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Please...stop awarding pip on defeat, stop the farming and let us enjoy pvp again

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Really.....I merely want to enjoy a pvp match, are we even allowed to have fun in this game anywhere other than pve?


You sell the game trying to appeal to as many type of players as possible but then your only concern remain the pve playerbase....**then what was the point to even add pvp/wvw to this game?** , I am trying my hardest to understand why this shift in mentality from GW1 even occurred , it's like dealing with a completely different company and I bought this game in good faith with the memories of GW1 still fresh in my mind.


In GW1 you would gain **fame** , **glory** and **faction points** only by winning matches but here in GW2 you reward people for simply showing up and it's ruining the mood for a good portion of your playerbase **that still spend in your gemstore regardless of them being fully committed pvers or not**; just check my account ...I buy gems on a regular basis maybe more than most pvers...and I am a pvper mostly so..why the different treatment?


Your reward system in pvp is extremely flawed, I do understand that you want to new players to keep playing, a loss should not be discouraging in a free mode like ranked but...actively rewarding passive gameplay done on purpose..it's not what I would call : good design choice

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If people play only for the pips and rewards, then they are not really there to pvp. If removing the rewards for losses somehow drove away those players, perhaps it may not be the worst thing ever. I mean if they are not there for the victory and glory first, then it's not a real loss for the competitive community.

While consolation prizes may make you feel better, they will also lure in more of the bad:

* afk

* pip farmers

* something else that is bad for the game mode


If all the non-competitive players leave because of a change like this, and if there are only ~500 truly competitive people in the game and that's it, well the problem is not the rewards.


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> If people play only for the pips and rewards, then they are not really there to pvp. If removing the rewards for losses somehow drove away those players, perhaps it may not be the worst thing ever. I mean if they are not there for the victory and glory first, then it's not a real loss for the competitive community.

> While consolation prizes may make you feel better, they will also lure in more of the bad:

> * afk

> * pip farmers

> * something else that is bad for the game mode


> If all the non-competitive players leave because of a change like this, and if there are only ~500 truly competitive people in the game and that's it, well the problem is not the rewards.



I'm with you on this mate, they enjoy catering to the wrong crowd just to make numbers, just keep the leaderboard a real competitive scene and not some false rated game mode thats only inflated by false numbers/players


most pvp'ers that ive seen on twitch and in general dont really care about rewards and the ones that do are only there because they think the time they lose playing a game mode must be compensated by something that means nothing in a competitive scene

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dont get me wrong im all for keeping the pip system but i think it would be better in unranked when season is happening just to get people to play unranked game modes as ranked should be active anyway because of the leaderboard system and not just because of pip farmers! How many people play unranked when the season starts ? i would like to see the stats for that @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065"

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> It will be so much fun to play a very long game and not get rewarded with anything- Great idea


then you are not in the leaderboard for the correct reasons, go pve if u want to be rewarded or unranked.


How many professional athlete's do you know that say im not doing that because i don't get a big enough reward for competing. The end goal of a gold, silver or bronze medal isnt the reason they try to be the best at what they do!

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It's like a particpation award getting pips and progression for a loss. If all folks wanna do is "participate" do it in unranked. I've no doubt a reduction in the ease of rewards in ranked would see a further drop in player population, but that may not necessarily be a bad thing.

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1) Pips need to be mode agnostic. Gain them at equal rates in ranked and unranked

2) Change the level up reward

3) Overhaul end of season loot in ranked. For example: top 10 get additional rewards, 11-50 get decent rewards, 51-100 get average rewards, and 101-na get a consolation reward. The rewards for top tier have to have an incentive so their efforts aren’t in vein.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> 1) Pips need to be mode agnostic. Gain them at equal rates in ranked and unranked

> 2) Change the level up reward

> 3) Overhaul end of season loot in ranked. For example: top 10 get additional rewards, 11-50 get decent rewards, 51-100 get average rewards, and 101-na get a consolation reward. The rewards for top tier have to have an incentive so their efforts aren’t in vein.


I know only one community that's gonna grow if this is implemented. The wintraders corporation.

