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On the subject of important but easily forgotten things: I love that they don't have to take the servers offline to install updates or fix problems and as a result this game has incredible up-time compared to other games.


Admittedly down time in my other MMO usually doesn't affect me directly because it's normally done while I'm at work, so unless it goes on for a very long time I'm not home to try and log in. But even so every patch day the forums are full of stupid spam from people killing time until the game is back online, or raging about how it's been down 20 minutes longer than last time and this is completely unacceptable and they must compensate players for the inconvenience. And you can guarantee if I have a day off work with no plans or I'm home sick that'll be on patch day and I won't get to play. If there's problems then it doesn't matter that I wasn't intending to play the new content - I still can't log in until it's working.


With GW2 that never happens. On patch day you can just keep playing up until the new patch is ready, then log out, download it and get back in immediately. And if there's problems it's usually pretty much the same - just go and play another part of the game and periodically get told there's a new build to pick up when you're ready for it. (That too, you have a 2 hour window to grab the new build, instead of being booted out immediately.)


Even when there's serious problems, like with the recent living story episode where it kept crashing entire servers, at least we could log in and (attempt to) play other parts of the game. There were even people having a party at the entrance to one of the instances while they waited for it to be fixed. In any other game we wouldn't have been able to log in at all because the servers would have been offline until they got it fixed.


I have no idea why other games haven't copied the technology Anet uses - IMO this approach should be standard by now and it should only be older games that can't upgrade which are still going offline for every patch. But for some reason that hasn't happened (I guess it's propriety technology), and I'm very glad it's "my" game which got it.

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1.) The people working in the bug/exploit fixing department. They are swift, efficient and they listen to our reports.

2.) Developers allowed to test new things (e.g. tidal system <3), some things get permanently implemented others are never seen again. There is no progress without tries.

3.) The attention to detail.

4.) Unlimited easter-eggs/references and secrets.

5.) Awesome soundtrack.

6.) Fashionwars.

7.) Jumping Puzzles :p

8.) The mount system. I was against the introduction from the first day, but I have to admit they implemented the mounts just ... wow. Even gamers from other MMORPGs look at our mounts and are speechless. A job extremely well done. I love the griffon, first time ever in a game where "flying" actually means flying.

9.) Very less time gated events/tasks, so you are free to do as you please.

10.) The dynamic events, combat and class-design.


Other things have been listed already.

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1-) Fashion Wars

I love trying different armor skins and dyes. I spend many hours on it.

2-) Builds

I love theorycrafting. I have 15 characters with full ascended gear and still need more for each build (im too lazy to change the gear again and again) and i enjoy playing all of them.

3-) Meta Events

Doing an event with over 50 people...I like HoT just for that.

4-) WvW

There is so much to talk about WvW but i just want to say, Anet, please, this game mode is your future, not mount skins.


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There's some funny stuff in this thread...

Anyway, most of what came out with the original release is still, for the most part, the best of the game, the core-game has so many small nooks and corners that almost 6 years in, 8 characters with 100% world completion (2 of which have the old-school WvW included one) i still find myself gushing over a small cavern, or a hidden grove that i hadn't visited for years (if at all).


Season 1 had it's heights, i'll always have fond memories of how enthusiastic i was that they had added Cragstead to an existing map, but at some point the pace, and the seemingly lack of direction led me away from the game for 6 months (which i regret because i missed some epic stuff, like the Marionette and the Siege of LA).


I returned just in time for the Spring WvW tournament, and boy those tournaments were some of the most fun i've had in WvW since the first couple months of the game.


Living World Season 2 came in, and gave the game a new much better way of story telling that doesn't exclude new players, or absentees, and doesn't force players on a breakneck pace of content. Building Mawdrey was great, finding the little Karkas in LA with guildmates (some really new to the game) was four of the best spent hours in the game for me.


That scene at the end teasing HoT, is still one of the best looking most beautiful and exciting content put forth by Arena Net.


The content drought, especially after the condi patch, caused me to spend a ton of time in PvP, playing with friends, and it was probably the height of PvP, at least for me it was.


Then came HoT, the first expansion... And it was pretty crazy, the price and the delivery caused some issues, but this is about positives. The maps were gorgeous, the content was a bit harsher, but fun, it created a new "trend" of people helping each other out for Hero Challenges, which just improves the feel of how great this community is.


