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would you be willing to pay a subscription

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Let me begin with saying that I know this is a touchy subject and that there will be some strong opinions for and against it, so here go's.


So we all know that there are features and content that we want integrated in to game such as

-New races

-New classes

-player housing

-quality of life features

-more armor/weapons

but as it has been said there not enough funds or manpower to create these features without taking away from other departments. so what I want to find out is how many people would be willing to pay a monthly subscription for the hiring of more employees for the creation of more content that could be bigger, better and arrive faster then before. I know it's probably too late or too risky to change to a subscription base game, but me personally I would be willing to pay a subscription just to be able to see the game I love to play grow.

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They would probably make less money with a sub fee.


If they want more money all they have to do is add some flashy stuff to black lion chest, and the black lion keys sell like hotcakes, if they really wanted money they would step into the darkside and add skimp.


To answer the question, it depends on what we are getting in exchange, because I already spend the same or more in the gem store than I would be spending on a sub fee.

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WoW allows their players to buy monthly subscription tokens with in game gold. If ANet had a system like that then a subscription might be acceptable to more people.


Edit: a player buys a monthly token with real money and sells the token on the trading post for gold. The player who buys the token with gold then uses it to pay for one month subscription.

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I quit a subscription game (WoW) as soon as this came out and was blown away by it, was wondering why I even paid for a subscription back in the day. I dont play anything with subscriptions there are too many other things you have to pay for like that in RL and on consoles. If they showed where the money went maybe but that doesnt happen everything is a big secret in this industry usually.

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I voted yes, but it carries some caveats and explanations. Right now, it is buy to play...with a lot of cool stuff in the gem shop. Shifting to a subscription model, I would expect a lot more easy to access rewards in game. Everything's a trade-off. But if you assume that the gem shop would remain as is, then no, I would not want to pay a subscription fee on top of that.

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I wouldn't want them to switch fully into a subscription model. That's just asking for trouble. Aside from WoW and ffxiv, a majority of mmos haven't been able sustain themselves on a sub model. Considering how many MMOs have tried and failed on that front, I think it's safe to say it probably wouldn't be a very good solution to funding content. GW2 doesn't really have the replayability to keep people interested like that either. I remember a quote saying it was designed to be a game where you come and go in between other games.


That said, I wouldn't mind a freemium type of subscription a la elderscrolls online style. As long as it isn't pay2win and offers gems/minor convenience/living story access/etc. Things that wouldn't put a subscription player over a free to play player, then I'd be alright with it. I'm not sure how much money that sort of system nets though. It may not be worth it, but If it was and it allowed them to create better content then I certainly wouldn't complain.


As long as we don't get anything near as horrendous as elderscroll's shiny mount loot boxes. Those things are god awful.

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If I am paying a monthly subscription I am going to start expecting monthly updates ...


> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> WoW allows their players to buy monthly subscription tokens with in game gold. If ANet had a system like that then a subscription might be acceptable to more people.


> Edit: a player buys a monthly token with real money and sells the token on the trading post for gold. The player who buys the token with gold then uses it to pay for one month subscription.


That sounds like a less flexible version of what we already have.


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Hell no.


I like that I can take a break whenever I want for a number of weeks or even months sometimes and come back without feeling any pressure to "make the most" of a subscription period.


In any case I've probably spent enough on gems (whether converting to gold or buying stuff from the store) over the years.

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A sub for this game would be the day I have to stop playing. Not because I don't like the game, but because I can't afford to pay for 3 subs so my wife, myself and my toddler can all play. Hell, even if they ran a $20 per family thing, I really don't have the extra cash to pay a sub each month.

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The buy-2-play system of GW2 is actually one of the reasons I love it.

When my RL doesn't allow for excessive playtime, I don't have the feeling of wasting money for a subscription I might play for five mins a day.

I show my support by buying add-ons and a few gems from time to time.

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I don't _know_ if such a move would be the disaster I think it would be. I suspect it would, largely because the pool of players who play MMO's is not unlimited. A lot of the players who believe in the sub model are playing one or more of the games that have subs.


GW2 may have attracted some players who got tired of the sub game they were playing. However, GW2 certainly attracted a lot of players who don't accept or like the sub model. You could say, in fact, that the B2P aspect of GW2 is one of its primary selling points. For a six-year-old game to move away from a business model that has been successful, to one that could alienate a lot of its customers, is a large risk.

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Not with the game as it is right now, no. With a few changes -- total repeal of the NPE, for one -- then maybe. Speaking of subs, if anybody from NCSoft is listening, if you'd kindly bring back City of Heroes, I'd merrily pay a sub fee for that. At least until I realized the world has moved on and you can't go back home and all that psychological stuff. I miss that game.

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