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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> @crepuscular.9047 Not sure what is up with the scheduling but all the serpent's Ire stuff is at 2AM my time. Not doable.


The public calendar is UTC, I think, but I'm sorry. I somehow missed you were EU based, and thought you were NA, so it was much more suitable. Apologies for the wasted time.

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Been jumping on at primetime NA this week to see if there's any truth to this notion that there are organised groups (and even pug groups... really now?) that run this event successfully.


So far, it's hot air as usual. Still got most of the week to go before the next LS chapter launches though, so let's see what happens over the weekend.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > @crepuscular.9047 Not sure what is up with the scheduling but all the serpent's Ire stuff is at 2AM my time. Not doable.


> The public calendar is UTC, I think, but I'm sorry. I somehow missed you were EU based, and thought you were NA, so it was much more suitable. Apologies for the wasted time.


I am NA. I thought the calendar auto-adjusted to the local time zone.


That said, I was on Tuesday night where according to this schedule there should have been a Serpent's Ire run and there was no organized group that I could find at that time. That dosen't mean they weren't on, but I couldn't find them to join if they were.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Been jumping on at primetime NA this week to see if there's any truth to this notion that there are organised groups (and even pug groups... really now?) that run this event successfully.


> So far, it's hot air as usual. Still got most of the week to go before the next LS chapter launches though, so let's see what happens over the weekend.


If it’s an organized group, the map is likely full as you’re checking just before the event starts. TTS has had it scheduled at least twice this past week. I’m not sure how you missed that if you were checking this past week during NA primetime.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > Been jumping on at primetime NA this week to see if there's any truth to this notion that there are organised groups (and even pug groups... really now?) that run this event successfully.

> >

> > So far, it's hot air as usual. Still got most of the week to go before the next LS chapter launches though, so let's see what happens over the weekend.


> If it’s an organized group, the map is likely full as you’re checking just before the event starts. TTS has had it scheduled at least twice this past week. I’m not sure how you missed that if you were checking this past week during NA primetime.


Pretty much this. It takes at least half an hour to organize, and on a good day the main squad will fill up 15 minutes before the event even begins.





Since people would rather complain that the event is impossible rather than ask how to git gud at hosting, I'm going to go ahead and volunteer this information on how to host at a serviceable level. For this, you will need:


(1)A commander tag

(2)The patience of Job

(3)A high CC class with full glass cannon gear.

(4)Enough physical health to handle the stress of hosting this event.

(5)A plate of food to give the whole squad. Personally I use Omnomberry Pie, but any general food will really help out.


Personally, I liked to host the event half an hour before server reset, but post reset you're likely to have more luck.


#45 minutes before Serpent's Ire Begins

Tag up, and put up the LFG. You'll want to float down to the ruined mirrors of Lyssa and mark all 5 zealot spawn points with the colored markers. Then, go into the daily squad message, and give the instructions in what to do. Personally, I like to list the following


>Serpent's Ire


>BRING ALL THE CC YOU CAN!!! Group assignments for phase 2


>Group 1: Purple Circle

>Group 2: Red Heart

>Group 3: Blue Square

>Group 4: Green Star

>Group 5: Cyan Swirl


>Need five volunteers for each Groups 2-5.


NOTE: I do not use the standard makers. I place the alt markers for 2-6, starting with the purple circle sitting at top-center position next to the ruins of lyssa's mirror marker. This is because the top-center spot has branded humans, which end up killing most CC groups. By putting the zerg there, the sheer number of players will overwhelm the branded humans.


#35 minutes before Serpent's Ire Begins

At this point, you'll want to go to every LWS4 Map, every PoF Map, and Lions arch, and advertise that you are forming. Personally, I say something like this:


>Forming Serpetn's Ire! Join me, the tag at [Market Ruins Waypoint] to get organized.


Now, personally I like to ask for specific classes, but if the squad doesn't fill up that fast before the event starts, you might just want to take anybody


>If you can, bring thief, berserker, soulbeast, renegade, holosmith, chronomancer.


I ask for these ones specifically because they have the highest CCPS, in that order. Chronomancer is a technicality. Really, the classes you'll want to avoid are the necromancer (any build), mirage, and the tempest. Those are the classes with the worst.


