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Defense Events After Defeating Priests Of Balth/Lyss/Dway/Mel/Gren In Orr [RESOLVED]

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So today I had a buddy who needed to cleanse the temples/cathedrals in Orr, to be able to complete Meteorlogicus. I decided to help him and long story short, we were able to complete Priest of Balthazar, Priest of Grenth, Priest of Melandru, with great difficulty, due to players in the map not listening when attempting to explain to them that if they keep completing the defense events, the meta events will not respawn. The above 3 meta events took us almost 4 hours to complete due to this problem. When we went to Malchor's Leap to complete the final 2 "Lyssa and Dwayna", we were not able to get any players at all to listen in /m chat, that they needed to let the defensive events fail, for the meta events to respawn. We hung around this map, trying to swap to different IP maps, for over 2 hours, in attempts to find a map that was allowing the defensive events to fail, but for whatever reason between the hours of 6:00 am and 12:00 noon eastern time, there was a large amount of players who were farming Malchor's Leap. They would call out to each other "this event here" "now this event here" and for whatever reason, they were also showing up to farm the defensive events, and were completely unresponsive when explaining to them that if they let the events fail, the Priest events would render far greater rewards. They wouldn't respond in /m /s or even whispers. This makes me question if the bulk of these were possibly bots designed to rotate and farm? Either way, there were so many of them that I chose to not report 15+ players and get some warn myself for over-reporting. Also keep in mind that I had a full commander tag, had taxi'd people into maps with me, and had a large amount of people present, attempting to organize these Cathedral/Priest events.


This was quite disappointing, considering the large amount of players who were ready to organize such activities. It was more difficult than organizing Tequatl, Shatterer, or Triple Trouble, all because these events entirely depend upon getting random players in /m chat to STOP completing defense events. No one was mean or pushy to these players, we were being quite positive and encouraging to them actually, while explaining how much more loot there is to be had at a Cathedral/Priest event. **I feel like it is important to point out that: This was not the "good" kind of difficult where a boss is hard to kill and requires understanding mechanics. This was the "bad" kind of difficult, where an event or boss is ridiculously difficult to get to spawn in the first place, depending entirely on getting random players not only to stack numbers on your PIN and help, but to get them to stop rando completing events that prevent the meta events from spawning to begin with.** This creates like a competition between the players attempting to spawn a meta event and the normal players in the map who don't care, who'd rather tag that little bit of karma on their way by that area, headed to their next vista.


There needs to be a better design for these old map metas. **My suggestion is simply to remove the defensive events that prevent the metas from restarting,** and maybe slightly increase the timer in which the karma vendors stay present AFTER the completion of a temple event, that way players have plenty of time to show up, use their karma, and grab their skill points. Then players who are looking to farm or complete those events for purposes of crafting legendaries, can do so without it being a full day or longer project, comprised mostly of sitting around in a map, convincing other players to not complete defensive events.


I think this is pretty reasonable, what do you guys think?

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> lol, Epic Fail OP, no offense xD


Eh sort of. I never went to do those collections myself so I didn't know. And it's not like some patch had these notes in BOLDED RED UNDERLINE at the top of the list or anything. I also find it odd that not a single player mentioned anything in-map about how the defense events would grant collectibles. It's possible non of those players knew anything about it either. Generally speaking, it's something a player figures out by going through similar steps of frustration, like what we did today. At the very least they could update the wiki so we KNOW that defense events will reward the collectible. As of now, the wiki says absolutely nothing about that on this page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meteorlogicus_III:_Storm that's what we were reading and it encourages the idea that you would need to cleanse the temples, not defend them. If we would clicked on it, we would have read this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mental_Discipline which clearly encourages the idea of doing a defense event. Bit confusing, the first step in the process should distinctly mention that it can be completed through cleansing or defending.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > lol, Epic Fail OP, no offense xD


> Eh sort of. I never went to do those collections myself so I didn't know. And it's not like some patch had these notes in BOLDED RED UNDERLINE at the top of the list or anything. I also find it odd that not a single player mentioned anything in-map about how the defense events would grant collectibles. It's possible non of those players knew anything about it either. Generally speaking, it's something a player figures out by going through similar steps of frustration, like what we did today.


