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[Spoiler] So, what now?


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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > > @"elitegamerz.4965" said:

> > > > I like the idea that we can still kill the elder dragons, but Aurene is our ace in the hole. She can absorb their magic and take their place in the balance of things when they are gone. I think that was Glint's plan all along. The big question is if our bond is strong enough to keep her from being corrupted by it all.

> > >

> > >

> > > First, we don’t know if aurene is as powerful as any elder dragon (or rather, if she can be later) I’d say the reveal that she’s related to Kralk is a setup that enough magic can make her ED level, but even then she’s only the solution for one dragon. If we try to jam 4 dragons of magic in her she’ll probably die, release the magic, then we all die. So we need to find 3 more dragons, artifacts, or other beings to take dragon power. I for one would love an expansion into entirely new lands with no lore precedent (to help explain why we never heard of things we find there), and the land has lots of “regular” (not ED level) dragons. I mean, where are they? Every other fantasy setting has thousands but there are like 3 in guild wars - kuunavang, glint, and I know I’m forgetting some (I don’t count vlast and aurene here because I’m talking about answering the questions of where dragons are and we know they’re from glint). Wyverns have been amazing to see (hope we see more and get more lore for them), but that’s still only one species (with subspecies to be fair). A land of dragons expansion would be amazing. Anyway I expect our solution will be something else. Artifacts are unlikely, so what 3 life forms could absorb magic from primordus joe mag and DSD?

> >

> > we need to find 5 DE magic vessels. mordry and zhaitans magic are still tearing up the place. but in POF (in the forgotten cut-scene) it was specifically mentioned they wanted to use glint's offspring to replace the dragons. and when have the forgotten ever been wrong?




> I’m not sure about 5, but maybe 4. The world could deal with what’s going on now but it would be better if it was less. 4 or 5 would work. And the forgotten wanted to use glints children yes, but only aurene is left. They’ve never been wrong, no, but things have changed since they died out. All the other eggs died


the world is dying because of DE magic if we can't replace all the dragons, leaving one will still kill tyria just slightly slower. i mentioned the forgotten to address the question if aurene could replace an ED. also glint had more then 2 kids, she had plenty (as seen in glint's lair in gw1).

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> @"AegisFLCL.7623" said:

> > @"Lurana.7506" said:

> > I think the ending was rushed. The whole instance was fun, Joko's last dialogue was brilliant - until Aurene came. Finally someone told the commander they aren't a hero and how funny it was everyone was buying what Joko sold, namely that he did all the stuff the commander aktually did. The PC aktually became a grey character. Just imagine as ending of this last instance that Joko told us those things while the commander only was able to listen. And then we get this "And scene" from the trailer and Joko kicks us out of that palace thing of his. It would have all just been a little game for him and he even told us the whole fight how bad we are so in his eyes we aren't a worthy enemy. And then imagine he just set this fight up because he needed a distraction. After he kicked us out it would have been amazing if we got a small trailer of how ships with the third generation scarab plague on bord sailed off to Tyria. That would have been an ending I'd like because the scarab plague would aktually threaten Tyria. But now we had a few seconds creen time for the third generation before the ghosts dealt with it off-screen.

> > I really liked Joko as enemy and I really liked the instances of this chapter but I heavily dislike the ending.


> The story would actually be interesting if something like this happened.


> I was ticked off they started writing about Joko when Kralk was supposed to be an immediate threat, and three episodes later alongside weak dialogue/writing, Joko received almost no screen time and was potentially written out just as poorly as Lazarus.


Kralkatorrik is immediately mentioned at the start of the season, and our character already stated that we can't do much but wait for a solution. That's why Kasmeer and Marjory are watching over the Elder Dragon, and that we're hoping for Taimi to solve the problem. We can't afford to knock on Kralkatorrik's door without a solution on our hands.


It was logical for us to digress and follow Aurene's vision because we had no other lead. Joko being free and eager to hit back at the Commander, it was logical for us to focus on his threats (him personally menacing Taimi, our hope for a solution against Kralkatorrik, IS big) and not on the crystal dragon.


And how would you, as a developer with limitations, realistically deal with an epidemic that had shred a whole civilization to pieces while there's a big dragon that cannot be destroyed without killing us all in the vicinity?