#30 minutes before Serpent's Ire Begins

You'll want to advertise in map chat that you are forming serpent's ire every 5 minutes. Depending on pure chance, you'll either get very few people, or you'll get a lot of people. Either way, you'll get a lot of questions from a lot of players. Mostly it is stuff like "What is serpent's ire?", "How do I do CC?", "Is this CC good?" "Is this build good?" "where do I go?", "what group am I in?" and so on. You'll have to answer them.


Note: harshness has a place. If you have proof that somebody is troll questioning, do not hesitate to kick them.


At this point, you should also beg both in map chat and in squad for volunteers for groups 2-5. You'll want five or six people in each of those groups. I say "beg constantly" because people will naturally suffer from spectator syndrome and will refuse to volunteer. They will refuse all the way up until the event fails, at which point they will complain that other people didn't volunteer. This comes with the territory: the community itself needs to learn how to do this event, and sometimes they need to fall flat on their face a few times before they figure out that they themselves have to volunteer.


Now, some people will manually organize, and this can work, but it also suffers from competency issues. People can be really dumb, and people can also be emotionally incapable of taking orders, so manually sorting people has the weakness that you're never certain if the person you've moved will cooperate. The advantage to this is you can control which classes go into the CC groups. The volunteer method is going to get you more competent players, but there's no guarantee that they'll bring a good class, or even bother to show up.


If you can get someone to volunteer advertising in other maps, it would really help out. Most people aren't looking at the Domain of Vabbi LFG.


#10 minutes before Serpent's Ire Begins

It is at this point where you'll want to pull everybody into Vabbi, and also when you'll give a full explanation. Give the explanation in map chat, since there will be a lot of players who refuse to join squads, or are reluctant to join any Serpent's Ire groups until they really feel like it is going off the ground. You will need most of the 10 minutes to give the full explanation. The exact format isn't set in stone, but there are a few general things you'll want to emphasize. Use more words than what I put here, or else you'll be buried under questions about the specifics:


First, that there are 3 phases.


Phase 1: Spread out, kill vets to spawn zealots, whack a champion forgotten zealot when you see one, help out nearby players fighting zealots.

Phase 2: Equip all the CC you can. Spread out to the marked areas. Start the fight on the springer. Use CC while defiance bar is up, unload all DPS skills when bar is broken..

Phase 3: Change builds back to normal. Focus Ysshi Hessani. Bring both melee and ranged weapons. Go south when Ysshi goes invulnerable at 25% health to kill sparks.


#5 minutes before Serpen'ts Ire Begins.

Now you'll want to drop food. Once you're done giving a general explanation in map chat, you'll have to post up good CC builds for each class, since most people don't know what CC is let alone what _good_ CC is. You'll have to do this in squad chat, because otherwise you'll be suppressed in map chat. Thankfully, I've composed a list of good CC loadouts for every class, including their hyperlinks. Copy + Paste this into chat, one class at a time.


>Mesmer: OH Sword + OH Shield. Chronobuffer build: [&BvZUAAA=], [&BvwnAAA=], [&Bl54AAA=], [&BqB0AAA=], [&Bpd2AAA=]. Weapon skills: [&BrN3AAA=], [&BnYoAAA=], [&Bi8oAAA=].


>Thief: Shortbow. [&BgEzAAA=], [&BkwzAAA=], For DD: [&Bmh3AAA=], [&BpR4AAA=]. For DE: [&BvWgAAA=], [&Bv+0AAA=]. Weapon: spam [&BuAyAAA=]


>Engineer: Sword/Shield. [&BptUAAA=], [&BrQWAAA=], [&Bs0WAAA=], [&BrMWAAA=], [&BhmkAAA=]. Weapon: [&BhmmAAA=], [&BqUXAAA=], [&BqYXAAA=].


>Warrior: Hammer + Mace/Mace. [&BqY4AAA=], [&BrQ4AAA=], [&BjQ4AAA=]/[&BvV0AAA=] for BE, [&Bod2AAA=]. Weapons: [&Bq84AAA=], [&Bhc4AAA=], [&BrI4AAA=], [&Bqc4AAA=], [&Bk84AAA=], [&Bls4AAA=].


>Revenant: Staff. Renegade. Spam [&BrpxAAA=]. Weapons: [&BjJxAAA=], Spam [&BtlxAAA=]. Alternatively, use Ventari and spam [&BrpxAAA=] if not renegade.


