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Long Live the Lich! [trailer speculations]


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All the way thru PoF story and LS4 episodes at some points we have met Nightfall companions, ghost Dunkoro in Desolation, Koss at Istan, Tahlkora in Vabbi. I wonder and really hope that this time we will be able to meet Melonni. I really liked her and if i remember well she was from some small village placed at Kourna's southern shores am I right?

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenar.4025" said:

> Having Kralk fly off just to pick a fight with Bubbles would be really dumb from a plot standpoint. And given how long Zhaitan and Mordremoth were dead, and neither Bubbles, nor Kralkatorik, nor Primordus, nor Jomarg, made the attempt to kill one another, it seems like they know not to do so.


> I mean, if we consider the fact they are all in competition, and have been so for many cycles, the fact that none of them have killed each other, or even made an attempt to kill each other that we know of, indicates they don't care, or have some knowledge that doing so would disrupt the cycle, thus killing them all, and so avoid it.


I could see it being justified if divine energies aren't merely elemental, but personal. That is, if the end of PoF didn't just result in Kraalkatorik chowing down on Bloodstone, Fire, and Ice magic, but also Aggressive Megalomaniac magic, or at least War/Conflict magic. In PoF, in the bit with the Exalted base, we learned that the Forgotten attempted to convert Kraalkatorik and failed due to insufficient power, and we already know Snaff was thinking of attacking its mind as well. Maybe it's nothing, but it could also be foreshadowing that Kraalkatorik is vulnerable to having its personality altered or even subsumed by the right energy in the right amounts -- put differently, maybe it's suffering from Balthazar corruption. And if that personality alteration made Kraalkatorik more like Balthazar in demeanor, then it's going to want to seek out and destroy the other dragons (whether that's because B was also on a crusade against the dragons, or because B wanted to claim their power to avenge himself against his former peers -- either explanation, or a combination of both, makes sense) along with anyone else on its (ed: bad) list, like Joko or the Pact Commander.


As far as why it would target Bubbles -- well, for one thing, it's the only set of Dragon energies it doesn't have. It has its own, those of the dead dragons, and it got some of Primordus and Jormag's power via Balthazar. Maybe it's trying to unlock a collection achievement. Maybe all the balance issues get resolved if the various spheres are combined in one dragon. Also, it's apparently easier to go after active dragons, to Braham's disappointment, and there are only two dragons on that list. And from an out-of-game perspective, it gives us a reason to visit the Ocean and Cantha for the next expac.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> I could see it being justified if divine energies aren't merely elemental, but personal. That is, if the end of PoF didn't just result in Kraalkatorik chowing down on Bloodstone, Fire, and Ice magic, but also Aggressive Megalomaniac magic, or at least War/Conflict magic. In PoF, in the bit with the Exalted base, we learned that the Forgotten attempted to convert Kraalkatorik and failed due to insufficient power, and we already know Snaff was thinking of attacking its mind as well. Maybe it's nothing, but it could also be foreshadowing that Kraalkatorik is vulnerable to having its personality altered or even subsumed by the right energy in the right amounts -- put differently, maybe it's suffering from Balthazar corruption. And if that personality alteration made Kraalkatorik more like Balthazar in demeanor, then it's going to want to seek out and destroy the other dragons (whether that's because B was also on a crusade against the dragons, or because B wanted to claim their power to avenge himself against his former peers -- either explanation, or a combination of both, makes sense) along with anyone else on its (ed: bad) list, like Joko or the Pact Commander.


> As far as why it would target Bubbles -- well, for one thing, it's the only set of Dragon energies it doesn't have. It has its own, those of the dead dragons, and it got some of Primordus and Jormag's power via Balthazar. Maybe it's trying to unlock a collection achievement. Maybe all the balance issues get resolved if the various spheres are combined in one dragon. Also, it's apparently easier to go after active dragons, to Braham's disappointment, and there are only two dragons on that list. And from an out-of-game perspective, it gives us a reason to visit the Ocean and Cantha for the next expac.

That feels like a far greater series of unsupported contrivances that should be really done in order to get us to go to Cantha for the next expansion. Its just not good writing, and while Anet hasn't been great all the time(LWS1 anyone) they have never been that bad.


