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I loved the story. Cheered aloud. But the fact that the map currency is awarded so parsimoniously, the home instance node — an expensive item that I broke down and farmed for — delivers random crap plus ONE inscribed shard per day, and even the meta is not 100% guaranteed to award ANYTHING, after completing all the steps... I feel betrayed and disillusioned, and am quitting the game, for now. I was previously its greatest champion, and was SO excited about the new release... I wish I could have a refund on the thousands of dollars and two years I've spent here. Please... give us rewards worth working for!

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That currency is nowhere near as hard to get as you say. You get 25 from Renown Hearts, 4 from the Dailies, 20 from the Supply Caches (it has a chance to drop 2), 1 from the Home Instance node. That's 50 guaranteed each day for ~30-45 minutes. Then you get an additional 5 for each run into Gandara. So, even if you only do the daily guaranteed ones and don't farm Gandara you can have everything you want in ~2-3 weeks tops.

Personally, I didn the Exotic Banner so far and the Beetle. And the only other thing I really want now is the Ascended Banner, which costs another 500 Shards. So overall for achievements you only need 750 (+ the amount you need for the Turret achievements). It's not bad. I've seen worse... I lot worse.

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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> Puting that much effort/$ into something & quitting over lack of rewards in 1 map out of many is silly imo.


I can sympathise with him... Ever heard the saying "Straw that broke the camel's back"? Yeah that happens, it probably wasn't just the low rewards on this map, but maybe the consistently disappointing and formulaic approach they've had to living world releases since Season 3.

After "A crack in the ice", maybe, Living World just started to blurr into itself. Every new release is a repetition of the same formula, with very little variance, and very little novelty.

There's very little motivation to return to old maps. This was something that was promised would never happen when the game release, i mean that was the point of living world, initially. To provide content that justified returning to old maps. And however as much as i enjoy the novelty of new maps. Having new maps just for the sake of saying "hey we released 6 new maps 'for free' during living world", and have no actual content, no actual reason for their existence outside the scope of that living world release, is getting old and tired.

Guild Wars 2 used to be a game that innovated, now they're a game that repeats the same cookie cutter formula with every release.

The beetle mount was somewhat of an expected surprise in that regard (and i mean expected, no typo there), and certainly broke the formula a bit. But come on, it's the new cash cow, did anyone not expect them to add more?

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"alphafert.6730" said:

> > Puting that much effort/$ into something & quitting over lack of rewards in 1 map out of many is silly imo.


> I can sympathise with him... Ever heard the saying "Straw that broke the camel's back"? Yeah that happens, it probably wasn't just the low rewards on this map, but maybe the consistently disappointing and formulaic approach they've had to living world releases since Season 3.

> After "A crack in the ice", maybe, Living World just started to blurr into itself. Every new release is a repetition of the same formula, with very little variance, and very little novelty.

> There's very little motivation to return to old maps. This was something that was promised would never happen when the game release, i mean that was the point of living world, initially. To provide content that justified returning to old maps. And however as much as i enjoy the novelty of new maps. Having new maps just for the sake of saying "hey we released 6 new maps 'for free' during living world", and have no actual content, no actual reason for their existence outside the scope of that living world release, is getting old and tired.

> Guild Wars 2 used to be a game that innovated, now they're a game that repeats the same cookie cutter formula with every release.

> The beetle mount was somewhat of an expected surprise in that regard (and i mean expected, no typo there), and certainly broke the formula a bit. But come on, it's the new cash cow, did anyone not expect them to add more?


That makes more sense to me. Overall boredom with the game is a lot different than quitting because they don't get enough crystals. Maybe I don't expect enough from games but I often feel players expect too much from games.

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> @"Copper.9507" said:

> I loved the story. Cheered aloud. But the fact that the map currency is awarded so parsimoniously, the home instance node — an expensive item that I broke down and farmed for — delivers random crap plus ONE inscribed shard per day, and even the meta is not 100% guaranteed to award ANYTHING, after completing all the steps... I feel betrayed and disillusioned, and am quitting the game, for now. I was previously its greatest champion, and was SO excited about the new release... I wish I could have a refund on the thousands of dollars and two years I've spent here. Please... give us rewards worth working for!