>Ranger: Longbow, Greatsword. Rock Gazelle + Electric Wyvern. [&BjIxAAA=], [&BrwwAAA=], [&BswwAAA=], [&BiQxAAA=]. Weapon skills: [&BrswAAA=], [&Bt8wAAA=]. Pet/SB skills: [&BrSjAAA=], [&Bq+yAAA=], [&Bpd7AAA=], [&BnSqAAA=]


>Elementalist: Sword/Dagger. [&BqoVAAA=], [&Br8VAAA=], [&BvgVAAA=], [&Bp4VAAA=]. Weapon Skills: [&BnMWAAA=], [&BqsVAAA=], [&BlkWAAA=], [&BmUWAAA=], [&BjoWAAA=], [&BjcWAAA=], [&Bte0AAA=], [&BsavAAA=].


>Guardian: Hammer, Greatsword. [&BoUjAAA=], [&BqUjAAA=], [&BqgjAAA=], [&BkF2AAA=]. Weapon Skills: [&BrsjAAA=], [&BqQjAAA=], [&Bm6BAAA=].


>Necromancer: Greatsword, OH Warhorn. [&BnwpAAA=], [&BiUpAAA=], [&BpYpAAA=] -> [&BpcpAAA=]. Weapon skills: [&BjwpAAA=], [&Bix0AAA=], [&Bl13AAA=], [&BgZ1AAA=].



When the event starts to begin proper, do not hesitate to use the squad announcements line to give commands. These commands are timely. In order to re-ping the squad assignments, be sure to go into the daily squad message, and either add a space or delete a space to update it. This will cause the squad message to re-appear for everybody in the chat.


Here comes the hard part. _You can abandon the run if it is doomed to fail_. If you're a little short on people, you'll get more as the event goes underway. But sometimes, you're very short on people, short on good CC classes, and short on volunteers. If you end up with squad full of 30 scourges, mirages, and tempests, the event is doomed. If you only get, like, 20 people, then the event is doomed. It can be hard to cut and run, especially after putting 45 minutes and 50 silver into trying to form. In general, however, the people who join only after the event is already underway are less than cooperative or skilled.


EDIT: However, only abandon the run **after** giving instructions. That way, even if people don't get to make an attempt, they've at least heard what to do and how to do it. If you abandon a run before giving instructions, people will just be frustrated and confused.


#0 hour, when the event begins

You'll still be answering various questions. After all, reading is hard, as is colors and shapes. Other than giving specific commands at this point, there isn't much else to do other than the event itself. The part where the event is likely to fail is phase 2, so you'll have to scream at the top of your lungs to get people to go into the right places. The second part where the event fails is at Ysshi, so you'll also have to scream at the top of your lungs to change builds back to regular and to bring both melee and ranged weapons, or else people will charge forward with a bunch of CC and nothing else.




That's basically it. The only part of this that I suggest you keep saved somewhere is all the builds. Otherwise, everything I've listed here should come naturally. Give plenty of time to organize the event, advertise you're organizing the event, and tell people what to do. The more familiar you are with the CC capabilities of each class, the better.


From here, it is out of your hands, You've done everything possible for a commander to host this event. Sometimes you'll get a good group that knows how to play and will follow directions. Sometimes you'll get a bad group that doesn't listen or respond, and instead just follows around the dorito or AFKs at the waypoint. The only way to get more successful than this is to have a large, active guild where everybody in it has already agreed to do the event.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Since people would rather complain that the event is impossible rather than ask how to git gud at hosting, I'm going to go ahead and volunteer this information on how to host at a serviceable level. For this, you will need:


> (1)A commander tag

> (2)The patience of Job

> (3)A high CC class with full glass cannon gear.

> (4)Enough physical health to handle the stress of hosting this event.

> (5)A plate of food to give the whole squad. Personally I use Omnomberry Pie, but any general food will really help out.


> Personally, I liked to host the event half an hour before server reset, but post reset you're likely to have more luck.


Yeah, this... is a bit of a problem.


I caught your group at 7pm Eastern which worked on mostly pugs (and that's the first occasion I've seen such a group succeed out of roughly 30-40 attempts).


The co-ordination required to get this done in such circumstances is greater than Triple Trouble at this point (thanks to power creep mainly). Which is fine; we need some hard content in the game. There's two big problems with this one though.


1. It's wedged in two collections full of casual-friendly content. That means it is frequently going to be the only thing that players pursuing those collections can't do, and with the sheer amount of organisation you've had to do to make this work at peak hour, off-peak players are up kitten creek without a paddle.