It would also be drawing out the Kralkatorik story on for far too long, no real reason, since him flying off the Cantha isn't the only, the preferred, or even a necessary, reason for us to go there.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > all we did in pof was sabotage our chances to defeat kralk: the spear is gone (so we don't have a weapon anymore), aurene isn't nearly powerful enough to face kralk without ending up like her mom, all we have from pof is a weakness but nothing on how to utilize it and prevent aurene from dying (like her mom)

> > and you forgot another reason we haven't killed kralk yet: we don't know how to replace an elder dragon which was the biggest reason we had to save kralk from balt.

> >

> > also kralk isn't boxed in: he can literally fly in any direction and kill everything in its path while terraforming everything to suit his needs.

> We don't need the Spear since we have Aurene. Balthazar shooting a concentrated beam of Aurene energy at Kralk was enough to almost kill him at the end of PoF. Not to mention, we recruited those two Inquest guys, who specifically mentioned they backed up all their Kralk data, and have them working with Taimi, just so they can mcguffin some sort of machine, device, or weapon, to deal with him when the time comes.


then why wasn't glint enough to kill kralk when destiny's edge fought him. it's pretty obvious that glint wasn't enough so why would aurene be?


> And Anet isn't going to have Kralk fly off somewhere because that would mean massively redoing an existing map or two, which they really haven't ever done. It would make the changes the Tower of Nightmares caused look like nothing, and isn't something you want to do in a game where maps are normally time locked.

doesn't have to be, they could just have him travel over the already existing brand before going into new territory



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> @"derd.6413" said:

> then why wasn't glint enough to kill kralk when destiny's edge fought him. it's pretty obvious that glint wasn't enough so why would aurene be?

DE failed, and Glint died, because Logan wasn't there to help them out. Not to mention, they didn't have the Pact, and/or our alliance of Sunspears, Shadows, Corsairs, and whoever else we bring along.


>doesn't have to be, they could just have him travel over the already existing brand before going into new territory

Which would be the most hilariously stupid thing for them to try to do. No really, imagine Anet seriously trying to have an NPC say that Kralkatorik flew EXACTLY along the brand he already made before flying off into Dzalana, since that's the only place he can go at this point.


I don't know why you are so hellbent on keeping Kralkatorik alive, but really, this has just gotten silly.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenar.4025" said:

> > There's more than enough room for seven maps. What about Gandara? What about the Marga coast? What about Sulfurous Wastes? What about Joko's Domain? What about Mount Krakatorik? That's 4-5 more maps right there. Also, who's to say we don't go to at least one map outside of Elona?

> Sure, if you keep them all to Sandsweapt Isles sized map, and not Domain of Vabbi sized. Also, going outside of Elona would be odd unless we go to the Charr homelands area where Kralkatorik woke up in order to get something there to kill him. the story doesn't make sense for us leave Elona while Joko and Kralk are still active otherwise.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/YYV53ug.jpg "")






I like what you’re suggesting there in terms of the overall areas covered, but the exact spacing is terrible. Between literally every map are gaps that are impossible to fill because they’re too small to be another map and too big to be filled in with just map art of a place we can’t actually go. If Anet did that they would be making it impossible to ever have a completely filled in map

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I like what you’re suggesting there in terms of the overall areas covered, but the exact spacing is terrible. Between literally every map are gaps that are impossible to fill because they’re too small to be another map and too big to be filled in with just map art of a place we can’t actually go. If Anet did that they would be making it impossible to ever have a completely filled in map

They already made the map impossible to fill in with what they did with The Domain of Istan, and the First City, since the area between the two is too small to cram another map into. They did it back in PoF with the gap between the Desolation and the Domain of Vabbi. And they did it even EARLIER then that when they did the Bazaar of the Four Winds update and threw the Zephyerite Cliffs in a spot that made filling in the Shiverpeaks from that point on impossible. The same is true of HoT, with there being a thin empty line bwteen the HoT maps, and the core Tyria maps, that create spaces impossible to fill.


