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Please increase the cooldowns on warrior's defensive abilities (WvW)


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They are unkillable gods in WvW. They chain defensive abilities together and their most basic attacks deal for 3k+ while being unkillable.


* Shield block. Undo the change from **September 29, 2015: Decreased the recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.** Make it 30 seconds again.

* Increase Whirlwind Attack from 10 second cooldown to 12 second cooldown. You did the exact same thing for engineer because the survivability was overpowered. See: **Rocket Charge: January 26, 2016 The recharge of this skill has been increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.**

* Defy Pain. One of the big offenders here. (IMO, all cooldowns like this should be 120 seconds in all game modes; AKA once per fight) Nerf this cooldown to 90 seconds in WvW just like in SPvP.

* Last Stand. 40 seconds? Really? Nerf this to 90 seconds in WvW just like in SPvP.

* Balanced Stance. Remove the immunity to critical hits! Seriously! Wtf!?


After this is done, buff arms and tactics Make tactics help for the survivability that warriors lose with these nerfs which in turn forces them to loser their DPS in order to increase survivability. You want to be an unkillable god? Then you should have to go both defense and tactics.

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Seems like a l2p issue to me


I'm never unkillable and neither are the spellbreakers I've encountered so far. I've seen a few who were extremely good, it didn't feel bad to get stomped by them because they simply played better. Most of the time it's the fact they can get pretty far away with GS 3 and 5 + Sword 2 if they're running that, giving them enough time for another rotation. Also, in case you didn't know: What do all those invulns do if they can't even kill you during that time? Fullcounter is telegraphed and shouldn't hit you, Stances last for 4 seconds, which is nothing if you just disengage or bait for a little more time. If they use their block, it's gone.. I really don't know what to tell you. They have one chance to block damage, because then everything will be on cooldown for ages. Fullcounter being the only exception that is up relatively often. All the things you listed ARE once per fight. If you're implying your 1v1 spellbreaker fights last over a minute every single time then something must be wrong. That's not how it goes in WvW.


Also >losing damage


Hilarious notion

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Looks like you've really changed your tune since february (before all the recent warr nerfs):

> (Speaking WvW here) I've always wanted so badly to play my warrior but it's just so garbage compared to necro or engineer and their specializations. Warrior has no AOE to crap all over the place (which is balanced but balanced means bad nowadays) warrior is melee only which means in a large fight you literally just get to stand back and press spacebar a bunch to pretend like you're doing something, since you can't use rifle because lord knows that's one of the worst weapons in the game. AFAIK, longbow isn't even viable for power anymore. Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) other than the traits and stances as I am one of the people against so much passive garbage in the game, but if warrior didn't have them, then RIP any sustain it has.


> I mean, bulls charge is like the only good utility in that whole list. Even half of the utilities for spellbreaker and berserker are bad lol. Mending should very obviously be a phsyical skill. As well, you don't have any or hardly any condition removal as a warrior, all you have is... resistance. And I've been unable to make a decent build utilizing shouts for condition removal. Either nerf literally everything on all classes (like you should, but won't, because then raiders will kill their monsters in 17 seconds instead of 12 seconds... the horror!) or buff/revamp some of the garbage on the warrior which there's a lot of. It's like, unless you're dueling, warrior is just bad in WvW.


Anyway, I think your proposed nerfs are pretty reasonable and wouldn't mind seeing them implemented. While the devs are unsplitting all those things from pvp, they can also do the same for engi:

-increase the cooldown of self-regulating defenses to 90 seconds in wvw

-increase the cooldown of protection injection to 20 seconds in wvw

-increase the cooldown of reactive lenses to 90 seconds in wvw

-change rocket boots back to 1 charge skill without ammo system, just like in 2015

-reduce the duration of hard light arena from 8 seconds to 4 seconds, like they did with balanced stance


And then nerf photon forge damage to pvp levels, the same way dagger, full counter, and break enchantments got nerfed in march:

-reduce the damage of light strike by 40% in wvw

-reduce the damage of holo leap by 17% in wvw

-reduce the might stacks on corona burst from 2 to 1 in wvw

-reduce the damage of holographic shockwave by 22% in wvw


That way engineers will also lose some dps and survivability and anet can buff firearms instead. After all, we just want to balance the game modes, not favor whichever class is our current main :^)

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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> They are unkillable gods in WvW. They chain defensive abilities together and their most basic attacks deal for 3k+ while being unkillable.


> * Shield block. Undo the change from **September 29, 2015: Decreased the recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.** Make it 30 seconds again.

> * Increase Whirlwind Attack from 10 second cooldown to 12 second cooldown. You did the exact same thing for engineer because the survivability was overpowered. See: **Rocket Charge: January 26, 2016 The recharge of this skill has been increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.**

> * Defy Pain. One of the big offenders here. (IMO, all cooldowns like this should be 120 seconds in all game modes; AKA once per fight) Nerf this cooldown to 90 seconds in WvW just like in SPvP.

