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Deadeye is broken OP

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> @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> >

> > 1st gw006

> >

> > 2nd gw007

> >

> > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> >

> > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> >

> > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> >

> > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


> one shot from stealth everywhere .What's the fun of this? Excess power damage must turned into condi damage


Aren't you a mesmer main?


This IS the Pot calling the Kettle black lol

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> @"Wizardauz.3761" said:

> > @"ZeteCommander.4937" said:

> > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > >

> > > 1st gw006

> > >

> > > 2nd gw007

> > >

> > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > >

> > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > >

> > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > >

> > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> >

> > one shot from stealth everywhere .What's the fun of this? Excess power damage must turned into condi damage


> Aren't you a mesmer main?


> This IS the Pot calling the Kettle black lol


I hate one shot to kill.No matter what profession that is

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> I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.


> Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:


> 1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8


> 2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT


> **So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .**


> Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.


The only things i see in these pics are:

1- You are playing an ultragutted spec that as of right now is underperforming. Also it is one of the most braindead specs (could play it and i don't even play mesmer as my main class) with a shitload of defensives and you are even running some underwhelming utility.


2- You facetanked 3 full three round burst (when you have a shitload of defensive: Shield 4 with echo, distortion, sword 2, dodge, decoy), then proceeded to facetank death's judgement with full malice charged and got killed which is totally fine because that's what it's supposed to happen in pvp when you facetank a full burst spec without even trying to mitigate his damage. What i can say is that you are clearly new to the game and to your class, also the burst is executed in around 3 seconds (he has also to enter stealth to get off DJ) which give you plenty of time to react even assuming that you have bad reflexes.


I mean if we should follow your proofs for nerfs then anet should probably nerf every class that it is able to deal high damage, so let's nerf warrior, holosmith, ranger....oh wait every class in the game


Just the fact that you claim that the burst was executed in 2 seconds (which is quite a large margin honestly, you probably never met a burst mesmer huh?) means that you don't know the deadeye spec and how it works.


Now ask yourselves why people can't take these threads seriously.


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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > >

> > > 1st gw006

> > >

> > > 2nd gw007

> > >

> > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > >

> > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > >

> > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > >

> > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> >

> > Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

> >

> > Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

> >

> > The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS

> >


> >

> > Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

> >

> > This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation


> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > >

> > > 1st gw006

> > >

> > > 2nd gw007

> > >

> > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > >

> > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > >

> > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > >

> > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> >

> > Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

> >

> > Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

> >

> > The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS

> >


> >

> > Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

> >

> > This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation


> I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.


> Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:


> 1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8


> 2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT


> **So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .**


> Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.


Conveniently leaving out the thief buffs, well done sir


I guess you were too busy raging to click the thief and show his buffs?


If you want an apology you're going to have to post the NORMAL damage of a deadeye and have it be 30k dps ( impossible), not this crap.


Regardless, I didn't come here to argue with you, but it is a fact that 38k is the max dps snow crows got out of this build, meaning if you were taking 38k dps (or near it) the thief was basically raid buffed. This isn't an opinion its a fact.


I might agree that thief does too much burst, but what you've posted here is a joke. I'll check it out myself when I get home.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > > >

> > > > 1st gw006

> > > >

> > > > 2nd gw007

> > > >

> > > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > > >

> > > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > > >

> > > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > > >

> > > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> > >

> > > Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

> > >

> > > Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

> > >

> > > The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS

> > >


> > >

> > > Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

> > >

> > > This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

> >

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > > >

> > > > 1st gw006

> > > >

> > > > 2nd gw007

> > > >

> > > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > > >

> > > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > > >

> > > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > > >

> > > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> > >

> > > Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

> > >

> > > Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

> > >

> > > The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS

> > >


> > >

> > > Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

> > >

> > > This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

> >

> > I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.

> >

> > Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:

> >

> > 1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8

> >

> > 2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT

> >

> > **So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .**

> >

> > Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.


> Conveniently leaving out the thief buffs, well done sir


> I guess you were too busy raging to click the thief and show his buffs?


> If you want an apology you're going to have to post the NORMAL damage of a deadeye and have it be 30k dps ( impossible), not this crap.


> Regardless, I didn't come here to argue with you, but it is a fact that 38k is the max dps snow crows got out of this build, meaning if you were taking 38k dps (or near it) the thief was basically raid buffed. This isn't an opinion its a fact.


> I might agree that thief does too much burst, but what you've posted here is a joke. I'll check it out myself when I get home.


