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Your favorite PC voice actors!

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> All I know is I had to delete my female Sylvari Guardian because she yells in the same exact voice/inflection as the Krait witches. It's really grating and I could stand no more. I don't mind them using the same voice actor - but at least make an effort to sound a LITTLE different for the different roles.

Like on male **Asura** and **Humans**? Or female **Asura** and **Charr**? They also use the same voice actor the the *guttural* sounds.

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  • 1 year later...

God, I just adore the male Sylvari voice actor. I may have been quite lucky that his voice felt perfect for my first character/main toon but I wouldn't have it any other way.


But this man's voice acting just astounds me. I guess I feel so even more than some other players would due to the fact that I played all story after base game immediately one after the other. LS2, Heart of Thorns, LS3, Path of Fire, and a bit spotty but the first two and last episode of season 4, and now season 5 and I'm always blown away by the voice actor. It's real subtle but to me it really sounds like he's understanding that the commander character is heavily emotionally affeted as the story goes on and his voice has these little nuances that reflect that. It's fantastic. In base game he was confident, rather cheerful. Move on to Season 2 and he's surrounded by a sense of urgency (same for much of Heart of Thorns as well), and his voice in LS3 to Path of Fire just continues to get more heavy, darker, tired I'd say. And it works, phenominally. Again, his voice fits my toon perfectly so it really makes the story so much more impactful for me and I love it.

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  • 4 months later...

Now, I know this post is pretty old but let me vote as well :D For me it's totally Brandon Bales, although (as a Critter and because he's awesome) I really like Matt Mercer as well! But male sylvari is my main <3 I like Jennifer Hale too, but there are too many memories of Mass Effect going on to enjoy it in a new way ^^


> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> No love for french or german voice overs. RIP


> D:


Honestly, even though I'm native german, I've never really played in German ^^' Maybe it's only my taste but I don't like most of the german voice acting - not just in gw2.

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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> God, I just adore the male Sylvari voice actor. I may have been quite lucky that his voice felt perfect for my first character/main toon but I wouldn't have it any other way.


> But this man's voice acting just astounds me. I guess I feel so even more than some other players would due to the fact that I played all story after base game immediately one after the other. LS2, Heart of Thorns, LS3, Path of Fire, and a bit spotty but the first two and last episode of season 4, and now season 5 and I'm always blown away by the voice actor. It's real subtle but to me it really sounds like he's understanding that the commander character is heavily emotionally affeted as the story goes on and his voice has these little nuances that reflect that. It's fantastic. In base game he was confident, rather cheerful. Move on to Season 2 and he's surrounded by a sense of urgency (same for much of Heart of Thorns as well), and his voice in LS3 to Path of Fire just continues to get more heavy, darker, tired I'd say. And it works, phenominally. Again, his voice fits my toon perfectly so it really makes the story so much more impactful for me and I love it.


I can totally relate on that !! Played Heart of Thorns (actually re-played the whole story of HoT because of him!) in less than two days and just started Season 3. Haven't played further on yet but absolutely looking forward to it !

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I voted for the Female Sylvari but it was a very close second for the Female Asura. Jennifer Hale does a great job at really delivering that "classic" Sylvari curiosity while not letting it completely define the character. It's very clear, forward, and direct. Easy to appreciate and easy to tell she's been doing this for a long time!


However, the Female Asura lines are the meanest ones in the game. Yet Colleen delivers the lines without a trace of of it being unnatural. It's just how Asura are and you can really get that cultural influence in her telling someone that they'll leave a dumb corpse. So well executed that it never breaks the reality that Colleen has probably never said that before in her life whereas an Asura would grow up saying stuff like that.


Kate Miller did a great job, too. She had to voice a giant cat! Not an easy feat I'd imagine. I think if Charr lines were more interesting (not her fault) then she'd be higher on the list.


I think as a race though, Sylvari came out on top. The game honestly has pretty great voice acting!

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Sadly the Female Human voice got ruined for me when i realised its the same person who voiced Sharon Marsh from South Park... so now i cant stop seeing a middle aged cartoon mum when ever my character speaks...



If you don't want to ruin your GW2 experience... do not check Sharon Marsh out in South Park. ¬_¬

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It was a really hard choice for me between male Sylvari and male Charr but I chose sylvari because I miss the old charr voice a bit. But that is for the English version only. If it was about the German dub (which I haven't heard in years now) I'd take the charr voice just solely for the fact that my first ever character was a charr.

But actually every voice actor is doing a good job here although I can't stand the female voices (mainly in combat) which is also a reason why I play male characters only aside from the fact that playing female characters as a man makes me a bit uncomfortable.

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