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New mounts in future episodes?

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So, I think many of us probably weren't expecting another mount for the remainder of the expansion/living season.


Now that we had another one added, do you think we'll get another in the future?


I think we'll get at least one more but not sure what it would be.


I like the idea of existing mounts getting additional abilities or enhanced functionality, but what other kinds of mounts do you think they could implement?


The only one that immediately comes to mind is an underwater mount, but in saying that the skimmer could easily have enhanced functionality through a mastery and fill that role so it may not be entirely necessary. Especially given how little we're actually underwater for long enough distances to actually need a mount. (Only place I can think of where it would be tremendously useful is Frostgorge Sound and potentially future living story maps.)


Land movement has pretty much all things covered, speed, height, teleportation, leaps. All of these types of movement can be altered or enhanced with masteries for existing mounts. The only other possibility I can see would be something akin to the spider mount that was canceled, but apparently people are more afraid of spiders than zombies, bloated bubble blowing fish with giant teeth, or fractals that are pitch black littered with spiders. The only other land mount I can think of that would fit a different niche than what exists is a multi-seater mount, but given that mounts are technically a transform I'm not sure that would work out too well.


With the beetle came a new way to interact with the environment itself, through the doors. So I suppose it's possible we could potentially see something involving a burrowing mount, like a Junundu. An example of how it could perform differently than other mounts is this: You have a canyon that's split in two by a rock wall, the mount functions similarly to a jackal in that it "blinks" but it blinks in a way that it just goes far enough to go under that wall. Or burrow on top of it. The other possibility of movement is that it functions with a placeable blink and possibly covers a much larger distance. It would use endurance build up and would have to have a camera set up for the blinker similar to the trebuchet in Battle of Khylo in which it zooms out and you place where you want to burrow to and resurface. The engage attack could be a knock up and damage similar to sandsharks. The problem with this logic is that depending on the distance you travel, it makes most of these other land mounts obsolete.


The last possibility, but it's rather unlikely as it would make everything else nearly obsolete and could be handled with the mastery system, is a fully functioning flying mount. Perhaps in the final chapter of the season.



Anyway, what are your thoughts? Any other types of mounts you can think of that could be added?


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Generally this would be nice, but please no more of this stupid collections where it is gated behind. If it's not needed to get 100% map then it's okay to have an collection. But so i feel forced to do the collection asap wich is no fun at all. For the Griffon it takes me till a few weeks ago to get it. This was fun to me i have worked on it when ever i feel to do it.

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> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> Generally this would be nice, but please no more of this stupid collections where it is gated behind. If it's not needed to get 100% map then it's okay to have an collection. But so i feel forced to do the collection asap wich is no fun at all. For the Griffon it takes me till a few weeks ago to get it. This was fun to me i have worked on it when ever i feel to do it.


The beetle wasn't too bad, but I think it might be better to only be able to unlock it after the story is completed or start it before the story is started. A lot of people simply rushed through part of the story to start on the beetle and it kind of broke it up for them. The only part of the collection I wasn't a fan of was the fact that we had to do Ley Line anomaly for it, but I've done it so little I didn't realize there were daily dedicated groups for it. (Not to mention when I got it it was a group of like 50 people and it died in like 4 minutes without even moving from the bridge it was on. lol)


Oh, and the beetle in silverwastes that had a really long undeterminable spawn timer and is just a veteran mob. But I've mostly enjoyed both of the mount collections. The hardest part about these collections is that you do have to kind of rush with the first crowd working on them to complete them more easily. (Which is fine for me because I'm one of those people but I can understand people like my guild mates who still haven't done the griffon even though some of them only need a few bounties. lol)


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> The only one that immediately comes to mind is an underwater mount, but in saying that the skimmer could easily have enhanced functionality through a mastery and fill that role so it may not be entirely necessary. Especially given how little we're actually underwater for long enough distances to actually need a mount. (Only place I can think of where it would be tremendously useful is Frostgorge Sound and potentially future living story maps.)


