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How long is the Pof story in hours? no spoilers please :D


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It's going to vary too much from person to person to say. A lot of the time spent in open world is going to depend on what mounts/tiers you have unlocked. It's a lot faster if you boost those first (although you don't have to right away and you don't need all the mounts). It also depends on how challenged you are by the fights and the puzzles.


I just finished today, without playing it full time and without rushing (I'd get distracted by events, vistas, hearts, etc along the way). I probably would have finished yesterday, except I ran into some of the server crashes we've heard so much about.


My feeling is that PoF is shorter than HoT (which is much shorter than the original personal story), but it feels meatier to me. That's partly because I think they've take out more of the usual fluff. I'm reserving judgment about that until I run another toon through for the chieves.



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Damn what a bummer.... I was expecting it to be longer than Hot , especially after being marketed as a content filled expansion...

I was worried when I explored all of the first map , that totally wasn't as big as anticipated..

Still I'm enjoying it so far... If only it was a longer story it would probably bring me again back to the game...


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> @Dantert.1803 said:

> kitten what a bummer.... I was expecting it to be longer than Hot , especially after being marketed as a content filled expansion...

> I was worried when I explored all of the first map , that totally wasn't as big as anticipated..

> Still I'm enjoying it so far... If only it was a longer story it would probably bring me again back to the game...



The second map covers the same horizontal space, but feels much, much bigger. You'll see when you get around to playing it.


I went decently quickly through the story (granted, I had some exploration time in there too) and I can honestly say it took me at least 10 hours.

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I recorded all of my story gameplay and posted it to my youtube channel...I think it was a total of 4-5 hours (possibly closer to 6)- 25 videos...even with an additional 12 min repeat boss fight after a disconnect and lots of cussing. BUT it was all enjoyable content! All I bothered to record was the actual story...I still have so much more exploring to do.

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It's not something you can realistically judge. There are people that have already completed it, and even own the bonus mount. Personally, between getting mounts, masteries, etc., I am only starting Act 2 within the same time it took them to finish whole thing, and I am fine with it. It all depends if you are going to focus on blasting through story content (and then start crying how you have to deviate from main path to catch an extra mastery here and there), or if you will also do extra things (like hearts etc, for extra flavor to the story). I have months to go before LS4 so I am not in a rush.

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  • 7 months later...

I Played through PoF in 3 hours the first time (rush just to get it done) when I replayed it later that week for enjoying and most Achievements it took me about 10-12 hours to complete it. So the time it takes is very depending on your playstyle and I would say it can take between 2 (I didnt use boosters to get Masteries/Mounts done fast in my 3 hour run) and 20 hours (If you go really slow and explore the Instances alot).


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Depending on how you do it. If you only have 1 lvl 80 it might take longer to level up some masteries to move forward. Because you have to continue having a certain mastery to be able to finish the story. If you have multiple 80s. Do the story and hit up the hps till you get the masteries you need. And then switch to the other one and do the same till you get the masteries you need. More hps gives you more exp = leveling masteries faster.


But pof was not as hard as leveling as hot. So if your really trying to speed through, You could finish within the same day. But counting hours with getting the masteries could vary by you looking at guides to get the points and leveling.


If you have everything, couple hours. If you don’t, add few more hours to level up.

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I would say it is def longer than HoT and by a reasonable margin. HoT was slowed down by certain mastery gates which barely hamper PoF in comparison. There are also more and longer instances in pof


It certainly feels a lot longer than HoT because it tries a lot harder not to rush you through the story. It has mixed success here, but achieves the goal better than HoT did.


What HoT has is more repeatable content which encourages you stat on a map for longer if you want to. PoF maps have less reasons to return in comparison. That skews the length of play a bit.


Episodes in season 4 are also the longest episodes if any season yet and they extend on from the expac better than ls3 did for hot, so you have more than just what pof lands with.

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well in 2017 when it come out, i played 12 hours non-stop to finish the story. The first time is harsher cuz of masters tracks to unlock some mounts habilities to travel. So the real time consuming on Pof is the masteries track. Once u unlock it, and all mounts, redo the history will be faster with other toons.

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> @"Dantert.1803" said:

> As in the title, does anyone know how much the main story would last without speeding through each mission? How many hours?

> Also does it feel long enough?


I completed the story in three days, each day each part:


Act 1- not counting the bugs that prevented you to enter the instances it took me 5 hours - maps exploring, figuring out what to do in the instances, seeking some lore information all over the map.

Act 2- it's the most juicy part of the whole expansion, and it was quite impressive story-telling. You will find out really amazing and epic stuff in this part. Took me 6-7 hours to complete it, exploring the maps, doing stuff and again seeking the lore.

Act 3- a bit rushed one, but only the first part, then you will get some really great moments (no spoilers)- took me 6-7 hours to complete the whole Act.


It was not as long as HoT, but maybe because you had to do masteries, figuring out where the heck is the next chapter, and it was quite tangled story-, so it took me much longer.



So PoF gave me like ~19 hrs of great fun.


But it was my slowest mode. :)


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