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Meteor Wars!


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> @"shinta.8906" said:

> > @"urdriel.8496" said:


> >

> > Im a bit tired of people crying about Wordly impact and gazelle, i have been using Gazelle and it never hit for 10k, seems that hit for 10k 1 out 1million times and people come to the forum to cry about it, when almost any other class can hit you for 15k+ in less than 1sec.

> > Wordly Impact + WvW + Berserker Ranger = Ranger InstaDeath.

> >


> wvw + berserker ele + meteor shower is insta dead too. whats ur point?


> theres prove in pvp of wi hitting for 60k btw.


yeah, WI have the same range and aoe that MS.......................


I know about that 60k damage thread, and to summarize, 60k is near imposible ( OP wasnt wearing all armor pieces or is a bug/exploit), can you hit for 30k with WI?? yes, you can if you hit another glass cannon ,trait/wear 100% berserker armor plus use maul for moment of clarity etc ( you can see it in the thread) ,but there is a problem with that troll build, if someone focus you, you are dead,if someone evade/dodge/move and you fail the WI , you are dead, full glass cannon with zero condi res,zero invul, funny to use it in unranked matches, bad for roaming, bad for WvW, bad for ranked games, bad for pve.......

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.


First of all 21k is the current number floating around. And thats a 1 shot on any wvw build that isn't a kitten built to run away.


No ele is going to run into the enemy zerg far enough to meteor the enemies eles. Just because it's an issue you don't deal with doesn't make it a non issue.



@"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > > 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.

> >

> > First meteor hits you before the red circle appears, and if you are in zerk or marauder gear, it only takes 1.


> Hmm it's the downside of running glassy builds right, you do damage but you also take it a lot more. :/


There plenty of people posting here with high toughness reporting 14-16k hits. Not an issue of 'glassy builds.'

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> @"Anjo.3170" said:

> When possible is an unacceptable time frame. Either hot fix it or disable it until it is fixed. Leaving it as is is irresponsible.


Disabling it and may aswell disable a whole class, It is bugged but you still woudn't stand inside the massive red AoE if it wasn't bugged anyway

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Ode to those who filibustered until the old bunker meta was made ineffective. Now we got OneShotWars® instead. The irony is the single most common comment by far was that bunker didnt take skill to play, when in fact it takes orders of magnitude more skill to anticipate when the other player is going to use their big damage ability and counter it with a block or interrupt, compared to hitting the ground target button on as many people as possible and watching the symphony of cascading numbers occur.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > It was patched July 10th.

> >


> So, I am not sure if you were serious or sarcasm (which would be funny if sarcasm lol) but Karl noted this a little earlier in the thread:


> > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:

> > I can confirm that the initial damage impact is currently too high and we'll be looking to bring it back down to normal levels when possible.



> Of course, 'when possible' is the interesting statement in that phrase.


> Makes me wonder if the Devs were planning an Ele night for reset and figured: "lets buff the heck out of this for a few nights and have some fun!!"


> I could see it.... :smile:


I'm serious, it hasn't been one week yet the poster stated they had a whole week. It should have been rolled back ASAP, but I remember CoR being bugged for far longer & hitting through gates and walls.


I wouldn't build an ele just to abuse this, but testing it in WvW suggests it hits higher than it should.


Also , if you're posting a high number, it is pretty useless without context which is why I posted my own testing & derivation for what "normal" damage should be. 14K on 3000 armor is unacceptable , but 10K on 2000 armor is plausible given the right conditions such as full zerker + buffs (in my prior post I didn't even count Presence of the Keep).


Anyone can test it on the golems themselves, then compare it to the damage formula. Fireball is 1.0x coefficient , meteor is 1.6.


> @"ThiBash.5634" said:

> > @"Infusion.7149" said:

> > The most I was hit with was ~ 14K in WvW tonight , I ran 2.5K armor. Any light armor with low HP would be instagibbed.

> >

> > I tested in PvP vs the targets as well. The most I could do without buffs , just zerker + scholar rune was ~9K crit vs PvP light armor golem using fire + air (ferocity), + weaver and about 8K vs the medium armor golem. (2645 power, 234% crit damage) Sigil of force doesn't exist in PvP. This suggests it is innately buggy since it should be roughly 1.6x fireball damage (fireball has 1.0 coefficient) : the most I hit with fireball critical was around 4.4K without **bolt to the heart**. With ascended full zerker gear, 7-9K damage should be attainable on light armor (2185 armor light armor golem vs players running 2000) if it's working as intended sans ** Bolt to the Heart**, over 15K is not.

> >

> > I also tested with no weaver spec (2525 power), using dropping weaver for water's aquamancer training for +10% damage. 3.5 to 3.9K typical fireball crit. Meteor shower crit about 9K , it should be around 6-7K.

> >

> > I tested on the Fractal golem ; similarly it exceeded 2x fireball damage. It's probably ~ 20%-25% extra base damage instead of "20% min damage".


> Are you certain that its wrongly scaled in other game modes as well? Because on my dps tempest, I found that the recent nerf put me in the 'barely viable' category of dps (25k). Another nerf to PvE Meteor Shower would mean the end of my favorite build and main character...


Tempest doesn't have the +120 attribute bonus from weaver. This means you're likely seeing the lava font 40% damage nerf, which was heavy handed. Without having ferocity bonus (~13% with marauder) and +10% damage via elements of rage you'd be hard-pressed to do as much damage as others are claiming.