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There was this interesting point in the episode about how Aurene and possibly Kralkatorik too have become more aggressive and war driven since eating Balthazar's magic. I think the big picture of the plot onward will be about dealing with Kralkatorik, either by killing, cleansing or putting to sleep. But we'll first figure out what happened to Aurene when she ate Joko and if that has a change on her. Caithe will likely be back in the group to help us with that.

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> @"Gorgaan Peaudesang.8324" said:

> > @"AegisFLCL.7623" said:

> > > @"Lurana.7506" said:

> > > I think the ending was rushed. The whole instance was fun, Joko's last dialogue was brilliant - until Aurene came. Finally someone told the commander they aren't a hero and how funny it was everyone was buying what Joko sold, namely that he did all the stuff the commander aktually did. The PC aktually became a grey character. Just imagine as ending of this last instance that Joko told us those things while the commander only was able to listen. And then we get this "And scene" from the trailer and Joko kicks us out of that palace thing of his. It would have all just been a little game for him and he even told us the whole fight how bad we are so in his eyes we aren't a worthy enemy. And then imagine he just set this fight up because he needed a distraction. After he kicked us out it would have been amazing if we got a small trailer of how ships with the third generation scarab plague on bord sailed off to Tyria. That would have been an ending I'd like because the scarab plague would aktually threaten Tyria. But now we had a few seconds creen time for the third generation before the ghosts dealt with it off-screen.

> > > I really liked Joko as enemy and I really liked the instances of this chapter but I heavily dislike the ending.

> >

> > The story would actually be interesting if something like this happened.

> >

> > I was ticked off they started writing about Joko when Kralk was supposed to be an immediate threat, and three episodes later alongside weak dialogue/writing, Joko received almost no screen time and was potentially written out just as poorly as Lazarus.


> Kralkatorrik is immediately mentioned at the start of the season, and our character already stated that we can't do much but wait for a solution. That's why Kasmeer and Marjory are watching over the Elder Dragon, and that we're hoping for Taimi to solve the problem. We can't afford to knock on Kralkatorrik's door without a solution on our hands.


> It was logical for us to digress and follow Aurene's vision because we had no other lead. Joko being free and eager to hit back at the Commander, it was logical for us to focus on his threats (him personally menacing Taimi, our hope for a solution against Kralkatorrik, IS big) and not on the crystal dragon.


> And how would you, as a developer with limitations, realistically deal with an epidemic that had shred a whole civilization to pieces while there's a big dragon that cannot be destroyed without killing us all in the vicinity?


So do you believe they handled the Scarab Plague nonsense well as writers?


The second gen scarabs that infected six or so immediate NPCS off the boat then immediately are trampled over and killed by the PC mount. Or the single doctor who seals herself in a house after succumbing to the plague. Or was it the giant walking dead mass that's held by back by a dinky shield and some ghosts, never setting foot outside the fortress. Don't forget that if your PC was human, you were conveniently immune to the plague. Not a single one of these elements felt dangerous, there was always a convenient solution, and no negatives for the PC and their companions. The plague was rumored to have annihilated thousands, yet there may have been a handful of random casualties with no personal connection to the PC. How is this interesting or good writing to you?


Meanwhile in a single cut scene at the end of the POF story, Kralk kills/brands hundreds of people in the Crystal desert and afaik there isn't even an event in the newer maps to cull a branded threat or investigate anything related to Kralk. He's just out there somewhere causing chaos with no direct effect on the PC story. It makes me feel like the ED are like a giant boulder teetering on top of a hill. The boulder does not hate you. The boulder doesn't have a personality and cannot speak, it merely exists. One day it may roll down the hill and crush you with no reasoning other than that is what it does by nature. And when it does roll down that hill, there will be a convenient stroke of luck, and the boulder will simply veer off in another direction never to be seen again.


For the past three LS episodes they've attempted to drum up Joko and the Plague, yet you physically see/interact with him for maybe 15 minutes. A character with personality. A character who can actually dialogue with the PC, and for once actually does so in an interesting way. But in the very first instance you physically interact with him since seeing him in the UW, BAM enter Aurene with a convenient solution to the problem. And now we're left with almost no foreshadowing and direction as to where the next episode may go other than, oh no kralk is this big bad boulder out there somewhere. The main plot has not advanced in almost a year, I honestly feel the past three LS episodes have had NO impact on the story whatsoever. We are just as lost and under prepared to fight yet another boring Dragon villain who will likely provide no interesting connections, investments, or dialogue to the story.


