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Ideas for expansion 3(?) - What do you want to see?

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There's other related threads, but hey, i'll start a fresh one. A 'what you want to see discussion.'


Personally, I don't care about new areas and maps much anymore. We have so many already. I like to see other players around me, and further population fragmentation doesn't sit very well. As an Australian in usually off-peak hours, the MMO sure feels super empty most of the time.


Instead, I'd love to see Arenanet focus their resources on areas that people have asked for, for many years.

-New playable races... Tengu, Kodan, Largos

-The long desired land spear...

-New weapon types... claws, fists, scythes, pole-arms, whatever you dream up.

-Longer and richer story...

-More new skins, items etc.

-Better made elite specs (most have not been a _'new way to play the class'_ like they were advertised and meant to be).


An expansion doesn't necessarily NEED an entire new continent, or themed area of it's own. Expansions are new content, but that doesn't neccessarily have to be enormous new areas of the world. I feel like the resources put into the maps could be better used elsewhere at this point. My favourite map is still Dry-Top, no matter how fast you can now travel from one end to the other. Anet btw, there's no need to make all the new maps post PoF enormous, even with mounts around. Mounts aren't the only thing that matter.


Anyway, that's my conjecture. What's yours?

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Let's start by saying what we won't get:





New races


Anet made a point of putting in the above 2 classes as npcs in Elona, and didn't add this for players at the exact opportunity that would have been best to do so - PoF.


We won;t get Scythe either because we already have scythe skins for staves, and Necromancer skill visuals apply a scythe head to their staves. Think about it. We don;t have hammer skins on great swords for a reason. They won't confuse the matter by implementing scythes after already making the as staff skins.


We won't get new races because they would either have to A) shoe-horn them into the existing personal story, or B) create a 'start at level 80' story for them but somehow shoe-horn them into previous content up until this point. This could work if the game makes a point of telling you that you are 'playing past events'and treats the commander like a different character, but it's a long-shot. They would probably pick Tengu given they already were in development before launch, and players have long-requested them. It's highly unlikely this will happen though and they have also stated that making armor work for the current races is hard enough. If you read the recent AMA, you'll know how significantly under-resourced they are to even ship their basic product offerings, let alone resource something like this. It's just not going to happen.


Moving on. What we will, undoubtedly, get:


1. New story

2. New Elite Specs

3. New skins (but not many)

4. New maps

5. New movement skills (HoT gave shrooms and gliders, PoF gave mounts)


Within this, and in addition to this, what I'd like to see:


1. Land spears - no reason i can think of why this would actually be a problem. If anything, it's easier for them to implement because the spear would be stowed on your back like any existing 2 hand weapon, and they won't have to create too many new skins. So that just leaves skills and animations.


2. Golemancer elite spec for Engineer - I need a reason to Play Engi and this would be it. Main hand mace. Golem pet. Opening the pet window lets you select parts for the golem, which also change it's skills and appearance (important to signal to others in PvP what skills the golem is likely to use). F skills replaced with the golem skills, which the Engi activates on command. Golem has dye channels for flavor? This last bit is optional.


3. Cantha - I'm biased. What I expect is we will either go here, to Far Shiverpeaks/ Charr homelands, or to other unexplored areas of the existing map.


What I doubt we will get, but could be pleasantly surprised:


1. Player housing - It's a bit resource heavy and not community-focused like Guild Halls. We basically already have this with guild Halls, and a home instance which we 'sort of' customise with nodes, unlocks and story choices (NPCs that reside there as a result). I don't see it coming.


2. Claw or Fist weapons - Think of the clipping.


Stuff that we will get in connection to, but not necessarily released inside of, the expac:


1. New legendaries

2. New Fractals

3. New Raids

4. New WvW map


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Why would a new race cause players to level up 'normally'?

> Personally, I have never enjoyed Dry Top; I hope to never see another map like it. The Silverwastes, on the other hand, is enjoyable.


> I would enjoy a new continent, such as Cantha, or anywhere we've yet to have visited in GW2.


Yeah, as an off-peak player, I probably hold some level of bias in regards to maps. Don't get me wrong, I love to explore new maps. But the 'empty world' feel I often experience isn't very nice (RIP WvW offpeak).