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I think that people in ranked playing classes they have no experience on because it is a requirement to get their legendary wings is a far bigger problem. I seriously doubt there are people trying to get 3 pips from a defeat to get rewards. It makes little sense, and I very rarely see people afking from start.

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Anything that has the remote possibility of negatively affecting PVP population is a non starter, PvP is borderline dead as it is already.


-Removed guaranteed progression + gross pvp invalance = dead pvp population, WE HAVE ALREADY GONE THROUGH IT!!!!!!.


Bottom line is, GW2 simply is not a competitive game, it has never had the balance for it and Anets multiple attempts at lunching it as an esport have crashed and burned because of it.


It is not the casuals that are doing it wrong, its the people that take GW2 pvp seriously that are doing it wrong.

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> @"Apolo.5942" said:

> Anything that has the remote possibility of negatively affecting PVP population is a non starter, PvP is borderline dead as it is already.


> -Removed guaranteed progression + gross pvp invalance = dead pvp population, WE HAVE ALREADY GONE THROUGH IT!!!!!!.


> Bottom line is, GW2 simply is not a competitive game, it has never had the balance for it and Anets multiple attempts at lunching it as an esport have crashed and burned because of it.


> It is not the casuals that are doing it wrong, its the people that take GW2 pvp seriously that are doing it wrong.


Yah I can agree with you but...this is not exactly the same thing we were told when they sold us the game...people got mislead and lied about, promises of making GW2 an exact sequel of GW1 when in reality is nothing more than a BIOWARE sort of rpg with multiplayer , they don't show up on the forum for a reason

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This change probably would accomplish nothing.

Those same people would still play and wait to get carried. If anything, they are going to become even more readily tilted (because it's far more frustrating to experience a 10 loss streak if you get no reward whatsoever).

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> 1) Pips need to be mode agnostic. Gain them at equal rates in ranked and unranked

> 2) Change the level up reward

> 3) Overhaul end of season loot in ranked. For example: top 10 get additional rewards, 11-50 get decent rewards, 51-100 get average rewards, and 101-na get a consolation reward. The rewards for top tier have to have an incentive so their efforts aren’t in vein.


This would be bringing in 5 player teams by a side door, since they are allowed in unranked. The short answer: "No way, no how, never."

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> @"skillze.7689" said:


> How many professional athlete's do you know that say im not doing that because i don't get a big enough reward for competing.


And yet, the professional athlete's that don't win still get paid. (albeit less in some sports.) Of course they're not going to speak like that to the media and most are under contract.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> If people play only for the pips and rewards, then they are not really there to pvp. If removing the rewards for losses somehow drove away those players, perhaps it may not be the worst thing ever. I mean if they are not there for the victory and glory first, then it's not a real loss for the competitive community.


Since the actual competitive players are there "for the victory and glory first" and the casuals "are not really there to pvp" perhaps removing all rewards from ranked except for a some form of "I'm the best" title would be the correct move, and all of the mechanical rewards can be shifted to unranked, or removed entirely. That'll weed out the players that're just there for the pips.

... That's a truly awful idea. Don't do it. I'm just showing how hypocritical some of you can be and how quick some tunes would change.


I'm not saying there shouldn't be an incentive for winning, but being awarded _nothing_ despite participating would seriously be dumb, and would encourage finger pointing in game and on this forum even more than this gamemode already does.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"skillze.7689" said:

> >

> > How many professional athlete's do you know that say im not doing that because i don't get a big enough reward for competing.


> And yet, the professional athlete's that don't win still get paid. (albeit less in some sports.) Of course they're not going to speak like that to the media and most are under contract.


> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > If people play only for the pips and rewards, then they are not really there to pvp. If removing the rewards for losses somehow drove away those players, perhaps it may not be the worst thing ever. I mean if they are not there for the victory and glory first, then it's not a real loss for the competitive community.


> Since the actual competitive players are there "for the victory and glory first" and the casuals "are not really there to pvp" perhaps removing all rewards from ranked except for a some form of "I'm the best" title would be the correct move, and all of the mechanical rewards can be shifted to unranked, or removed entirely. That'll weed out the players that're just there for the pips.