2. The rewards for completing it successfully are abysmal. There's no point repeating this after completing the collections because you get better loot faster by doing bounties, and that's just on _this_ map. Additionally you only need a very small number of players who know what they're doing to get bounties done.


Problem 1 can be addressed by simply taking it out of those collections, or adjusting them to fulfill the goals by merely killing a zealot in the first phase. But that's just going to finish off what's left of this moribund event. So the best solution would be fixing the risk/reward ratio, either by improving the rewards to the point it's worth the difficulty, or reducing the difficulty to match the Mouth of Torment event in the next map over.


Which could be done by cutting 80% off the break bar HPs at minimum scaling. That's literally the only thing that would need to happen to fix this.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > Since people would rather complain that the event is impossible rather than ask how to git gud at hosting, I'm going to go ahead and volunteer this information on how to host at a serviceable level. For this, you will need:

> >

> > (1)A commander tag

> > (2)The patience of Job

> > (3)A high CC class with full glass cannon gear.

> > (4)Enough physical health to handle the stress of hosting this event.

> > (5)A plate of food to give the whole squad. Personally I use Omnomberry Pie, but any general food will really help out.

> >

> > Personally, I liked to host the event half an hour before server reset, but post reset you're likely to have more luck.


> Yeah, this... is a bit of a problem.


> I caught your group at 7pm Eastern which worked on mostly pugs (and that's the first occasion I've seen such a group succeed out of roughly 30-40 attempts).


So you’ve actually done 30-40 attempts or is that an exaggeration? It’s just such a high number that I find it difficult to imagine you would attempt it that many times. With some players’ propensity to embellish their claims, it also leads me to suspect.


> The co-ordination required to get this done in such circumstances is greater than Triple Trouble at this point (thanks to power creep mainly). Which is fine; we need some hard content in the game. There's two big problems with this one though.


I disagree that it requires as much coordination as TT. I’ve done that boss (or would it be bosses) many times with a group that insisted on splitting everyone up by class and then spreading them out evenly. You then had another guild, I think it was TTS, that didn’t bother with any of that and they still succeeded.


There are varying degrees of coordination that can be made to meta events. Just because one group micro manages how they run theirs, doesn’t mean that that is what is required in order to succeed.


> 1. It's wedged in two collections full of casual-friendly content. That means it is frequently going to be the only thing that players pursuing those collections can't do, and with the sheer amount of organisation you've had to do to make this work at peak hour, off-peak players are up kitten creek without a paddle.


Define “casual-friendly content”. Why does the optional collection, with an optional reward, have to be completed easily?


> 2. The rewards for completing it successfully are abysmal. There's no point repeating this after completing the collections because you get better loot faster by doing bounties, and that's just on _this_ map. Additionally you only need a very small number of players who know what they're doing to get bounties done.


Yes, the rewards are terrible and you can get better rewards elsewhere. Technically, you can apply this to many other things in the game than just this meta.


Bounties don’t require anyone to know what they’re doing unless there’s a mechanic that involves breaking its bar. And do be honest, those ones tend to require the same percentage of the group to do that as what is generally needed for Serpent’s Ire.


> Problem 1 can be addressed by simply taking it out of those collections, or adjusting them to fulfill the goals by merely killing a zealot in the first phase. But that's just going to finish off what's left of this moribund event. So the best solution would be fixing the risk/reward ratio, either by improving the rewards to the point it's worth the difficulty, or reducing the difficulty to match the Mouth of Torment event in the next map over.


Collections are perfectly fine as is. I’m not against an increase in that metas rewards.


> Which could be done by cutting 80% off the break bar HPs at minimum scaling. That's literally the only thing that would need to happen to fix this.


No. That would essentially remove all challenge to the meta and reduce it has nothing more than any other world boss where you just mash your keys to win.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> Been trying to get it for the golem backpiece SINCE S2 DROPPED. Even with 50 people can't do it for MONTHS. The CC phase is ludicrously difficult. I have literally done this almost daily for MONTHS and never finished it ONCE. This is without a doubt the WORST event in the entire game. And to top it off outside of the collections it is part of the rewards for all this effort are GARBAGE. Fix it and improve the rewards, or remove it from ALL collections and chains.


Ok... That's unlucky... I've tried it twice and finished it once in the last month... Still 50% success on a World Event shows it's not doing great.

