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Unholy Sanctuary Rework / Buff

Stand The Wall.6987

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Death Magic has pretty much always been a bad trait line. I think a new GM could help change that.


Unholy Sanctuary: When entering shroud, deliver a 360 radius attack that blinds, weakens, and chills 5 foes for 2 seconds. When exiting shroud, steal 5% life force from 5 foes.


I always thought Death Magic was supposed to be a minion / tanky trait line. Well heres a tanky choice thats possibly worthwhile.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> while i do agree that DM needs improvements your suggested trait rework just seems bad. the condi's seem to weak for a GM and the second effect belongs more in SR. (not saying the current trait is any better but still)


an on demand blind can be very strong, not to mention weakness. theres a possible 4 seconds of chill with curses. maybe the second part does belong more in SR but SR really doesnt need any help, plus its main theme isnt for tanking (although FiTG would disagree, whatever).

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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> Steps on the toes of spiteful spirit ,weakening shroud and unholy maytr too much

> The trait, and the line, need some changes but I don't think this is the right one.


youre right they are pretty similar. what outside of passive stat increases, weakness, condi control, and LF gain can necro rely on to tank up tho?

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Well I don't think you'll resolve the issue of this line by modifying a single grandmaster trait. Also, even if I that's hard to believe, _unholy sanctuary_ is still one of the better traits of this line. It make no sense to improve something that's already comparatively good in a traitline which is bad overall, you'll just increase the internal imbalance of this traitline.


What the DM spec need is:

- solid minor traits (for example, _soul comprehension_ have been a torn in the side of this traitline for far to long)

- less minion dependant major traits

- "traitlines" that have traits with a bit of synergy between each other.


What _unholy sanctuary_ specificaly need to be good is it's live saving part not being tied to the shroud so that it got a bit more synergy with the scourge and futur e-spec that have no traditional shroud. Best way to handle this, at the moment, would be to change it to:


_Unholy sanctuary_: Regenerate health while in shroud (_maybe increase a bit the health value generated_). Whenever you'd take a lethal blow, grant you barrier instead.

health regen: 160

interval: 1 second

Barrier: 3400

ICD: 30 seconds.

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Honestly I think Unholy Sanctuary is fine-ish and could just use some numbers tweaking. The rest of Death Magic is the problem. I genuinely don't know how anyone could make a reasonable statement to the balance of any individual traits in Death Magic without addressing the fact that the tree doesn't even have a Minor Master's trait.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> Death Magic has pretty much always been a bad trait line. I think a new GM could help change that.


> Unholy Sanctuary: When entering shroud, deliver a 360 radius attack that blinds, weakens, and chills 5 foes for 2 seconds. When exiting shroud, steal 5% life force from 5 foes.


> I always thought Death Magic was supposed to be a minion / tanky trait line. Well heres a tanky choice thats possibly worthwhile.


Thinking this over for a couple of days, I decided your suggestion is a small bandage on a mortal wound.


We can suggest ideas all day, or all year, long but Death Magic is just too problematic for an easy fix. Toughness does not make Necromancer an effective tank or win PvP fights. Toughness does not do enough to modify shroud. Death Magic does not have any group support capability like Blood Magic.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> Unholy Sanctuary: When entering shroud, deliver a 360 radius attack that blinds, weakens, and chills 5 foes for 2 seconds. When exiting shroud, steal 5% life force from 5 foes.


Build runs Death Magic and Spite, take Spiteful spirit and Bitter Chill. Entering shroud now applies blind, weakness, chill, cripple, vuln, and corrupts two boons. Will also crit for 3.5k on a paladins setup. Bonus points if Chill of Death gets proc'ed.


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