As for the 'level up normally': that line of thought was probably incorrect. If a new race came, it was my perception that people would level up the old fashion way to experience the new story at a normal pace and such. But that doesn't really present any reason to not instant level up and do the story faster.

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Here are a few things I would like to see:

* Housing

* New cultural armor

* More dialogue options (both choices and expressing opinions)

* Continuing or resolving unresolved plots from previous expansions (Zojja, Pale Tree, Malyck, etc.)

* Quest journal/system for more Caladbolg-style quests

* A mix of map types -- some exploration-focused and some focused on HoT-style metas

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm not sure a new race would engender a new story, save for the new story that came with the expansion. And that story would be L80, likely.


> @"Lord Krilik.3692" said:

> If you read the recent AMA, you'll know how significantly under-resourced they are to even ship their basic product offerings, let alone resource something like this. It's just not going to happen.


Yeah, if a new race came out, you'd think a new lvl 1-X story should be there, but probably wouldn't due to scale. Under-resourced or not doesn't matter. This is a discussion on what we'd want to see, so there's no harm in writing what we want to see.


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The trap here is "what can they offer that simply isn't just more 'stuff', that will burn out like all the previous content has? The burn out Rate of POF was slow at first, but its pretty clear now most people who was at the Xpac launch are bored with it. Force feeding "content" and achievement shinnies seems to have also peaked in effectiveness. The Bless refugees were a lucky break, and buying Anet some time before their income has another around of stress...... but its only a matter of time before they burn through most of whats on offer and hit the same wall the rest of us have.


The market has changed substantially the last couple of years, and I'm now unsure of what way most of us have forward without a new game crumbling the existing MMO paradigms. I can only hope when that happens, it'll be with a new reward system that people will latch on to, and finally shake every modern game's biggest sustainability problem...... the constant struggle with rewards and "reward creeping". Its like power creeping, but its the rewards having to be continually more bombastic and better then previous ones just to spark any form of interest.

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Simple for me: Depths of Tyria

More cities like rata novus, skritts, destroyers and for the first time, underground charr bases, like colons for southsun cove.


Elites: will edit them later.

-Engineer: Technomancer (mace), like a tech-priest in warhammer basically. A middle between rifle and hammer. Fast and strong. Long shock waves.

-Elementalist: Destroyer (rifle) massive ranged attacks depending of the element: Fire or Air make a serious aoe damage whereas earth and water reinforce and heal.

-Guardian: Archer (short bow) can shoot arrows at allies to heal them, bump enemies away, make a rain of fire arrows.

-Mesmer: Illusionist (dagger) summon daggers randomly around the player, can summon 10 clones during a very short time.

-Necromancer: Lifetaker (sword) summon tornadoes, throw multiple swords toward enemies and slow down them. Like to cast agony on them.

-Ranger: Lifebinder (scepter), total opposite of lifetaker, can cast wells to heal nearby allies and transfer enemies boons to allies. His power is a big amount of bleeding.

-Revenant: Caster (warhorn) disappear as he want with a new functionality of the skills bar and travel to the mist to bring back several ghost with him.

-Thief: Saboter (torch) can throw grenades on foes, summon bombs and light them. He can also throw the torch to create a growing fire field.

-Warrior: Rogue (pistol) draw his gun and inflict rapidly a decent amount of conditions, can also summon a smoke field to gain stealth.


New maps: Asuras and Charrs

Charr homelands and blazeridge moutains with huge caverns. Would make a perfect transition between fire/desert/hot climate and ice/peaks/cold climate:


Crystal desert -> plains and moutains -> Deldrimor facade and shiverpeaks.

And of course, more guild decos and housing!


Ps: My favourite possible elite: destroyer and asuran undercity



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Underwater or Charr land. Either of those would be awesome.


And I would also like to see implemented a method of customising skills - ie evolution/upgrade trees that allow a player to create something unique/niche.

Eg have a choice between larger radius on an aoe skill or increased damage/effects with smaller radius.


Could simply start with two branching evolutions for each weapon skill - perhaps including auto attack.


These evolutions should not be swappable in combat, but instead have their own UI like the trait trees, perhaps in the hero menu under weapon skills where the player can customise their loadout prior to combat.


