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Necro Balance notes


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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > I don't understand why anet is putting everything into scepter 3. Why overload a skill?.

> > > I almost bet the 2 corrupted boons gets changed to one next patch.

> >

> > At a guess I'd say to promote more active play. Loading unique effects like boon corrupts onto auto attacks is generally a bad idea, since people will just spam auto instead. Or maybe its so that now you have on demand corrupt instead of having to complete a chain.

> >

> > > @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> > > Also can we please have a rework of dark pact to a teleport/shadowstep so this melee weapons has actually some kind of use, because let's be honest a melee weapon without a pull or a gapcloser it's unusable.

> >

> > No thanks. As an avid user of dagger, I do not want my favourite skill revamped.

> > A focus 4 change to remove the bounce and projectile in favour of a single non projectile hit (like focus 5) I would be very much in favour of though.


> I agree with your guess on scepter, Lahmia. Corruption on an AA may have been the issue. Now, if only Arenanet could use the same guideline for boon generation.


Oddly enough necro would come out good if boons got nerfed across the board like that.

Necro sucks a generating boons. The best it can do is might and protection with a side of swiftness. Im sure that even if they chose to cut durations and stacks pretty heavily necro would easily still be able to reach 25 might stacks just as it does currently.


They cant take what you dont really have. But something like that would completely screw elementalist even more than its already been screwed. HOLOSMITH and FIREBRAND my god though their boon generation is outrageous.

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> @"trueanimus.4085" said:


> power reaper died the day they added the 65% shroud drain... thats why everyone hates scourge.

I still played power reaper after that change :>


> Scourge is the ONLY viable option left and they are slowly killing it as well.


I dont like scourge :>


> GG anet

Indeed GG anet kill the e spec i dislike... kill it so that it can be reborn. or just forgotten in the next x pack.


When you start seeing more core necros than scourge's you know an espec has been culled

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> >

> > power reaper died the day they added the 65% shroud drain... thats why everyone hates scourge.

> I still played power reaper after that change :>

> >

> > Scourge is the ONLY viable option left and they are slowly killing it as well.


> I dont like scourge :>

> >

> > GG anet

> Indeed GG anet kill the e spec i dislike... kill it so that it can be reborn. or just forgotten in the next x pack.


> When you start seeing more core necros than scourge's you know an espec has been culled


Seems like 80% or more players bought POF now. So now anet can start to make some specs extra shitty

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"trueanimus.4085" said:

> > >

> > > power reaper died the day they added the 65% shroud drain... thats why everyone hates scourge.

> > I still played power reaper after that change :>

> > >

> > > Scourge is the ONLY viable option left and they are slowly killing it as well.

> >

> > I dont like scourge :>

> > >

> > > GG anet

> > Indeed GG anet kill the e spec i dislike... kill it so that it can be reborn. or just forgotten in the next x pack.

> >

> > When you start seeing more core necros than scourge's you know an espec has been culled


> Seems like 80% or more players bought POF now. So now anet can start to make some specs extra kitten


Even when PoF came out I used reaper for all of it. I tested scourge for 1 or 2 days and i just dont like how it plays.

It feels spammy, i never feel clever no matter how i had the traits set up when i used it, and it seems a bit braindead once you get use to it in pve.

In pvp it was broken for like over a month which left a bad taste in players mouths.

Even after that I enjoy power builds more than condition builds and scourge has no real viable power option (NB4 some one trys to say power works with it when you know its trash.... lol). The one trait I want to use with it "Feed from corruption" makes viable struggle to play properly in pvp and has 0 use in pve.


So yeah I hope they kill this espec or at least rework it from the ground up with some new mechanics that are not all based around "Manifest Sand Shade".

Way too many traits based around that skill without changing it dynamically in anyway..... could at least make it mechanically work dynamically different with different traits kinda like how the dodges are for Daredevil.


Thats my opinion on scourge.

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I really don't get what's the direction the dev's want to go with the necro. I mean i play necro as main since i started and i will play it till i quit but what's the greater picture of the epi nerf and dhuumfire? Whats our role in pve in the eyes of the devs?

