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Who thinks we need a summer fire festival

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Just like the title i was thinking durring the winter we have the winter event that everyone loves but what if we had a summer one im just throwing this out there because the summer months seem so blah in terms of events i just think it would be a great addition to the game anyone else think so ?

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All for a summer festival... not sure about the fire... but I guess it could be. Whats more important is that it should NOT be in Divinity Reach. Black Citadel, Hoelbrak or the Grove would work... Rata Sum have that SAB stuff so they are not in as bad a need as those other 3.

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I think a summer festival would be great.


How about one based on the joy of movement. A whole map with flying, but only in a straight line. There will be items in the air that repell, speed up or slow down players that fly near them that you use to change direction and speed. Also floating in the air are items you can collect and use to buy festival rewards from NPC vendors.

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I'd love to. It would be nice to go on a beach like Southsun Cove, Bloodtide or an artificial beach created by the Asuras as well as those snow machines. Autumn and spring events would also be cool, just like Valentine's Day, Leprechaun and so many cool events.

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on one hand, yes, most festivals are packed in the winterly side of the year.

But then again, I do game a lot more in that half of the year as well, speaking as an active gamer, so more casual gamers might completely miss festivals in the summer period.

That said, maybe something akin to the Midsommer festivals would be great?

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Last summer, half my state was on fire and the skies outside looked like Armageddon for the better part of a month. So, not for summer. How about early spring, coming out of winter? Like a Valentine's Day thing-- the flames of love. I'd love a water festival or the flying festival mentioned above during the summer.

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