It's more like the reward doesn't fit the effort... If it had more guaranteed Elegies, and something like multiple chests or whatever, i'd guarantee you there would be more people doing it!

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You're welcome. I used to host it every weekday, and before that I would host it once a week during the weekday. The daily run has a higher chance of failure than doing it once a week, since the player pool doesn't regenerate as fast, but when I started the daily runs my success rate is around 50%. Of course, I don't have the strength to do that now.


I do these things mostly to show that _you_ can do it. Whenever someone complains that the event is impossible, and I can just show up with no warning and host a successful run with no guild, then that makes me wonder about that person. Hence, my "git gud" theory.


Now, personally I think that the global buff that each zealot gives each other should be changed. Currently it reduces all incoming damage by 33%. With all 5 zealots, this comes to a 166% reduction, meaning that until two zealots are dead you aren't going to get a realistic DPS increase from good coordination. I'd change this buff to be a 20% reduction. That way, good coordination is meaningful, and condi builds won't be discriminated against as much. Also, better rewards would be nice.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> i did it again and really theres something **broken**, even for hard CC the bar decay is too _slowly_, i guess theres some problem with escalation.


It isn't broken, it just has a really solid amount of defiance, uh, "hit points" I guess is the way to put it. Basically, the defiance bar is like a separate health bar, and you do "damage" to it using CC skills. These mobs just have a huge pile of it, to force a focus on CC to bring them under control, the same way you sometimes get a mob with a huge pile of regular health, to force spending more time on damage.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > i did it again and really theres something **broken**, even for hard CC the bar decay is too _slowly_, i guess theres some problem with escalation.


> It isn't broken, it just has a really solid amount of defiance, uh, "hit points" I guess is the way to put it. Basically, the defiance bar is like a separate health bar, and you do "damage" to it using CC skills. These mobs just have a huge pile of it, to force a focus on CC to bring them under control, the same way you sometimes get a mob with a huge pile of regular health, to force spending more time on damage.


Giving things massive damage reduction is probably more common. Also what is being done here.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > i did it again and really theres something **broken**, even for hard CC the bar decay is too _slowly_, i guess theres some problem with escalation.

> >

> > It isn't broken, it just has a really solid amount of defiance, uh, "hit points" I guess is the way to put it. Basically, the defiance bar is like a separate health bar, and you do "damage" to it using CC skills. These mobs just have a huge pile of it, to force a focus on CC to bring them under control, the same way you sometimes get a mob with a huge pile of regular health, to force spending more time on damage.


> Giving things massive damage reduction is probably more common. Also what is being done here.


I'm not sure there is a practical difference, but you are probably right. I never bothered to check the underlying mechanisms for the implementation, since it doesn't change my interactions with it. Thank you for clarifying.

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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > > i did it again and really theres something **broken**, even for hard CC the bar decay is too _slowly_, i guess theres some problem with escalation.

> > >

> > > It isn't broken, it just has a really solid amount of defiance, uh, "hit points" I guess is the way to put it. Basically, the defiance bar is like a separate health bar, and you do "damage" to it using CC skills. These mobs just have a huge pile of it, to force a focus on CC to bring them under control, the same way you sometimes get a mob with a huge pile of regular health, to force spending more time on damage.

> >

> > Giving things massive damage reduction is probably more common. Also what is being done here.


> I'm not sure there is a practical difference, but you are probably right. I never bothered to check the underlying mechanisms for the implementation, since it doesn't change my interactions with it. Thank you for clarifying.


my suspicion originated from the following: I always did with zerg(like 10+ for each zealot), then recently i tried with 5 people for each zealot, the bar loss per CC hit seems to me the same as if it were 10 or 12 people. basically with half of people's the chances of failing double, instead of de-escalating the difficult.


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> @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > > i did it again and really theres something **broken**, even for hard CC the bar decay is too _slowly_, i guess theres some problem with escalation.

> > >

> > > It isn't broken, it just has a really solid amount of defiance, uh, "hit points" I guess is the way to put it. Basically, the defiance bar is like a separate health bar, and you do "damage" to it using CC skills. These mobs just have a huge pile of it, to force a focus on CC to bring them under control, the same way you sometimes get a mob with a huge pile of regular health, to force spending more time on damage.

> >

> > Giving things massive damage reduction is probably more common. Also what is being done here.