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> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> I really don't get what's the direction the dev's want to go with the necro. I mean i play necro as main since i started and i will play it till i quit but what's the greater picture of the epi nerf and dhuumfire? Whats our role in pve in the eyes of the devs?


The necromancer is supposed to be the condition manipulator but yeah this is a failed role. Anet really want to make it a thing but PvE isn't the proper environment for it and they always shy away when it come to really push the necromancer into the role. This is why we got: condition drawing, corruption skills, condi transfert and so on. Even barrier and the shroud are means to mitigate conditions before anything else.


When it was first designed, the necromancer was probably meant to be almost unkillable by condition damage, heavily drawing on himself it's allies condition to viciously send them back to their foes. On the paper that would have been truly awesome, however the necromancer is not unkillable by condition and it's ability to send back condition isn't really great either. As for PvE mobs aren't as "balanced" as they used to be in GW1 and rarely would you find a "condi mob" on which the necromancer could make use of it's "role".

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Those comments saying to remove/destroy scourge is really dissapointing, we shouldn't be trying to get each others specs destroyed just because their not a playstyle we enjoy. When I tried power reaper I found it boring and braindead as you just hit things but that doesn't mean I want them to nerf it into the ground. I stayed with condi reaper for awhile as i enjoyed condition damage more but when I came to scourge I fell in love. In pve the shade mechanic really does work well at letting you temporarily burst down spread out groups with good shade placement (zone control) and by using lifeforce as a resource it rewards good management.

I Could say more but not to go too off topic we should be discussing how the scourge nerfs were unwarrented in pve and the power reaper buffs not enough. It's been disheartning seeing so many people on these forums wanting to first remove condition reaper for no gain and now wanting to do the same with scourge. Let us have a condition damage elite spec please.

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> @"Aslakh.3072" said:

> Those comments saying to remove/destroy scourge is really dissapointing, we shouldn't be trying to get each others specs destroyed just because their not a playstyle we enjoy.


It's likely a reaction to how scourge basically deleted reaper/core in any content that required effort.

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> @"Aslakh.3072" said:

> Deleted Reaper* Reaper was the one that invalidated core, but to comment on the balance change probably the most surprising part was how readily they nerfed scepter for all necro specs, heavy nerfs to core necro all around with this patch.


Sort of. Core was in need of a fix badly. Reaper filled many of those gaps. Then scourge kinda just sat on it all.

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I was already below average in DPS with my scourge as it was. Now with these nerfs ACROSS THE BOARD MIND YOU! I'm going to be even further down. What am I even doing with my condi scourge? The necromancer community has been warning Anet about Touching epidemic for years. Telling them that if that goes necromancer will be removed from raids. This could do it since why would you bring a necromancer when other professions have higher base DPS and better AoE damage? And we don't see any compensation for this shift. Just blind nerfs without thought on the consequences once again.


Oh, And I don't agree with the Dhuumfire nerf at all. This is a absolutely terrible idea and the issue is the 4 conditions applied to Sand Savant not Dhuumfire itself. Change sand savant from a damage trait to heavy support and the problem would be solved. Not further dulling the edge of our blade in all situations. Oh and Sand Savant will still be a problem after this so the nerf did nothing!

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> @"SunTzu.4513" said:

> I really don't get what's the direction the dev's want to go with the necro. I mean i play necro as main since i started and i will play it till i quit but what's the greater picture of the epi nerf and dhuumfire? Whats our role in pve in the eyes of the devs?


That's easy to answer.

Necro is supposed to be the noob class that is only allowed to walk around with its minions as only friends in open world pve.

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The Dhuumfire nerf needs to be reverted, its completely unusable in WvW/PvP and 1 second in PvE is still too high. Combine this with the nerf to Scepter and Epidemic (which I dont mind being nerfed for WvW/PvP) and Condi Scourge is just unusable and not worth playing. The nerf to Sand Savant was bad enough but now you take away half the damage. Shades are the only way a Scourge will kill anything, the weapon skills are weak and pathetic.

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