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2 hour PvP penalty for losing connection twice in a row? Are you kidding me right now?

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Sorry to break it to you but that’s how it works. If you are constantly having internet issues then don’t play ranked or maybe no pvp at all. When you disconnect you pretty much give your team a auto loss and the other team a free win. Then on top of it to keep requeing is just not cool. The reason why you disconnected isn’t the point. If it’s your fault or not, a disconnect is a disconnect and there are consequences predetermined.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> The kitten?


You have to bear in mind that the game client will not be able to determine exactly why the disconnection happened all the time and cannot rule out a forced DC. The system is in place to discourage serial quitters and match manipulation (in ranked only). As mentioned in previous posts, regardless of your skill level, leaving your team 1 player short unbalances the match.

With all due respect, if you are having connection issues, I would recommend resolving those, rather than having a high chance of ruining the game for 9 other people.

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Not to defend the op clearly 2h is not random, but last time I got DCd it was only from the PvP instance server. The client was still running I could chat with my guild but could not use any skill on the map and saw my fellow party members running into walls. So no it was not a problem with my internet connection. After about 2 minutes of hiatus the client finally forced me back to char select. I could rejoin and finish the game. Still got penalized with a 10m debuff. Now do not tell me this type of situation cannot be detected and handled accordingly but with a blunt punishment.

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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> There is more to this story. You don't get two hour dishonor for going ld 2x in a day. Seriously man stop racking up so much dishonor in a 24 hour period.


The 2h is a bit exessive but as someone who occasionally gets the unfortunate crash i know that the dishonor ranks up *considerably*. I DCd at the beginning of a match once, returned in time for only 30sec or so to have passed in the match, carried hard and won. During no point after did I disconnect. Still got 16min dishonor.


Back a year or so when i had quite bad internet i remember things like having one DC and getting 30min dishonor. A hour later i had another one with +1h. I didn't touch pvp again that day, but point made.


It tilts me hard that if you lag out and dc but still return, even better, *win*, you still get dishonor. Like for christ sake, by all means give me dishonor if i DC/leave the match at the end, it's deserved. Or if I've been gone for more than half the match. But when it's only been a minute and your team still won? Blah

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@"ChartFish.1308" are you confusing the _duration_ of the dishonorable stacks with the punishment (a forced time out)? Dishonor stacks build up quickly, to prevent people from strategically disconnecting to avoid what they perceive as poor matches. However, you don't actually lose any time unless you repeatedly start matches and DC (or fail to join at the prompt).


"Dishonor" is probably not the best term for the mechanic, since it sounds, well, dishonorable. It might help to think of the stacks as "partial penalty points" that the game tracks for a while. If all goes well, the game moves on and forgets you have had any points. But if the player repeats the same behavior, the points stack up until eventually there's a full point, resulting in "dishonor", i.e. can't play for a period of time.


tl;dr the "16 minutes" didn't prevent you from playing; the game was simply letting you know that Automated Big Brother was watching.

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> @"brannigan.9831" said:

> There is more to this story. You don't get two hour dishonor for going ld 2x in a day. Seriously man stop racking up so much dishonor in a 24 hour period.


Yea I was about to say something similar....


Since the removal of team queue, I have been waiting for it to come back but since it's not coming back I've started to "DC" more and more...

I have no ties to any of my team mates, they're just strangers and the moment they do something like 4 home, afk or start raging , I just turn off the game and play something else... Can leave 2-3 games in a row now days and only have to wait at most maybe half hour but that's all burned off while I'm playing other games that allow me to play with friends.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> @"ChartFish.1308" are you confusing the _duration_ of the dishonorable stacks with the punishment (a forced time out)? Dishonor stacks build up quickly, to prevent people from strategically disconnecting to avoid what they perceive as poor matches. However, you don't actually lose any time unless you repeatedly start matches and DC (or fail to join at the prompt).


> "Dishonor" is probably not the best term for the mechanic, since it sounds, well, dishonorable. It might help to think of the stacks as "partial penalty points" that the game tracks for a while. If all goes well, the game moves on and forgets you have had any points. But if the player repeats the same behavior, the points stack up until eventually there's a full point, resulting in "dishonor", i.e. can't play for a period of time.


> tl;dr the "16 minutes" didn't prevent you from playing; the game was simply letting you know that Automated Big Brother was watching.


Um. I wont lie, i'm not very well educated in how the stacks work. I know the principles, but eh.

What i mean is. I'm a simple man. I see i'm unable to queue for a because of dishonor (greyed out, timer, party members cant play because someone has dishonor etc). I see the duration i'm unable to enter lasts for 16min. Take what you can from that


Edit: I'd also like to point out that the example i'm taking this from is on a day i played only a single match. No queue dodging, just accept, get into match, have a dc, come back and finish match, have a dishonor of about 16min.

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