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People who kill the camp quartermaster


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As primarily roamer I tend to flip alot of camps, but every so often some player on my team shows up as the circle is up ticking and starts attacking the quartermaster who takes a step into the circle contesting it. Alot of times these players are experienced WVW players of rank 2-5k +. To all of you out there who feels the need to attack the quartermaster, contesting the camp, somtimes in the worst moment possible as enemies are approaching, my question is this - WHY do you do it!? reeeeeeeee


What do you guys think about changing the camps so that the quartermaster spawns INSIDE of the circle instead of slightly outside? I dunno, share your suggestions and frustrations.



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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> As primarily roamer I tend to flip alot of camps, but every so often some player on my team shows up as the circle is up ticking and starts attacking the quartermaster who takes a step into the circle contesting it. Alot of times these players are experienced WVW players of rank 2-5k +. To all of you out there who feels the need to attack the quartermaster, contesting the camp, somtimes in the worst moment possible as enemies are approaching, my question is this - WHY do you do it!? reeeeeeeee


> What do you guys think about changing the camps so that the quartermaster spawns INSIDE of the circle instead of slightly outside? I dunno, share your suggestions and frustrations.


> Discuss


Well, re programming it to spawn inside is no different from you making a conscious choice to pull the guards to where it will also pull the Quartermaster.


If people pulling the QM as you are ticking is an issue for you, eliminate it from being an issue.


Personally, I'd rather them take the time on other things.

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Yeah I guess, I hear what you guys are saying. But after so many years of this I dont understand why, WHY people attack the poor QM as we're capping the camp. Too many times have I lost the camp on the last tick as an enemy zerg/group rolls in.

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> Yeah I guess, I hear what you guys are saying. But after so many years of this I dont understand why, WHY people attack the poor QM as we're capping the camp. Too many times have I lost the camp on the last tick as an enemy zerg/group rolls in.


Oh I will agree it's annoying, but I've learned to anticipate the behavior.


Maybe because I've got kids.....



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First, there's only a few camps where it's really a problem and some of those problem camps don't apply to both ABL and DBL.


Second, depends on the daily, if it's guard killer I won't fault people for pulling the upgrade guy when I've left him.


Third, kills count for wxp and the upgrade guy is a kill.


When pressed for time and the feeling nay certainty you'll be zerged in those pressing seconds, it can be annoying and sometimes you feel as if you're dealing with an enemy spy, but, it's all part of the game, you can either shrug off your paranoia and anger and keep going or you can make sure you kill him first. It's just like choosing to solo cap the circle/square or step out and wait for someone trying to run in, it's a choice.

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> @"Skada.1362" said:

> Yeah I guess, I hear what you guys are saying. But after so many years of this I dont understand why, WHY people attack the poor QM as we're capping the camp. Too many times have I lost the camp on the last tick as an enemy zerg/group rolls in.


But after so many years with it happening you should have learned to take out the other NPC's on top of the Quartermaster :trollface:

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Eh, you can lose 2 camp claim tics which can cost you but it's so small a thing overall that I just ignore it. It only happens on one camp that matters, nec. I suppose they could take 10seconds and move it's spwan a little closer to the other npcs and/or improve it's aggro range.

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The quartermaster dies so fast I don’t see the issue. I shoot him down in less than a second. Rapid fire followed by knockback then maybe one more hit and he’s dead. If people can’t take him down like that then yes they should not hit him.


At no point when I attack him does he ever move anything but backwards then dead.

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I see it all the time. People are on auto-pilot and just hitting everything or they think somehow the QM needs to die or they are trying to build up WXP or something. The point is: most people don't think strategically in the first place; hardly a surprise that they don't realize that aggroing the QM makes the cap take longer and puts everyone at risk of defenders rushing in at the last minute.


(Yeah, it ruffles my feathers, too. I just can't imagine anything anyone saying having much affect on the practice.)

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > Yeah I guess, I hear what you guys are saying. But after so many years of this I dont understand why, WHY people attack the poor QM as we're capping the camp. Too many times have I lost the camp on the last tick as an enemy zerg/group rolls in.


> Oh I will agree it's annoying, but I've learned to anticipate the behavior.


> Maybe because I've got kids.....




"Anticipate" the behavior, or INSTIGATE the behavior?

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> @"Slick.7164" said:

> If one person could solo a guard filled camp by themselves, get rid of the guards. Whats the purpose? Stand in circle until its capped? Make the guards much much harder to kill or just get rid of them. Pointless use of resources.


Doesnt this apply to everything? Whats the point of T3 keep walls if 1 person can sit on a cata and eventually down them?


With this argument just remove everything and make it conquest.

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> @"Slick.7164" said:

> If one person could solo a guard filled camp by themselves, get rid of the guards. Whats the purpose? Stand in circle until its capped? Make the guards much much harder to kill or just get rid of them. Pointless use of resources.


they are just there to give the defenders time to arrive, its not their purpose to stop roamers single handedly.

not to mention that thats not the point of the thread


op, maybe they have personal problems with the QM, maybe he murdered their family or something like that

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I often try to stand inside the ring and kill the QM and the dollies when they are outside it. It's kind of a minigame.


Obviously I wouldn't do it if I saw enemies approaching and the ring was up - that's just basic situational awareness. I can't recall I have ever seen that happen where it made any kind of difference, come to think of it.

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> @"Oogabooga.3812" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Skada.1362" said:

> > > Yeah I guess, I hear what you guys are saying. But after so many years of this I dont understand why, WHY people attack the poor QM as we're capping the camp. Too many times have I lost the camp on the last tick as an enemy zerg/group rolls in.

> >

> > Oh I will agree it's annoying, but I've learned to anticipate the behavior.

> >

> > Maybe because I've got kids.....

> >

> >


> "Anticipate" the behavior, or INSTIGATE the behavior?


Shhhhhhh....,, Don't give away my secrets!

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Jokes aside... we are in WvW to blow stuff up with our amzing sezzy DPS and you're wanting us to stare at that vulnerable QM while the slow circle ticks towards his eventual surrender? How about we just remove QM from the game. Anyone who takes a camp hoping to cap it before the zerg gets there is ... someone I completely don't understand. The proper thing for you to do when you see the zerg is to run towards them with all your minions casting all your skills and screaming into your mic LEROY JENKINS.. this should buy your roamer friend the time he needs to 2 tap the QM and finish the circle cap... Your Death will sooth the blood of your enemies and your sacrifice will achieve PPT for your team. Just standing there stewing over someone attacking a QM while the zerg flattens you is just going to shorten your life my dude. Trust me the throwing all your fury into the face of the oncoming zerg is much more fun.

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