Season 4 has been a mess of plot direction, with no leads on the main story, and there have been no downsides or consequences for the PC and plot. This comes across as interesting to you?


If I were to offer any story direction suggestion, it would be that Lyssa ends up still being around and wants to continue in Balth's footsteps. The other gods come back and we end up in a giant clash between the remaining ED and we have to develop some kind of vessel to contain all the magic. I don't claim to be an amazing writer, but every conclusion with past ED, ANET has dropped the ball with half-balked instances/fights which to this day remained unfinished. They've made the ED incredibly boring Villains. The recent LS chapters/story is not interesting, I don't feel invested in any of the characters.

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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> Interesting things to note:

> The next release is almost certainly going to be Halloween

> The first release of the current season was Halloween

> Said first release of the season was also when the Awakened first attacked Tyria


added fun note: joko and king thorn had a rivalry going on. arch-rivals even

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > Interesting things to note:

> > The next release is almost certainly going to be Halloween

> > The first release of the current season was Halloween

> > Said first release of the season was also when the Awakened first attacked Tyria


> added fun note: joko and king thorn had a rivalry going on. arch-rivals even


And while we can assume they attacked because of us, that is to say whatever 'kicked up a fuss' was related to our dealings, the fact that it started around Halloween, given that rivalry?

Well, tender. All I have to say.

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> @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"ThatOddOne.4387" said:

> > > Anyone who says the Elder Dragons are more interesting antagonists than actual people aka Joko, Lazarus and even Balthazar don't know what an interesting villain is.

> > >

> > > An interesting villain has motivations beyond "eat magic, get fat, sleep, wake up, eat magic, get fat, sleep" repeatedly.

> > >

> > > Joko's speech to the Commander in an example of this, what he says is, at the end of the day, true. It -was- monumentally stupid to kill two Elder Dragons and a God (Ex-God or not). And the reason he took credit for the Commander's deeds was simply because he would never do it himself. You'll never get an Elder Dragon holding up a mirror to the Commander in such a fashion. Mordremoth came close but we all know that kind of Elder Dragon won't be used again as Mordremoth's whole 'Mind' thing was part of his sphere, we won't be outright holding a conversation with any of the other Dragons I'm pretty sure.

> > >

> > > Actually, scratch previous statement, there was an interesting Elder Dragon: Mordremoth because, surprise surprise, he talked. Kralkatorrik is not as interesting as Mordremoth, Joko or Balthazar, sorry.

> >

> > Yeah, because "rawwwwrrrr, must kill dragons to steal their power" is the pinnacle of storytelling. Also "I was dumb enough to trust a fallen god who left me to rot in the Domain of the Lost, then you didn't help me so I'm using a biological weapon of mass destruction to eradicate your kind from the face of the planet". Talk about monumental stupidity. Oh, and that little speech he gave? Which part of it came as a surprise to you?

> >

> > Sorry, Kralkatorrik is more interesting than either of these. For one simple reason - we can't afford to kill him.


> You're correct, "steal dragon power" would be just as bad. But it's not just that, the reasoning and the background behind it is also vastly more interesting, there is nothing else to "eat magic, sleep, wake up, repeat" that the dragons do. -Nothing-. It's a natural cycle. A natural disaster. Boring. Actual characters with motivations and reasons are more interesting - And definitely ones that actually have a point to what they are saying and what they are trying to do. A justification beyond "That's just how the world works bro".


> Hence why all the humanoid enemies so far have been far more interesting than the Elder Dragons.


> None of Joko's speech came as a surprise (Where did I say it was a surprise?) precisely because he's the first one in game to outright say to the Commander they are messing it up by killing the dragons and even an ex-God. Which is what everyone observing the story (us) has been saying this whole time. Actually seeing it given a voice and brought up in the story is nice. And one of the few saving graces of this episode.


> So yeah, nice try, but strawman'ing my argument so you can try and counter it didn't work.