Anet does not care about making 100% of the map exploreable, they never have. All they care about is hitting the memorable spots of a region before moving on.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > I like what you’re suggesting there in terms of the overall areas covered, but the exact spacing is terrible. Between literally every map are gaps that are impossible to fill because they’re too small to be another map and too big to be filled in with just map art of a place we can’t actually go. If Anet did that they would be making it impossible to ever have a completely filled in map

> They already made the map impossible to fill in with what they did with The Domain of Istan, and the First City, since the area between the two is too small to cram another map into. They did it back in PoF with the gap between the Desolation and the Domain of Vabbi. And they did it even EARLIER then that when they did the Bazaar of the Four Winds update and threw the Zephyerite Cliffs in a spot that made filling in the Shiverpeaks from that point on impossible. The same is true of HoT, with there being a thin empty line bwteen the HoT maps, and the core Tyria maps, that create spaces impossible to fill.


> Anet does not care about making 100% of the map exploreable, they never have. All they care about is hitting the memorable spots of a region before moving on.




I see why you would think that but I disagree, I have solutions for all of those. I will probably make a post about it soon, I’ve been meaning to for a while, but for fahranur- include it in a map over there! You have the story version mapped until you enter the new map, when the coding for said map overrides it and you unlock that area again but connected to the rest of a regular map over there. Same for eye of the north. The gap between Vabbi and desolation is too small for a LW map, but it would work as a raid map going down a valley after some enemy holed up down there.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> I see why you would think that but I disagree, I have solutions for all of those. I will probably make a post about it soon, I’ve been meaning to for a while, but for fahranur- include it in a map over there! You have the story version mapped until you enter the new map, when the coding for said map overrides it and you unlock that area again but connected to the rest of a regular map over there. Same for eye of the north. The gap between Vabbi and desolation is too small for a LW map, but it would work as a raid map going down a valley after some enemy holed up down there.

Anet specifically removed a beta map that covered the northern part of Divinity's Reach because it overlapped with the already existing DR city map, which causes big problems.


It's very difficult to overlap two maps that appear on the game map without causing problems.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > I see why you would think that but I disagree, I have solutions for all of those. I will probably make a post about it soon, I’ve been meaning to for a while, but for fahranur- include it in a map over there! You have the story version mapped until you enter the new map, when the coding for said map overrides it and you unlock that area again but connected to the rest of a regular map over there. Same for eye of the north. The gap between Vabbi and desolation is too small for a LW map, but it would work as a raid map going down a valley after some enemy holed up down there.

> Anet specifically removed a beta map that covered the northern part of Divinity's Reach because it overlapped with the already existing DR city map, which causes big problems.


> It's very difficult to overlap two maps that appear on the game map without causing problems.


I could see some additional information coming up regarding some new discoveries ie how he uses Primordus and Jormags magical spheres, and possibly showing more mobs with these new augmented spheres. I do agree that we will probably end up taking out Kralkatorrik at the end of Season, as technically he was already revealed in Path of Fire.


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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > I see why you would think that but I disagree, I have solutions for all of those. I will probably make a post about it soon, I’ve been meaning to for a while, but for fahranur- include it in a map over there! You have the story version mapped until you enter the new map, when the coding for said map overrides it and you unlock that area again but connected to the rest of a regular map over there. Same for eye of the north. The gap between Vabbi and desolation is too small for a LW map, but it would work as a raid map going down a valley after some enemy holed up down there.

> > Anet specifically removed a beta map that covered the northern part of Divinity's Reach because it overlapped with the already existing DR city map, which causes big problems.

> >

> > It's very difficult to overlap two maps that appear on the game map without causing problems.

> >

> I could see some additional information coming up regarding some new discoveries ie how he uses Primordus and Jormags magical spheres, and possibly showing more mobs with these new augmented spheres. I do agree that we will probably end up taking out Kralkatorrik at the end of Season, as technically he was already revealed in Path of Fire.


Edit: Hopefully the remnants of Destiny’s Edge gets involved in his Kralky death as poetic justice.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > then why wasn't glint enough to kill kralk when destiny's edge fought him. it's pretty obvious that glint wasn't enough so why would aurene be?

> DE failed, and Glint died, because Logan wasn't there to help them out. Not to mention, they didn't have the Pact, and/or our alliance of Sunspears, Shadows, Corsairs, and whoever else we bring along.