I'm not quitting over it, but I too was very positive going into this release and it has left a bad taste in my mouth for several reasons from all the bugs and disconnects, to the beetle's weak skillset (a return to filler masteries, in my opinion) and base functionality, and the seemingly rushed events on the new map. Perhaps my expectations were too high after reading about all of the great new stuff we were going to see, but I definitely find myself disappointed this time around. It's made worse by the fact that we waited significantly longer for this and were told it was so everything could be done right...

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I'm tired of every new story, every new map being FILLED with enemies 2 feet, and bosses that have thousands upon thousands of health points. It's a drag when everything you do is grind, particularly compared to how relatively sparse the original game encounters were.

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I'm not even close to quitting the game but my enthusiasm has certainly taken a hit with this release. The story is great, the last cutscene is pure gold, the map looks nice and has this overall battlefield feel they were aiming for. Still it feels rushed and unfinished and the chaos at release was worse than the last one and I am worried about the direction releases are taking with LS4. It seems ANet is taking a style over substance approach with this LS. Adding neat little gimmicks that certainly enrich the engines capabilities and the possibilities for the devs to implement cool new things, while forgetting about adding loot to the mobs, finishing a map meta and reproducing already set in place systems like the scroll/tome. It's nice to have moving platforms, fishing and a boatride, but is it worth the connectivity issues we had with sandswept? I like the beetle and the turrets are a great concept to work with, but are they worth more than having a map that feels finished? I am worried about the game and I haven't been since 2012.

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> @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> The map is actively unfinished. There was supposed to be a 3 lane meta like the silverwastes, but they pushed it out quickly with one lane partway done and then capped filler and the other two lanes abandoned.


Is there a dev qoute to that^^


I can totally see that this was what happened, the map certainly feels like it, but did they say that there were usually three lanes planned?

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> > @"Boogiepop Void.6473" said:

> > The map is actively unfinished. There was supposed to be a 3 lane meta like the silverwastes, but they pushed it out quickly with one lane partway done and then capped filler and the other two lanes abandoned.


> Is there a dev qoute to that^^


> I can totally see that this was what happened, the map certainly feels like it, but did they say that there were usually three lanes planned?


They haven't admitted it yet, but there is plenty of info in the game. 3 bridges, the western most of which has a dead end. The inside of the fortress is modeled, which would not be needed if we weren't supposed to enter. A shot of said interior is in the trailer. Also the Kourna medal collection has the same achievement 3 times; this was obviously meant to be for the three lanes but was swapped out at the last minute. Also the corsair fleet that the shipwreck comes from is missing; they must have been planed to come in during the meta ala Palawadan.

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After seeing what you can even *get* with the map currency, I definitely decided not to buy it, even if it were updated to 3/day.

The Ascended options (are a gear set I'm not even interested in and ) are done in a way that uses Ecto, probably to spike up the flagging price a bit after the Istan meta drops so many rares. And note the lack of rare drops on the new map.

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I just realized ... for the same minimal effort to craft that thing that needs over 700 shards you could make 2 legendaries in that time period. That is at the extreme end though. If you put some more efforts into it that should go much faster.


That is still not as bad as anything that requires a full round of Orr temples. That just requires way too much waiting around for event. If you are lucky it is done in no time at all. If you are unlucky that is 10 hours of waiting.

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> @"Copper.9507" said:

> I loved the story. Cheered aloud. But the fact that the map currency is awarded so parsimoniously, the home instance node — an expensive item that I broke down and farmed for — delivers random crap plus ONE inscribed shard per day, and even the meta is not 100% guaranteed to award ANYTHING, after completing all the steps... I feel betrayed and disillusioned, and am quitting the game, for now. I was previously its greatest champion, and was SO excited about the new release... I wish I could have a refund on the thousands of dollars and two years I've spent here. Please... give us rewards worth working for!


You've only been here 2 years, though you're entitled to your opinion, which this is, I would say it would have more power behind it if you had been here since the game launched. However, if you had been here since launch you probably wouldn't even be making the same statement as you would have noticed the massive improvement in the game since then.