Lol, Nice try. You were wrong. Just admit it, instead asking for dumb things. You can clearly see it is during a real match and not a raid. You called me out and I proved you wrong. What else is there, except for you to eat crow...hmm...tasty.

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> @"polvere.2805" said:

> > I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.

> >

> > Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:

> >

> > 1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8

> >

> > 2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT

> >

> > **So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .**

> >

> > Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.


> The only things i see in these pics are:

> 1- You are playing an ultragutted spec that as of right now is underperforming. Also it is one of the most braindead specs (could play it and i don't even play mesmer as my main class) with a shitload of defensives and you are even running some underwhelming utility.


> 2- You facetanked 3 full three round burst (when you have a shitload of defensive: Shield 4 with echo, distortion, sword 2, dodge, decoy), then proceeded to facetank death's judgement with full malice charged and got killed which is totally fine because that's what it's supposed to happen in pvp when you facetank a full burst spec without even trying to mitigate his damage. What i can say is that you are clearly new to the game and to your class, also the burst is executed in around 3 seconds (he has also to enter stealth to get off DJ) which give you plenty of time to react even assuming that you have bad reflexes.


> I mean if we should follow your proofs for nerfs then anet should probably nerf every class that it is able to deal high damage, so let's nerf warrior, holosmith, ranger....oh wait every class in the game


> Just the fact that you claim that the burst was executed in 2 seconds (which is quite a large margin honestly, you probably never met a burst mesmer huh?) means that you don't know the deadeye spec and how it works.


> Now ask yourselves why people can't take these threads seriously.



Not sure what point you are trying to make. But people doubted that DE in sPvP could hit that kind of damage. I just presented the irrefutable evidence. You tell be a spec that can defend against some hitting them from stealth out of the line of sight, when you are not aware they are there for 32.5K dps. I'll save you the time. There isn't one. Got some ridiculous people in this thread trying defending that kind of dps from stealth. Let me guess you main deadeye because you like Ez play classes, because most others take skill.

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1st gw006

> > > > >

> > > > > 2nd gw007

> > > > >

> > > > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > > > >

> > > > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > > > >

> > > > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > > > >

> > > > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> > > >

> > > > Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

> > > >

> > > > Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

> > > >

> > > > The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

> > > >

> > > > This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

> > >

> > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > > > > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> > > > >

> > > > > 1st gw006

> > > > >

> > > > > 2nd gw007

> > > > >

> > > > > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> > > > >

> > > > > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> > > > >

> > > > > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> > > > >

> > > > > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.

> > > >

> > > > Its called "three round burst" because it fires three shots.

> > > >

> > > > Meaning that your log is showing two attacks of three round burst, then a deaths judgement. Not "one attack".

> > > >

> > > > The damage is clearly over buffed because 5k per hit is not normal. THE SNOW CROWS RAID TEAM GETS 38K DPS UNDER RAID CONDITIONS

> > > >


> > > >

> > > > Smh so tired of people posting pictures of damage they took from a guy using attacks after getting raid buffed from his buddies. Even on mesmer and ranger threads ppl doing this kitten 24/7, this is fake news people. LITERALLY EVERY BUILD IN THE GAME can basically do 30k dps with raid buffs, you people need to stop this kitten

> > > >

> > > > This is not how pvp works people, stop with the kitten obvious misinformation

> > >

> > > I'm saying one attack as in in being attacked from stealth and being downed in about 2secs, maybe slightly less. The fact I said 2secs was the clue. The pic was taken in PvP in Battle of Kyhlo during a match as I already said. He wasn't buffed by anyone.

> > >

> > > Lol, oh I should mention that those are cropped pics. Here are the originals (full sized) proving I was on the Battle of Khylo:

> > >

> > > 1st Pic: https://ibb.co/fBgFp8

> > >

> > > 2nd Pic: https://ibb.co/bJR4hT

> > >

> > > **So before accusing people of lying with no evidence maybe you should think first. In fact you are the one spreading misinformation. EAT CROW buddy .**

> > >

> > > Feel free to apologise....I'm waiting.

> >

> > Conveniently leaving out the thief buffs, well done sir

> >

> > I guess you were too busy raging to click the thief and show his buffs?

> >

> > If you want an apology you're going to have to post the NORMAL damage of a deadeye and have it be 30k dps ( impossible), not this crap.

> >

> > Regardless, I didn't come here to argue with you, but it is a fact that 38k is the max dps snow crows got out of this build, meaning if you were taking 38k dps (or near it) the thief was basically raid buffed. This isn't an opinion its a fact.

> >

> > I might agree that thief does too much burst, but what you've posted here is a joke. I'll check it out myself when I get home.