If possible I'd like to see this extend to branching trait evolutions as well, but that could cause a huge balance mess so maybe best to just keep this to skills only.

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One thing I would like to see, along with another elite spec, is being able to use more than one elite spec, be it a fourth talent tree option, or the removal of restriction on using only one. I would love to see what kind of builds come out of something like that. I'm sure it would be a nightmare to balance, and core specs would need a buff, but the most fun aspect of this game is the different builds available to a single class, imo anyway.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> The trap here is "what can they offer that simply isn't just more 'stuff', that will burn out like all the previous content has? The burn out Rate of POF was slow at first, but its pretty clear now most people who was at the Xpac launch are bored with it. Force feeding "content" and achievement shinnies seems to have also peaked in effectiveness. The Bless refugees were a lucky break, and buying Anet some time before their income has another around of stress...... but its only a matter of time before they burn through most of whats on offer and hit the same wall the rest of us have.


> The market has changed substantially the last couple of years, and I'm now unsure of what way most of us have forward without a new game crumbling the existing MMO paradigms. I can only hope when that happens, it'll be with a new reward system that people will latch on to, and finally shake every modern game's biggest sustainability problem...... the constant struggle with rewards and "reward creeping". Its like power creeping, but its the rewards having to be continually more bombastic and better then previous ones just to spark any form of interest.


This is very much my perspective too. All in all, though, I think the game can continue and be profitable but it just needs to be run more efficently and with fewer devs going forward. There are plenty of people who are entranced with the game, play it every day and build communities within it and I think that aspect that should be catered to eventually. More personal things like emotes, environment interaction (like sitting in chairs), player housing, player created content and customization would be most beneficial to start improving so when they can't put out a new map every 5 months or a raid wing every year anymore, there will still be aspects for those dedicated players to fall back on and make them feel comfortable to continue supporting the game.



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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> And I would also like to see implemented a method of customising skills - ie evolution/upgrade trees that allow a player to create something unique/niche.

> Eg have a choice between larger radius on an aoe skill or increased damage/effects with smaller radius.


> Could simply start with two branching evolutions for each weapon skill - perhaps including auto attack.


> These evolutions should not be swappable in combat, but instead have their own UI like the trait trees, perhaps in the hero menu under weapon skills where the player can customise their loadout prior to combat.


> If possible I'd like to see this extend to branching trait evolutions as well, but that could cause a huge balance mess so maybe best to just keep this to skills only.

I'd really like this, I think. However, I think this system would do better if it avoids having an obvious "correct" choice. I think a straight damage increase might be less fun.


I'd also really like the ability to set up different builds based on what enemies I have targeted when I enter combat. I highly doubt this would be implemented, but it'd be nice to have readily available tactical options.


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What eo I want to see?


Removal of Braham.


Making a point of creating antipathy for the character, and then, when players ask to not have to deal with him, actively making matters worse in LW chapters, makes any story unpleasant. Ruining chapter after chapter of the LW means reduced investment in the story so that much of the draw, for me, of an upcoming expansion is lost.

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I want them to continue what they've done with PoF, I really loved that they brought GW2 back to being a true continuation of the first game rather than feeling like a distant spin-off.

1. **New Races** (Dwarves, Largos, or something entirely new are all options) I really like the idea of finding surviving dwarves and curing their curse, unlocking them to be playable.

2. **A mix of different types of maps**, I loved the lore-rich maps of PoF, but I would also like some maps that are made for some really grand scale meta's next time, as well. I wasn't a fan of the verticality of HoT maps, but I think they could make some really interesting exploration maps without having to resort to too much verticality that could also be filled with lore and stories to discover, maybe even side missions.

3. **Chronicles/Grimoire system** where you collect lore/stories from exploration maps and side missions, could be a huge expansion of the story journal system or a completely new system altogether, and as you collect them you could unlock titles and nice skins, it would give something for solo players who love to explore and want to sink their time into the game (but obviously should be able to do it with a friend if you want).

4. I want them to **take risks with their story-telling**. I think we shouldn't constantly come out unscathed in every chapter, main characters should die once in a while to bring some weight to the story and the dangerous circumstances we find ourselves in.