Whenever I run tempest in PvE , I use Fresh air + Ferocious winds + Harmonious conduit (+10% damage after overload) which means dagger is generally better suited since staff air attack is weaker compared to the fireball auto.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.


> First meteor hits you before the red circle appears, and if you are in zerk or marauder gear, it only takes 1.


That argument never helped when we talked about mesmer or thief oneshotting people from stealth. Why should it be valid now?

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.


The problem with that argument is that necro circles are also highly telegraphed and easily dodged. Yet people die all the time. How weird.

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> @"Jethro.9376" said:

> > @"jdmThor.3806" said:

> > Can anyone confirm if this skill is considered a projectile skill? Cause it goes right through guardian's shield of absorption. That has to be a bug.


> Afaik projectiles don't come from above....at least in GW2


I don't want to be pedantic but actual meteors are projectiles so it doesn't make sense. Anyway, shield of absorption should block this skill, in my opinion.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > 9k meteor does not sound that much to be honest. It is slow, it is highly telegraphed and easily dodged. I was not hit once by a meteor the whole evening as backliner.


> The problem with that argument is that necro circles are also highly telegraphed and easily dodged. Yet people die all the time. How weird.


Wells come out much faster then any thing ele has 1/4 sec seems like a long time for a necro player but 1/4 for an ele play is instant cast. Necro have a lot added to there dmg as well with boon stirps condis and even unblockables i would take that on ele any day over 9k crits on one skill.

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Its also one-shotting full on tank builds. It entirely removes the potential choice of sacrificing DPS for mitigation. It also removes any reason to sustain. If they didnt adjust and this becomes the new meta, its a non sustain, non mitigation meta. 2 stats are useless. We might as well all be 11k health eles at that point.

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I do not get why this is taking so long to fix i truly do not want to play a buged class nor do i wish to play vs one anet hot fixed a lot of things that did less dmg to a game type then this.


They fixed war effects over night and even posted about it on the war forms. It takes ppl to post about ele things on the wvw forms for anet to even see them. There is something wrong with this.


At this point i think if you want to post things about ele that the dev will see you need to go out of your way and post on other classes forms and how it effects the other class. This is just silly levels of anet out right ignoring a class.

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so out of position aswell.. > @"Egorum.9506" said:



> video of how good your reaction time must be to avoid being fully killed by the current meteor shower. 26k hp, 2.6k armor


as i said before. meteor calls out none moving, golem behaving targets..


if not meteor than the 20 ppl you plane stood in would ve killed you. i mean he screams at you right side tree the whole time yet..

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Why not play weaver? Tempest dps is pretty bad right now

Because the differences in playstyle between the elementalist's elite specs is HUGE. I personally find the playstyle of Tempest far more enjoyable than that of the Weaver. I was ok doing less damage as long as the 'less damage' was still 'good enough'. But it's getting very tough to stay viable now.


> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Tempest doesn't have the +120 attribute bonus from weaver. This means you're likely seeing the lava font 40% damage nerf, which was heavy handed. Without having ferocity bonus (~13% with marauder) and +10% damage via elements of rage you'd be hard-pressed to do as much damage as others are claiming.

I'm well aware of the dps advantages that Weaver has compared to Tempest. That being said, my dps used to be good enough. Sure, I never got the 45k benchmarks, but I was fine with 27-30k dps on a golem. After all, that was plenty sufficient for fractals and raids.


But because so many weaver nerfs have been applied to base skills rather than weaver skills or traits, its becoming near impossible to stay relevant in the meta. Right now, I feel forced to either switch to weaver or make a niche healer build spamming water blast. Neither of those playstyles apeal to me.


> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> Whenever I run tempest in PvE , I use Fresh air + Ferocious winds + Harmonious conduit (+10% damage after overload) which means dagger is generally better suited since staff air attack is weaker compared to the fireball auto.

Thanks for the advice but I would much rather prefer to play dps staff tempest. Its the playstyle I like best and I really don't see why that shouldn't be possible just because some other build is overpowered.


In my humble, non-developer, lack-of-inside-information opinion, I feel that there's room in modifying tempest traits to allow players to choose between a healer and a damage tempest. Why not revert Harmonious Conduit back to 5 seconds and see how it goes from there?

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> @"Junkpile.7439" said:

> > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> >

> >

> > video of how good your reaction time must be to avoid being fully killed by the current meteor shower. 26k hp, 2.6k armor

> You got like 2 sec to do double dodge. Even i could survive that and my k/d ratio is probably negative. :D


I was feared for 1s, which was enough time to get hit by 4 meteors that didn't even render on my screen inside an aoe circle that also didn't render. I wasn't in the melee ball, yet still got nuked in <1s. > @"shinta.8906" said:

> so out of position aswell.. > @"Egorum.9506" said:

> >

> >

> > video of how good your reaction time must be to avoid being fully killed by the current meteor shower. 26k hp, 2.6k armor


> as i said before. meteor calls out none moving, golem behaving targets..


> if not meteor than the 20 ppl you plane stood in would ve killed you. i mean he screams at you right side tree the whole time yet..


The 20 people were focusing on the squad, we were regrouping after a bomb. I was accidentally one shot to full dead by meteors I could even see, and that seems okay to you? Lol

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