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You would think that MS was only available to one server in each matchup.


It's available to any Ele on any tier in any server.


It may not be fun, it is certainly bugged, and will be fixed.


But the matchups AREN'T borked and the game ISN'T broken.


Choose to run it or not. Mid matchup it will revert.

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> @"Keldash.3602" said:

> > @"TheProfessor.7012" said:

> > Oh boy, I bet when this finally gets fixed that it will make staff Elementalist even weaker in PvE because your attempts at balancing the class have always been sub-par.

> > Sometimes I think the people you hire to balance class skills don't even play the game but I quietly hope that someday your balance team will actually become intelligent to balance Elementalist in a way that doesn't continually break its role as one of the main damage dealers in the game.


> Just bring deadeyes now ez =)


Absolutely not. I do not enjoy the thief class in the slightest and my Elementalist has been my go to damage class for almost four years now, I will not give that up no matter how much Anet tries to kill us.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > > An update on this:

> > > The window for hot-fixing the issue was missed. The fix will be going out with the next update, which is the planned for this upcoming Tuesday. Damage is currently 60% above what's intended (per-strike) and we'll be setting it back down to its normal levels.

> >

> > 60%? I'm sure its like 300% or more.

> > Look - https://imgur.com/ElEXTNP

> Two hits at 24k is only 12k per hit unless the complicated math went over my head.





Only? rofl

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This sounds like a classic MMO "balance" fix. Take an ability that was fine for quite a long time, start monkeying around with numbers, break it in one direction, and then break it in the other. MS **_should_** hit pretty dang hard given how long you're rooted in place to cast it. Nowhere near as hard as it has been with this bug, but it was fine 6 months ago.


Dev philosophy: If it ain't broke, keep fixing it until it is.

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> @"Optimator.3589" said:

> This sounds like a classic MMO "balance" fix. Take an ability that was fine for quite a long time, start monkeying around with numbers, break it in one direction, and then break it in the other. MS **_should_** hit pretty dang hard given how long you're rooted in place to cast it. Nowhere near as hard as it has been with this bug, but it was fine 6 months ago.


> Dev philosophy: If it ain't broke, keep fixing it until it is.


More aimless balancing with no talk on what anet is going for i guess that is the cure of Anet. It seems more so for ele then the other classes at least they have a real nich where ele was too gen in a sea of near gen classes.

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> @"Sojourner.4621" said:


> Well, tbh CONDI scourge was the meta for the last couple months, but the most recent patch with the ICD on Dhuumfire really severely hurt their damage (Not that I disagree with the nerf, it was needed) alongside osme other little changes. The POWER scourge on the other hand now looks really good by comparison and does some really strong spike pressure. Power scourge was always good, but this is shining a light on just how good it actually is.


Interesting, I've been hearing about Power Scourge but kept thinking to myself "How does a power scourge exist, the spec is so condi heavy that a power spec seems impossible.... also even the f skills are condi based... mostly" but then I also remember that reaper was supposed to be Power based (and commonly is run power) but for a while was seen as Condi..... so I mean anything goes I guess XD


However I'd MUCH rather see a Power Scourge meta than the condi..... understandably a Power Scourge will still apply some condi, but not as much and not as powerfully (I hope).

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> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> An update on this:

> Damage is currently 60% above what's intended (per-strike) and we'll be setting it back down to its normal levels.


While 160% instead of 100% looks like way too much damage, it has put players that do not run full glass canon builds into a position to really have a high risk / high reward spell that actually poses a threat to sturdy classes like warriors and rangers, if you manage to CC them in the AoE. With the "Lava Font" currently at a "Puddle of lukewarm Soup" level of damage, I am convinced that the fixed "Meteor Shower" will pose no threat any more on any stat set-up that isn't a pure glass canon.

As a roamer, going alone or with a handful of people, I still have to face OP meta stuff like Mirages bombing you from stealth, Scourges spreading red circles of doom without any pause and Soulbeast with Worldly Impact burst from Stealth combines with 1500 range rapid fire. Staff is the 1200 ranged weapon that counters some of the danger / Options of those meta-foes, but won't be a threat after the fix. The short revival of Ele in WvW will be forgotten soon, because the profession will be put into the sub-par corner of the borderland again.

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> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> > @"Sojourner.4621" said:



> However I'd MUCH rather see a Power Scourge meta than the condi..... understandably a Power Scourge will still apply some condi, but not as much and not as powerfully (I hope).