It's a one-off per character, combined with a pair of one-offs per account, but it would have been nice to have a faster way to go down to the bottom of the lake in NW Kourna, where there's a mastery point and a PoI. And to be able to swim vertically down. (For reference, it's 15300 units, more than 1250 feet(1), straight down from the surface to the mastery point. And you don't get the bends if you just swim straight up.)


(1) A GW2 distance unit is described as being "about an inch" on the Wiki, although I'd put money on it being exactly 2.5 centimetres rather than the 2.54 cm that is an inch.

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The next mount I hope would be an underwater one. What else could they possibly give us as we most likely has all the elements of our current mounts except an underwater one.


Raptor: Sprint

Springer: High Jumps

Skrimmer: Bambi on ice

Jackal: Teleporting

Griffion: Fly/gliding

Beetle: Superfast Sonic speed


Underwater mount: We neeeeeed this! ;)


Perhaps they will reconsider to release the scrapped Spider mount?

We even had a scrapped Tiger mount aswell :p

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If there's one thing Anet is consistent with it's being inconsistent. They're not going to make new mounts on a regular basis just because they've started doing it, they'll only do it if they think there's a good reason - if they have an idea for a new mount which fits the content they're making and adds functionality they think would be useful. So we might get another one through the living story, or it might not be until the next expansion, or never.


I agree that the 'obvious' missing mount is an underwater one and it's one I'd actually like. Maybe something like the raptor/beetle where it can rapidly swim forward to cover long distances and I think a movement skill which pushes you quickly up to the surface would be useful too. (I know there's not a lot of underwater content, especially big areas of water but I feel like that's because they got into a Catch-22 of underwater combat/movement is annoying so they reduced the content and then there's no incentive to fix it. They've started to reverse that by addressing underwater skills and I think a mount could be another big help which could then lead to more underwater content.)


Other than that I don't really know what they could add. Maybe something like a dolyak mount which is slow but very hard to damage/stop?

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I’m expecting new mounts. Maybe not in future episodes but definitely more mounts. They have never said they won’t add new mounts and as long as they can make a place for a new mount in what it can do that’s different from the others I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t add it.


Of course making a mount with a niche different from the other mounts will get harder. They may abandon the new use formula and simply reuse an old use but with a radically different form (for example: another long leap mount like the raptor but a 4 legged mount instead).

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> @"Sera.2146" said:

> > @"Brother.1504" said:

> > There are siege devourers in the Edge of the Mists, Gw2 versions.


> Can't say I've never been there, though I'm sure they'd probably need adjusting for PvE mount use.


They aren't realy mounts, they are just mechanical devourers into which you get transformed. They have a cannon as a tail and they basicaly work as moving catapults.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> > Generally this would be nice, but please no more of this stupid collections where it is gated behind. If it's not needed to get 100% map then it's okay to have an collection. But so i feel forced to do the collection asap wich is no fun at all. For the Griffon it takes me till a few weeks ago to get it. This was fun to me i have worked on it when ever i feel to do it.


> The beetle wasn't too bad...


I agree. In fact, I sort of liked that part of the collection takes you to earlier areas, and I could like to have bit similar things in future, too, to some sensible extent. Leyline part was just fine, it suits well to many group sizes, but yes, I agree that the beetle choice was not necessary the best, even that it fits well to the beetle mount collection :) It just does not scale well to larger groups :)


> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> ...but I think it might be better to only be able to unlock it after the story is completed or start it before the story is started. A lot of people simply rushed through part of the story to start on the beetle and it kind of broke it up for them.


Basically, yes, it would be best to have it separated from story, so that you can decide when to go and not need to rush story just as side part of some other objective. But I understand the decision, and because the mount is so tied to story, I think the best way was to put it just at the start. You can then continue story at your own pace.


- - -


About other mounts. At some point, I would not mind Anet to introduce just a basic mount without any special skills. It would move across the landscape maybe with the same speed as raptor, but it would be just for moving around dry land. But it would come in many different forms: spider, dolyak, maybe some mech-like mount like Taimi's Scruffy, maybe horse, ... I have my own selfish reasons to hope this. I would like to have dolyak mount for my Norn Guardian - even if it would not do anything special but move around, I could like the immersion :)

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