> >doesn't have to be, they could just have him travel over the already existing brand before going into new territory

> Which would be the most hilariously stupid thing for them to try to do. No really, imagine Anet seriously trying to have an NPC say that Kralkatorik flew EXACTLY along the brand he already made before flying off into Dzalana, since that's the only place he can go at this point.


> I don't know why you are so hellbent on keeping Kralkatorik alive, but really, this has just gotten silly.



Because killing kralk right before an xpac would be the most stupid thing anet could do. It's established that defeating an elder dragon is exhausting to everybody involved so killing kralk and then imedietly going after another one would undermine the threath they pose since appearently they're becomming easy enough to not have to rest for several months like with shaitan and mordremoth (which i find alot worse then silly, i'd call it dumb because apearently we're becomming stronger then the human gods)


And i would like joko to be more then filler material for a couple of episodes before going back to the actual plot.


Also to adress your arguments.


DE failed because they got overwelmed by branded and failed to use the spear. The spear is gone now. So unless there's dragon spears lying around somewhere we would need a new weapon forged from kralk's blood pull something from where the sun don't shine. And it shouldn't be trivial to make a new one. Besides i think it would be better to power up aurene and dragons watch over the course of the season with the kralk fight in the xpac.


Also kralk could go east to the whole unexplored continent there. And why he goes exactly through the brand wouldn't be hard to explain. Just have the brand be an escape route because he travels faster through it or something.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > then why wasn't glint enough to kill kralk when destiny's edge fought him. it's pretty obvious that glint wasn't enough so why would aurene be?

> DE failed, and Glint died, because Logan wasn't there to help them out. Not to mention, they didn't have the Pact, and/or our alliance of Sunspears, Shadows, Corsairs, and whoever else we bring along.


> >doesn't have to be, they could just have him travel over the already existing brand before going into new territory

> Which would be the most hilariously stupid thing for them to try to do. No really, imagine Anet seriously trying to have an NPC say that Kralkatorik flew EXACTLY along the brand he already made before flying off into Dzalana, since that's the only place he can go at this point.


> I don't know why you are so hellbent on keeping Kralkatorik alive, but really, this has just gotten silly.



We'll have to see how this episode plays out, but it really feels like they're trying to stretch Joko for an entire season so far. I was kind of hoping we would get back to Kralk at some point, but it's looking more like that may be something they try to dive into next expansion. And corsairs are few and far between, and Shadows have been living near Kralk for years upon years without seemingly any interest in him. Not to mention the hints that they may have a hidden agenda. Glint was far older than Aurene and presumably more powerful at the time of her death. The only reason Aurene would work over Glint at this point is that Aurene is powered up with Balth/Bloodstone/elder dragon magic. Pretty sure the only reason she technically damaged Kralk was because of the machine that Balthazar built that used branded magic as a battery. Aurene seemed to just be the key to making Kralk vulnerable to the machine. It didn't seem like it was solely Aurene that was damaging him but that whole scenario was a bit hard to follow with everything going on.


But that being said, we have three asura now instead of just Taimi and a machine. So who knows what we're capable of. Not to mention the weapon that Vlast was mentioning in the memory crystals still doesn't match up to the dragonblood spear, and still makes me think of the staff of the mists. So there is always the possibility that that will come into play at some point in the Kralk plot resolution.


We should know a lot more about the direction of the story on Tuesday. If we don't resolve or seem like we're getting close to resolving the Joko plot and we wind up "starting a war" that's technically already been started in this episode with no real mention or focus on Kralk, then it's pretty safe to say that if we only have 3 or 4 more episodes we won't be dealing with Kralk except to tie into the next expansion. Jormag and Primordus were resolved quickly last season, but they also just had somewhat brief mentions during those episodes. Jormag we never even saw. So I'm not sure they would follow that same quick resolution with Kralk given the large part he played in the base expansion or his recurring presence throughout Elona.


It will feel really strange if we don't hear anything about him or see that much branded this episode though, given that we had nothing on him last episode. I think the lack of his presence last episode and the lack of his presence in this trailer is the only thing that makes me lean towards us finishing Joko sooner rather than later, but people speculating that Joko could wind up branded could be the perfect tie in of the different plots and possibly a perfect and poetic resolution for the almighty King of Elona whose reign has been fueled by enslaving and controlling an entire nation of people. Here's to hoping we get some real back story on him before that happens.


