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Would you like a weather system in Guild Wars 2?

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I always thought how cool it would be if Guild Wars 2 had a climate system but as it is Guild Wars 2 it would have to be different and the climate would influence the gameplay. I think regions like Cantha and Blood Legion Homelands would be great for that.

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If they added a remove other players particle effects sure I'd love it!! I couldn't imagine open world boss fights though between a massive particle blur that makes it so you can't see the game AND it raining? Might as well turn the pc off and just keep tapping 1 your basically playing gw2.


In all seriousness though if the particle effects from skills wasn't so over the top annoying id really like to see actual weather in places going on.

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I always love good ambience. Some of the most impactful, mood-setting mods for Fallout 4 are the realistic weather ones, for example. Along the same lines as what @"Sylent.3165" says, though; I doubt the current engine can handle it properly. The environment effects would have to be culled during big/busy fights.

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> I always love good ambience. Some of the most impactful, mood-setting mods for Fallout 4 are the realistic weather ones, for example. Along the same lines as what @"Sylent.3165" says, though; I doubt the current engine can handle it properly. The environment effects would have to be culled during big/busy fights.


oh, I'm pretty sure they can implement it with the current engine, just need to slap on an additional layer on top of the existing day night cycle.


But they will need to hire weather women to be sent out to each zone, implement TV, TV remote

and we will need to tune in at a specific time during the day to find out the weather forecast, I dont want my kitties to get wet

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> @"Haco.1546" said:

> I always thought how cool it would be if Guild Wars 2 had a climate system but as it is Guild Wars 2 it would have to be different and the climate would influence the gameplay. I think regions like Cantha and Blood Legion Homelands would be great for that.


Dry Top, Bitterfrost Frontier.

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Dunno with PoF, but in core maps they havn't a global dynamic weather, it's always raining/sunny/snowy within a certain area.

But we have some cases of dynamic weather:

Dry top, Bitterfrost frontier,...

Also hesitating about southsun cove and blazeridge steppes... rain/ashs fall depend on the time of the day I think.

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I would love this! Back in the beginning of GW2's release I was so in love with the day/night cycles, soooo cooool!

It does rain in some areas sometimes and so does snowing here and there.


But a fully weather system _everywhere_ would be so coool! :D

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OP isn't really specific enough for me to engage in discussion. We technically already have a 'weather system.' There is a day night cycle. There are weather elements per-zone. There are weather elements based on season (Wintersday). There has been some experimentation in the new zones I suppose. Some of this is automatic, and the seasonal events are more manual. **Again, it's all technically a 'weather system.'**


I don't think even tinkering with it would add much value. Unless a new zone accommodates it...but then it's just another dynamic event. Maps already have dynamic events so...I don't see the point in adding it globally since it is aesthetic.



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Environmental effects yes. Let's have an actual blizzard in the shiverpeaks. Chill constantly in effect if removed reapplied and 10% visibility.


Also desert should go from burning constantly during the day to chill at night and should also have mirages Like chest seen in the distance but disappear up close. The sandstorm in the silverwastes are great already expand on it.



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I do actually like this. I've always kind of wanted some weather variance. Something to keep things visually interesting. I also would kind of prefer a more distinct (read: NOT EXTREME) variance between night and day. I realize I'm probably in the great minority in that last one, but I'd enjoy it! ..don't hurt me.

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