> * Last Stand. 40 seconds? Really? Nerf this to 90 seconds in WvW just like in SPvP.

> * Balanced Stance. Remove the immunity to critical hits! Seriously! kitten!?


> After this is done, buff arms and tactics Make tactics help for the survivability that warriors lose with these nerfs which in turn forces them to loser their DPS in order to increase survivability. You want to be an unkillable god? Then you should have to go both defense and tactics.


im all for some tactics buffs because its a bad traitline but nerfing all and every defensive abillity of the warrior? no thanks, tone down the dmg of every single class in the game, revert the powercreep and im okey with it, as it is now? nope

and btw take rocket boots ammo away while we are at it

why instead dont we talk about mesmer defensive abillitys?

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Those utilies are already very short (see stance nerf) with quite long recharge. Add to this passive trait nerf, which hurt warrior more than any other profession.

Cumulated it can still bring some serious sustain at the expense of offense !

You take endure pain, it is useless vs condi professions. You take berserker Stance, it is less useful vs power.

You take both, it takes 2 utilities.


Shield block is good yes, but we can't attack during this time, so it doesnt feel OP. You could bring a lot more offense with OH axe.

Warriors should be hard to bring down, especially spellbreakers. It is what they are built for.

They might hit hard, in close melee only. It is not that hard to kite them. Part of their sustain implies they land burst and full counter. If you prevent that, you bring them down.


Do remember that warrior has a strong duelling ability, but very limited aoe abilities.

One of reason it needs its defenses.


I agree on tactics through. Improve tactics and lower a bit gobal defenses. However, tactics and defense should be an improvement over current sustain.


There is also something else that bothers me : healing power, so useless on warrior because ratios are very low. Maybe tone down some healing skills but greatly improve hp ratios so it can be useful to have some HP. It would includes healing traits as well.

This way, base healing would tone down for about 20%, but you could gain about 50% more with full HP.

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> @"Aigleborgne.2981" said:

> Those utilies are already very short (see stance nerf) with quite long recharge. Add to this passive trait nerf, which hurt warrior more than any other profession.

> Cumulated it can still bring some serious sustain at the expense of offense !

> You take endure pain, it is useless vs condi professions. You take berserker Stance, it is less useful vs power.

> You take both, it takes 2 utilities.


> Shield block is good yes, but we can't attack during this time, so it doesnt feel OP. You could bring a lot more offense with OH axe.

> Warriors should be hard to bring down, especially spellbreakers. It is what they are built for.

> They might hit hard, in close melee only. It is not that hard to kite them. Part of their sustain implies they land burst and full counter. If you prevent that, you bring them down.


> Do remember that warrior has a strong duelling ability, but very limited aoe abilities.

> One of reason it needs its defenses.


> I agree on tactics through. Improve tactics and lower a bit gobal defenses. However, tactics and defense should be an improvement over current sustain.


> There is also something else that bothers me : healing power, so useless on warrior because ratios are very low. Maybe tone down some healing skills but greatly improve hp ratios so it can be useful to have some HP. It would includes healing traits as well.

> This way, base healing would tone down for about 20%, but you could gain about 50% more with full HP.


HP is usually the term for hitpoints...i guess you mean healing power

otherwise i agree with pretty much all your statements

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> @"Torqiseknite.1380" said:

> Looks like you've really changed your tune since february (before all the recent warr nerfs):

> > (Speaking WvW here) I've always wanted so badly to play my warrior but it's just so garbage compared to necro or engineer and their specializations. Warrior has no AOE to crap all over the place (which is balanced but balanced means bad nowadays) warrior is melee only which means in a large fight you literally just get to stand back and press spacebar a bunch to pretend like you're doing something, since you can't use rifle because lord knows that's one of the worst weapons in the game. AFAIK, longbow isn't even viable for power anymore. Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) other than the traits and stances as I am one of the people against so much passive garbage in the game, but if warrior didn't have them, then RIP any sustain it has.

> >

> > I mean, bulls charge is like the only good utility in that whole list. Even half of the utilities for spellbreaker and berserker are bad lol. Mending should very obviously be a phsyical skill. As well, you don't have any or hardly any condition removal as a warrior, all you have is... resistance. And I've been unable to make a decent build utilizing shouts for condition removal. Either nerf literally everything on all classes (like you should, but won't, because then raiders will kill their monsters in 17 seconds instead of 12 seconds... the horror!) or buff/revamp some of the garbage on the warrior which there's a lot of. It's like, unless you're dueling, warrior is just bad in WvW.


