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What's your favorite playable race?

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I like the lore and size and am competent enough at looking for armor to make my charr look good. Thanks to the SAB commercial and playing a charr for two years i think charr when i think guild wars 2. My list goes:

1 Charr. ^

2 Asura. Interesting lore but being tiny has flaws; its slightly harder to make yourself pop out from the crowd. But to compensate for that they allow you to become an ant with elixir S & mini tonic.

3 Norn. Give one a charrzooka and you'll understand.

4 Sylvari. I like how the glow and whatnot works but i can't bring myself to play as salad when i can instead play as a kitten, a big thicc boi or an ant.

5 Humans. Kittened ascalonians!

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> * 12 Asura....with plans for more


> I have a problem, I don't have enough asura.

This so much! I only have 14 so far (plust 5 Sylvari, 4 Charr, 4 Norn, and that one accidental human I can't bring myself to delete for no aparent reason), but that certainly isn't the end of things.


I love the way asura are animated, how their ears flop around whenever they are out of combat (the longer ears the better), how they put their ears up when they draw their weapons, the way they somersault when dodging, their comments, their golems, pretty much everything about asura puts a smile on my face.


I do enjoy playing charr, too, as well as sylvari (the less human-like the better), but asura are clearly in first place for me. Years ago, when I bought my first extra character slots (after filling the original five with five different races, although the human got deleted again pretty instantly and replaced by a 2nd charr ;) ), a guildie told me "get a few more slots and create more asura, you can never have too many asura", and while I was trying to stay away from small races at the time (I had just left behind roughly 50 hobbits in Lord of the Rings online ,) ), nowadays I have to say he was right.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > Poor norns, nobody like us :(


> Many of the best commanders in WvW are Norn.


Yea, since they are the tallest, the commander tag sits up highest so it's easiest to see. It's good to be max Norn or Charr for wvw. Trying to find a commander tag asura, especially when they suddenly run the opposite direction thru the zerg, it's like, wait, where did he go?! lol

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Generally I think the race design in GW2 is very well-executed. Charr are definitely my favourite - but that said, I actually think Sylvari are probably the most original and imaginative of the five.


I remember being really excited about Norn when I first read the art book, but for me they never quite managed to live up to the concept art. I'd prefer it if their shapeshifting was an integral part of the race, rather than being tied to skills (especially underpowered ones with huge cooldowns). Without shapeshifting, and with most armour sets not being cultural, they mostly end up looking like big humans. Plus their culture of self-sufficiency and legendary individualism doesn't fit comfortably into a story about racial cooperation.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> Generally I think the race design in GW2 is very well-executed. Charr are definitely my favourite - but that said, I actually think Sylvari are probably the most original and imaginative of the five.


> I remember being really excited about Norn when I first read the art book, but for me they never quite managed to live up to the concept art. I'd prefer it if their shapeshifting was an integral part of the race, rather than being tied to skills (especially underpowered ones with huge cooldowns). Without shapeshifting, and with most armour sets not being cultural, they mostly end up looking like big humans. Plus their culture of self-sufficiency and legendary individualism doesn't fit comfortably into a story about racial cooperation.


Can't argue with that. First concept art for the Norn was looking promising, and their treatment in the GW1 Eye of the North expansion showed strong potential as well. It's disappointing that shapeshifting became so meaningless in GW2 (but then, so did charr warbands). Likewise, I wish the Norn women had not turned into nine-foot supermodels, but instead kept the aesthetic of Kekai's original concept art, which emphasized power over prettiness.

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Norn has always been my favourite, with Charr coming a close second. Society plays a big part in my preference, so the emphasis on personal legend and the very spiritual religion of the Norn is nice. I also have loved the Shiverpeaks since GW1, and the Traveler's Loft feels the most cosy home instance to me.

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Charr and Sylvari mostly. I have 6 Charr, 6 Sylvari, 3 Norn and a single Asura. I had a Charr and a Norn Character since Open Beta. Later on, salads grew on me as well, as I love both the female and male voice actors. I have the races I want with the corresponding professions of my liking. I am actually thinking of creating more Charr.

I can't stand Humans, especially females(Please don't purge me lol). I would often find myself creating a Human character, only to delete them after some days. If I want to play a humanoid character, I'll just go Norn.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> I remember being really excited about Norn when I first read the art book, but for me they never quite managed to live up to the concept art. I'd prefer it if their shapeshifting was an integral part of the race, rather than being tied to skills (especially underpowered ones with huge cooldowns). Without shapeshifting, and with most armour sets not being cultural, they mostly end up looking like big humans.


Racial skills are a huge disappointment in general, especially after looking at Revenant not even getting them. (C'mon, Anet, really..?)


Norn transformations should have been more like Firebrand tomes are now. Use it, gain some benefit for the transformation (bear = Vit/Tough, etc), and the cooldowns, but if you leave it, it goes on cooldown for a while. 60 seconds. Just about *any* elite shouldn't have more than a 60-second cooldown unless it's a game-changer, like maybe Battle Standard.

Heck, Charrzooka should be a Kit instead of a fake-Conjure.


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love everything asura, their buildings/cities/labs, how some are egotistical or tolerant of others, their golems either as characters of their own or treated as mech suits, neat inventions, and how they can integrate sci-fi elements into the game, and their dialogue is overall hilarious.

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Asura. I find their lore to be very interesting and I just *love* their animations! Thief Pistol Whip looks so good on an Asura :smiley:


Charr on the other hand have some very interesting choices lore wise with their legions. Also love their animations, but they fall slightly short of Asura.

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