Thats what we call 'Reaper'.



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> @"Linus The One.7432" said:

> We also have a few other elementalist issues:

> "**Lightning Storm**" (Glyph of Storms in Air Attunement):

> * wrong lower threshhold 20% instead of 30%

> * each hit lowers damage by 5% instead of 10%


> "**Invoke Lightning**" (Lightning Hammer Skill 4)

> * Wrong coefficient: ~0.7 instead of 0.825 (while neither of those are the 60% more coming from 0.5 mentioned in the patch notes)

> * 20 instead of 18 hits


> Will these also be part of the patch fix next week?

> They might need some rebalancing for numbers though, if these fixes come through.


Lets not forget that the mid-water trait, "Cleansing Wave" has also ceased to work. The Evasive Arcana proc of the skill still behaves normally on dodge, but the actual traited version (that's supposed to be applied with attuning to water) does not. The bug isn't picky about ele variant either, it doesn't work for Core, Tempest, or Weaver.




I'm not sure why ele landed with so many broken bits this last update.

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Ele has no survivability and now what made them a force to be reckoned with will make them, once again "umm.. no eles in my group pls." for WvW

They can sustain very well! But just immob them and poison. EZ Pz Dead ele. If they try to do damage, then you sneeze on them and they're dead. If you want better survivability, then you hit like a wet noode. You can barely cleanse conditions as it is, and after the nerf eles will get- once again, every class will STILL do everything better than ele can. People say ele has always been the top in DPS. Where? PvE? Where it doesn't matter? Where any Joe-Bloe can afk his way through boss trains?

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> @"Fines Juliverine.5846" said:

> Hopefully they are compensating it with multiple adjustments to other skills in at least pve


> otherwise... YIKES


/Car Salesman Meme

-slaps roof of anet-

We got all the "Balances"






-reworks into good condition

-nerfs again

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> Ele has no survivability


You lost me after that. Good yoke m8. How is mistform, blink, downsteadmistform.... no survivability. Good eles where first in dps meter before the meteor bug. Maybe you have to tryhard more and put some effort to do dmg and not just rely on one skill.

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> @"mulzi.8273" said:

> > @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> > > @"Sojourner.4621" said:

> >


> > However I'd MUCH rather see a Power Scourge meta than the condi..... understandably a Power Scourge will still apply some condi, but not as much and not as powerfully (I hope).


> Thats what we call 'Reaper'.


Except if you read both the person I quoted (though didn't include) and mine, we WERE talking about Power Scourge.... not Power Reaper


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> @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> how can people possibly be defending 10k damage per meteor...this skill is literally better than siege equipment


Siege has no cooldown, MS has 24. Rev hammer skills are much quicker, do same damage, on much lower cd and a lot harder to avoid. The only advantage that MS has over rev skills is aoe and hitting multiple times, but that aoe is pretty easy to avoid.


15-20k on every hit is unacceptable, but 10k is expected from such skill.

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Okay so.... lets try to recapitulate:


This issue concerns mostly:

1 - WvW,

2 - Weavers who want to do some efforts (skill-level) at a minimum;

2 - zerg-fights (several Weavers to do a punctual spike or to cover a large area);

4 - a minimum coordination or simply, some skilled individuals who do know what to do in a fight in the same team (CC's and some corrupts/rips).


Once these 4 criteria met (yes, that's already a good point but not that much effort) they are indeed a BIG game-change, almost (!) independently of the skill-level of the opponents (and that's the reason of all this cry, dear ANet).

In very organized guild-raids of a certain level this may be not such an issue (as like the Scourge-cancer was at the very beginning) but in average pug-fights it's just devastating. With all the red circles in big-scale once engaged after the initial moments of marks and pirateshipping it's really hard to see when a MS comes in, usually you pop your bub (if left), invuln (if left) or dodge (if left and if any place left uncovered by MS) after the first 20k hit - witch is too late for the most of us and/or lets you naked for the next MS. One hit of 15k? yeah okay it's a big stuff, happenz. Several 10k++ hits from the same caster in some seconds??. hmmmm... MS dealing reasonably big damage on AoE was/is okay but this...


There are other classes that might hit hard, yes - but not on an AoE that can cover large areas and can hit THAT hard. Aaaand.... Staff Weavers were always been welcome as DPS in organized zergs AFAIK.... so peeps who say "kewl atl ele's are welcome again" - from what planet are you? Staff eles do great damage, hard- and soft CC and provide water since, hmmmmm, ever in big-scale - even in BS-meta there was place left for them aside the FL auramancers.