> I'm not sure there is a practical difference, but you are probably right. I never bothered to check the underlying mechanisms for the implementation, since it doesn't change my interactions with it. Thank you for clarifying.


There is when there are mechanics that scale off the damage done.

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When I said I had been doing it multiple times a day for over a month I was NOT exaggerating. It's gotten me to the point where I'm so pissed off but OCD enough that this is all I can stand to do in the game outside of raiding. And even my OCD won't carry it much further...


And it should be noted this is far from the first thread I have written about this event. I have been begging them to fix it since the release of PoF.

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Attempted 4 times, successfully did 3 of them. Isnt hard at all, just need organization and people willing to change their builds.


The event is boring and unrewarding, its been months since i last done it...probably will stay that way until anet puts better rewards or ties it to a collection yet again. The way it is right now it isnt worth anybodys time tbh.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> When I said I had been doing it multiple times a day for over a month I was NOT exaggerating. It's gotten me to the point where I'm so pissed off but OCD enough that this is all I can stand to do in the game outside of raiding. And even my OCD won't carry it much further...


> And it should be noted this is far from the first thread I have written about this event. I have been begging them to fix it since the release of PoF.


TTS is doing a run after the next daily reset (Saturday night - NA). Contact one of them, and see if they can get you into their map when they run it.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> OK, I just got it thanks to TTS. Thanks. If they would make the rewards worth it for people to organize regularly then the event wouldn't be that bad.


> Also, Good God ANet fix the horrible lag in phase 3!!!


Honestly this is the reason I mostly don't bother with the event. It has nothing to do with the skill required or even the rewards, but because of the brandstorm and the other players and the general business of the event itself, this event tanks my framerates to anemic levels even when 50+ zerg vs zerg in wvw or any other world boss or meta events don't hit me anywhere close to as hard (MOSTLY I blame the brandstorm effects. This seems to be the only element that's super different vs other events.)

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> So you’ve actually done 30-40 attempts or is that an exaggeration? It’s just such a high number that I find it difficult to imagine you would attempt it that many times. With some players’ propensity to embellish their claims, it also leads me to suspect.


That's not an exaggeration. I've attempted this event regularly for two stretches of about two weeks, and tend to AFK or do something else between meta-events, so it's not unusual for me to play 3 events per day when I'm trying for it. Owing to my current shift schedule I'm able to play during NA peak right now, but usually I've been on Oceanic prime-time. Most of the meta-events I've played don't even get enough people to reach the second stage because the map's dead during those hours.


It's succeeded twice while I've been there. Once with a guild-sponsored group two days after episode 2 dropped, the second time with a group of pugs last week.


> I disagree that it requires as much coordination as TT. I’ve done that boss (or would it be bosses) many times with a group that insisted on splitting everyone up by class and then spreading them out evenly. You then had another guild, I think it was TTS, that didn’t bother with any of that and they still succeeded.


I don't quite follow you here. You're saying TT requires less co-ordination, because you don't have to focus so much on making sure every member of the group has a viable CC build?


> There are varying degrees of coordination that can be made to meta events. Just because one group micro manages how they run theirs, doesn’t mean that that is what is required in order to succeed.


The two successful attempts I've joined for Serpents' Ire were micro-managed. Unsuccessful attempts with similar numbers were mostly not micro-managed. Not to say you have to tell everyone what to use if they already know the mechanics, but I doubt that my experience has been a coincidence. People naturally go for DPS over CC, and zerg over spreading out. What people naturally do will wipe the map here.


> > 1. It's wedged in two collections full of casual-friendly content. That means it is frequently going to be the only thing that players pursuing those collections can't do, and with the sheer amount of organisation you've had to do to make this work at peak hour, off-peak players are up kitten creek without a paddle.


> Define “casual-friendly content”. Why does the optional collection, with an optional reward, have to be completed easily?


The whole game is optional, so that's irrelevant. The "Exaltation of the Guardians" collection requires participating in the main meta-events for each map. You need to get a Superior Buried Treasure in Desert Highlands (trivially easy), purchase goods after participating in the Casino Blitz (trivially easy), defeat the Doppelganger in the Elon Riverlands (requires a zerg but no co-ordination), defeat the Legendary Forged Demolisher in the Desolation (requires a zerg but no co-ordination), and successfully complete the Serpents' Ire meta-event in Vabbi (requires a very co-ordinated zerg).


