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Market suffering without fresh crafting tasks

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The market is saturated with most basic mats. Look at the quantities available for purchase using external tool (game limits to 99,999).

(Recently: Silk is nearly worthless along with Mithril and Silver.)


I think we need some fresh crafting tasks to help use things.


I thought crafting some Legendary toys or Minis might be fun to help absorb some materials without creating any power or gear balance issues.

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The game threw a good chance at making this market long-term stable away by not copying something to the original DAoC idea of permanently destroyed armor. That is, you can only repair it **so** often, eventually it will need replacement.


If the whole item-system is built around this, it creates a constant, never-ending need for more crafted items.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> The game threw a good chance at making this market long-term stable away by not copying something to the original DAoC idea of permanently destroyed armor. That is, you can only repair it **so** often, eventually it will need replacement.


> If the whole item-system is built around this, it creates a constant, never-ending need for more crafted items.


That is a ridiculous system and not even worth contemplating. Wouldn’t work in gw2 unless Ascended Armor cost a bomb less than it does, and runes/infusions weren’t bound to the armor slots.

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This market has devalued a ton of ascended materials. Thus making ascended equipment is getting easier for newer players to get it quicker. The problem I've always seen is that there is a lot of materials that is absolutely worthless like slivers and tier value inconsistency. This is because of lack of things to craft with those items.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> That is a ridiculous system and not even worth contemplating. Wouldn’t work in gw2 unless Ascended Armor cost a bomb less than it does, and runes/infusions weren’t bound to the armor slots.


I don't see it as "ridiculous", just "very different". In a game such as GW2, a game which eshews a lot of common MMO designs, it'd fit better than in most other games. and yes, as I said, they wasted the chance to do something like that. I am quite aware that given modern Ascended and Legendary armors, it'd no longer work. Duh.


The idea would have been to do it that way from the start. Exotic as the highest gear, but breaks eventually. Steady need of supplies through steady need for crafted gear.


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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > That is a ridiculous system and not even worth contemplating. Wouldn’t work in gw2 unless Ascended Armor cost a bomb less than it does, and runes/infusions weren’t bound to the armor slots.


> I don't see it as "ridiculous", just "very different". In a game such as GW2, a game which eshews a lot of common MMO designs, it'd fit better than in most other games. and yes, as I said, they wasted the chance to do something like that. I am quite aware that given modern Ascended and Legendary armors, it'd no longer work. Duh.


> The idea would have been to do it that way from the start. Exotic as the highest gear, but breaks eventually. Steady need of supplies through steady need for crafted gear.



Thank god they didnt do that. Its my biggest gripe without Fallout NV, i hate..hate..hate crap that breaks after XX uses.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> The simple option is doing what a lot of MMOs do and having crafting dailies. It's an easy way to waste whatever materials they want while giving you something that's harder to obtain.


What are some good rewards from these systems? Hopefully not crafting mats, or less gold than you could sell the materials for or experience that you may be maxed on....may have to be some other exclusive currency and/or selection of currencies or a way to build towards some high value item.


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Yeah, crafting dailies generally don't work if your game doesn't have item-levels for gear. Because what you want to give out are tokens toward gear upgrades, only, well... we don't need better gear.


The problem really **is** homemade. Even with Ascended gear, we don't have more and more upgrades to chase after, and we don't have any other "consumption" of crafting mats other than to make gear which will rarely if ever get superceded (to be fair, both expansions brought "gear upgrades" in the form of more efficient stat combinations, but that only works once per xpack, not 5-6 times like in other MMOs where the ilvl keeps increasing).


Solutions? Difficult. Scarcity of materials **could** work, but would be annoying for people who are just done levelling and genuinely need the gear. Acceptance would work, maybe due to the underlying design of GW2's combat and items the market is just "doomed" to falter from the get-go, it just took a long time to reach this saturation point.

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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> Why not ascended jeweler recipes? Like deldrimore you use mithril, then 20 silver, 10 gold & 20 platinum to make an ascended metal for jewelry crafting. Tbh when doing 3 legendary weapons cheap mithril is welcomed.


They did.... the Xunlai Ingots used to make Aurora. But they stopped further Legendary trinkets for the time being.... which I agree with since Legendary equipment as a Material sink is going to suffer the same problem all the other mat sinks caused; massive demand in the beginning, and eventually atrophy as demand is satiated or dropped.