Also, kind of hoping the new fractal has some story significance like Twilight Oasis did. I hardly believe it's just some dwarven ruins with a spider boss, unless they just wanted to kick something out with different assets and mechanics for the sake of having a new fractal.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> Because killing kralk right before an xpac would be the most stupid thing anet could do. It's established that defeating an elder dragon is exhausting to everybody involved so killing kralk and then imedietly going after another one would undermine the threath they pose since appearently they're becomming easy enough to not have to rest for several months like with shaitan and mordremoth (which i find alot worse then silly, i'd call it dumb because apearently we're becomming stronger then the human gods)


> And i would like joko to be more then filler material for a couple of episodes before going back to the actual plot.


> Also to adress your arguments.


> DE failed because they got overwelmed by branded and failed to use the spear. The spear is gone now. So unless there's dragon spears lying around somewhere we would need a new weapon forged from kralk's blood pull something from where the sun don't shine. And it shouldn't be trivial to make a new one. Besides i think it would be better to power up aurene and dragons watch over the course of the season with the kralk fight in the xpac.


> Also kralk could go east to the whole unexplored continent there. And why he goes exactly through the brand wouldn't be hard to explain. Just have the brand be an escape route because he travels faster through it or something.

Killing an ED has proven exhausting to our forces, because Tyria had limited pool of resources to draw from, and fighting one drains a lot of them. But we are in Elona now, getting more forces to fight the local ED threat, while our main forces in Tyira recover. The player, and their companions, have been shown to go from one near world ending event to another in little time, and don't forget, the game story happens in real time, so even if the LWS4 ends with us killing an ED, it would be 3-4 months, both IRL, and in-game time, before the next expansion drops, and thus, the next battle begins.


The player isn't becoming stronger then the gods, in fact, its because they are so weak compared to the gods that they are doing so well. The gods are too powerful for their own good, and any use of their powers destroyed the land around them. The player not being as strong as the gods is exactly why they can take down EDs, and not cause as many problems.


And no, DE failed because Logan wasn't there to protect them, meaning Snaff got overwhelmed, meaning hecouldn't hold Kralk down long enough for Rytlok to spear him. They tried to use the spear, but didn't the chance. And don't forget, at the end of that story, Caithe is noted as picking up the crystallized blood, the same thing the first spear was made out of.


And why would Kralkatorik go over there? If there was any source of magical power for him to eat that proved interesting he could have, and would have, very easily gone over there in the nearly decade long period between he awoke, and when PoF began.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Also, kind of hoping the new fractal has some story significance like Twilight Oasis did. I hardly believe it's just some dwarven ruins with a spider boss, unless they just wanted to kick something out with different assets and mechanics for the sake of having a new fractal.


given the dwarven architecture and the glint scale my guess would be that it's about the brotherhood of the dragon. Maybe it's even set in the ruins in the dessert highlands (pre-ruination of course)

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Hmm, since the trailer isn't showing much story, just that Joko's enjoying his time in I guess Kourna, it's hard to speculate about the story of the incoming episode. What's something I really, really like, because we cannot expect what is gonna happen- will we win, will we lose, will Joko unleash the plague? Many questions, and gladly the trailer didn't give us any small clues to the answers.


The butterflies are kinda suspicious in this trailer- I don't really like the idea that they may be this reincarnation of the plague from Fahranur, but seeing Faren cowering from them looks kinda scary and very weird.


Also this plant bridge looks odd, we could see something like this in Dry Top. Some very powerful plant magic- Aurene? Kralkatorrik? Centaurs? Olmakhan? Or somebody else?


Joko is celebrating because he thinks Lonai killed us already.


We didn't, and we can use this to surprise Joko, he doesn't know we're planning to stop him.


So we have a small advantage, but how will we stop him? Maybe we'll find some clues in Kourna? Maybe Aurene will show us a vision?


I don't expect anyone to die, but maybe Kito?


Yes, please. :D I'm so anti-Kito.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > then why wasn't glint enough to kill kralk when destiny's edge fought him. it's pretty obvious that glint wasn't enough so why would aurene be?