> Lol, Nice try. You were wrong. Just admit it, instead asking for dumb things. You can clearly see it is during a real match and not a raid. You called me out and I proved you wrong. What else is there, except for you to eat crow...hmm...tasty.


If a "real match" is having your buddy play on the other team with his chrono raid support as a duo queue sure


Do you REALLY think you're fooling anybody with your bullshit? I'm starting to wonder now if you're the same guy doing this in the ranger and mesmer threads.



![](https://i.imgur.com/KUqlkKk.jpg "")


You know what I'm seeing a lot of there? 1500-2500 damage crits, tops. Know what I DON'T SEE ANYWHERE? 5k fucking crits from TRB.




So I'm guessing you had your buddies duo queue into the other team, you took all your armor off (but kept the pvp amulet equipped) and put on some random outift + infusion, then had your buddy get raid buffs and shoot you with TRB?


You know what makes this REALLY OBVIOUS that this is a setup? The fact that you allowed yourself to be shot by *three* consecutive TRB's and then a deaths judgement with no action on your part at all. Not even ONE dodged or reflected shot with all that shit on your bar? You might want to make it a little less obvious buddy


You can knock off the obvious bullshit now

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Thief, Mesmer and Necro should be deleted from pvp


For the past 6 years+, Thief and Mesmer received undeserving abundant, affirmation and privileges while Necromancer continued to feel defeated with low expectations of getting what they want.

Thief and Mesmer were excessively praised while Necromancer were ignored, criticized and humiliated and chastised for their efforts.


The consequences left Thief and Mesmer feeling entitled and believing that rules don't apply to them. while it left Necromancer feeling crushed with negative views of themselves. Feeling defeated, believing that hard work and determination will not reap the rewards they desire.


Necromancer continues striving to feel special and valued to Anet heart.


Thief and Mesmer should be reminded that no professions should not be 'above the law' and that unfair treatments will have no place in pvp.


Lastly, that their abusive actions will result in zero tolerance in pvp


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Thief, Mesmer and Necro should be deleted from pvp


> For the past 6 years+, Thief and Mesmer received undeserving abundant, affirmation and privileges while Necromancer continued to feel defeated with low expectations of getting what they want.

> Thief and Mesmer were excessively praised while Necromancer were ignored, criticized and humiliated and chastised for their efforts.


> The consequences left Thief and Mesmer feeling entitled and believing that rules don't apply to them. while it left Necromancer feeling crushed with negative views of themselves. Feeling defeated, believing that hard work and determination will not reap the rewards they desire.


> Necromancer continues striving to feel special and valued to Anet heart.


> Thief and Mesmer should be reminded that no professions should not be 'above the law' and that unfair treatments will have no place in pvp.


> Lastly, that their abusive actions will result in zero tolerance in pvp



It's interesting that you think that since scourge was one of the most broken classes in pvp and deadeye has been a total joke up until apparently 2 days ago.


Personally, I'm not buying the bullshit. We've already had one guy in here posting obvious misinformation and I'm not convinced the other people posting about deadeye aren't just better at lying.


Deadeye may be confirmed to be viable in pve content, but I'm still not sold on its viability in real pvp play. Is rifle (or other) deadeye going to 1v1 a mirage on the sides? I doubt it. Is it going to take down the necro/mesmer combo in mid? I doubt it there also.


Looks like a bunch of malarky to me, like people are dying to deadeye in bronze/silver and beating it everywhere else.


I'll wait to see what sindrener thinks and I'll wait to play it a bit longer myself before I say this build is actually OP anywhere. If anything, it was trash before, so it can only be "viable" today, at best.


If people are saying it's too strong in PVE? Well maybe, I don't know anything about PVE, but I remember 38k being pretty high up on the charts.

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:


> 1st gw006


> 2nd gw007


> Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.


> **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**


> **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**


> Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


I went and replicated this burst. If you take into consideration that the golem has higher armor, they are almost the same numbers:

[https://imgur.com/a/Ox65bcE](https://imgur.com/a/Ox65bcE "https://imgur.com/a/Ox65bcE")


And because I replicated it, I know what it takes: to go FULL glass. No defense, almost no stealth, no stunbreaks (you need to precast Haste if you want to cram the whole spike into 2 seconds, without it its 3). Everything for the burst. This is not viable in any serious pvp: getting focused is certain death. Also you died to that spike because you couldn't press Decoy or F4 for 2 long seconds. Human reaction time + average to bad ping should add up to around 0.3 seconds.