The Masteries, with all their flaws, brought in a new breadth of game play that we didn't have before, which did a lot to shape the current game.


The Meta-Events and associated achievements and rewards created probably the greatest chunk of "to-do" stuff in the game so far.


PvP seasons, especially season 3 and 4, where the balance issues were tamed, and teams were still in play, were great, had a ton of fun trying to get my guild of rag-tag newbies into ranked.


Season 3 greatly improved what season 2 had started, and barring a few writing issues it was probably the best of the living world so far!


PoF released under massive hype, with a more forgiving price, and mounts!

Mounts are great! The animation, the variegated new ways of travelling they offer, those were a resurgence of Arena net's brand of breaking the mould.

The desert looks gorgeous, and bounties were a welcome addition.


That's my 25cent. There's more to be said about the combat system and it's hybridization of Action and old-school tab play, the overall quality of the game systems, and small things like the "deposit all" feature, or them adding the bank to the crafting stations post-beta, to reduce the need of running around. Or later improving on that by fetching materials straight from the bank.

There's a lot to be said, but that's my highlight reel.



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1) It's not World of Warcraft.

2) Player base > 0.

3) Maybe a less toxic community??? That seems to be in some doubt based on the idiocy on full display in these forums.


Unfortunately, the new player leveling experience has not been as much fun as I've had in WoW and SWTOR. Leveling in this game reminds me of Rift, which is not a good thing.

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I love the combat,

I love the storyline,

I love big bosses,

I love when griffons fly.

I love Guild Wars

And all its sights and sounds.

Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da.


I love the ponies,

I love real sparkly things,

I love to play harps,

I love when quaggan sings.

I love Guild Wars

And all its craziness.

Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da.


I love the expacs,

I love the AMA's,

I love free content,

I love to give MO praise.

I love Guild Wars

It's such a brilliant game!

Boom dee yah da. Boom dee yah da...

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I can't fully quantify what it is, but there's something that keeps me making alts.

Perhaps it's the account-bound nature of many of GW2's features.

Or the ease of promoting a character to max, so they can jump in and earn their elites.

The game's overall world which makes it fairly easy to come up with a compelling narrative concept. (Charr names, yo. They tell stories.)

Or maybe, if one steps away from the constraints of The Meta, one finds there are many twists and compelling ways to play a class, even moreso with Elite specs.

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I've played MMOs where within 3 minutes of starting I see trash talking, like immediately in the starting zones where new players are...

... don't see a point in lynching new players for having the knowledge of a new player.


GW2's community is kind. I'll see a new player ask a stupid question (I.E; How to open map) , get pounced on by some sassy-pants (_you ain't trollin, you sassy_) and the rest of map chat (instead of piling on) goes after the sassy-pants.

Is it a little "white knight"-ish?


But it makes a welcoming environment and reduces the anxiety of new folk. My partner just started and used to get crazy anxiety from online interactions (LoL, WoW, bad experiences=hesitation to do online gaming) and its nice knowing that the commander or mentor isn't going to go after anyone in a mean-spirited way if they mess up.


_TL;DR = Ya'll nice, I like you guys. You b qts._

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* The Music

* The visual art

*~~ Living World feels very alive~~ Whoops, no it doesn't, not anymore that is. Every LW Chapter nowadays is just another dead map that doesn't interact with the world we play in at all. We get some achievements some collections, we play the story on the new map, do a little grinding and then we forget about it because in the end the map is irrelevant to the game and the story will never interact with the map again.


I still think that GW2 is the best mmorpg at the moment but at the same time I haven't really been excited for anything new for a while now. I was kinda excited for Pof and did really enjoy it but in the end I was rather disappointed because it just kinda ended and turned into just a larger living world chapter that isn't actually alive... I miss content like living world season 1 & 2 where we got to revisit places and witnessed the impact that our enemies had on the world.


Right now Joko is marching in* and who knows what Kralki is up to but nowhere in central tyria do we feel the threat (yeah sure we have that weird portal invasion thingy with jokos minions going on but that just feel out of place... )


*haven't played the new LW chapter yet.