Ele survivability - is that a joke or a L2P issue? I certainly do have bad times when running alone across the map in zerg-build vs any gank-build and that on any classes (but hey you can easily change some traits if you know you'll have to run a lot to your tag / you'll go to cap a camp -> roam a bit). In pure bigscale... once you learn the positioning you're safe except organized focus/havoc teams (but that on any class).


The pirateship-meta is the worst stuff in WvW, it kills fun (for a big majority I think). It does not require much of skill and punishes those who actually wanna maneuver and fight.


So please dear ANet, yes this is a big issue in bigscale (meant to if I'm not wrong) WvW at the moment. Happy that you are aware of (indeed good start). Now, might we get a patch like, really fast pliz?

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> @"KiloCharlieRomeo.1874" said:

> Okay so.... lets try to recapitulate:


> This issue concerns mostly:

> 1 - WvW,

> 2 - Weavers who want to do some efforts (skill-level) at a minimum;

> 2 - zerg-fights (several Weavers to do a punctual spike or to cover a large area);

> 4 - a minimum coordination or simply, some skilled individuals who do know what to do in a fight in the same team (CC's and some corrupts/rips).


> Once these 4 criteria met (yes, that's already a good point but not that much effort) they are indeed a BIG game-change, almost (!) independently of the skill-level of the opponents (and that's the reason of all this cry, dear ANet).

> In very organized guild-raids of a certain level this may be not such an issue (as like the Scourge-cancer was at the very beginning) but in average pug-fights it's just devastating. With all the red circles in big-scale once engaged after the initial moments of marks and pirateshipping it's really hard to see when a MS comes in, usually you pop your bub (if left), invuln (if left) or dodge (if left and if any place left uncovered by MS) after the first 20k hit - witch is too late for the most of us and/or lets you naked for the next MS. One hit of 15k? yeah okay it's a big stuff, happenz. Several 10k++ hits from the same caster in some seconds??. hmmmm... MS dealing reasonably big damage on AoE was/is okay but this...


> There are other classes that might hit hard, yes - but not on an AoE that can cover large areas and can hit THAT hard. Aaaand.... Staff Weavers were always been welcome as DPS in organized zergs AFAIK.... so peeps who say "kewl atl ele's are welcome again" - from what planet are you? Staff eles do great damage, hard- and soft CC and provide water since, hmmmmm, ever in big-scale - even in BS-meta there was place left for them aside the FL auramancers.


> Ele survivability - is that a joke or a L2P issue? I certainly do have bad times when running alone across the map in zerg-build vs any gank-build and that on any classes (but hey you can easily change some traits if you know you'll have to run a lot to your tag / you'll go to cap a camp -> roam a bit). In pure bigscale... once you learn the positioning you're safe except organized focus/havoc teams (but that on any class).


> The pirateship-meta is the worst stuff in WvW, it kills fun (for a big majority I think). It does not require much of skill and punishes those who actually wanna maneuver and fight.


> So please dear ANet, yes this is a big issue in bigscale (meant to if I'm not wrong) WvW at the moment. Happy that you are aware of (indeed good start). Now, might we get a patch like, really fast pliz?


The size of it realty hide the rng of the skill with the the large aoe your only realy hitting 180 vs 3 targets your not realty hitting the full 360.


Cast time and the root of the cast goes a long way to holding the skill back things like CR can be done on the move realty most big hitting skills that are doing 12k dmg are very much on the move skills.


Ele dose its big dmg spell or its cc not both at the same time.


If your ganking an ele it cant set up its dmg making it a pointless class. Other classe are very much able to tank hits and use dmg skills. If your ganking an ele and its not casting spell that is effecly killing the ele for the fight.


Pirateship-meta is only due to bad drivers and fear. If you let ranged classes set up there dmg skill then you should never be able to push in but if you dont let them set up then they are nothing.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Street Peddler.2638" said:

> > how can people possibly be defending 10k damage per meteor...this skill is literally better than siege equipment


> Siege has no cooldown, MS has 24. Rev hammer skills are much quicker, do same damage, on much lower cd and a lot harder to avoid. The only advantage that MS has over rev skills is aoe and hitting multiple times, but that aoe is pretty easy to avoid.


> 15-20k on every hit is unacceptable, but 10k is expected from such skill.


no its not expected, cause its about to be brought down 60%

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