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Your Deadliest Enemy?

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Of all the areas I traveled, Orr is home to the most vicious and deadly creature you can come across. This thing can easily 1-shot entire parties and has probably slaughtered more unwary adventurers than the Mouth of Zhaitan. Champion Risen Drake Broodmother




That one Champion Risen Knight that flies around one of the Hero Points is also extremely menacing. I suppose the Risen Drake is basically the same one they used in Siren's Landing too, in which case this is VERY understandable haha

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I think the most damage comes from abominations when the break bar is up. You pretty much have to break it. Is it retaliation? I feel like when I don’t attack them they don’t do as much but the key is the breakbar.


And the awakened casters with the beam that fish out 20 conditions per second hit me harder I think but it depends on what I’m playing.


I remember when karka would have been number 1. How far we’ve come.

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A lot of these enemies are trivialized by strong damage and CC. Those veteran hydras, for instance. They become stunned if you knock 33% health off their bar. This makes them a lot easier to fight with high damage builds as you can simply chain stun them to death before they can do anything. You can do the same thing with Stoneheads in HoT, but you have to use your own CC to break their bar rather than having it baked into health thresholds.


Pocket raptors, shadowleapers, smokescales, mordrem snipers. They all have no health! Playing evasively is just wasting time. Jump on them and kill them so they can't deal damage back!






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The only ones that regularly kill me are the awakened canids and the abominations. The canids are because I run around glass as possible without a stun break on my bar.


The abominations get more special mention. Their regular rotations aren't that bad, except for one attack. They'll raise their hand, then get a wall of swords and sand floating around them. When this happens, **do not attack them.** Any hit is automatically retaliated with a high damaging projectile that flies out from the barrier. The problem is, these projectiles fly out direct at you, and not the source of the attack. Any turrets or minions will cause a hailstorm of daggers to fly at you. If you have any lingering fields, or if you fire off one multi-hitting attack, you'll get a dagger for every single individual hit. For a lot of classes, this barrier is effectively an instant-death field.



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > > For me at least, Canids aren't the worst as long as you don't ignore them, and pocket raptors and rolling devils can be dealt with once you know their attack patterns. The enemies I hate the most are Awakened Abominations, and Bristlebacks. The abominations just seem to pump out tons of damage, and I have yet to figure out which attack I need to avoid to mitigate that. If I'm ever forced to deal with them, like fending off troublemakers at the necropolis, I usually just try to lure everyone else to the other side of the room and hope the other enemies respawn before I have to deal with him. For bristlebacks of anything vet or above, if I don't have a stealth or reflect on my bar, it's really tough to take one down in a straight-up brawl in open ground. It seems to be a simple question of can I break agro or block/reflect projectiles on command. They can fire off hard hitting attacks in quick succession, enough that you'll run out of blocks/dodges before they run out of steam unless you can get out of there. High-ranked smokescales hit about as hard, but you can avoid the worst with a well-timed doge and careful positioning.

> > >

> > > I was suuuper frustrated with Bristlebacks until I started farming Treasure Mushrooms. The one in Auric Basin is basically in Bristleback City. I learned to avoid their stupid attack, all you have to do is walk to the side until they finally stop lmao

> >

> > Is ... is... is this real? That works? They are the one HoT enemy I have not worked out yet. I am no longer in fear of the raptors, or the mushrooms, or anything else other than the dang bristlebacks. I swear I tried this -- well, dodging to the side anyway -- and it didn't work, but next time I'm gonna try it and see!


> I couldn't believe it either how simple it is. I usually use Q and E to walk to the sides instead of A D


I just want to follow this up because I wanted to record a small video showing how easy it is. Turns out something is wrong, because those fucks hit me 50% of the time still.


It seems to be super inconsistent. Sometimes just walking in another direction works, sometimes you have to first walk left then immediately start walking right and other times they just always hit me lol You can kind of dance from left to right to avoid some of the projectiles because they are always fired ahead of you

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> At one point, the official title of "deadliest monster", the record for most player deaths, was held by good ol' Risen Brute.

> I know, I was shocked too.


> I suspect it's still up there in kills... I'd love to see the updated metric.


For everyone thinking about the risen brutes in Orr right now: The only reason the risen brute got 1st place is because it also appears in the starter zones. Combine new players who have no idea what they're doing and a few afk players with a frequently occurring mob that has knock-down and the player kills start piling up. Using the same logic the first Goomba in Super Mario is the deadliest creature in the game.

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > At one point, the official title of "deadliest monster", the record for most player deaths, was held by good ol' Risen Brute.

> > I know, I was shocked too.

> >

> > I suspect it's still up there in kills... I'd love to see the updated metric.


> For everyone thinking about the risen brutes in Orr right now: The only reason the risen brute got 1st place is because it also appears in the starter zones. Combine new players who have no idea what they're doing and a few afk players with a frequently occurring mob that has knock-down and the player kills start piling up. Using the same logic the first Goomba in Super Mario is the deadliest creature in the game.



Even if the first Goomba doesn't have a 25 stack self-buff, it still one-shots you at that point in the game =)

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> @"PzTnT.7198" said:

> I'm surprised nobody has mention that bloody champion frog in verdant brink. The one you need to kill for the hero point.


I hate vampire bat the most. Impossible to kill if you don't know exactly what to dodge.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > For me at least, Canids aren't the worst as long as you don't ignore them, and pocket raptors and rolling devils can be dealt with once you know their attack patterns. The enemies I hate the most are Awakened Abominations, and Bristlebacks. The abominations just seem to pump out tons of damage, and I have yet to figure out which attack I need to avoid to mitigate that. If I'm ever forced to deal with them, like fending off troublemakers at the necropolis, I usually just try to lure everyone else to the other side of the room and hope the other enemies respawn before I have to deal with him. For bristlebacks of anything vet or above, if I don't have a stealth or reflect on my bar, it's really tough to take one down in a straight-up brawl in open ground. It seems to be a simple question of can I break agro or block/reflect projectiles on command. They can fire off hard hitting attacks in quick succession, enough that you'll run out of blocks/dodges before they run out of steam unless you can get out of there. High-ranked smokescales hit about as hard, but you can avoid the worst with a well-timed doge and careful positioning.


