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Path of Fire: Focus on content - Where is it?


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> @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> Lots of content in PoF? It's there. There are tons of events that a lot of people don't bother with because they don't find the rewards for completing them compelling. Don't mistake lack of motivation to do content for lack of content.


It's not only the rewards. The "normal" events in Heart of Fire didn't have the best rewards either but they told a much better story than the events in PoF.

Many say how much better the story in PoF is compared to HoT and while the instanced version might be true, the overworld in HoT had a much better story to tell than PoF. The map events of PoF do not tell a story, they are just regular events that appear out in the open.


But yes, PoF has lots of content, more than HoT, but no motivations to do it.

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The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.


PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.

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> @Nivelis.8763 said:

> The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.


> PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.


Now that's a first. Ask any new player going through Tangled Depth for the first time and eight times out of ten they will be besides themselves with frustration. Those rose tinted nostalgia glasses need some time in the closet.

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> @Nivelis.8763 said:

> The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.


> PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.


To each their own I guess. In my opinion the HoT maps were terrible design while the PoF maps are gorgelus and fun.

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> @Nivelis.8763 said:

> The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.


> PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.


hot maps are horrible, and they cost anet a lot of customers

pof maps have issues too, but at least you have a vague idea where to go next

hot showed other devs how NOT to make an expansion

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Having to replay Hearts daily to have access to vendor. Hate that. No Meta. And no or very limited checkpoint saves in the story. Got called away during the final Bal fight and had to leave. Came back and would have to redo the entire thing. Haven't been back since. Too bad I actually liked the maps.

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> @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > @Nivelis.8763 said:

> > The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.

> >

> > PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.


> Now that's a first. Ask any new player going through Tangled Depth for the first time and eight times out of ten they will be besides themselves with frustration. Those rose tinted nostalgia glasses need some time in the closet.


Being frustrated because you get lost and are unable to rely on a map to find your way in a maze mean it is a great maze.


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> @Klowdy.3126 said:


> You are comparing a finished expansion, one that the story has been told in full, and everything has been released, to something that has been out for a month.


No I'm not.

PoF will certainly not get another **guild hall** after release, it will not get an **additional story episode**, it won't add more **masteries/mounts** after release. That's the expansion. That's why you can easily compare PoF to HoT.


If you want to talk about the content that got added after the release, you'll have to compare Living World **Season 3** to **Season 4**, easy as that.


> @Klowdy.3126 said:

> All of these complaints from the OP, and yet I still find HoT to be some of the worst part of this game. It seems like people forget that online games are an ever evolving entity, especially this one.


> Does Blizzard release every dungeon, raid, or zone as soon as an expansion hits? Does any MMO with any sort of staying power release an addition to its game and never add anything along the way?







You want to talk about the "content that gets released over the time" in GW2 compared to other MMORPGs?

From Nov. 2013 to Nov. 2017, in **4 years**, Anet released **0 dungeons** and **3 new fractal stories**.

Yes there were changes, reworks and the like. But the instances do still tell the old stories, over and over again.


So they abandoned dungeons, because it "took too much time and effort to create them", then said that new fractals could be released more often instead, and eventually released **3 new fractals** in **4 years**? WOW!


Seems like they abandoned the next 5-player content (that should replace dungeons) and only continue to push out 10-player raids now.



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I think the maps have a lot to offer. I am hoping that they take so e to e to really work on weapon skills and traits that are never taken for obvious reasons and bring them up to par. Idalso like to see performance improvement with the engine as well as a graphics/particle effect slider.


Some of these things have been a long time coming... and I hope they use PoF to finally address them.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > Lots of content in PoF? It's there. There are tons of events that a lot of people don't bother with because they don't find the rewards for completing them compelling. Don't mistake lack of motivation to do content for lack of content.


> It's not only the rewards. The "normal" events in Heart of Fire didn't have the best rewards either but they told a much better story than the events in PoF.

> Many say how much better the story in PoF is compared to HoT and while the instanced version might be true, the overworld in HoT had a much better story to tell than PoF. The map events of PoF do not tell a story, they are just regular events that appear out in the open.


> But yes, PoF has lots of content, more than HoT, but no motivations to do it.


Actually, you're very wrong here, the normal map events in PoF do tell a story, many stories in fact...if you pay attention almost all of the different maps events are cohesive and tell a story about that map; some go across all of the maps, like the different refugee events, which start in the Desolation and continue all the way through the Cyrstal Oasis, tell you about those escaping or leaving Joko's domain and how they make it to Amnoon...if that's not a cohesive story event chain then I don't know what is. There are others too you just have to look out for them, I think the events in PoF tell stories just as much as the events in HoT, but because it's not about one single event(HoT was about the devastation to the Pact and the recovery from that ) vs PoF where it's several different stories that convey the entirety of Elona and how it's changed under Palawa Joko and with Balthazar's insanity.

