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ep 4.3 bug. Forearmed is forewarned is broken

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> @"DragoBlack.2657" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Dude, don't thank them. They pushed back launch for a month, then still kitten up even entering the zone or making sure there is more than one instance so players can get in. Do you thank any other business, partner, or friend if they kitten up this badly?


> @"Egorum.9506" coding and creating content is not cheap or easy even with many people working on it. coding and creating games takes a very very long time and a lot of people doing their part, there will always be bugs at the start and CGI animation isn't that simple or easy either there are always glitches stretching the frames and stuff happening when making a 3d model move, so the fact we are not being charged extra for the gameplay you should be happy we get such an amazing game that isn't paid to play or subscription like WoW and many other games


It's not free. You have to buy PoF to access it.


Yes, this stuff isn't easy which is why we pay $30 for mount skins so they can, presumably, pay people who know what they are doing.

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> @"Kos Luftar.9214" said:

> > @"Kos Luftar.9214" said:

> > Keep crashing in first mission "Siezed" right after a character says "...perfect specimen slash pet." Then I cannot load into that character until I load into another that doesn't have living world active. Tried twice crashed twice...time to try a third time.

> >

> > Third time...can't load any character.


> Added "- repair" to launcher, took 5-10min to repair but was able to finish first instance, without any crashing.


> Update: Have been able to load into Forearmed is Forwarned...hope it won't crash.


Can you go into more detail about using the IPconfig?

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> It's not free. You have to buy PoF to access it.


> Yes, this stuff isn't easy which is why we pay $30 for mount skins so they can, presumably, pay people who know what they are doing.


Exactly. If it was free, there would be no money to pay for servers, upkeep and development.


And to the person above who was saying that we "should be happy that ……" ummm no, people should feel how they themselves legitimately feel, which includes being annoyed and/or pissed off or not caring at all about the bad release of this content.

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Oh by the fire of Balthazar! will you folks stop whining'? first y'all complain that they take a few extra weeks to buff this . THIS is why they had been taking the extra time.


Though, I personally think the devs had been more entertained with roller beetle racing each other...

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I got into Forearmed is Forewarned but it stuck at 6/8 siege killed when I finally re-logged after over 2 hours trying to finish it, I was set to the last step talk to Tami but I cant't talk to here and all the text in Forearmed is Forewarned is greyed out in my story journal. I can't complete the story or go back and redo it. What now? Everyone else is working on the mount already.

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> @"DragoBlack.2657" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> > Dude, don't thank them. They pushed back launch for a month, then still kitten up even entering the zone or making sure there is more than one instance so players can get in. Do you thank any other business, partner, or friend if they kitten up this badly?


> @"Egorum.9506" coding and creating content is not cheap or easy even with many people working on it. coding and creating games takes a very very long time and a lot of people doing their part, there will always be bugs at the start and CGI animation isn't that simple or easy either there are always glitches stretching the frames and stuff happening when making a 3d model move, so the fact we are not being charged extra for the gameplay you should be happy we get such an amazing game that isn't paid to play or subscription like WoW and many other games


That's why they took an extra month, to make sure this goes through with minimal hiccups. Completely locking players out of the game is not a minor hiccup.


You don't applaud McDonald's when they accidentally put wrappers in the fryer and tell you they're fries.

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noooooo dc'd again further along in story noooooo :disappointed: got dis error message : https://imgur.com/peSTyAn I forget what the name of it is. It's the first instanced story in the new map area. completed the defense and then explosion in story and my game crashed. lol Massive explosion i guess, took the game down.

Now i'm getting new network error message. :/

back to this error message when | logging into game > character select screen > Kourna loading screen > error message https://imgur.com/7NZlzIR Repeat. Completely locked out of game on that toon. :( :( :(

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Just after the 12 am GMT clock reset I started getting some bad freezing and stuttering while trying to do the daily bounty in Vabbi. That often happens to me after a new update so I just kept plugging away at it and was able to finish all the PVE dailies. About 5:30 am GMT, with the second update downloaded, I tried the new LS story for the first time. No problems with "Seized" - got through it all without any glitches. Got into "Forewarned is Forearmed" just fine, managed to kill the baddies and had just jumped up to the new Mastery Point when - BOOM! - I got disconnected, without being able to actually claim it. :(


Just to check, I was able to restart that segment but I didn't feel like running through the whole thing again right then so don't know if I would have gotten dc'd a second time. As a further check, I was able to log into another character and was able to do stuff on other maps. So yes, as of early this morning I still got disconnected at a key point but at least I wasn't completely locked out of my account like others had been. So I guess that's some progress. :(


P.S. Hate to say it but this mess kinda reminds of that swimming infusion treasure chest snafu. A shiny new thing is unveiled and looks great but then it gets so bogged down with bugs that it's actually unplayable. Sigh.

