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What's your favorite playable race?

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Most of my charakters are Asura. My main wvw scourge is Asura and most of my charakters I play in raids are Asura as well. For me it is easier to play a small charakter in raids as they don't obscure teleport fields and other mechanics and attacks.

My second favourite to play are Sylvari. You can create so many different color schemes and I love their glow at night.

I like charr as well (I love cats) and would really like to play them more, but in raids they are always in my field of view (especially a charr with wings). I like the animation of them running on four "feet", but not so much when they are infight.

A hardly play humans, I don't know why, probably because they have nothing "special" about them .

With norn I have the problem that they are moving to slow (I know all have the same speed, but I'm used to the little Asura feet that run so much faster than the slow running of the Norn).


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Probably human. They have a pretty cool and rich lore, that also feels more unique when it comes to MMO games. But I like every race except for Norn. They should have been made more unique in appearance and not just oversized humans. Also they feel really slow thanks to their size.

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Human, because curves, they're relatable and they have options. Silvari need more actual hair-like options. Less twig heads, more leaves please. I get what Anet is trying to do, but seriously guys, srzly... just give the veggie-chicks a "long leaf" option akin to one of the more popular female hair styles already. Tired of developers dumping stupid hairstyles only one out of every 1000 people actually humor using.

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Sylvari easily. They've been my favorite fictional race for a few years now. I had a problem at one point where character slots weren't on sale, so I spent a lot of time deleting and remaking new Sylvari. I love how they look at their world from a fresh pov, their take on love, and that despite being new to the world, they wasted no time in making something of themselves. I love the struggle between following the Dream, Nightmare, or becoming Soundless, and how we've learned over time that there's a bit of a gray area between. I love how their greatest strength at launch, resistance to corruption, was a symptom of their collective weakness and the ensuing identity crisis. I'd honestly be one if I could haha.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > So looking at the poll results, we should have *fewer* race choices?


> Looks like a fair split to me, with the exception of norn.


It was a tongue in cheek response. Most people that consider the statistics of higher human player characters is a sticking point against adding new player race options.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > So looking at the poll results, we should have *fewer* race choices?

> >

> > Looks like a fair split to me, with the exception of norn.


> It was a tongue in cheek response. Most people that consider the statistics of higher human player characters is a sticking point against adding new player race options.


i see!

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While I have 4 characters of each race (except Asura, of which I have none) Sylvari are my favorites. The reason I don't have more of them is because I favor them to wear Sylvari armor instead of human armor made of cloth, leather and metals. And since there are very few options if you limit yourself to only 4 armor sets (and a few standalone pieces) and I do like Fashion Wars, they don't outnumber the other races on my account. Charr Fashion Wars is a challenge but I think I've made my 4 Charr able to grace any catwalk and return to the Citadel with respect.

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Sylvari are my favorites by far. So many aesthetic options. Some beautiful others more alien (which is still beautiful to me in many cases). They simply have the biggest artistic appeal to me. I also like their lore :)

I do really like the other races too. Norn and human are the most boring to me, but even so I still like them too.

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given my name.. I had to make a "Tree Person" and.. then I got a Greatsaw.. so.. My life was complete.. when HoT launched, and I got to run around killing tree people with a giant chainsaw as a tree person.. it was like some cheesy horror massacre movie.. Day of the Killing Trees.. or something..

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