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> @Haishao.6851 said:

> > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > @Nivelis.8763 said:

> > > The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.

> > >

> > > PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.

> >

> > Now that's a first. Ask any new player going through Tangled Depth for the first time and eight times out of ten they will be besides themselves with frustration. Those rose tinted nostalgia glasses need some time in the closet.


> Being frustrated because you get lost and are unable to rely on a map to find your way in a maze mean it is a great maze.



i didnt join a mmo to do mazes

putting it in the normal content was a huge mistake, and the game suffered for it

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I always have to giggle a little bit when someone says that HoT event chains tell a story. Yes, they do. But they tell a story where you often have the feeling that something or someone is missing, a little like a weak dictatorship administration with lots of talking as diversion or just for the heck of it. A part with the nightmare court is clearly missing. Then in TD, a Rata and beetles get thrown in all of a sudden to seel the horrible maze devs like to call a challenging map. I kind of like the idea of magic eating beetles, but the map is clearly an intruder in the picture of 2 and a half jungle maps so to say.


And why is that so? Because anet had nothing except fror a few ls chapters and had to cobble something halfway cohernt together for an expansion all of a sudden. That´s not the fault of the designers, it´s the fault of the managers who could not peek their head out of the sand until the titanic was already halfway on collision course with the iceberg.


And yes, being unable to reach a point on a map when you have a minimap nearby and are not sure if your level in gliding may be the cause of this, is not challenging or funny at all. it´s just stupid.

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> @battledrone.8315 said:

> > @Haishao.6851 said:

> > > @Ojimaru.8970 said:

> > > > @Nivelis.8763 said:

> > > > The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.

> > > >

> > > > PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.

> > >

> > > Now that's a first. Ask any new player going through Tangled Depth for the first time and eight times out of ten they will be besides themselves with frustration. Those rose tinted nostalgia glasses need some time in the closet.

> >

> > Being frustrated because you get lost and are unable to rely on a map to find your way in a maze mean it is a great maze.

> >


> i didnt join a mmo to do mazes

> putting it in the normal content was a huge mistake, and the game suffered for it


The only mistake was not making every map in the game like that one.


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Well there are tons of content. Far more than in HoT launch part alone. But by content I mean tons of voice acting, kitten tons of lore implemented here and there, tons of these little things you can stubmle uppon when you actually slow down and look for it. The emphasis on details is amazing.


The problem is that this does not translate into "stuff to do". Most people don't care about such things unfortunately. And there's no reason to blame them.


Let's wait and see LS4. First epizode will be very important as it will show the general direction they're gonna take from here.

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> > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > Lots of content in PoF? It's there. There are tons of events that a lot of people don't bother with because they don't find the rewards for completing them compelling. Don't mistake lack of motivation to do content for lack of content.


> It's not only the rewards. The "normal" events in Heart of Fire didn't have the best rewards either but they told a much better story than the events in PoF.

> Many say how much better the story in PoF is compared to HoT and while the instanced version might be true, the overworld in HoT had a much better story to tell than PoF. The map events of PoF do not tell a story, they are just regular events that appear out in the open.


> But yes, PoF has lots of content, more than HoT, but no motivations to do it.




As for the events being "normal", that could be the point. Not everything in the world is suppose to be conveniently related to the story at hand.


I'll make a simple point: What is a Tempest? Or a Daredevil? Or a Berserker? Why are they suddenly a thing? Has nothing to do with the actual story but it was something that was expected but not really expounded upon. It's called world building, it enriches the experience of being a part of a world and helps to complete the illusion of the fictional place you're exploring. The specializations are only a part of it though. Learning more about the Awakened and how people really view them, knowing more about the people and what they think about the turn of events with the Forged and the elder dragon, heck, just seeing the place we throw all that junk into the mystic forge is something that builds upon a vague idea and sparks more curiosity about the world as a whole.


That all said, I'm not going to assume that what I explained is something that HoT doesn't do but I'm also not going to just lie about it either way.

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> @Zaklex.6308 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > Lots of content in PoF? It's there. There are tons of events that a lot of people don't bother with because they don't find the rewards for completing them compelling. Don't mistake lack of motivation to do content for lack of content.

> >

> > It's not only the rewards. The "normal" events in Heart of Fire didn't have the best rewards either but they told a much better story than the events in PoF.

> > Many say how much better the story in PoF is compared to HoT and while the instanced version might be true, the overworld in HoT had a much better story to tell than PoF. The map events of PoF do not tell a story, they are just regular events that appear out in the open.

> >

> > But yes, PoF has lots of content, more than HoT, but no motivations to do it.