When you visit a map on the daily event completer rotation, the great majority of players (including commanders) are completely ignorant of the map's mechanics, especially in Orr where event chains have more unintuitive nuances to them (i.e. are often set up to reward failure more than success). And even more so on the weekends when there is a seemingly higher representation of casual players.


> At the very least they could update the wiki so we KNOW that defense events will reward the collectible.


Who's "they"? At the very least YOU could have updated the wiki when you were already there to look for this information and found it to be missing.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > lol, Epic Fail OP, no offense xD


> Eh sort of. I never went to do those collections myself so I didn't know. And it's not like some patch had these notes in BOLDED RED UNDERLINE at the top of the list or anything. I also find it odd that not a single player mentioned anything in-map about how the defense events would grant collectibles. It's possible non of those players knew anything about it either. Generally speaking, it's something a player figures out by going through similar steps of frustration, like what we did today. At the very least they could update the wiki so we KNOW that defense events will reward the collectible. As of now, the wiki says absolutely nothing about that on this page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meteorlogicus_III:_Storm that's what we were reading and it encourages the idea that you would need to cleanse the temples, not defend them. If we would clicked on it, we would have read this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mental_Discipline which clearly encourages the idea of doing a defense event. Bit confusing, the first step in the process should distinctly mention that it can be completed through cleansing or defending.


I find it quite confuseing that you dident tag the events for karma while searching for a new map to get said event would have show your friend the collection item on completion.

And the they you speak off are players like you and me.

So why not update it since you were so bothered about it to do a forum post demanding a change that was done long ago and you missed it.

You will then save the next guy from being in your shoes so to speak.

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They may have changed it for the Gen 2 precursors but it definitely hasn't been changed for The Lover (Dreamer precursor).


I had the exact same problem about a month ago, although only with Dwayna as I was able to find a contested Temple of Lyssa relatively quickly. I did both defense events twice (the one with the Risen Quaggan and the one with the Risen Priestess), all 4 times I got the gold event award and the champion dropped a chest with items in it but I did **not** get the Dream of Dwayna for the collection.


I tried asking players to let the defense event fail, and even explained why I needed it to. Once I was over-ruled because someone needed the karma merchant and other people decided it was more unfair for them to wait for the temple to be contested and then immediately taken back than for me to wait 2 hours for a _chance_ at the temple being contested again. The second time no one even responded except for someone switching on a mentor tag to attract even more people to the defense event, which may have been unrelated.


Eventually I got it by waiting until a quiet time of day and then guesting to a medium population server (there are no low pop ones on EU) which put me into a different copy of the map where the temple was contested so I was able to do it, but I wasted a lot of time waiting for it to reset and trying other ways to switch maps before that happened. As well as trying the defense events because people kept telling me I could get the collection item that way.


It was the same with the Temple of Melandru - I did the defense event first and got the gold event reward and the champion chest but no collection item - I had to do the actual cleansing event to get that. But it was much easier to find a contested Temple for that one (for whatever reason all the ones in Cursed Shore seem to reset more often).


(BTW I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it yet but the reason there were so many people today is probably because Malchor's Leap Event Completer is one of the daily achievements. Which is probably also why they seemed less inclined than usual to listen, people tend to get quite single minded when doing dailies - they want to complete them as fast as possible and don't want anything to get in the way of that.)

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> If some did get missed, perhaps a list could be compiled so that Anet could add them to the defense event rewards.


I submitted bug reports for both the Temple of Melandru and Temple of Dwayna after I did the defense event and didn't get the collection items, so Anet should be aware. I don't know if it will get fixed however or if they thought since you can buy Gen 1 precursors it's ok to leave them as-is (although I'd argue that's not a good alternative when you've already reached the 3rd tier collection and so already spent as much, if not more, than it would cost to buy it).

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> If some did get missed, perhaps a list could be compiled so that Anet could add them to the defense event rewards.


Yes, if any defense events aren't giving credit for a collection, please report it as a bug. The way ANet explained it, they are all supposed to give credit.


And this does work for both Gen1 & Gen 2 legendaries. I'm not sure it didn't work for @"Danikat.8537" and the Lover. It might be that ANet missed that one or that there are multiple conditions. (Since I work on multiple collections at once, I sometimes get confused which one needs what, despite making a list and checking it six times from Sunday. I suspect @"Danikat.8537" is more careful than I, so I'm inclined to believe it's a bug...)

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