> @"Cregath.7628" said:

> That currency is nowhere near as hard to get as you say. You get 25 from Renown Hearts, 4 from the Dailies, 20 from the Supply Caches (it has a chance to drop 2), 1 from the Home Instance node. That's 50 guaranteed each day for ~30-45 minutes. Then you get an additional 5 for each run into Gandara. So, even if you only do the daily guaranteed ones and don't farm Gandara you can have everything you want in ~2-3 weeks tops.

> Personally, I didn the Exotic Banner so far and the Beetle. And the only other thing I really want now is the Ascended Banner, which costs another 500 Shards. So overall for achievements you only need 750 (+ the amount you need for the Turret achievements). It's not bad. I've seen worse... I lot worse.


You can get a lot more than 50 in a day, there are more than 10 Kourna Supply Chests on the map, there's at least 20 and they respawn(sometimes I suppose, though I had them all respawn on Friday, and not just after daily reset)...I was able to get 50 just from the supply chests in a single day last Friday...and if people want to contradict me(which they will), I won't argue, I know what I got, it's not my fault if others can't do the same.



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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> You can get a lot more than 50 in a day, there are more than 10 Kourna Supply Chests on the map, there's at least 20 and they respawn(sometimes I suppose, though I had them all respawn on Friday, and not just after daily reset)...I was able to get 50 just from the supply chests in a single day last Friday...and if people want to contradict me(which they will), I won't argue, I know what I got, it's not my fault if others can't do the same.




Did you perhaps switch characters during this? If so, it might actually be 20/Character. I for one can't open more than 20 chests a day. Even is I switch instance I don't see any more of them after I looted the 20th.

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I remember a time I just played games for the sake of the GAME, to finish it, to live the story or to overcome the challenge. More and more you seek your dopamine with new and again new stuff. Don't get fooled! It's a mechanic of our brains and after a short while you the reward won't matter anyway. Just play the game, be social and have fun!

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> There's very little motivation to return to old maps.


Depends which ones. I visit HoT maps and HoT living story maps not only for mats and currencies (for legendary) but also because i plain like them and they're fun.

If it's core Tyrian ones - yeah. Only when i have specific business there.


> PoF maps...didn't blow me away unlike HoT ones...but i'm willing to give it a 2nd, more indepth try. Will remain enutra


Took the words outta my mouth there.


> Guild Wars 2 used to be a game that innovated, now they're a game that repeats the same cookie cutter formula with every release.

> The beetle mount was somewhat of an expected surprise in that regard (and i mean expected, no typo there), and certainly broke the formula a bit. But come on, it's the new cash cow, did anyone not expect them to add more?


Agreed in full. Post HoT living story maps were more fun. Gliding skills in Bloodstone Fen (and the too good bloodstone trinket set), Extremely fun Spider-Man fun in Draconis Mons (also amazing map), or not very innovative but just plain awesome themed Ember Bay (these metalhead rock skulls speak to me on spiritual level ;).


I think majority here agrees that "Long Live the Lich" delivered a fun story instance, cool & fun new mount, finally some underwater terrain, but overall a rather conservative map that doesn't break any new boundries, not to mention being unfinished (2/3 of Gandara being invisi-walled and unaccessible).


Time for a-net to get out of this "safe play Path of Fire" mindset and get back to HoT way of thinking - unapologetic, innovative, new and never before seen.

Also i wish players stopped bitching about Tangled Depths. It's **one**....**ONE** map. I have to endure map after map of flatness since PoF launch, then there's core Tyrian maps that are like this too. Yet it's Tangled Depths that killed x-mass, abducted everyone's dog, voted Trump and made beer cost more....for real ppl..



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> @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > You can get a lot more than 50 in a day, there are more than 10 Kourna Supply Chests on the map, there's at least 20 and they respawn(sometimes I suppose, though I had them all respawn on Friday, and not just after daily reset)...I was able to get 50 just from the supply chests in a single day last Friday...and if people want to contradict me(which they will), I won't argue, I know what I got, it's not my fault if others can't do the same.

> >

> >


> Did you perhaps switch characters during this? If so, it might actually be 20/Character. I for one can't open more than 20 chests a day. Even is I switch instance I don't see any more of them after I looted the 20th.


Something you should keep in mind when discussing "in a day". First you must establish the definition of "a day". I recall someone was mentioning how easy it was doing something and they could easily do it in a day but later it was revealed that their "day" was 16 hours.