The problem with balthaddon was that they made him an elder dragon. Mindless destruction for destructions sake (i aM CoNFliCt!!), highly predictable. Heck he even have his own brand (hehe) of corrupted mindwashed minions instead of creating a dilemma where the people following him are doing it because they think its the right thing (zaishen doesn't count due to being mustache twirlingly evil in the few parts where they figure). Then you have an interesting situation. Instead he crosses the moral event horizon instantly at top speed the very first mission in path of fire. He even have his trademark eternals, but no we have to turn them into evil fire machines with hoverboards because thats what an evil person would do. "what do you mean you don't want to join the dark side after you saw us burn down and kill an entire village when a lot of villagers might have actually volunteered to join the cause of one of their own gods?". That he was balthazar wasn't very important. He could have been primordus. Also im tired of the player character always clearly being in the right without a doubt. And by that i mean taimi because she dictates what we like/dont like, and where to go or what to do.


With joko we have a civilization post conquering who has in some parts grown used to him (vabbi) while in other places like kourna, the home of his sworn enemies things look more bleak. That's perfect. Imagine being accused by the people in vabbi for killing joko the great. He was a good villain if a bit shortlived in person.

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> @"AegisFLCL.7623" said:

> So do you believe they handled the Scarab Plague nonsense well as writers?


> The second gen scarabs that infected six or so immediate NPCS off the boat then immediately are trampled over and killed by the PC mount. Or the single doctor who seals herself in a house after succumbing to the plague. Or was it the giant walking dead mass that's held by back by a dinky shield and some ghosts, never setting foot outside the fortress. Don't forget that if your PC was human, you were conveniently immune to the plague. Not a single one of these elements felt dangerous, there was always a convenient solution, and no negatives for the PC and their companions. The plague was rumored to have annihilated thousands, yet there may have been a handful of random casualties with no personal connection to the PC. How is this interesting or good writing to you?


I agree that the plague could have been more deadly instead of threatening a single village. But that's also why the cutscene when Canach blows up the main gates of Gandara is important and emotional at some level.


That's how ANet approached the situation, and I'm by no way competent enough to judge this choice.


> Meanwhile in a single cut scene at the end of the POF story, Kralk kills/brands hundreds of people in the Crystal desert and afaik there isn't even an event in the newer maps to cull a branded threat or investigate anything related to Kralk.


What about the research that is being made in Astralarium about Brandstorms? The various labs in Rata Primus studying the Branded? Taimi's own researches in Amnoon? Blish having valuable data on Kralkatorrik?


> For the past three LS episodes they've attempted to drum up Joko and the Plague, yet you physically see/interact with him for maybe 15 minutes. A character with personality. A character who can actually dialogue with the PC, and for once actually does so in an interesting way. But in the very first instance you physically interact with him since seeing him in the UW, BAM enter Aurene with a convenient solution to the problem.


You don't necessary need a character having a far amount of screentime to make this character good.

His kingdom shows enough of Joko. At least that's how I felt.


> And now we're left with almost no foreshadowing and direction as to where the next episode may go other than, oh no kralk is this big bad boulder out there somewhere. The main plot has not advanced in almost a year, I honestly feel the past three LS episodes have had NO impact on the story whatsoever. We are just as lost and under prepared to fight yet another boring Dragon villain who will likely provide no interesting connections, investments, or dialogue to the story.


> Season 4 has been a mess of plot direction, with no leads on the main story, and there have been no downsides or consequences for the PC and plot. This comes across as interesting to you?


The main characters of the current plot are Aurene and her champion, the Commander. Aurene is the primary focus of this season and the key to our plan.

Aurene has changed quite a bit.


So yes, I'm invested and interested in the plot, because I care about Tyria, a world I fondly cherish.


> If I were to offer any story direction suggestion, it would be that Lyssa ends up still being around and wants to continue in Balth's footsteps. The other gods come back and we end up in a giant clash between the remaining ED and we have to develop some kind of vessel to contain all the magic.


I'm curious about Lyssa as well, but I feel it's too soon for her to eventually play a part in the story.



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> @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> Interesting things to note:

> The next release is almost certainly going to be Halloween

> The first release of the current season was Halloween

> Said first release of the season was also when the Awakened first attacked Tyria



Are you saying we may see Joko from the afterlife? Also, EP4 will certainly be September if not August. Anet stated they’ll be picking up the pace again and being closer to 2 months again

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > Interesting things to note:

> > The next release is almost certainly going to be Halloween

> > The first release of the current season was Halloween

> > Said first release of the season was also when the Awakened first attacked Tyria



> Are you saying we may see Joko from the afterlife? Also, EP4 will certainly be September if not August. Anet stated they’ll be picking up the pace again and being closer to 2 months again


As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't. They also never really said that. Just that they were making changes that caused a temporary setback and something about quality. Then we got this episode with a lot of unfinished stuff and a story instance that was basically unplayable for almost the full first day of release.