5. **More player agency in the story**, as in more opportunities to choose a distinct path that impacts your story significantly, this improved with PoF and the ability to side with the various factions early on but hasn't really been emphasized much beyond that.

6. **Housing**, because the game needs more hobby content to play around with during our several-months-in between-updates periods.


As for the setting, I don't really care as long as it has map variety both content-wise and visually, honestly I seriously do dread anything Asura-related. I _loathe_ their puzzles, boring labs, and ugly out of place architecture.. I've always been a strong advocate of returning to Cantha, but I think we've got so much to contend with in the current regions that would be more fun to play through now since we did a Sylvari centric expansion the first time, and are in the middle of a human centric one, now. I guess It's only fair we do something in the Charr, Norn, or Asura homelands.

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My provecy is we go up to the sky's and become dragon rider. Since we know now dragons are friend not food. And look how aurinee get this nice mount size.


So we get **air ship combat** pve and wvw maps.


**Dragon mounts**

how will dragon mounts not make other mounts obselite ? They are slow and non agile on land they need time to start and to land. So that farming mats with them will be not worth it but for high speed long distance travel and air combat with a ability to breath fire on ground targets while landing. Dragon mounts also can get the ability to carry a friend.


Theme of the new x PAC will be **Dragon Nest**

In the farest unknown corner of Tyrian dragons have survived and we tame them.


My wishlist for enemy would be some unknown race perhaps something beautiful but evil.


**Playher housing**

I'm not interested in that but I guess it will come. There is a way to make money by selling skins. How to make those houses better ? Perhaps they can have small training s arenas for pvp and pve where friends can duel and compare dps on a golem. World portals asura tech and more games.



get updates to give guilds the ability to build costom fortresses which may give more motivation to defend those... maybe



get a purpose Pokémon gw2 mini games.


No new race thanks to char and asura we barely get new armors already.


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**New classes**


**Dark Templar**

A extremely agile version of a guardian. With double sword. Teleport and barriers as main mechanic



A robust thief which mainly relies on stuns and bleeds. Double axe. Not much invisibility but lots of blinds.



Totem using ranger kinda like turrets (maybe boring) what I would like more is the thing or the beast.

Ranger looses all his humanity and becomes a hybrid beast of whatever 2 animals he has chosen. But boy that would be much work. I liked the Druid from wow maybe that as compromise.


**Rev** (need look gw2 lore for name)

Very sorry but stealth is something what rev may like to have fun with.


**Mesmer** (some Spanish name or harlequin something)

Gets dagger dagger

Shape shifter, can steal oponment skills like thief but more extreme. Replaces his position with enemy positions. Let's try make Mesmer like a joker with all sorts of trickery but no clones from the specialization.



Engi gets a golem pet. Where he can jump in and out. Aka powersuit Ironman.


**Man at arms **(He man reference)

Warrior can swap up to 4 weapons. Using F3 F4

Team buffer with the ability to give the team environmental weapons. This class might be best for open world. Because of the flexibility.



Double warhorn lol

Teambuf healer with lots of abilities to escape.


**Ele**... no idea

Maybe can play with the idea like shapeshifter into elements and don't use weapons.



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I really want to see a portal accident that sends the Commander to the world from whence humans and their 'gods' came, specifically, to a particular city in that world. A city struggling to rebuild. A city where evil lurks behind every shadow... A City of (sob) Heroes.


If I can't see that, I'd like to see actual Monks, Ritualists, Paragons (hey!), Dervishes, Assassins, and, oh, I dunno, entirely pet-less Rangers. With no pets.


If that's not visible either, well, how about playable bird guys and playable blue guys and we discover that heroic commander-y types and their trusty if occasionally obnoxious cohorts elsewhere have dealt with any remaining unfinished elder dragon business, freeing us to venture to some region of Tyria as yet unseen by player eyes, where the shadows of past glories don't loom quite so tall over everything.


Okay, well, how about just the bird guys then.


More like PoF and less like HoT?


Dry land spears?



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Us harnessing dragon magic would be a great gimmick. For example you can harness primordus to get extra power for your stats, the abilty to walk on lava and less damage to fire attacks. Have at least 6 new maps of varying types. Reintroduce dungeons that can incorporate these new mechanics. 2 new epic meta bosses. 200 skins for the fashionistas.

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