> DE failed, and Glint died, because Logan wasn't there to help them out. Not to mention, they didn't have the Pact, and/or our alliance of Sunspears, Shadows, Corsairs, and whoever else we bring along.


> >doesn't have to be, they could just have him travel over the already existing brand before going into new territory

> Which would be the most hilariously stupid thing for them to try to do. No really, imagine Anet seriously trying to have an NPC say that Kralkatorik flew EXACTLY along the brand he already made before flying off into Dzalana, since that's the only place he can go at this point.


> I don't know why you are so hellbent on keeping Kralkatorik alive, but really, this has just gotten silly.


He could always swing to the north, going either to the southern shiverpeaks, or recross his path north of the highlands to get to Ascalon and the Charr homelands.


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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Hmm, since the trailer isn't showing much story, just that Joko's enjoying his time in I guess Kourna, it's hard to speculate about the story of the incoming episode. What's something I really, really like, because we cannot expect what is gonna happen- will we win, will we lose, will Joko unleash the plague? Many questions, and gladly the trailer didn't give us any small clues to the answers.


Yeah, Anet is doing a new line of trailers treating it as some sort of TV series. I didnt like this style used in american entertainment stuff, but is better than old misleading trailers.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > then why wasn't glint enough to kill kralk when destiny's edge fought him. it's pretty obvious that glint wasn't enough so why would aurene be?

> DE failed, and Glint died, because Logan wasn't there to help them out. Not to mention, they didn't have the Pact, and/or our alliance of Sunspears, Shadows, Corsairs, and whoever else we bring along.


Glint died long before Logan's role would have been played.


> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > Hmm, since the trailer isn't showing much story, just that Joko's enjoying his time in I guess Kourna, it's hard to speculate about the story of the incoming episode. What's something I really, really like, because we cannot expect what is gonna happen- will we win, will we lose, will Joko unleash the plague? Many questions, and gladly the trailer didn't give us any small clues to the answers.


> Yeah, Anet is doing a new line of trailers treating it as some sort of TV series. I didnt like this style used in american entertainment stuff, but is better than old misleading trailers.


Sadly, Anet has always compared the LW to a TV series since day 1. Which was part of their argument for why it was temporary...


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > I see why you would think that but I disagree, I have solutions for all of those. I will probably make a post about it soon, I’ve been meaning to for a while, but for fahranur- include it in a map over there! You have the story version mapped until you enter the new map, when the coding for said map overrides it and you unlock that area again but connected to the rest of a regular map over there. Same for eye of the north. The gap between Vabbi and desolation is too small for a LW map, but it would work as a raid map going down a valley after some enemy holed up down there.

> Anet specifically removed a beta map that covered the northern part of Divinity's Reach because it overlapped with the already existing DR city map, which causes big problems.


> It's very difficult to overlap two maps that appear on the game map without causing problems.




Then don’t overlap, code it so the story version is removed from the players map when they enter the regular one

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Then don’t overlap, code it so the story version is removed from the players map when they enter the regular one

That isn't how maps or game code works.


> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> He could always swing to the north, going either to the southern shiverpeaks, or recross his path north of the highlands to get to Ascalon and the Charr homelands.

But why would he when all of his forces are, and have been, moving south since he woke up, so they could muster around him? Hes totally going to fly north, into the middle of the territory claimed by part of the Alliance that took down Zhaitan and Mordremoth, and away from all of his forces because...... reasons?


Besides, the Woodland Cascades, Far Shiverpeaks, and Charr Homelands areas are Jormag expansion territory/LW area.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> But why would he when all of his forces are, and have been, moving south since he woke up, so they could muster around him? Hes totally going to fly north, into the middle of the territory claimed by part of the Alliance that took down Zhaitan and Mordremoth, and away from all of his forces because...... reasons?


Do we really know that the branded are rallying? They always seemed to be the least organized of the dragon minions. Destoryers occasionally work in concert to attack targets, Jormag sends his minions out to build cults and spread his influence. Mordremoth, organized the mordrem into an army, and zhaitan took advantage of the organization and intelligence his minions had from when they were alive. However, the branded we've seen mostly just seem to mill about the brand. The brand seems to spread on its own, while those corrupted just seem to lash out at anyone in arm's reach. Are they really rallying, or did he just happen to land in, and thus brand one of the most populous regions of Elona?