> I was suuuper frustrated with Bristlebacks until I started farming Treasure Mushrooms. The one in Auric Basin is basically in Bristleback City. I learned to avoid their stupid attack, all you have to do is walk to the side until they finally stop lmao


Pfft. It's easier to farm TMs in Bloodtone Fen (in the semi-cavern thing almost straight down from the WP). But yeah, Vet Bristlebacks are annoying.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > For me at least, Canids aren't the worst as long as you don't ignore them, and pocket raptors and rolling devils can be dealt with once you know their attack patterns. The enemies I hate the most are Awakened Abominations, and Bristlebacks. The abominations just seem to pump out tons of damage, and I have yet to figure out which attack I need to avoid to mitigate that. If I'm ever forced to deal with them, like fending off troublemakers at the necropolis, I usually just try to lure everyone else to the other side of the room and hope the other enemies respawn before I have to deal with him. For bristlebacks of anything vet or above, if I don't have a stealth or reflect on my bar, it's really tough to take one down in a straight-up brawl in open ground. It seems to be a simple question of can I break agro or block/reflect projectiles on command. They can fire off hard hitting attacks in quick succession, enough that you'll run out of blocks/dodges before they run out of steam unless you can get out of there. High-ranked smokescales hit about as hard, but you can avoid the worst with a well-timed doge and careful positioning.

> >

> > I was suuuper frustrated with Bristlebacks until I started farming Treasure Mushrooms. The one in Auric Basin is basically in Bristleback City. I learned to avoid their stupid attack, all you have to do is walk to the side until they finally stop lmao


> Pfft. It's easier to farm TMs in Bloodtone Fen (in the semi-cavern thing almost straight down from the WP). But yeah, Vet Bristlebacks are annoying.


Farming ALL the mushrooms besides Dragon's Stand or bust! :D

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > > > > For me at least, Canids aren't the worst as long as you don't ignore them, and pocket raptors and rolling devils can be dealt with once you know their attack patterns. The enemies I hate the most are Awakened Abominations, and Bristlebacks. The abominations just seem to pump out tons of damage, and I have yet to figure out which attack I need to avoid to mitigate that. If I'm ever forced to deal with them, like fending off troublemakers at the necropolis, I usually just try to lure everyone else to the other side of the room and hope the other enemies respawn before I have to deal with him. For bristlebacks of anything vet or above, if I don't have a stealth or reflect on my bar, it's really tough to take one down in a straight-up brawl in open ground. It seems to be a simple question of can I break agro or block/reflect projectiles on command. They can fire off hard hitting attacks in quick succession, enough that you'll run out of blocks/dodges before they run out of steam unless you can get out of there. High-ranked smokescales hit about as hard, but you can avoid the worst with a well-timed doge and careful positioning.

> > > >

> > > > I was suuuper frustrated with Bristlebacks until I started farming Treasure Mushrooms. The one in Auric Basin is basically in Bristleback City. I learned to avoid their stupid attack, all you have to do is walk to the side until they finally stop lmao

> > >

> > > Is ... is... is this real? That works? They are the one HoT enemy I have not worked out yet. I am no longer in fear of the raptors, or the mushrooms, or anything else other than the dang bristlebacks. I swear I tried this -- well, dodging to the side anyway -- and it didn't work, but next time I'm gonna try it and see!

> >

> > I couldn't believe it either how simple it is. I usually use Q and E to walk to the sides instead of A D


> I just want to follow this up because I wanted to record a small video showing how easy it is. Turns out something is wrong, because those kitten hit me 50% of the time still.


> It seems to be super inconsistent. Sometimes just walking in another direction works, sometimes you have to first walk left then immediately start walking right and other times they just always hit me lol You can kind of dance from left to right to avoid some of the projectiles because they are always fired ahead of you


Ah! Yeah, I'm familiar with that side to side dance, when far enough away, to avoid the projectiles. It's one of my few tricks, but if I'm too close, not enough time to get away. :( Still, I'll see what I can do next time one targets me. (and thank you!)

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I just want to follow this up because I wanted to record a small video showing how easy it is. Turns out something is wrong, because those kitten hit me 50% of the time still.


> It seems to be super inconsistent. Sometimes just walking in another direction works, sometimes you have to first walk left then immediately start walking right and other times they just always hit me lol You can kind of dance from left to right to avoid some of the projectiles because they are always fired ahead of you


The ability to juke is affected by the distance from the enemy. In melee range you'll dodge nothing, but at 1200 range almost nothing will hit you.


> @"PzTnT.7198" said:

> I'm surprised nobody has mention that bloody champion frog in verdant brink. The one you need to kill for the hero point.



It's complicated but there's a trick to it. The frog alternates between melee and ranged stances. His melee attack is a stun combo that does ridiculously insane damage. But, he's also not that fast. You can sort of just kite away from it while he's in melee mode, and once you've dodged the first attack he spins in place for a bit. Then, the frog will stop in place, whip out a smoke bomb, then slam it and go into stealth. This enters into range mode, where it is much safer to do damage. After a few arrow shots, the frog will whip out the daggers and chase you again.


So you alternate between kiting and DPS while fighting the frog. Stealth detection really helps out. Now, this isn't an exact science, since sometimes the frog will get cheeky and break the chain, so you'll always have to be on watch.

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