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I would like a new Elite Spec that has Minions

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Talking about for one of the classes that already dont have a form of a pet/Minion of some kind. Would be a cool addition.


But what non Pet/Minion base class would you all like to see get a Minion/Pet based Elite Spec if Arena Net were planning such a thing?


For me I would like a Revenant Elite Spec that has Minion Summoning on the f2-f5 skills, that change base on what legend you are using when you spawn them. So each minion summon skill is Legend themed and do different things based on the legend you choose. They wont spawn the legend themselves, but lets say Dwarf legend spawns some rocky dwarfs or something, and Demon Legend summons demons, etc.


Also in terms of Pets, I would like Warrior to get a Pet Elite Spec with melee focused Elite Spec that fights melee themed with their pets. I believe Warhammer had a similar concept. This could be pretty cool change for Warrior gameplay.


Another idea, is Engineer with Golem Minions and Pets that can be controlled and mounted for a changed combat mechanic.


just some of my ideas. whats yours?

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Personally, I think the Elementalist should be next. Yes, they have a Lesser/Greater Glyph pair that summons elementals, but they should be able to do more than that.


Lesser Arcane Spirit for the healing skill, it keeps the player healed as best it can. 4 Elemental summons, each one using a different model than the current summoned ones. And finally a Greater Arcane spirit, that is composed of all four elements, as the elite skill.


Greatsword as the elite spec weapon. Swords have long been seen as a symbol of authority, perfect for a summoner that bends elementals to their will.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Ranger Minion Master? I was going to make a joke about it, but then it occurred to me, it could be the creatures Rangers want as pets but never got, like Skale, Skelk and Raptors.


Ranger already has pets. Talking about classes that don't have minions or pets in their base class to get it with Elite Spec. I had an idea for Warrior to get a Raptor or some kind of beast that they have as a pet but can also mount like those NPC generals in HoT story missions. This mounting is similar concept to Juggernaut in which your skills changed to specific weapons skills to the mount. This not movement mounts like currently in the game. Just a visual effect with elite spec mechanic. Each beast has unique abilities.


Seem cool

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Personally, I think the Elementalist should be next. Yes, they have a Lesser/Greater Glyph pair that summons elementals, but they should be able to do more than that.


> Lesser Arcane Spirit for the healing skill, it keeps the player healed as best it can. 4 Elemental summons, each one using a different model than the current summoned ones. And finally a Greater Arcane spirit, that is composed of all four elements, as the elite skill.


> Greatsword as the elite spec weapon. Swords have long been seen as a symbol of authority, perfect for a summoner that bends elementals to their will.


Remind me of Skyrim Conjurer !! I like!!!

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Right now minions aren't well utilized on the one class that has them. At best they get used as an extra cc or because no other skills are useful in a certain encounter (though that might have more to do with those other skills...). Nobody is seriously using them in raids, wvw, or spvp; and they're an extra cc on certain fractals with breakbar mechanics.

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I play engineer and i like pets but they should be more like spells than actual pets.


So far anet has done good with scrapper (a pet with a effect around them) and renegade (a pet that also effects an area)


I think necromancer pets and turrets are not very good gameplay and are a pain to balance. Ranger pets are equally bad but i don't know too much about them (rangers are super rare in wvw spvp and some pve content i haven't seen one in a long while)


i think a cool pet idea would be a charge system pet attack spell.


My idea is for engineer turrets so bare with me - Make engineer pets have 10 auto attack charges and reduce their hit points (so they can practically be destroy in 1 auto) but increase their rate of fire slightly. This would promote a kind of "totem / ward / bursty gun" pet that you set down to shoot 10 times and then it dies / gets removed.


I like the shadow hunter's serpent wards from warcraft 3 frozen throne and i think if turrets had auto attack charges they could be quit deadly (scrapper with turrets so he melees while rifle and rocket and flame turret support him behind him with range attacks).


The only problem is that - Quickness would unbalance turret pets to shoot super fast and also aoe or range attacks can "pluck" the turrets and kill them.


Would be fun through. I think this idea would be cool.