I'd love it if we got the next episode as soon as August, but I'm certainly not expecting it. Will probably wind up being 4 months again or even 5. The only thing I can see working in favor of us getting a shorter window this time is if they want to push it out before Halloween so it goes Episode-Halloween-Wintersday - Episode.


Idk though. Hoping for the best and looking forward to what happens.


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > > @"Rockin Twilight Sparkle.2615" said:

> > > Interesting things to note:

> > > The next release is almost certainly going to be Halloween

> > > The first release of the current season was Halloween

> > > Said first release of the season was also when the Awakened first attacked Tyria

> >

> >

> > Are you saying we may see Joko from the afterlife? Also, EP4 will certainly be September if not August. Anet stated they’ll be picking up the pace again and being closer to 2 months again


> As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't. They also never really said that. Just that they were making changes that caused a temporary setback and something about quality. Then we got this episode with a lot of unfinished stuff and a story instance that was basically unplayable for almost the full first day of release.


> I'd love it if we got the next episode as soon as August, but I'm certainly not expecting it. Will probably wind up being 4 months again or even 5. The only thing I can see working in favor of us getting a shorter window this time is if they want to push it out before Halloween so it goes Episode-Halloween-Wintersday - Episode.


> Idk though. Hoping for the best and looking forward to what happens.




I could see September and then November again like EP1

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As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't. They also never really said that. Just that they were making changes that caused a temporary setback and


I'm confused. The patches are getting delayed further and further each episode but now you're implying that they're going to be a month apart? Oh wait, I'm forgetting October. Nvm. So 2 months, then another 2 months. I don't know.


On one hand, I don't think we'll get another mount again soon, so that will be less tech work to do and less map catering to the mount it's released in meaning possible better use of space.


But on the other hand, in the last two episodes they've kept adding other random tech like the magnetics lab which was partially already implemented from the fractal with a few other added things. Then in this new map I imagine that initial stealth mission with Blish's arm was probably a bit of a pain to code with its new tech, the destructible doors and mount in general, plus the scarab tech. I think it's great that they're adding in all these new mechanics and stuff but I'm wondering if maybe they're taking too much of a focus versus putting more resources and focus into what's actually in the map. I think it's partially because we've dealt with so much asura stuff the last two patches and will be happy to hopefully depart form the rest of this season, and partially because they're creating new systems to use for other stuff later on like in the next expansion. I definitely get the sense that the stealth tech we see with Blish's arm will be implemented in a future elite spec. And I'm kind of getting a predator/camouflage ranger with rifle vibe from it. And the bramble wall wasn't overly exciting and shared a lot of similarities to how we see structures in Guild halls phase but I could see it being a possibility for tech used in player housing if that were to be added.


All these new things are great at keeping the game fresh, but they're kind of few and far between when they're implemented and haven't added much to the larger picture. At least not yet.


Anyway, ranting. I'm hoping you're right and that these next couple of episodes will release closer to their earlier window, but given the delay we had with Sandswept and how I practically never go to that map, and the staleness of this map (especially this meta) and the almost full month delay we had for this one... fool me once, fool me twice...

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> As much as I'd like to believe that, I don't. They also never really said that. Just that they were making changes that caused a temporary setback and


> I'm confused. The patches are getting delayed further and further each episode but now you're implying that they're going to be a month apart? Oh wait, I'm forgetting October. Nvm. So 2 months, then another 2 months. I don't know.


> On one hand, I don't think we'll get another mount again soon, so that will be less tech work to do and less map catering to the mount it's released in meaning possible better use of space.