> Anyway, I think your proposed nerfs are pretty reasonable and wouldn't mind seeing them implemented. While the devs are unsplitting all those things from pvp, they can also do the same for engi:

> -increase the cooldown of self-regulating defenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> -increase the cooldown of protection injection to 20 seconds in wvw

> -increase the cooldown of reactive lenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> -change rocket boots back to 1 charge skill without ammo system, just like in 2015

> -reduce the duration of hard light arena from 8 seconds to 4 seconds, like they did with balanced stance


> And then nerf photon forge damage to pvp levels, the same way dagger, full counter, and break enchantments got nerfed in march:

> -reduce the damage of light strike by 40% in wvw

> -reduce the damage of holo leap by 17% in wvw

> -reduce the might stacks on corona burst from 2 to 1 in wvw

> -reduce the damage of holographic shockwave by 22% in wvw


> That way engineers will also lose some dps and survivability and anet can buff firearms instead. After all, we just want to balance the game modes, not favor whichever class is our current main :^)


You post this in hopes to rustle my jimmies because I now main engineer, but I agree with every single one of those nerfs just like the post you quoted me for says (passive garbage). But I actually think that self regulating defenses should be 120 seconds cooldown the same way that the engineer trait, **Automated Medical Response** is 120 seconds. Game changing abilities like that _should_ be once per fight. I actually wasn't aware that holosmiths weren't nerfed in WvW which is IMO a really stupid decision (I play scrapper, not holosmith) And I've said more than once that being able to use rocket boots is disgusting, especially when traited (Or many other utilities, really. Ammo system is just more spam garbage) Also note that I did not mention full counter.


That post I made does not contradict anything. It's like I said: _"Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) **other than the traits and stances**"_ And you are right, firearms does need a buff also. It's just as bad as arms for whatever reason. Really, if anet made all of those engineer changes to WvW too, I'd skim past slightly reading them while nodding my head, "Mhmm, yep, that's fine... hopefully some other classes got nerfs also let's keep reading"


Really, I completely agree that fighting any engineer with double elixir S is complete kitten and should be nerfed. 120 seconds is best for the passive. You shouldn't have so much damage and so much survivability.


Going even further, I'd also say to nerf/eliminate all sigils/runes the same way that SPvP has. I mean as cool as it is to chill and damage someone on weapon swap, or inflict poison and torment on critical hit, or tranfer a condition on critical hit... it's just imbalanced spam. Sigil of energy should go too. In fact, I almost think that the game is getting to a point where the "Exhausted" mechanic which was introduced for mirage's elusive mind trait should be implemented for spamming too many evades in a short period of time. Unless anet nerfs the evade spam on classes (like whirlwind and sigil of energy) Might Makes Right may have been "gutted" but many "little" buffs over time add up. Guess what? They added up - Might Makes Right still gives you endurance back.


Dodge -> whirlwind -> bulls charge -> massive damage attack with sigil of intelligence and sigil of energy -> dodge -> full counter -> dodge -> shield bash -> massive damage attack -> balanced stance for immunity to critical hits which is basically endure pain -> annihilating opponent -> whirlwind -> eviscerate -> dodge -> shield block -> full counter -> at some point getting low on health to trigger endure pain -> repeat ad infinitum and still have berserker's stance left and another utility which is probably endure pain.

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I'm glad that we agree (jimmies notwithstanding). I actually wasn't referencing your comment on warrior utilities in the previous post, just the difference between


> it's just so garbage compared to necro or engineer and their specializations


> Warrior has no AOE to crap all over the place (which is balanced but balanced means bad nowadays)


> you don't have any or hardly any condition removal as a warrior, all you have is... resistance


> unless you're dueling, warrior is just bad in WvW.




> They are unkillable gods in WvW. They chain defensive abilities together and their most basic attacks deal for 3k+ while being unkillable.


The first post implies that warrior is a garbage class that's only good for dueling, lacks ranged or aoe damage (making it balanced), and relies on resistance to deal with condi. The second post says that warriors are invincible gods that deal massive damage and can't die, which seems contradictory to the idea that the class is either balanced or garbage. Perhaps you meant unkillable in duels, although that's also not true since it can be countered by mirage, scourge, and holosmith 1v1.


It's fine if the devs nerfs defenses and evade uptime across the game as long as they also reduce damage output, which has become similarly powercreeped particularly in the new specs and redesigned traits.


Also, I assume you were just trying to make an example, but running strength spellbreaker for traited bulls charge, whirlwind, and might makes right means longer cooldowns on full counter and weapon swap, significantly lower adrenaline generation, no cleanse on weapon swap, and no access to axe traits or movespeed/break immob. Eviscerate on spellbreaker can only act as a level 1 burst with 2.0 damage coefficient (lower than jump shot). The build you cited would actually be trash tier in wvw since it would die to any competent scourge, mirage, or even condi thief or ranger as soon as berserker stance ran out.