The caches do respawn so you don't need to switch characters but you might not have enough play time per day to ever see them respawn. Also depending on how they work if you get into a new instance it might also make them all "respawn".

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Copper.9507" said:

> > I loved the story. Cheered aloud. But the fact that the map currency is awarded so parsimoniously, the home instance node — an expensive item that I broke down and farmed for — delivers random crap plus ONE inscribed shard per day, and even the meta is not 100% guaranteed to award ANYTHING, after completing all the steps... I feel betrayed and disillusioned, and am quitting the game, for now. I was previously its greatest champion, and was SO excited about the new release... I wish I could have a refund on the thousands of dollars and two years I've spent here. Please... give us rewards worth working for!


> You've only been here 2 years, though you're entitled to your opinion, which this is, I would say it would have more power behind it if you had been here since the game launched. However, if you had been here since launch you probably wouldn't even be making the same statement as you would have noticed the massive improvement in the game since then.


> > @"Cregath.7628" said:

> > That currency is nowhere near as hard to get as you say. You get 25 from Renown Hearts, 4 from the Dailies, 20 from the Supply Caches (it has a chance to drop 2), 1 from the Home Instance node. That's 50 guaranteed each day for ~30-45 minutes. Then you get an additional 5 for each run into Gandara. So, even if you only do the daily guaranteed ones and don't farm Gandara you can have everything you want in ~2-3 weeks tops.

> > Personally, I didn the Exotic Banner so far and the Beetle. And the only other thing I really want now is the Ascended Banner, which costs another 500 Shards. So overall for achievements you only need 750 (+ the amount you need for the Turret achievements). It's not bad. I've seen worse... I lot worse.


> You can get a lot more than 50 in a day, there are more than 10 Kourna Supply Chests on the map, there's at least 20 and they respawn(sometimes I suppose, though I had them all respawn on Friday, and not just after daily reset)...I was able to get 50 just from the supply chests in a single day last Friday...and if people want to contradict me(which they will), I won't argue, I know what I got, it's not my fault if others can't do the same.


I wouldn't be shocked to learn that, like the other LS nodes, the chests respawn approximately 23.5 hours after you last looted them. All the LS3 nodes behave this way, and the previous LS4 nodes also do. If people are confused about their reset, it could be that they have failed to notice this, and/or always done a run on them just after reset ... except that one day.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:


> > There's very little motivation to return to old maps.


> Depends which ones. I visit HoT maps and HoT living story maps not only for mats and currencies (for legendary) but also because i plain like them and they're fun.

> If it's core Tyrian ones - yeah. Only when i have specific business there.


> > PoF maps...didn't blow me away unlike HoT ones...but i'm willing to give it a 2nd, more indepth try. Will remain enutra


> Took the words outta my mouth there.


> > Guild Wars 2 used to be a game that innovated, now they're a game that repeats the same cookie cutter formula with every release.

> > The beetle mount was somewhat of an expected surprise in that regard (and i mean expected, no typo there), and certainly broke the formula a bit. But come on, it's the new cash cow, did anyone not expect them to add more?


> Agreed in full. Post HoT living story maps were more fun. Gliding skills in Bloodstone Fen (and the too good bloodstone trinket set), Extremely fun Spider-Man fun in Draconis Mons (also amazing map), or not very innovative but just plain awesome themed Ember Bay (these metalhead rock skulls speak to me on spiritual level ;).


> I think majority here agrees that "Long Live the Lich" delivered a fun story instance, cool & fun new mount, finally some underwater terrain, but overall a rather conservative map that doesn't break any new boundries, not to mention being unfinished (2/3 of Gandara being invisi-walled and unaccessible).


> Time for a-net to get out of this "safe play Path of Fire" mindset and get back to HoT way of thinking - unapologetic, innovative, new and never before seen.

> Also i wish players stopped kitten about Tangled Depths. It's **one**....**ONE** map. I have to endure map after map of flatness since PoF launch, then there's core Tyrian maps that are like this too. Yet it's Tangled Depths that killed x-mass, abducted everyone's dog, voted Trump and made beer cost more....for real ppl..




Hey! You sound just like me! 100% agree with everything you've said here.

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