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I'm really happy for you if you can play for free this LS, but actually I did payed for POF


> @"Egorum.9506" coding and creating content is not cheap or easy even with many people working on it. coding and creating games takes a very very long time and a lot of people doing their part, there will always be bugs at the start and CGI animation isn't that simple or easy either there are always glitches stretching the frames and stuff happening when making a 3d model move, so the fact we are not being charged extra for the gameplay you should be happy we get such an amazing game that isn't paid to play or subscription like WoW and many other games





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> @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

> I'm in the new map now and messing around. I'm almost positive it was the HUGE influx of people all trying to load it at once that broke things for a while.


Yup. Forget bugs; load has to be THE main cause.


When new content drops, there's simply no point in trying to play on Patch Day Evening. Hope usually triumphs over experience, and I almost always try anyway; so far (which is to say, every content update since launch) I've always ended up finding something else to do instead.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Is it fixed yet? I dont want to risk a dc and im trying to avoid looking at too much of the forums beyond this theead to get the answer for fear of spoilers


The instance itself doesn't DC, even when you die/respawn. The major issues players were having were:


- entering the instance/Kourna

- leaving the instance


This may be because the game was loading corrupt Kourna maps that couldn't load, since the instance is also based in the new Kourna map.


However, I was able to teleport into Kourna/use the waypoints so I believe the issue has resolved.

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> @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > Is it fixed yet? I dont want to risk a dc and im trying to avoid looking at too much of the forums beyond this theead to get the answer for fear of spoilers


> The instance itself doesn't DC, even when you die/respawn. The major issues players were having were:


> - entering the instance/Kourna

> - leaving the instance


> This may be because the game was loading corrupt Kourna maps that couldn't load, since the instance is also based in the new Kourna map.


> However, I was able to teleport into Kourna/use the waypoints so I believe the issue has resolved.


So chances are good I can safely do the forewarned instance?

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Was having all the reported issues last night.. random DC's and network problems so I quit for the night, went to bed and tried again this morning.


Downloaded the new patches but if anything the game is even worse now..

Now I can't log into the game at all on any characters.. Gw2 is completely unplayable for me.. I can only get as far as the character select menu before being kicked from the game.

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My glitch is one I haven't seen here so far.


I got into the instance fine. Got all the way up to the very end. The "portal site" was secured, but the army didn't complete readiness and Awakened starting spawning at the portal site infinitely as far as I can tell.


Then I wound up getting DCed, and when I signed back in, I was in Kourna... but I can no longer advance the story (because it's telling me to go to a story point I can't access). As I hate stealth missions, I will sooner sit out this entire episode than restart the whole damn thing.

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> @"Doghouse.1562" said:

> > @"DawnSketch.7105" said:

> > I'm in the new map now and messing around. I'm almost positive it was the HUGE influx of people all trying to load it at once that broke things for a while.


> Yup. Forget bugs; load has to be THE main cause.


> When new content drops, there's simply no point in trying to play on Patch Day Evening. Hope usually triumphs over experience, and I almost always try anyway; so far (which is to say, every content update since launch) I've always ended up finding something else to do instead.


Im more then sure this was the main problem. I was in the map at around 11pm cst after pressing f on the rift. Everything worked. Map meta, heart quests, mps and pois. Everything worked just fine. I didn't dc even once an in fact my client has been running far more stable then it has since s4 - ep2 dropped.

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I had to restart the instance one time due to a bug in detecting destroyed turrets, but otherwise it went well.


I'm confused with how the "stealth" works as enemies seem to "see" me even when I'm standing still frequently.


Thank you dev team! I've been on the other side of bad releases and I know it must have been very stressful.

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