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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> > @"Torqiseknite.1380" said:

> > Looks like you've really changed your tune since february (before all the recent warr nerfs):

> > > (Speaking WvW here) I've always wanted so badly to play my warrior but it's just so garbage compared to necro or engineer and their specializations. Warrior has no AOE to crap all over the place (which is balanced but balanced means bad nowadays) warrior is melee only which means in a large fight you literally just get to stand back and press spacebar a bunch to pretend like you're doing something, since you can't use rifle because lord knows that's one of the worst weapons in the game. AFAIK, longbow isn't even viable for power anymore. Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) other than the traits and stances as I am one of the people against so much passive garbage in the game, but if warrior didn't have them, then RIP any sustain it has.

> > >

> > > I mean, bulls charge is like the only good utility in that whole list. Even half of the utilities for spellbreaker and berserker are bad lol. Mending should very obviously be a phsyical skill. As well, you don't have any or hardly any condition removal as a warrior, all you have is... resistance. And I've been unable to make a decent build utilizing shouts for condition removal. Either nerf literally everything on all classes (like you should, but won't, because then raiders will kill their monsters in 17 seconds instead of 12 seconds... the horror!) or buff/revamp some of the garbage on the warrior which there's a lot of. It's like, unless you're dueling, warrior is just bad in WvW.

> >

> > Anyway, I think your proposed nerfs are pretty reasonable and wouldn't mind seeing them implemented. While the devs are unsplitting all those things from pvp, they can also do the same for engi:

> > -increase the cooldown of self-regulating defenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> > -increase the cooldown of protection injection to 20 seconds in wvw

> > -increase the cooldown of reactive lenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> > -change rocket boots back to 1 charge skill without ammo system, just like in 2015

> > -reduce the duration of hard light arena from 8 seconds to 4 seconds, like they did with balanced stance

> >

> > And then nerf photon forge damage to pvp levels, the same way dagger, full counter, and break enchantments got nerfed in march:

> > -reduce the damage of light strike by 40% in wvw

> > -reduce the damage of holo leap by 17% in wvw

> > -reduce the might stacks on corona burst from 2 to 1 in wvw

> > -reduce the damage of holographic shockwave by 22% in wvw

> >

> > That way engineers will also lose some dps and survivability and anet can buff firearms instead. After all, we just want to balance the game modes, not favor whichever class is our current main :^)


> You post this in hopes to rustle my jimmies because I now main engineer, but I agree with every single one of those nerfs just like the post you quoted me for says (passive garbage). But I actually think that self regulating defenses should be 120 seconds cooldown the same way that the engineer trait, **Automated Medical Response** is 120 seconds. Game changing abilities like that _should_ be once per fight. I actually wasn't aware that holosmiths weren't nerfed in WvW which is IMO a really stupid decision (I play scrapper, not holosmith) And I've said more than once that being able to use rocket boots is disgusting, especially when traited (Or many other utilities, really. Ammo system is just more spam garbage) Also note that I did not mention full counter.


> That post I made does not contradict anything. It's like I said: _"Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) **other than the traits and stances**"_ And you are right, firearms does need a buff also. It's just as bad as arms for whatever reason. Really, if anet made all of those engineer changes to WvW too, I'd skim past slightly reading them while nodding my head, "Mhmm, yep, that's fine... hopefully some other classes got nerfs also let's keep reading"


> Really, I completely agree that fighting any engineer with double elixir S is complete kitten and should be nerfed. 120 seconds is best for the passive. You shouldn't have so much damage and so much survivability.


> Going even further, I'd also say to nerf/eliminate all sigils/runes the same way that SPvP has. I mean as cool as it is to chill and damage someone on weapon swap, or inflict poison and torment on critical hit, or tranfer a condition on critical hit... it's just imbalanced spam. Sigil of energy should go too. In fact, I almost think that the game is getting to a point where the "Exhausted" mechanic which was introduced for mirage's elusive mind trait should be implemented for spamming too many evades in a short period of time. Unless anet nerfs the evade spam on classes (like whirlwind and sigil of energy) Might Makes Right may have been "gutted" but many "little" buffs over time add up. Guess what? They added up - Might Makes Right still gives you endurance back.


> Dodge -> whirlwind -> bulls charge -> massive damage attack with sigil of intelligence and sigil of energy -> dodge -> full counter -> dodge -> shield bash -> massive damage attack -> balanced stance for immunity to critical hits which is basically endure pain -> annihilating opponent -> whirlwind -> eviscerate -> dodge -> shield block -> full counter -> at some point getting low on health to trigger endure pain -> repeat ad infinitum and still have berserker's stance left and another utility which is probably endure pain.


because bullscharge and shieldbash have such big tells and are easy to dodge, thus your massive damage will most likely miss too, because everyone else has lots of dodges too

and rly 4seconds of endure pain or no crits is like nothing


even elixier s isnt that much of a problem, because you can time it, so then you hit him right when he comes out and he cant do anything while tiny, even dies to condis

imo power creep is too deep implemented into the game and unlikely to be reverted to change defenses

if you lower the dmg overall and the defenses of ALL classes then ok go ahead, but not with everyone having all sorts of stuff, even stunbreaks are everywhere now, even if you hit cc a good player will almost immediately break it and dodge

remember pre hot? when hammer roaming was viable on warri because even if slow you could pull off nice cc chains which is now almost impossible against most ppl, try hitting a thief or mesmer with hammer lul

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> remember pre hot? when hammer roaming was viable on warri because even if slow you could pull off nice cc chains which is now almost impossible against most ppl, try hitting a thief or mesmer ~~with hammer~~ lul


There I fixed it for you, those 2 classes have sooo many evades its silly, the hammer part itself is hard to hit too but just trying to hit them in general is ridiculous sometimes.