If the enemy thief can get away with running around on 11K health, being visible and vulnerable.... balance is not the issue here.


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Honestly, my biggest complaint about deadeye is how apparent the stealth culling problem is. Even if they're standing right in front of me, I only see them by the time I have half health. Then they're back to stealth again.


I have to guess most of the time where they are, because for the 60 frames they're on my screen, I don't have enough time to even reach them. The stealth culling is really, really, REALLY bad, especially if you are having ping issues.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Even if they're standing right in front of me, I only see them by the time I have half health.


While I'm opposed to deadeye nerfs in general, this is true. The delay between you taking damage and them revealing themselves seems unnaturally long.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > The OP is telling the truth. For those of you who are doubting that DE can do obscene damage in about 2secs from stealth:

> >

> > 1st gw006

> >

> > 2nd gw007

> >

> > Both pics are from one attack (they overlap) in a match on the Battle of Kyhlo map near the catapult.

> >

> > **I added all the damage up and it totalled to : 65,164**

> >

> > **Averaging to approximately 32,582dps**

> >

> > Apparently this is okay now in PvP.


> I went and replicated this burst. If you take into consideration that the golem has higher armor, they are almost the same numbers:

> [https://imgur.com/a/Ox65bcE](https://imgur.com/a/Ox65bcE "https://imgur.com/a/Ox65bcE")


> And because I replicated it, I know what it takes: to go FULL glass. No defense, almost no stealth, no stunbreaks (you need to precast Haste if you want to cram the whole spike into 2 seconds, without it its 3). Everything for the burst. This is not viable in any serious pvp: getting focused is certain death. Also you died to that spike because you couldn't press Decoy or F4 for 2 long seconds. Human reaction time + average to bad ping should add up to around 0.3 seconds.


> If the enemy thief can get away with running around on 11K health, being visible and vulnerable.... balance is not the issue here.



I expected full glass to do something like that, but ironically you haven't even come close to replicating that guy's image. He had a 5400 TRB crit on there lol. It's funny that you're barely able to achieve 3k with full glass, IDK what these people think they're going to accomplish with this obvious bs.


Looks like legit glass damage output though, +1

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.

> > > >

> > > > Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst!

> > >

> > > That isn't how malice works bro

> >

> > who did talk about malice? Not me.

> > Deadeye doesnt even need malice stacks now to ruin ppl's lives.


> There is no version of deaths judgement that does 30k on its own without malice


> Sorry bout that, I was assuming you knew that since you are complaining about it, my mistake


then again could you show me where did I mention about deaths judgement?

If you think deadeye needs only 1 skill to burst you down, well my friend, goodluck on improving your new main.

Clearly you like to assume things.

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Can we cut the condescending and agree that Deadeyes, both Rifle and PP can be extremely lethal very quickly now? I don't know if it's time to call them OP, I've only fought a few of them. But they absolutely are able to bring down immense pressure and obliterate someone at least as fast as a greatsword mesmer burst and with much higher stealth uptime while doing it. Does it make them OP? I don't know. I've only come across a couple and yeah, they're very YOLO, can kill easily but are easily killed without properly utilizing their stealth.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Can we agree that PP can be extremely lethal very quickly now?

If you completely ignore it then yes but this holds true for any glass cannon type build, P/P has never been that good if their opponents know what they're doing and P/P deadeye in particular lacks the mobility daredevil and even core provides. It's good for noob farming but that's about it.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > Can we agree that PP can be extremely lethal very quickly now?

> If you completely ignore it then yes but this holds true for any glass cannon type build, P/P has never been that good if their opponents know what they're doing and P/P deadeye in particular lacks the mobility daredevil and even core provides. It's good for noob farming but that's about it.


I'm not saying they're OP. Just that we should be able to admit both Rifle and PP deadeyes are very lethal very quickly and it's worth keeping an eye on.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > Can we agree that PP can be extremely lethal very quickly now?

> > If you completely ignore it then yes but this holds true for any glass cannon type build, P/P has never been that good if their opponents know what they're doing and P/P deadeye in particular lacks the mobility daredevil and even core provides. It's good for noob farming but that's about it.


> I'm not saying they're OP. Just that we should be able to admit both Rifle and PP deadeyes are very lethal very quickly and it's worth keeping an eye on.

I still wouldn't agree with this as a general statement in regards to P/P, if you're running a burst oriented build then you're running out of initiative way to fast (in general but also thanks to the 20-66,7% increase in initiative costs for unload thanks to the recent nerf) and if you're more geared towards sustainability then you're lacking the damage required to burst down most of your enemies quick enough. Like I said if they get ignored then yes (which is true for every damage oriented build) but otherwise no, not really.