> ... That's a truly awful idea. Don't do it. I'm just showing how hypocritical some of you can be and how quick some tunes would change.


> I'm not saying there shouldn't be an incentive for winning, but being awarded _nothing_ despite participating would seriously be dumb, and would encourage finger pointing in game and on this forum even more than this gamemode already does.


> ~ Kovu


Participation trophies are not good for enhancing a competitive mindset.

If you know that know matter what you do, you will get something, then why put out 100% all the time?


You know what you get for participating and losing in the game? -11+ points off your rating. For your lackluster efforts you get to see your rating decrease.


The incentive is to try hard, and learn from mistakes when you lose. Not chase repeatable byzantanium chests.



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > @"skillze.7689" said:

> > >

> > > How many professional athlete's do you know that say im not doing that because i don't get a big enough reward for competing.

> >

> > And yet, the professional athlete's that don't win still get paid. (albeit less in some sports.) Of course they're not going to speak like that to the media and most are under contract.

> >

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > If people play only for the pips and rewards, then they are not really there to pvp. If removing the rewards for losses somehow drove away those players, perhaps it may not be the worst thing ever. I mean if they are not there for the victory and glory first, then it's not a real loss for the competitive community.

> >

> > Since the actual competitive players are there "for the victory and glory first" and the casuals "are not really there to pvp" perhaps removing all rewards from ranked except for a some form of "I'm the best" title would be the correct move, and all of the mechanical rewards can be shifted to unranked, or removed entirely. That'll weed out the players that're just there for the pips.

> > ... That's a truly awful idea. Don't do it. I'm just showing how hypocritical some of you can be and how quick some tunes would change.

> >

> > I'm not saying there shouldn't be an incentive for winning, but being awarded _nothing_ despite participating would seriously be dumb, and would encourage finger pointing in game and on this forum even more than this gamemode already does.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> Participation trophies are not good for enhancing a competitive mindset.

> If you know that know matter what you do, you will get something, then why put out 100% all the time?


> You know what you get for participating and losing in the game? -11+ points off your rating. For your lackluster efforts you get to see your rating decrease.


> The incentive is to try hard, and learn from mistakes when you lose. Not chase repeatable byzantanium chests.




Participation trophies are good for increasing the number of players that might even be interested in playing this gamemode. Part of the reason a lot of people migrated away from wvw is because the rewards compared to the other gamemodes were absolute garbage (not -as- bad now). Like it or not, pvp cannot be maintained without those "casual" players.

Now that said, I'm all for systems that reward you _more_ for performing better, but removing some semblance of forward progression in a losing effort, especially in a _team_ game, would generate a lot more animosity and discourage "casual" players from even playing in the first place. They would no longer participate and the gamemode would literally die. It would be comparable to wvw forever losing all of the players not dedicated wvw guilds.


If there are people in this game who put in less effort, basically screwing their team, that's an issue unrelated. The rest of the team shouldn't suffer.


> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Not chase repeatable byzantanium chests.


I honestly couldn't speak to that, I only do 1-2 matches/day.


~ Kovu

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:



> And yet, the professional athlete's that don't win still get paid. (albeit less in some sports.) Of course they're not going to speak like that to the media and most are under contract.

Yes, but they don't get a gold medal for finishing last place.


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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"skillze.7689" said:

> >

> > How many professional athlete's do you know that say im not doing that because i don't get a big enough reward for competing.


> And yet, the professional athlete's that don't win still get paid. (albeit less in some sports.) Of course they're not going to speak like that to the media and most are under contract.


They dont do it for money they do it because its what they enjoy doing. even none paid people still do it because they enjoy it. all you are trying to say is that in some way shape or form they still get the thrill because of the reward. That is completely false and by saying that you are just another person in the leaderboards for just the rewards and not the thrill of being the best.


The more you say u need to be paid off to enjoy the thrill of besting the best shows to me that you are just like the other pve pip farmers


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an ideal solution to stop pip farmers is to move the ranked reward track out of ranked and place it where all the other reward tracks are and make it available to all modes of pvp play changes would have to be made to it so it could fit. Then make ranked play all about the leaderboard potentially rewarding the top three maybe more with something unique.

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