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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > remember pre hot? when hammer roaming was viable on warri because even if slow you could pull off nice cc chains which is now almost impossible against most ppl, try hitting a thief or mesmer ~~with hammer~~ lul


> There I fixed it for you, those 2 classes have sooo many evades its silly.




haha, well, axe autos sometimes connect :^)

actually i wouldnt rly mind going to pvp balancing endure pain wise, 30sec cd for 2sec 0 power dmg, would be nice tbh, more stunbreak and fast reaction rewarding than just mindlessly tanking stuff

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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> They are unkillable gods in WvW. They chain defensive abilities together and their most basic attacks deal for 3k+ while being unkillable.


> * Shield block. Undo the change from **September 29, 2015: Decreased the recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.** Make it 30 seconds again.

> * Increase Whirlwind Attack from 10 second cooldown to 12 second cooldown. You did the exact same thing for engineer because the survivability was overpowered. See: **Rocket Charge: January 26, 2016 The recharge of this skill has been increased from 10 seconds to 12 seconds.**

> * Defy Pain. One of the big offenders here. (IMO, all cooldowns like this should be 120 seconds in all game modes; AKA once per fight) Nerf this cooldown to 90 seconds in WvW just like in SPvP.

> * Last Stand. 40 seconds? Really? Nerf this to 90 seconds in WvW just like in SPvP.

> * Balanced Stance. Remove the immunity to critical hits! Seriously! kitten!?


> After this is done, buff arms and tactics Make tactics help for the survivability that warriors lose with these nerfs which in turn forces them to loser their DPS in order to increase survivability. You want to be an unkillable god? Then you should have to go both defense and tactics.


Ah, the old "nerf absolutely everything" posts are coming back. And once again, we get people asking for nerfs to warrior for small scale combat, ignoring the fact that WvW's primary balance is around, for some WEIRD reason, large group combat. Seriously dude. If you want a mode focused on small scale balance, play SPvP. Small scale combat is going to be slightly unbalanced for WvW, because the balance focuses on large combat first, and small combat second. It focuses on what makes the mode unique, not what it shares with another gamemode.


Yes. We chain defensive abilities together, because that's how we survive. Because in order to be doing that damage, we're running glassy. Just kite, and use your own defensive abilities when a warrior uses the stances, and goes after you aggressively. Additionally, prioritize dodging the bursts with larger tells, such as the dagger and axe bursts. That'll make it harder for them to get Adrenal Health up and running. Especially if you don't punch Full Counter, which has literally the largest tell in the game. (Force them to time it well. Don't make it easy.)


I really can't say much here about the shield, because you don't give any reason other than "Its a warrior defense skill, NERF NAO". It's not an imbalanced weapon, especially with the nerf to shield bash. It brings in some nice defensive utility (plus the already nerfed CC), which is why people tend to take it. But that's because it's a defensive skill that's NOT on a 40+ second cooldown. Its pretty much the only warrior skill which fits that description.


Whirlwind Attack... Okay. Comparing its cooldown directly to Rocket Charge is missing all of the differences between the skills. Whirlwind Attack has a shorter evade duration, by a quarter of a second, and is a whirl finisher on a class with few combo fields. Rocket Charge has three leap finishers, on a class which craps out combo fields. All of those differences come out to two more seconds on Rocket Charge's cooldown. When you look at all of that combined, that really doesn't seem particularly unreasonable. And actually, I did the math. If you look at seconds of cooldown, per second of evade, Rocket Charge has a shorter cooldown per second of evade than Whirlwind Attack does.


Defy Pain... Once again, I'd point you towards my statement about WvW being balanced around large group combat, and not small group combat. So, your suggestion of 120 seconds is completely absurd, especially since you've made it clear, you're only looking at small group combat when you make that statement (you know. Ignoring a large part of what makes WvW unique.). But your 90 second request... In large group combat, to do their job, Spellbreakers need to be diving into enemy zergs, and then diving out again. Given those job requirements, Defy Pain every 60 seconds is hardly unreasonable.