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Pre the 7/10/18 patch (which was when this thread started) DE was pathetically weak. However, anet as always, with zero testing fashion, rolled unmeasured upgrades. Result, it is over performing in both PvP and PvE.


There is no such thing as 30k hits, but it is capable of doing about 20k in 2-3 secs from distance and mostly under stealth. Why did anet think it was a good idea to pair ranged burst with stealth is beyond me. This why DE is either too weak or too strong since PoF release.

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> @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> Deadeye is broken OP. No spec should be allowed to have 30k burst in 2 seconds, stealth, teleports and unblockable 20k hitting 1 shot skill. This class is most broken thing in PvP and needs seriously toned down. I guess that everyone who have faced this boosted class, will agree that Deadeye is most broken OP thing atm and needs nerfed ASAP.

> Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..






30K hits? With great effort I managed to get my Elementalist from 12 to 20K HP. I see a slight possible problem here.

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> @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.

> > > > >

> > > > > Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst!

> > > >

> > > > That isn't how malice works bro

> > >

> > > who did talk about malice? Not me.

> > > Deadeye doesnt even need malice stacks now to ruin ppl's lives.

> >

> > There is no version of deaths judgement that does 30k on its own without malice

> >

> > Sorry bout that, I was assuming you knew that since you are complaining about it, my mistake


> then again could you show me where did I mention about deaths judgement?

> If you think deadeye needs only 1 skill to burst you down, well my friend, goodluck on improving your new main.

> Clearly you like to assume things.


I'm having a hard time following you here. There is no class in GW2 that is incapable of killing someone in 2 seconds with a bursty build using a zerker amulet. When you come here to complain about deadeye "bursting you from stealth", my impression is that you're complaining about deaths judgement, because otherwise the stealth is completely irrelevant (ranger can burst from stealth, mesmer can burst from stealth, hell any class can if their buddies are stealthing them really).


What specifically is deadeye doing that other classes can't do that makes deadeye OP in your eyes?

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > @"Babylonn.5027" said:

> > Deadeye is broken OP. No spec should be allowed to have 30k burst in 2 seconds, stealth, teleports and unblockable 20k hitting 1 shot skill. This class is most broken thing in PvP and needs seriously toned down. I guess that everyone who have faced this boosted class, will agree that Deadeye is most broken OP thing atm and needs nerfed ASAP.

> > Guy called "Fat Boi Thief" is shameless abusing this build and he 1 shotted me as FB, i reported him after match but hes still at ranked..

> >


> >

> >


> 30K hits? With great effort I managed to get my Elementalist from 12 to 20K HP. I see a slight possible problem here.


Again, deadeye does not do 30k hits without a raid composition.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > > > @"Blackdagger.9670" said:

> > > > > > > @"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Core guardian can't really do anything against a competent deadeye. If the deadeye stays on no-ports, you can't really do anything other than disengage. The lack of viable ranged options really hurts guardians in this scenario, but counters are good for the game.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > However, that being said. I don't think deadeye (rifle specifically) should ever be a viable build in PvP. The play style isn't good for the game, the damage it pumps out is unreal. It does suffer a lot from blocks and reflects though.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Duck Tier Guardian is right(for the first time), deadeye now seems a formidable thing to face against. Also most players are still not aware how dangerous it is if you let him/her freeshoot you. Seems so easy to play as well, just mark your enemy go in stealth, wait in stealth, wait and burst!

> > > > >

> > > > > That isn't how malice works bro

> > > >

> > > > who did talk about malice? Not me.

> > > > Deadeye doesnt even need malice stacks now to ruin ppl's lives.

> > >

> > > There is no version of deaths judgement that does 30k on its own without malice

> > >

> > > Sorry bout that, I was assuming you knew that since you are complaining about it, my mistake

> >

> > then again could you show me where did I mention about deaths judgement?

> > If you think deadeye needs only 1 skill to burst you down, well my friend, goodluck on improving your new main.

> > Clearly you like to assume things.


> I'm having a hard time following you here. There is no class in GW2 that is incapable of killing someone in 2 seconds with a bursty build using a zerker amulet. When you come here to complain about deadeye "bursting you from stealth", my impression is that you're complaining about deaths judgement, because otherwise the stealth is completely irrelevant (ranger can burst from stealth, mesmer can burst from stealth, hell any class can if their buddies are stealthing them really).


> What specifically is deadeye doing that other classes can't do that makes deadeye OP in your eyes?


Don't bother my dude.

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