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What's your favorite playable race?

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I wanted to do a male sylvari, but the voice acting was a complete turn-off. Norn look human with all their proportions off. I also did not like the voice acting. I liked char, but I absolutely hated the way they run. I like Asura and humans most.

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The norn suffer almost completely from bad model design compared to the other races.


They look too much like humans with very awkward proportions when they should be a giant race with only semi-human features, and the male frame in particular needs a redo - the proportions are just way off.

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I tend to be drawn to original races, something I've not seen before or not seen often. Or a seemingly conventional race presented in an unusual way.


Sylvari are my favourite because, as the blogs about their development showed, true plant people are rare in fantasy. You get dryads and things which are basically humans with plant themed clothing and abilities or something like ents which are more like plant monsters and almost never playable but the middle ground is rarely used. Even before HoT I found their culture interesting too, and HoT made it even better for me. (I actually like that we still haven't had everything explained, although I hope it happens eventually.)


I like charr and asura too for similar reasons, but they don't appeal to me quite as much as the sylvari. I like that the norn combine viking stereotypes with a reverence for nature, that's often dropped with fantasy vikings. I even like that humans aren't in quite the same situation as usual - they're no longer the dominant race in Tyria - but they're still a bit boring to me.

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There is one race on Tyria that would not face collapse, even if the magic on the world went critically low. Cogs, gears, springs, combustion engines, but also black powder, well forged blades and armor. These things work without arcane input. But even in a world with magic, the charr are far from helpless.

The one thing that ties it all together is the variety of personalities you can find among the ranks of the legions. There has been a particular artwork floating around, that illustrates what I mean.

On number two are the asura. It is only natural, that the smallest of the major races is so unapologetically brilliant.

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Quagg- oh wait....


I usually try to make my character the best possible representation of myself when I play MMOs so I usually end up choosing humans. But the Asura... Man, something about them just resonated with me so much to the point where I felt an Asura would be a better representation of myself than a human (partly because I couldn't for the life of me make a human look like myself) . Asura just got me good man, master race.

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  • 7 months later...

I really like nature, so sylvari for me. I think they're fabulous. I like their lore and the way they look.

I like cats as well, I like the way charr look, but their lore is too agressive for my liking.

Asura are a bit funny but too arrogant which makes them annoying.

Humans I've known all my life, so too boring for me.

Norn are pretty cool, I like their lore as well with their spirit animals. But they're too keen on being on their own.


In the end I think it's a nice mix of races, I wouldn't want to miss one and I like the fact they have different cultural behavioural aspects even though it's not my initial preference and I like sylvari far most.

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I can't really decide between two races at spot 1 because I like them both equally. For me Charr and Sylvari share number one in my personal ranking, Asura is 2, Norn is at 3 and the least is human (sorry, I find them quite boring and ugly in the majority of games). I'd love to have Tengu, Largos and Kodan as well to be playable races but that will never happen, I guess. Overall, whenever I can play a race that is the least human, has horns, is a lizard, a cat or mystical and unique I d.a.m.n take that option.

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Human first then Sylvari. Being a GW1 player I have that inclination to continue playing as a human. Couple that with their deep lore I find it hard to fully commit to the other races. I do however have one of each and I do enjoy playing them all.


However, originally the Norns would be number 1 for me due to their lore and introduction back in GW1 and the whole Viking/Norse theme. The problem is that the male models are an eye-sore and the scripting/voice in the begging story is a huge turn off (does it get better?). Where as the female Norn is modeled properly and the armor looks and feels "right". On the other hand the male counterpart looks like a deformed sluggish flesh-bag. To make matters worse most armor doesn't look "right" on males either with the exception of the Cultural Heavy Tier 1, and Tier 3, and the Heavy Arah set.


Seriosuly, can we please get a Norn male model update? I will pay in gold!

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