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Post your weirdest build - no elitism, just for fun.

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As the title suggests... Post your weirdest build or the build you find the most fun, doesn't have to be effective.


I'll start with:


Grievers Hammer Berserker.... Apply that confusion, throw down a tonne of CC and also do great amount of power damage and a decent burst from Sword burns.





D/D Lightning Rod Elementalist.... Spam out static Auras, steal boons, apply lots of weakness and help team cleanse conditions... Nice damage too if you can Fire overload, water 3, earth 4 and 5 to Air for 25 might before overloading Air. Fire Aura will help maintain might alongside sigil of battle

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I exclusively play those kinds of builds. I only do what I think is fun an interesting, and for me that's playing my unique little snowflake builds and theory crafting lol. Of course I recognize the fact that they are not meta or as effective, which is what unranked is for (hotjoin used to be until people just stopped doing it, now HJ is just for dueling I guess, or dailys? I don't know).


I did play meta builds in ranked forever ago and enjoyed it but then I just got bored of running the same thing everyone else was.


At this point I don't understand why people care so much about ranked; I see so many people getting so frustrated and complaining/raging over ranked and I'm just like...why do you even do ranked? What do you want from it? A spot on the leader board that literally almost no one will see or care about? A...backpack? A finisher? ( I really have no idea what the rewards are lol)


If the top people on leader boards got a kitten ton of gold maybe I'd care but...lol. The reason I've been able to stay on this game so long is because I just like straight up fighting with builds I think are fun. I don't care about rewards. I like to kill people. That's my reward.


Sorry for slight derail XD I couldn't name all the builds but I pretty much focus on interrupts. Almost every build I run has rupting fun in it. One of my most fun builds was a flame druid I ran forever ago which had fire trap and the fire spirit with torch; it was really fun but I completely stopped playing condi a couple years ago because of how cancerous it is.

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decap is back baby. you gotta listen to ludacris - get back while playing it tho.


zerk staff ele full arcane full ham balls to walls. near instant 20+ might.

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If you're like me and you still play and care about core engineer or support professions in general, play this build:




I managed to reach platinum 1 with this build, only to be brought back to gold 3. To me, reaching gold 3 as a core player, specifically a core engineer player is quite the achievement.

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I like to mess around with [This Core D/D Thief Build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVl8MhCnYpTw3Jw/EH0ElPL+iyYnnDXFqDgJMCA-jpBHQBH8BAAgjAQzOEAyY/hEeCAyXZAA "gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQNAoYVl8MhCnYpTw3Jw/EH0ElPL+iyYnnDXFqDgJMCA-jpBHQBH8BAAgjAQzOEAyY/hEeCAyXZAA") in Unrank. It is just for fun, I like the idea of _keep attacking or die_, which pretty much means if there is any Retaliation... you're dead =D Well with this your dead anyway, but much quicker.

There are quite a few variations to this build though, such as swaping one of the utility skills for **Haste** or **Infiltrator's Signet** or **Blinding powder**.

Regarding Amulets you can do **Demolisher's Amulet** for **Marauder's Amulet**, possibly Avatar's but that's just plain worse.

For Runes you can swap **Vampirism** for **Rune of the Wurm** or **Rune of Evasion** or **Rune of the Scrapper**. They all synergize in one way or another, depends on the Amulet used.

Anyway, it is great Fun from time to time if you don't mind getting deleted more often.

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back when i used to play, i usually rocked **Xzibit Guardian**. let’s you spin to win while you spin to win (big damage on this boy)




good old **YOLO Gunflame** is always fun tho. you get sick of beings sensible & playing w shield after a while



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i play a power zerker glasscannon renegade with hammer, drop the 2 aoe spirits on point and then use hammer 3/5/2 deals pretty awesome damage!

(until the spirits get cleaved down XD)


also a zerker hammer mace/shield warrior with a full bar of physical skills! CC for days! (and decent damage!)

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Axe Shield/ GS Power Berserker..

sword/Sword / Mace Axe Condi Herald.

D/P SB SA Deadeye.

GS/Staff Zerker ChillReaper.

GS LB, Double Wyvern Core Ranger.

GS, Sword/Focus Meditation-oriented Dragonhunter.


(I dont know elewell enough yet to have a weird build for them, but itll probably be weaver.)

(Ditto Engie, itll probably be holomancer.)

(Ditto Mes, itll probably be either core or Chrono.)


You can't have my setups.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"choovanski.5462" said:

> > back when i used to play, i usually rocked **Xzibit Guardian**. let’s you spin to win while you spin to win (big damage on this boy)

> aw i thought you were talking about sword of justice. 4/10 m8




you can spin with the sword inside the spinning blade trap, but yeah if you want even more spin swap the other trap for the sword of justice. but it's worse in practice. double trap is strong

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> As the title suggests... Post your weirdest build or the build you find the most fun, doesn't have to be effective.