> Actually, you're very wrong here, the normal map events in PoF do tell a story, many stories in fact...if you pay attention almost all of the different maps events are cohesive and tell a story about that map; some go across all of the maps, like the different refugee events, which start in the Desolation and continue all the way through the Cyrstal Oasis, tell you about those escaping or leaving Joko's domain and how they make it to Amnoon...if that's not a cohesive story event chain then I don't know what is. There are others too you just have to look out for them, I think the events in PoF tell stories just as much as the events in HoT, but because it's not about one single event(HoT was about the devastation to the Pact and the recovery from that ) vs PoF where it's several different stories that convey the entirety of Elona and how it's changed under Palawa Joko and with Balthazar's insanity.


It's a shame though that those events are so boring, they deserve a more powerful word to express the level of ennui they instill than what the english language currently offers. The refugee event at the south of the Elon Riverlands is less engaging than the average event in Queensdale, for example.

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Just because most of the content in POF is content I dislike doesn’t mean there is a small amount of content. It’s not HOT so I don’t expect it to be the same. I have a feeling Anet will adjust the content in POF by what they see players doing.


The mounts changed every map in the game for me so plenty to do in my opinion.




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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @Zaklex.6308 said:

> > > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > > > @IndigoSundown.5419 said:

> > > > Lots of content in PoF? It's there. There are tons of events that a lot of people don't bother with because they don't find the rewards for completing them compelling. Don't mistake lack of motivation to do content for lack of content.

> > >

> > > It's not only the rewards. The "normal" events in Heart of Fire didn't have the best rewards either but they told a much better story than the events in PoF.

> > > Many say how much better the story in PoF is compared to HoT and while the instanced version might be true, the overworld in HoT had a much better story to tell than PoF. The map events of PoF do not tell a story, they are just regular events that appear out in the open.

> > >

> > > But yes, PoF has lots of content, more than HoT, but no motivations to do it.

> >

> > Actually, you're very wrong here, the normal map events in PoF do tell a story, many stories in fact...if you pay attention almost all of the different maps events are cohesive and tell a story about that map; some go across all of the maps, like the different refugee events, which start in the Desolation and continue all the way through the Cyrstal Oasis, tell you about those escaping or leaving Joko's domain and how they make it to Amnoon...if that's not a cohesive story event chain then I don't know what is. There are others too you just have to look out for them, I think the events in PoF tell stories just as much as the events in HoT, but because it's not about one single event(HoT was about the devastation to the Pact and the recovery from that ) vs PoF where it's several different stories that convey the entirety of Elona and how it's changed under Palawa Joko and with Balthazar's insanity.


> It's a shame though that those events are so boring, they deserve a more powerful word to express the level of ennui they instill than what the english language currently offers. The refugee event at the south of the Elon Riverlands is less engaging than the average event in Queensdale, for example.


As much as I do like PoF, that refugee event is awful.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @Nivelis.8763 said:

> > The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.

> >

> > PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.


> To each their own I guess. In my opinion the HoT maps were terrible design while the PoF maps are gorgelus and fun.


Personally, outside of mounts, PoF feels like a regression to me. HoT is still hot, PoF is already poof.

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> @Brimstone.3807 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > @Nivelis.8763 said:

> > > The problem imho is that HoT maps were amazing in design. They are still cool to return into, take part in meta events, preparations, etc. They were complex, interesting and uniqe.

> > >

> > > PoF maps are nice to see, but once you travel all arround there is no connection, no single reason to stay and be the part of it (maybe Joko domain a little bit), they are just boring after time. HoT maps were master design (VB, Tangled and Auric) the PoF maps are just average... another regions you visit, explore and go back.

> >

> > To each their own I guess. In my opinion the HoT maps were terrible design while the PoF maps are gorgelus and fun.


> Personally, outside of mounts, PoF feels like a regression to me. HoT is still hot, PoF is already poof.


To be fair, Ive been playing less over the last couple of weeks. Barely time to do halloween stuff let alone PoF. Not a problem with PoF, just a ton of overtime at work.


Then again, I might average five minutes per month in HoT maps, mainly to grab a vista and/or do some gathering for dailies. The content is repulsive due to the maps. Too bad, I like the mob designs. But even the best dish in the world isnt worth eating if served in a cess-pit.

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PoF is great as an expansion especially at the current price point.

While going through the area's I do think there is plenty of content, just lack of rewards.

Also I noticed many people are somewhat lost ... they do not know where to go or what to do in the expansion.

I think a good overview of the main events would be nice :)


Bounties are a good example of this, I like the concept but do not see the point in doing them.

Killing the bounties should give you a chance to get a token up to 3 to then spend at a vendor to get gear (ascended chest or so)

But then again there are already plenty of ways to get ascended stuff. What the game needs is something new .... a new goal.

Doesn't have to be a personal goal, could be server wide/game wide. Doing missions, gathering resources, .... to build up a city for example or a camp to prepare our next assault. Could take months but feels rewarding in the end when you see change.


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