Last Stand... Okay, so, like the rest of the stance activating traits, it has the same cooldown as the actual skill. Its standard for all modes except for SPvP, due to the recent change. Let me just put it this way though... If they're going to more than freaking DOUBLE the cooldown on it, they should at the very least, make it so it won't trigger when a CC hits you and you have stability up already. Because yeah... Large group combat, if you get hit by a CC, no matter how small, and you have stability up from another source... Its activating. Your suggested nerf would actually make the trait pretty much worthless for large group combat.


Balanced Stance... This skill got seriously hard nerfed recently. Its now just FOUR seconds of stability, instead of eight. Four seconds isn't very much. Nearly all other sources of stability give it to you for longer. The immunity to critical hits was added to it in a effort to keep it viable, since they left the cooldown to be exactly the same. I'd actually be okay with them removing the immunity to critical hits, and just making it eight seconds of stability again. But keeping it at just four, keeping the cooldown where its at, and removing the immunity to critical hits would just make it stupidly subpar.


I'm definitely up for Tactics and Arms getting buffed though (tactics in particular). It'd be nice to be able to branch out my traitlines more for all gamemodes.

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> @"Synstylae.2751" said:

> Anyone who plays a warrior(spellbreaker) and claims that they arent unkillable are just trying to avoid nerfs. But knowing anet, you probably are safe for a long time. Enjoy your moment of glory.


Nah, but people like you want to take the only thing the class has away from it. Glad that balancing isn't done by players

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synstylae.2751" said:

> > Anyone who plays a warrior(spellbreaker) and claims that they arent unkillable are just trying to avoid nerfs. But knowing anet, you probably are safe for a long time. Enjoy your moment of glory.


> Nah, but people like you want to take the only thing the class has away from it. Glad that balancing isn't done by players


You should wish that it was done by players. Players got elusive mind nerfed when the devs created it, players got scourge somewhat nerfed when the devs created it, even though it's the entire design decision of scourge that's actually the problem and needs a revamp. Players would not have done to the game what has happened since 2013 when balance was close to achieved and was in a more watchable state. Think about how brainless you have to be to implement stuff like elusive mind was in its original state lol. Or how everything is massively buffed over what it used to be. Players didn't create any of these elite specs, nor have the idea to merge all of the traits together and allow a choice of 3 full lines to boot. Could you imagine if someone suggested the idea to merge traits and allow 3 full trait lines before HoT came out? Lol, what a joke that thread would be. But the devs did it, not the players.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Synstylae.2751" said:

> > Anyone who plays a warrior(spellbreaker) and claims that they arent unkillable are just trying to avoid nerfs. But knowing anet, you probably are safe for a long time. Enjoy your moment of glory.


> Nah, but people like you want to take the only thing the class has away from it. Glad that balancing isn't done by players


I couldnt agree more. ;)

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> OP, spparently you got beaten pretty bad by a warrior it seems ahahah. I've got the solution for you: play Mirage.


Funny thing that you mentioned the next bad thing. Must be tough that there is actually something that can kill you :disappointed_relieved:

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> @"Torqiseknite.1380" said:

> Looks like you've really changed your tune since february (before all the recent warr nerfs):

> > (Speaking WvW here) I've always wanted so badly to play my warrior but it's just so garbage compared to necro or engineer and their specializations. Warrior has no AOE to crap all over the place (which is balanced but balanced means bad nowadays) warrior is melee only which means in a large fight you literally just get to stand back and press spacebar a bunch to pretend like you're doing something, since you can't use rifle because lord knows that's one of the worst weapons in the game. AFAIK, longbow isn't even viable for power anymore. Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) other than the traits and stances as I am one of the people against so much passive garbage in the game, but if warrior didn't have them, then RIP any sustain it has.

> >

> > I mean, bulls charge is like the only good utility in that whole list. Even half of the utilities for spellbreaker and berserker are bad lol. Mending should very obviously be a phsyical skill. As well, you don't have any or hardly any condition removal as a warrior, all you have is... resistance. And I've been unable to make a decent build utilizing shouts for condition removal. Either nerf literally everything on all classes (like you should, but won't, because then raiders will kill their monsters in 17 seconds instead of 12 seconds... the horror!) or buff/revamp some of the garbage on the warrior which there's a lot of. It's like, unless you're dueling, warrior is just bad in WvW.


> Anyway, I think your proposed nerfs are pretty reasonable and wouldn't mind seeing them implemented. While the devs are unsplitting all those things from pvp, they can also do the same for engi:

> -increase the cooldown of self-regulating defenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> -increase the cooldown of protection injection to 20 seconds in wvw

> -increase the cooldown of reactive lenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> -change rocket boots back to 1 charge skill without ammo system, just like in 2015

> -reduce the duration of hard light arena from 8 seconds to 4 seconds, like they did with balanced stance


> And then nerf photon forge damage to pvp levels, the same way dagger, full counter, and break enchantments got nerfed in march:

> -reduce the damage of light strike by 40% in wvw

> -reduce the damage of holo leap by 17% in wvw

> -reduce the might stacks on corona burst from 2 to 1 in wvw

> -reduce the damage of holographic shockwave by 22% in wvw


> That way engineers will also lose some dps and survivability and anet can buff firearms instead. After all, we just want to balance the game modes, not favor whichever class is our current main :^)


I like this whole list a lot.