> But on the other hand, in the last two episodes they've kept adding other random tech like the magnetics lab which was partially already implemented from the fractal with a few other added things. Then in this new map I imagine that initial stealth mission with Blish's arm was probably a bit of a pain to code with its new tech, the destructible doors and mount in general, plus the scarab tech. I think it's great that they're adding in all these new mechanics and stuff but I'm wondering if maybe they're taking too much of a focus versus putting more resources and focus into what's actually in the map. I think it's partially because we've dealt with so much asura stuff the last two patches and will be happy to hopefully depart form the rest of this season, and partially because they're creating new systems to use for other stuff later on like in the next expansion. I definitely get the sense that the stealth tech we see with Blish's arm will be implemented in a future elite spec. And I'm kind of getting a predator/camouflage ranger with rifle vibe from it. And the bramble wall wasn't overly exciting and shared a lot of similarities to how we see structures in Guild halls phase but I could see it being a possibility for tech used in player housing if that were to be added.


> All these new things are great at keeping the game fresh, but they're kind of few and far between when they're implemented and haven't added much to the larger picture. At least not yet.


> Anyway, ranting. I'm hoping you're right and that these next couple of episodes will release closer to their earlier window, but given the delay we had with Sandswept and how I practically never go to that map, and the staleness of this map (especially this meta) and the almost full month delay we had for this one... fool me once, fool me twice...


Have to keep in mind that the teams are separate, as well as separate work flows. The next Living World release will be from the team that did Daybreak, so I have high hopes.

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> @"Yereton.8647" said:

> Another reason I don't Joko is dead just yet, is because it does not fit his character. He is known to ridiculously deceptive and manipulative. He has conquered nations, practically only with guile and treachery. I think Joko being eaten alive, in his own palace is very unlikely. If anything I'd wager he planned all of this.

> tl;dr: He will be back in one form or another.

Since when has Anet ever stuck to pre-established character? Face it, he's dead.

I'd be less surprised to see Gwen come back from the dead with a plot to destroy all of Tyria than to see any GW1 characters stay true to their character.



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The ama comments today made him sound like he's pretty dead. They wanted to resolve his plot to move onto Kralk or whatever else it is they have planned.


I really do hope we get to learn more about where Joko came from and his backstory, but I'm not holding out hope for that to happen after what was said today.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> The ama comments today made him sound like he's pretty dead. They wanted to resolve his plot to move onto Kralk or whatever else it is they have planned.


> I really do hope we get to learn more about where Joko came from and his backstory, but I'm not holding out hope for that to happen after what was said today.


Having read the devs comments, no one explicitly said that Joko is never coming back. Jessice Price even said "play and find out ;)" when someone asked if Joko could ever return in some way. What everyone agreed upon was that Joko's arc for this season is through and they wanted to end it on a high note. And that, yes, Aurene actually killed him.

I'd say flashbacks are more likely than he recovering from that, though.

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Since Glint was mentioned here... In PoF story, after hearing Glint's memories, one phrase drilled in my head : These heroes are...not what I expected.

We know that Glint had a gift of seeing future, but it wasn't so strong to see future clearly. Her visions were clouded. Could she simply mistaken Destiny's Edge for Dragon's Watch in her own visions?


If it is so, i really hope we will see more of Glint's influence in future storyline. After all, some of Destiny's Edge members are now in Dragon's Watch, or atleast considered as allies.

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This is what happens when the writing is very poor.


Right now, all i'm thinking is that they added Joko precisely to have Aurene eat him and gain the power she'll eventually needs against Kralk. We all know that, if Joko somehow returns, there's no danger thanks to the way the game's writing has been made [anyone remember those two humans THAT WERE WITH US when we ended PoF? They just happen to poof away to do something else when we fight someone that eventually has a Human-only plague huh].

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

>[anyone remember those two humans THAT WERE WITH US when we ended PoF? They just happen to poof away to do something else when we fight someone that eventually has a Human-only plague huh].

They went to go watch and monitor Kralkatorik on his big death mountain, as stated back in like episode 1.


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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> >[anyone remember those two humans THAT WERE WITH US when we ended PoF? They just happen to poof away to do something else when we fight someone that eventually has a Human-only plague huh].

> They went to go watch and monitor Kralkatorik on his big death mountain, as stated back in like episode 1.



Again, out of everyone that could've been sent, it just so happens to be the 2 human members of Dragon's Watch right when we're against an enemy that just so happens to have a human-only plague, especially after we didn't see Marjory in the entire PoF only to have her pop out at the end aaaaaaaaaaaaaand be mentioned once that she went to look at Kralky.

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