Also i think bomb pets would be cool - Basically a necromancer drops a chalk egg and people have to burst it down. If it gets destroyed it can do 670 aoe damage. But if it explodes with in 6 seconds of not dying it can do like 1200 aoe damage.


These kind of fun pet spells i would love to see in the game. Thanks anet.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > Ranger Minion Master? I was going to make a joke about it, but then it occurred to me, it could be the creatures Rangers want as pets but never got, like Skale, Skelk and Raptors.


> Ranger already has pets. Talking about classes that don't have minions or pets in their base class to get it with Elite Spec. I had an idea for Warrior to get a Raptor or some kind of beast that they have as a pet but can also mount like those NPC generals in HoT story missions. This mounting is similar concept to Juggernaut in which your skills changed to specific weapons skills to the mount. This not movement mounts like currently in the game. Just a visual effect with elite spec mechanic. Each beast has unique abilities.


> Seem cool


A pet isn't the same thing as a minion master.

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pretty much every class already some form of minions

Ranger - Pets

Necros - Undeads

Mesmer - Illusions

Elementalist - Elementals

Guardian - Spirit Weapons

Thief - Thief Guild

Engineer - Turrets

Revenant - Spirit Charrs

Warrior - One man army


you may well just go play GW1, plenty of human pets

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > pretty much every class already some form of minions

> > [...]

> > Guardian - Spirit Weapons


> The Spirit Weapons are just fancy spell effects now, nothing following you around.




just shows how OP dragon hunter traps are, didnt know it was changed

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if they made the minion master properly it would not be a problem, ppl say GW2 is a step forward while i see it as a huge leap backwards for necro MM's.

it's good to not need corpses but not being able to use them is already a big letdown, not being able to at least have 10 minions with you at all times is a huge downgrade for any vet necro player.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Talking about for one of the classes that already dont have a form of a pet/Minion of some kind. Would be a cool addition.

I never imagined another profession would want minions; especially with banners being such well-behaved summons.

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This is sort-of what they were doing with the Scrapper, though they could make Gyros a little more persistent... and the Renegade too, perhaps they could move around in a specific pattern rather than a designated area.


But what else could we filter through the Necromancer/Mesmer's lens?


Ranger is the most obvious and probably the simplest. A Ranger Swarm or Pack or Flock wouldn't be out of character... and they could add creative pets, like the Swarm of Bees players have been asking for since the early days of Pre-Searing Ascalon. Similarly, the Ranger's Spirits could undergo a more Ritualistic manifestation, giving them not merely presence, but also attack powers.


Elementalist is also fairly easy. Since they already summon Elementals, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to go full Thaumaturgist and summon elemental golem constructs to hold specific spells and attacks until an appointed time.


Thief is a little trickier, but it already has Thieves' Guild, so making a "Shadow Clone" or calling an ally with a specific weapon/skill set (similar to the Renegade's) should be doable, if maybe a little too similar to the Mesmer's skills.


Guardian is very difficult, considering the Spirit Weapons were changed specifically not to be minions anymore. Surely a force mage could create some kind of simple construct to grapple or block an enemy, but that gets dangerously close to its own DragonHunter traps... Of course, the Guardian could also get a Ritualist treatment, building turret-like constructs, but perhaps that's not what the OP had in mind... and it's pretty much "been done". Hm...


Warrior is the most difficult, since its abilities involve leading allies rather than summoning them, and simply calling in friends is literally what Renegade and Thief already do... but I think there is a way. What if a Warrior could get so furious, the very blood of their enemies rose up to fight? A Bloodrager could definitely channel that raw, physical ki magic to "berserk" living enemies, or "reanimate" enemies they kill (scaled to Minion power level, of course), either for a single attack or for an ammo-limited number of attacks... This would be pretty weird, since even the Necromancer can't Reanimate (yet...) and maybe not very Warrior-y, but it's a starting point. Plus side, this gives us a different flavor of Blue Mage, distinct from the Thief's Steal abilities. (Sing it with me: "It's the Eye of the Tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to the challenge of our riivaal...")

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