Like this post says:


> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> The game threw a good chance at making this market long-term stable away by not copying something to the original DAoC idea of permanently destroyed armor. That is, you can only repair it **so** often, eventually it will need replacement.


> If the whole item-system is built around this, it creates a constant, never-ending need for more crafted items.


A one and done method of sinking is unsustainable in the long run. Even the OP's post is a admission that the cycle is not only high maintenance, but also a drain on player's patience. The post after it also makes a good point about how players view gear as a "reward" more then a running cost..... and I can only think of a few games that are even capable of framing that problem in a way in which it can be avoided.


This problem can't be fixed at this point due to the rest of the game's design revolving heavily around gear as a reward cycle, and in turn a latched investment on a system with a low ceiling. Theres also only 9 classes, each possibly having up to 3 gears sets each for maximum play diversity. But had they gone the other route of having to fully level and regear a character to run a different build concept, we'd run into skewed class population problem we had in Core (ie No Rangers allowed).


Thus ultimately our big issue is we're locked into this system, but the only relief that can be offered is by expanding how much gear we can carry per character.... basically further the accumulation strategy, rather then simply expanding options in existing once that exist in mutual exclusion. Why carry 2 GreatSwords with different skins with the Wardrobe system in play? How many builds where identical weapons with different sigils are considered viable? How often is that setup even interesting beyond benchmarks?


I think this leaves the Expansion's Flagship mechanics as the most likely future for an entirely new wing of gear production... but the players will no longer tolerate a market with high upkeep costs (like food) unless they give substantial performance gains, or are made mandatory to how the content works. But doing the latter also deters people from it entirely once its milked for what entertainment it offers. WvW is still the game's strongest overall concept; but its suffered heavily from neglect and player aversion to even minor PvP (see Tarir armor challenges when HOT was still new).


Frankly..... I find it ironic that the more this has gone on in the industry, the more the Korean MMO grind fests prove they are the better business model for the breed of players that exist now. That entire market demographic needs to be rocked at its foundation, but there aren't enough games in a position to make that happen. Companies are going to chase the money, so thats not gonna happen any time soon either. We're officially back into an industry wide rut, now that the race to popularize MMOs is pretty much run its course.

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There could be room for a new system based on sinking abundant materials into repairs.

There would need to be some minor changes to accommodate it but this is how it could work:

- Weapons and trinkets can now be damaged in the same way as armor.

- In order to fix these, you can use repair canisters as per usual

- if players want to fix _Ascended_ quality gear at an anvil, it will cost them 1 token per item repaired.

- tokens can be crafted and dropped into material storage to be used like currency.

- there are 3 types of token which use different materials to create - gold/silver for trinket tokens; leather, metal, cloth for armor; wood and metal for weapons.

- tokens cost a very small amount to craft - eg. 1 metal ingot + 1 plank for a weapon "token"; 1 gold or silver ingot for trinket tokens.

- tokens are tradable to accomodate for people who don't craft.


_Just an idea for utilizing some extra materials for those who already have ascended gear without absolutely breaking the system._



Another idea would be to have gold or silver plating on armor or weapons which rather like an infusion, **slightly** changes the appearance of that item and wears down over time (eg. needs to be replaced once a month) Cost would be something like 200 gold or silver ingots.




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I guess my main motivation for the post was that ultimately, blue/green drops in level 80 zones are worth less that 1/2 of the value of drops for level 10-30 zones. Blue unidentified bags are down to 1s.


So, the PoF maps are giving very unfavorable returns for much more effort when you kill a boss and get 2 blue and 1 bag of green gear.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> I guess my main motivation for the post was that ultimately, blue/green drops in level 80 zones are worth less that 1/2 of the value of drops for level 10-30 zones. Blue unidentified bags are down to 1s.


> So, the PoF maps are giving very unfavorable returns for much more effort when you kill a boss and get 2 blue and 1 bag of green gear.


That's actually brilliant design.

You're free to visit any level 10-30 zone anytime. If you don't visit such zones, let the players who do have their own way of making gold. B)

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> I guess my main motivation for the post was that ultimately, blue/green drops in level 80 zones are worth less that 1/2 of the value of drops for level 10-30 zones. Blue unidentified bags are down to 1s.


> So, the PoF maps are giving very unfavorable returns for much more effort when you kill a boss and get 2 blue and 1 bag of green gear.


Couldn't you just buy a new character slot, get them to an optimal level, and let them open all the bags your level 80s collect? Or just have a couple of character in different level tiers, for a variety of mats.


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