on your Map is called a Commander tag (i kid you not, it will look like a dorito chip) now typically a commander will be present running an event, or leading a squad into battle. If you feel extra adventurous, join their squad and see what's happening.

My final advice is simple, and can be used for real life as well as gw2. NEVER SETTLE. what do i mean? well, when it comes to your choice of class, try them all. at least once. or twice. when it comes to weapons, try them all(or at least what your class can use). when it comes to anything at all in Tyria, do not settle for what everyone says is the way to go. try to walk your own path and see what happens. sure, take our advice, please... we are not going to lie to you... but anything worth learning is something worth learning all the way, good and bad.

oh, and I'm Sin of Anubis. nice to meet you. feel free to add me in game as a friend.

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Hello New Players.

I really do not have anything to add. Everything gives experience here including gathering and Rezzing, so getting to 80 is not hard to do. Just enjoy the beautiful scenery and you will be 80 before your cat can lick her ear.


If you need help there are five options. Here they are..not in any kind of order.

(1) Ask for help in chat,

(2) Visit this forum,

(3) Visit the Guildwars2 Wiki,

(4) Visit the Guildwars2 Reddit forums,

(5) Visit Dulfy.net.

Hmm..there is a sixth option...Youtube. Many, many, players have made videos about how to find Pois, how to get up to Vistas, how to do the story steps, and regular gameplay.


Enjoy and have fun.



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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"artemis.6781" said:

> Take your time and enjoy the wonderful sights of Tyria. Never be afraid to ask questions. And above all, have fun! Welcome to Tyria.

> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think my best tip would be: Take your time, there's no rush to L80. Save any L80 Boosts until after you have naturally leveled a character or three.


> And, most importantly....have fun! :)


Couldn't agree with you two more. I always hope that players will "stop and smell the roses" rather than rush, as there are so *many* wonderful roses to smell! :)>


> @"Cregath.7628" said:

> Best advice I can give is: Praise Joko!


Well, it depends on your perspective, but yes, praising Joko can never be amiss. ;)




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Oh, here's something that confused the heck out of me when I was new:

On the Dailies, you will often see tasks and events in certain areas. While the ones in a specific map are obvious, the ones in a region are totally confusing until you know the geography. So, for dailies like mining, vista viewing, etc:


Maguuma Jungle: (Not to be confused with Maguuma Wastes or Heart of Maguuma) This area covers Metrica Province, Caledon Forest, Rata Sum, The Grove, Brisban Wildlands, Sparkfly Fen and Mount Maelstrom.


Ascalon: Plains of Ashford, the Black Citadel, Diessa Plateau, Iron Marches, Blazeridge Steppes, Fields of Ruin and Fireheart Rise


Kryta: Queensdale, Divinity's Reach, Kessex Hills, Gendarren Fields, Harathi Hinterlands, Bloodtide Coast and Southsun Cove


The Shiverpeaks: Wayfarer's Foothills, Hoelbrak, Snowden Drifts, Lornar's Pass, Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Timberline Falls and Frostgorge Sound.


Orr/Ruins of Orr: Straits of Devastation, Malchor's Leap, Cursed Shore.


(There are also some Living Season 3 maps in each of these areas, but you won;t have access to them until you unlock (buy) and play those stories.)


Anything that says Maguuma Wastes means the Living Season 2 maps of Dry Top and Silverwastes.


Heart of Maguuma means the Heart of Thorns maps (Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragons Stand.)

Anything that says Desert means the Path of Fire maps, Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, Elonian Riverlands, The Desolation, Domain of Vabbi (or living season 4 maps)

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