TBTH I think they should just remove all of these types of effects except Endure Pain (get rid of Defy Pain) and simply merge it with Berserker Stance and bump its cooldown to 60s with the increased durations it used to have, and rework Berserker stance to something else entirely. Warrior's kit design is pretty simple, and I think removing the immunities for warrior in particular would be too negative of a change since the class basically depends on them. Balanced Stance should just provide CC immunity versus stability and crit resistance, making the warrior able to properly frontline in larger-scale by burning its stances and trying for that old-style onepush without needing to hide behind guardians. This way guards are more useful in sustained fights, but a warrior frontline can onepush much better, giving the class a more unique identity with its mitigation strategies.


This preserves the warrior's all-in options in general as well but removes the option of constantly rotating a few skills making them immune to everything. It's really not interactive gameplay for anyone involved and shuts out a lot of diversity. With the power consolidated more as a once-and-done extended invuln, this also allows for some shifting of defenses to other styles and buffs to offensive-oriented utilities which may focus on aggressive and risky play patterns, rather than strictly locking warrior into stances while turtling until its major nukes are available. It opens up more counterplay while allowing the warrior to do better in repeated instances; instead of chaining piles of immunities sustained over long periods of time on long cooldowns, it makes sense to just have a window of true invulnerability that's easier for a player to bait out and deny. This will also separate good warriors from bad ones, as they'll be able to ID when they need to burn stances or force an issue to make its foe attempt to reset. This kind of gameplay is similar to that of the reaper, but rather than trying to CC-lock the foe/control the enemy like the reaper, the warrior can utilize its mobility and generally faster casts.


Right now warrior more or less is a build/stat check and it's super lame to play into and for a lot of people, not really engaging to play as, either.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Torqiseknite.1380" said:

> > Looks like you've really changed your tune since february (before all the recent warr nerfs):

> > > (Speaking WvW here) I've always wanted so badly to play my warrior but it's just so garbage compared to necro or engineer and their specializations. Warrior has no AOE to crap all over the place (which is balanced but balanced means bad nowadays) warrior is melee only which means in a large fight you literally just get to stand back and press spacebar a bunch to pretend like you're doing something, since you can't use rifle because lord knows that's one of the worst weapons in the game. AFAIK, longbow isn't even viable for power anymore. Almost all of the warrior utilities are horrible (balanced) other than the traits and stances as I am one of the people against so much passive garbage in the game, but if warrior didn't have them, then RIP any sustain it has.

> > >

> > > I mean, bulls charge is like the only good utility in that whole list. Even half of the utilities for spellbreaker and berserker are bad lol. Mending should very obviously be a phsyical skill. As well, you don't have any or hardly any condition removal as a warrior, all you have is... resistance. And I've been unable to make a decent build utilizing shouts for condition removal. Either nerf literally everything on all classes (like you should, but won't, because then raiders will kill their monsters in 17 seconds instead of 12 seconds... the horror!) or buff/revamp some of the garbage on the warrior which there's a lot of. It's like, unless you're dueling, warrior is just bad in WvW.

> >

> > Anyway, I think your proposed nerfs are pretty reasonable and wouldn't mind seeing them implemented. While the devs are unsplitting all those things from pvp, they can also do the same for engi:

> > -increase the cooldown of self-regulating defenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> > -increase the cooldown of protection injection to 20 seconds in wvw

> > -increase the cooldown of reactive lenses to 90 seconds in wvw

> > -change rocket boots back to 1 charge skill without ammo system, just like in 2015

> > -reduce the duration of hard light arena from 8 seconds to 4 seconds, like they did with balanced stance

> >

> > And then nerf photon forge damage to pvp levels, the same way dagger, full counter, and break enchantments got nerfed in march:

> > -reduce the damage of light strike by 40% in wvw

> > -reduce the damage of holo leap by 17% in wvw

> > -reduce the might stacks on corona burst from 2 to 1 in wvw

> > -reduce the damage of holographic shockwave by 22% in wvw

> >

> > That way engineers will also lose some dps and survivability and anet can buff firearms instead. After all, we just want to balance the game modes, not favor whichever class is our current main :^)


> I like this whole list a lot.


> TBTH I think they should just remove all of these types of effects except Endure Pain (get rid of Defy Pain) and simply merge it with Berserker Stance and bump its cooldown to 60s with the increased durations it used to have, and rework Berserker stance to something else entirely. Warrior's kit design is pretty simple, and I think removing the immunities for warrior in particular would be too negative of a change since the class basically depends on them. Balanced Stance should just provide CC immunity versus stability and crit resistance, making the warrior able to properly frontline in larger-scale by burning its stances and trying for that old-style onepush without needing to hide behind guardians. This way guards are more useful in sustained fights, but a warrior frontline can onepush much better, giving the class a more unique identity with its mitigation strategies.


