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Alpha Beetle

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Things will calm down after a while, and the collection will be much easier then. Until that happens, you'll just have to selfishly camp the mobs and DPS them as soon as they spawn. I was lucky enough to rush through the entire collection in a couple of hours, and by the looks of it so were a lot of others too, so it's not impossible. Good luck.

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Put the collection under "Serpent Ire" -> Players complain: Too much health pool, CC, large groups, coordinate ...

Put the collection under "Alpha Beetle" -> Players complain: Too little health, no CC, why too many players at the same spot, what cordinate ...


Players are arguing themself!


I got them all 1st try. The waiting for events to spawn is insane beside of that, nothing to complain.

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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> It has now been updated to Champ status


well hope ppls are happy now , but i will feel sorry for ppls coming and doing this collection in the future. Also whats the deal with this ? i mean come on! 15 minutes of waiting ? hell i waited even 1 hour to get the kill ( was afk sometimes due food and other stuff). Still i had no reason to flame other ppls. Now when i go on those maps and check map chat. It's equal almost like raids squads or maps with big metas :^) lmao ... peoples these days.

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> @"Chazz.6709" said:

> > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > It has now been updated to Champ status


> well hope ppls are happy now , but i will feel sorry for ppls coming and doing this collection in the future. Also whats the deal with this ? i mean come on! 15 minutes of waiting ? hell i waited even 1 hour to get the kill ( was afk sometimes due food and other stuff). Still i had no reason to flame other ppls. Now when i go on those maps and check map chat. It's equal almost like raids squads or maps with big metas :^) lmao ... peoples these days.


(1) its status can be switched back to veteran later, (2) there are also other higher "ranked" mobs in the list. So in general, I can't see a problem :)

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> > @"Chazz.6709" said:

> > > @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > > It has now been updated to Champ status

> >

> > well hope ppls are happy now , but i will feel sorry for ppls coming and doing this collection in the future. Also whats the deal with this ? i mean come on! 15 minutes of waiting ? hell i waited even 1 hour to get the kill ( was afk sometimes due food and other stuff). Still i had no reason to flame other ppls. Now when i go on those maps and check map chat. It's equal almost like raids squads or maps with big metas :^) lmao ... peoples these days.


> (1) its status can be switched back to veteran later, (2) there are also other higher "ranked" mobs in the list. So in general, I can't see a problem :)


True :D , but still we dont need too many champs :D ... however i agree with what you said o/

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> @"Chazz.6709" said:

> True :D , but still we dont need too many champs :D ... however i agree with what you said o/


I know, I know, and I hope it is temporary, but as veteran the beetle was killed in like 2 seconds, which meant that some of us - like me - needed to wait few respawns and have quick reactions to tag it before it died :) I went to see it now, and it is now much better for the amount of people wanting to kill her/him, now it takes like 30-60 seconds, so you have more than enough time to tag it :)

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> @"TamX.1870" said:

> > @"Chazz.6709" said:

> > True :D , but still we dont need too many champs :D ... however i agree with what you said o/


> I know, I know, and I hope it is temporary, but as veteran the beetle was killed in like 2 seconds, which meant that some of us - like me - needed to wait few respawns and have quick reactions to tag it before it died :) I went to see it now, and it is now much better for the amount of people wanting to kill her/him, now it takes like 30-60 seconds, so you have more than enough time to tag it :)


Nice glad to hear that ... however for tagging you could use a necro , dh or ranger to tag stuff tbh ... like i did makes it way more easier , of course you need to know it's spawn location :D , still i hope they change it back later for the next coming generation of ppls , who want that mount :^)

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> Step 1: Play a Ranger.

> Step 2: Use Traps.

> Step 3: Profit.


> Traps' reaction times are faster than yours. Guaranteed. You need only be in the area to get the tag and loot.


Step 1: Play as necro

Step 2: Use marks

Step 3: Profit


marks are much faster to use and skill 2 recharges super fast.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Champ status? Queue the threads a week or so from now with people complaining that it requires a group now and they cannot get any help. It’s not like we didn’t see plenty of those with the griffon collection.


I think this may happen even sooner. When I finally got around to it last Saturday, there were only two of us fighting it.

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > Champ status? Queue the threads a week or so from now with people complaining that it requires a group now and they cannot get any help. It’s not like we didn’t see plenty of those with the griffon collection.


> I think this may happen even sooner. When I finally got around to it last Saturday, there were only two of us fighting it.


And it’s even worse since it’s in a remote part of the map which requires you to do the Skritt event to unlock access or have mounts to break out of the map.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> And it’s even worse since it’s in a remote part of the map which requires you to do the Skritt event to unlock access or have mounts to break out of the map.


Oh, yes. Good point. I was lucky to port into the map while the tunnels were open. And on top of that, you have to continually kill the standard beetle on the ledge to spawn the event; oh, but if it hasn't been 15-30 minutes since the last champ beetle was killed, then nothing will happen. I can personally attest to this, as I was camping the standard beetle for a good 10 minutes. I'm not sure if players realize this, because the other person I bumped into was just sitting around waiting. Yeah...just not well thought-out at all.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> >

> > And it’s even worse since it’s in a remote part of the map which requires you to do the Skritt event to unlock access or have mounts to break out of the map.


> I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that people going for the beetle already have the springer unlocked.


I was referring to those that are willing to help who may not have the expansion.

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