"Redeeming IG-6417" has a lot more steps, but likewise all of them can be completed solo or with un-coordinated groups. Except one.


When there is a collection that starts with easy achievements that anyone can do at any time of the day, it's leading players into thinking this collection is suitable for them to attempt. And then they run into that one solitary part of the collection that they can't do, bash their heads against it for a while, realise this doesn't make sense and post angry threads like this on the forums, and get told by people like you that the solution is "git gud". Well thanks.


> Yes, the rewards are terrible and you can get better rewards elsewhere. Technically, you can apply this to many other things in the game than just this meta.


> Bounties don’t require anyone to know what they’re doing unless there’s a mechanic that involves breaking its bar. And do be honest, those ones tend to require the same percentage of the group to do that as what is generally needed for Serpent’s Ire.


Except that all the bounties can be solved by throwing more people at them, because eventually people just spam enough CC to break the bar anyway (see chak gerent and Mouth of Mordremoth). You can't just throw people at Serpent's Ire and get the same result, but you do get the same reward as all the events where you can.


> > Which could be done by cutting 80% off the break bar HPs at minimum scaling. That's literally the only thing that would need to happen to fix this.


> No. That would essentially remove all challenge to the meta and reduce it has nothing more than any other world boss where you just mash your keys to win.


If it's not going to be turned into an event where you mash all your keys to win, it shouldn't be rewarded like an event where you mash all your keys to win. Otherwise no experienced players, unfinished collections, angry threads, "git gud", you get the picture.

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  • 1 year later...

> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> Been trying to get it for the golem backpiece SINCE S2 DROPPED. Even with 50 people can't do it for MONTHS. The CC phase is ludicrously difficult. I have literally done this almost daily for MONTHS and never finished it ONCE. This is without a doubt the WORST event in the entire game. And to top it off outside of the collections it is part of the rewards for all this effort are GARBAGE. Fix it and improve the rewards, or remove it from ALL collections and chains.


So... two years later, it's still the case that never ever anyone plays this meta, no commanders who organize it and it's still in the collection for the golem backpiece. I would like to know if anyone can give me a link go a group of people on EU who do that meta. Doubt that it exist. But then how am I suppose to finish the backpiece? The undoable part is at the end of all the adventures. I left it for last (its number 7 from the 21 achievements) in the redeeming collection, thinking that I will dedicate time to do that later. I dedicated but BALLZ! 10 days and not even one meta was started or done. There is simply nobody there. How to do it? :> Its using up 20 inventory slots for all the things I done already, I don't want to erase all that and forget about it... Or keep 20 slots occupied for unknown amount of time (probably forever yes? no?) Talk about "I'm stuck" :>

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> @"CDBeauty.3691" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > Been trying to get it for the golem backpiece SINCE S2 DROPPED. Even with 50 people can't do it for MONTHS. The CC phase is ludicrously difficult. I have literally done this almost daily for MONTHS and never finished it ONCE. This is without a doubt the WORST event in the entire game. And to top it off outside of the collections it is part of the rewards for all this effort are GARBAGE. Fix it and improve the rewards, or remove it from ALL collections and chains.


> So... two years later, it's still the case that never ever anyone plays this meta, no commanders who organize it and it's still in the collection for the golem backpiece. I would like to know if anyone can give me a link go a group of people on EU who do that meta. Doubt that it exist. But then how am I suppose to finish the backpiece? The undoable part is at the end of all the adventures. I left it for last (its number 7 from the 21 achievements) in the redeeming collection, thinking that I will dedicate time to do that later. I dedicated but kitten! 10 days and not even one meta was started or done. There is simply nobody there. How to do it? :> Its using up 20 inventory slots for all the things I done already, I don't want to erase all that and forget about it... Or keep 20 slots occupied for unknown amount of time (probably forever yes? no?) Talk about "I'm stuck" :>


First off, the original post is out of date. This meta was reworked last year:



It got a fixed timer, was reduced significantly in difficulty and rewards for completing it were increased. The situation as described by topic creator is not the case any longer. The meta was not being done before but saw a significant increase in completion after the changes.


The meta is still not done at all times, but if you keep an eye out on the LFG and use https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers an event timer to see when the event, which as mentioned is now on a fixed timer, is soon to be up. You should be able to find a group of players doing the event. Simply staying in 1 map near the event will NOT be useful, since chances are high you might not even be on the correct map.


Good Luck.

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