> I'll start with:

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8ZjMdQbHW2BWhApIWCCMkZwPIF8+cjuXXjDQJMAA-jJxQQBc7JAAwyAm6iAAg9HAA

> Grievers Hammer Berserker.... Apply that confusion, throw down a tonne of CC and also do great amount of power damage and a decent burst from Sword burns.


I’ve been looking for a berserker build and this looks fun, although super glassy. Could you provide a little more detail on rotations (I don’t see where the confusion comes from)? Also, is there anyway to stay alive once committed?


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Sometimes I troll on alt characters while offline:

* Hammer - Mace/Shield Spellbreaker - Make sure you run Paladin so you don't deal too much damage. The idea is to keep people completely immobilized with 100% CC uptime, while they complain and talk to you about it in /s chat.

* Pure Traps across all utilities Soulbeast /w Entangle. Run rune of trapper for stealths, skirm "with quickdraw", wilderness, soulbeast. Actually use LB and GS for double stealth retreat and GS 3 double lurching retreats. Run Rock Gazelle for even more retreat on F2. Run maximum condi dps amulets, no sages. No reason to use shortbow or torch setups, you'll die anyway if they catch you, regardless of a condi ranger spec. The only answer is to set nuclear trap explosions, with heavy stealthing and ability to run away like a coward. <- This build is hilariously viable if played wisely.

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I've tried to make a Sw/Sw condi warrior work. I love the theme of using two swords but unfortunately the damage from bleeds is lacking combared to burning. For my other weapon I'll either use longbow or twin maces for vuln and CC. The biggest problem is to make Sw/Sw work I need different traits from Arms, Tactics, and Defence. Thisl eaves no room for Berserker, which has a ton of stuff that beefs up the condi damage and allows for burns.


Other problem is, the fireballs from the primal burst with sword have this habit of just... whiffing, going through a target but not dealing damage or applying the burn. No evade. No block. Just nothing. The projectiles seem to be misleading.

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> @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > As the title suggests... Post your weirdest build or the build you find the most fun, doesn't have to be effective.

> >

> > I'll start with:

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8ZjMdQbHW2BWhApIWCCMkZwPIF8+cjuXXjDQJMAA-jJxQQBc7JAAwyAm6iAAg9HAA

> > Grievers Hammer Berserker.... Apply that confusion, throw down a tonne of CC and also do great amount of power damage and a decent burst from Sword burns.


> I’ve been looking for a berserker build and this looks fun, although super glassy. Could you provide a little more detail on rotations (I don’t see where the confusion comes from)? Also, is there anyway to stay alive once committed?



Confusion comes from a trait... Every time you disrupt someone, you apply confusion....

Works well with the trait to AoE taunt people, Hammer, Stomp and Rampage mode...


It is sorta glassy yea but you lock someone down with CC skills and eventually you kill them through brute force or they kill themselves on confusion trying to retaliate, pull out the sword for a Burn burst from to time too

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"ZeroSkitzo.5403" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > As the title suggests... Post your weirdest build or the build you find the most fun, doesn't have to be effective.

> > >

> > > I'll start with:

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS8ZjMdQbHW2BWhApIWCCMkZwPIF8+cjuXXjDQJMAA-jJxQQBc7JAAwyAm6iAAg9HAA

> > > Grievers Hammer Berserker.... Apply that confusion, throw down a tonne of CC and also do great amount of power damage and a decent burst from Sword burns.

> >

> > I’ve been looking for a berserker build and this looks fun, although super glassy. Could you provide a little more detail on rotations (I don’t see where the confusion comes from)? Also, is there anyway to stay alive once committed?

> >


> Confusion comes from a trait... Every time you disrupt someone, you apply confusion....

> Works well with the trait to AoE taunt people, Hammer, Stomp and Rampage mode...


> It is sorta glassy yea but you lock someone down with CC skills and eventually you kill them through brute force or they kill themselves on confusion trying to retaliate, pull out the sword for a Burn burst from to time too


Ah I see the trait now. Didn’t look there haha. Thanks!

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Sometimes I troll on alt characters while offline:

> * Hammer - Mace/Shield Spellbreaker - Make sure you run Paladin so you don't deal too much damage. The idea is to keep people completely immobilized with 100% CC uptime, while they complain and talk to you about it in /s chat.

> * Pure Traps across all utilities Soulbeast /w Entangle. Run rune of trapper for stealths, skirm "with quickdraw", wilderness, soulbeast. Actually use LB and GS for double stealth retreat and GS 3 double lurching retreats. Run Rock Gazelle for even more retreat on F2. Run maximum condi dps amulets, no sages. No reason to use shortbow or torch setups, you'll die anyway if they catch you, regardless of a condi ranger spec. The only answer is to set nuclear trap explosions, with heavy stealthing and ability to run away like a coward. <- This build is hilariously viable if played wisely.


I like the way you think!

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