Anyway, I think GW2 is a great game but it's been devolving for a while in the story-telling department, the characters are great, the maps look amazing, the events are fine but we seriously don't need a new dead map with every single LW chapter... give us a new map every 3 chapters but give that map some meaning, let the map evolve over time, let it interact with the rest of the world, make events that actually mean something.

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I think the number one thing I love in GW2 are the SFX. One of my earliest suggestion when GW2 was still in development was for it to become one of the best sounding game and they didn't disappoint me.


I also really love the environment. Even if I don't really like the square map format and how they feel like separated bubbles, I think majority of them are great, and some like Tangled Depths are amazing.


Mix matching armor is another thing I love a lot in the game. I don't really like how unpractical the preview window is but i still spend hours in the wardrobe matching different armors pieces together.

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The best things GW2 I guess are when things are interconnected, things that happen in one part of the game has effect in other parts. This can be through permanent changes, cross over stories or i dunno how to say it really.


Also when the devs pull out all the stops in order to make compelling story moments within the open world. Basically like with Harathi hinterlands before the world boss schedule. Or Dragon's Stand. Or to name something more recent, the olmakhan or the heket tribes. (though they would need to make more heket related events in that zone/area in order to truly blow me away)



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I like fashionwars :), I love the carapace and twilight arbor armor.

I really like the active community. If I have troubles, I can just ask for help in the map chat.

I really like the videos of the teams, like the current event team video of video' s of the soundteam.

Choya and Quaggans ^^!


The gw2 artist initiative (love the tarot cards)

Big events, like map meta' s and worldbosses (TT is my favorite)

The athmosphere of the maps

The gameplay of the classes and the mounts

The animations (like the mount animations)


Someone who is very important on this list: Woodenpotatoes (he is awesome, ^^ )

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Gameplay is fantastic. The time getting from one area to the next has become so much fun thanks to mounts and gliders and combat is fun and engaging.


I also really dig the landscape of Tyria, it's super cool.


I'll also cite the fact that when my wife and I were still dating and 1600 miles apart we were able to hang out in GW1 and now that we're married and have an "office" in our house we can hangout and play GW2 in the same room.

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Love this post! Of course, I can't pick just one positive though!


Some of my favorites however would include:

1. The small attention to detail in the game. Things like how the grass moves when running through it, the movements of the mounts, the interactions between NPCs that people might breeze past. Those kinds of things blow my mind and really make me feel the people behind it took so much care in the design.

2. The combat. While there may be issues with balancing and the such, the complexity behind combo fields and the like really is very intricate and when I first started (and still now) find it such a really awesome feature that I hadn't seen before in other MMOs I had previously played.

3. Patch days. I can not say how annoying it would be to be off on a Patch Day and not be able to play while the new patch dropped. The fact a patch drops here and we can immediately play again in most cases is so great. Granted yes, there can be hiccups, but compared to some other games they have been few and far between here and I appreciate that.

4. The lack of the traditional Trinity System. When I first started I was a bit nervous on how that would play out in a game. It is awesome. The variety of builds you can create in this game is something I rather enjoy. I love theory crafting and I love having the wiggle room. Yes, meta builds will exist, however there is a place for everything here and it allows for a customization based of the player's own playstyle and I love it.

5. Personal and Living Story. I love the way that there are these little bits added into the story, which overall, I rather enjoy. To me, having this continue so frequently through the course of the game is awesome. I enjoy it and look forward to when the next chapter is added. In addition, the way the Personal Story was created, choosing your past and having it affect events for a new character is extremely enjoyable.

6. Fashion Wars. Of course this is on there, Fashion Wars is life!

7. Choya. I love them, deal with it. Their noises are so adorable! I'm still fighting with my guildies to stop killing them and save the Choya!


In general, I love this game and the amount of care that has gone into it. I could go on and on forever about the things that get me to log on again each day and why I continue to play but I'll leave it at those. I enjoy playing Guild Wars 2 and have made some amazing friends along the way that I get to share my journey with and I thank you for that! <3


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1) solo friendlyness

2) co-op friendlyness

3) raid challenge and having a fun team on it (the ones where you get good enough to pretty much just make jokes the entire time)

4) microtransaction still being mostly fair, better then a good portion of the game industry.

5) lots of style at end game

6) consistant patches

7) on going story still going

8) huge amount of content, each time i go through i end up finding something i missed the first time

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