I'm still not convinced Kralk cares anything about anyone else, not his own "army", nor the pact. He hasn't shown any sign of needing his minions, like zhaitan did, and no sign of being afraid of anyone against him, even Balthazar and his warbeast.


> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> Besides, the Woodland Cascades, Far Shiverpeaks, and Charr Homelands areas are Jormag expansion territory/LW area.


Just because they were together in EotN, doesn't mean they have to be bundled now. I think there's more than enough room to have two expansions in the combined area of the verdant cascades, far shiverpeaks, blood legion homelands, and the unexplored areas of ascalon.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Then don’t overlap, code it so the story version is removed from the players map when they enter the regular one

> That isn't how maps or game code works.


It... actually is **exactly** how dungeons work. And Victory or Death.


And Old LA map. Possibly old Timberline during Forging the Pact.


They don't use the open world map for their maps, but a separate one which copied the relevant unexplored world map tiles and then uncovers them in its own way.


> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> Do we really know that the branded are rallying? They always seemed to be the least organized of the dragon minions. Destoryers occasionally work in concert to attack targets, Jormag sends his minions out to build cults and spread his influence. Mordremoth, organized the mordrem into an army, and zhaitan took advantage of the organization and intelligence his minions had from when they were alive. However, the branded we've seen mostly just seem to mill about the brand. The brand seems to spread on its own, while those corrupted just seem to lash out at anyone in arm's reach. Are they really rallying, or did he just happen to land in, and thus brand one of the most populous regions of Elona?


> I'm still not convinced Kralk cares anything about anyone else, not his own "army", nor the pact. He hasn't shown any sign of needing his minions, like zhaitan did, and no sign of being afraid of anyone against him, even Balthazar and his warbeast.


In the core game's Ascalon, the Branded travel south towards Kralkatorrik. This is brought up by a multitude of NPCs, particularly in Fields of Ruin. It remains unclear, however, if this remains the case now.


That behavior you mention of destroyers? That is behavior of every dragon minion type rallied by nearby dragon champions. Otherwise, usually, the mindless grunts of minions just mill about attacking anything not of their kind - destroyer, branded, icebrood, and risen. Mordrem are the only example, but this is likely due to two factors, one being that Mordremoth was "active" thus constantly sending champions to gather minions (similar to Zhaitan in the later half of the game's plot, and we see on and off with Jormag throughout), and because of Mordremoth's mass telepathy via domain of mind magic which suggests he could directly communicate with every minion without the use of champions to gather them.


That said, no, Kralkatorrik doesn't care about others. For the most part at least. He appears to be greed incarnate out of any other Elder Dragon, wanting for himself everything he can get and seeking to destroy what he cannot have. Other Elder Dragons seem to function differently, with different goals in mind; that said, no Elder Dragon truly cares about their minions, anyways.


But he does react to the actions of others, as we see with Glint and his view of her being a traitor worth _immediately_ seeking out and killing. He also shows fear of Snaff in Edge of Destiny - which started out as annoyance - and had targeted the asura specifically once Glint died.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> That said, no, Kralkatorrik doesn't care about others. For the most part at least. He appears to be greed incarnate out of any other Elder Dragon, wanting for himself everything he can get and seeking to destroy what he cannot have. Other Elder Dragons seem to function differently, with different goals in mind; that said, no Elder Dragon truly cares about their minions, anyways.


> But he does react to the actions of others, as we see with Glint and his view of her being a traitor worth _immediately_ seeking out and killing. He also shows fear of Snaff in Edge of Destiny - which started out as annoyance - and had targeted the asura specifically once Glint died.


Also during the end of the PoF story when we're fighting Balthazar, our PC comments at a point during the fight it appears Kralkatorrik might have been helping us along with selective fire. Probably not out of the goodness of his heart but from a self-preservation perspective.


Further after Balthazar explodes and Kralkatorrik and Aurene snack on some magic, it's curious they both just leave. I would expect a greedy nigh force of nature to have come down on us after the more pressing threat was dealt with. Glad he didn't mind you but it's curious.

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