> This preserves the warrior's all-in options in general as well but removes the option of constantly rotating a few skills making them immune to everything. It's really not interactive gameplay for anyone involved and shuts out a lot of diversity. With the power consolidated more as a once-and-done extended invuln, this also allows for some shifting of defenses to other styles and buffs to offensive-oriented utilities which may focus on aggressive and risky play patterns, rather than strictly locking warrior into stances while turtling until its major nukes are available. It opens up more counterplay while allowing the warrior to do better in repeated instances; instead of chaining piles of immunities sustained over long periods of time on long cooldowns, it makes sense to just have a window of true invulnerability that's easier for a player to bait out and deny. This will also separate good warriors from bad ones, as they'll be able to ID when they need to burn stances or force an issue to make its foe attempt to reset. This kind of gameplay is similar to that of the reaper, but rather than trying to CC-lock the foe/control the enemy like the reaper, the warrior can utilize its mobility and generally faster casts.


> Right now warrior more or less is a build/stat check and it's super lame to play into and for a lot of people, not really engaging to play as, either.


yea do that if you take away thief and mesmer stuff aswell, they have enough dmg to "bait" your defensive stuff and easily disengage afterwards with no effort, and mesmer rotates defensive crap aswell to wait for his next burst, count all mesmer things together and you basically get more than warri has


or have you fought druids or soulbeasts that can kite you to no end and just take out that nasty longbow after you have all your gapcloser on cd to pewpew away at you, increasing the windows between your defenses will make warrior so bad, without those you get nuked in seconds, id rather have dmg in thus game reduced overall and all those passive traits replaced with actual fun things that reward ppl that actively use them

the amount of dmg all classes can dish out is just too much, i want pre hot gameplay back

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Fair, though that sounds more or less like a mobility/damage negation issue and not a damage one. Mobility powercreep has been huge with PoF. Not many people opt for building around Malicious Backstab, and outside of DE, the thief's damage has simply just been objectively reduced since HoT. Most if not all of the sense of unfairness into thief comes from stealth stacking, which I think needs to be removed for all classes, thief included. Though to be frank, a good thief playing D/P will still wait out the warrior as of current. Otherwise the warrior has the edge and right now is considered a counter to the thief via Spellbreaker even at the highest level of play. The skill involved for the outplay (into most warriors) is a lot higher than I think you think it is. And in some cases, the thief just mathematically cannot beat the warrior depending on the thief's build.


My intent here is to keep warrior viable as a frontliner as well. I don't think super short duration but low cooldowns is the way to go to achieve this; they'll get blown up in larger scale before they can even reach their enemies since while mes/thief damage has stayed roughly the same (MW and most of thief's burst haven't changed), scourge was absolutely a damage buff with much harsher counters to frontline classes than core and reaper given how much potency is brought at range.


Mirage is just OP because it can't be punished. It can retroactively ignore being killed/comboed by being able to dodge while CCed, no traits needed. That's the really busted part of mirage.


Otherwise its damage hasn't really changed at all from core. Most mesmers just never ran the combo build because it carried a lot of risk to execute.


Frankly, I'd like to see them remove SoS from MMS on ranger. And with the removal of stealth stacking the matchup would feel a lot better than current.


Not saying the auto-invuln traits shouldn't be replaced by good stuff, either. I just think triple stance is incredibly boring and the class needs some diversity while having clear counterplay, and rotating defensive cooldowns as a playstyle shouldn't exist in the PvP environments.

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They should nerf a bit the defense branch or balance the traits, not the stances themselves, and up Tactics or oher to improve build diversity and support frontline.

I mean in full berserker+durability runes (the common stuff) you get 175+330 armor, 2 or 3 perma stack of Adrenal Health (with SB and discipline) 2 passives stances/Breakstun that grant vigor, 5s stab, 15s swiftness, and on option shield master or dogged march. Only strong traits.

The common build SB-Discipline-Defense, stances GS/_XX_shield offers way too many complementarities to stay alive easily and make some pretties good hits.

I don't know how you can complain about the frontline, you can cross a zerg (twice) wihout taking any dmg or cc ; hit 5people 8-10k with FC or F1 GS, #3 and #4 GS, stun/focus some leather or tissue and repack with 90% life and +600/s regen. I even play dagger offhand rather than shield.

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yeah, u can cross the enemy zerg, dish out 2-3 fc gs f1, yeah, u do 8-10k but with what results? none, lemme tell you, just because the enemy zerg is 50% scourge thats backed by 50% firebrands, in the end you do nothing, and after you burned all your stances the only option is to run far away to avoid certain death.

in the end, by increases stances cooldown back to 60s u just make warrior useless in large scare fights, we need another solution

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