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Hardest profession profession to play?

King Nutella.4570

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> I don't know why people thing revenant is hard to play. It's one of the easiest classes to play ever. It's so easy I figured it out day one. Unless you're trying to heal. Than it is difficult. But even that doesn't compare to scourge or healing scrapper.


Why do I always see you in these forums trying to put down rev and prop up necro? You're that guy that argues to death that Necro is the spiritual successor to the ritualist even though everyone not wearing a blindfold can see that the devs have clearly put rev in that position. Now you're trying to say scourge is more difficult than rev?? At this point I just feel like you might be trolling.


Back to the OP, I'd agree with the guy that said whatever you play least is the most difficult so for me that would be Elementalist, I've barely played any professions outside of {engineer, revenant, mesmer, ranger, guardian} and out of those not named elementalist is the most difficult for me.


I'd say overall the most difficult are Engineer, Elementalist and Revenant/Thief/Mesmer(these three are close) in that order although personally I don't find engineer that challenging but I main it, I do recognise that a majority of others find it challenging to play so I assume that there is truth in this.


I'd like to add that I also main revenant and I'd say that there is a large variation in the ability of players when they play a revenant, seeing how many people struggle with playing rev in pvp is testament to this. A lot of people pick up rev and think they know how to play it but they never actually use it to its full potential. So many non-rev mains under-estimate the legend Shiro because of its heal or the staff because of its lack of damage when in reality they are some of the best and most complete things about rev.

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> @"NaiveBayes.2587" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > I don't know why people thing revenant is hard to play. It's one of the easiest classes to play ever. It's so easy I figured it out day one. Unless you're trying to heal. Than it is difficult. But even that doesn't compare to scourge or healing scrapper.


> Why do I always see you in these forums trying to put down rev and prop up necro? You're that guy that argues to death that Necro is the spiritual successor to the ritualist even though everyone not wearing a blindfold can see that the devs have clearly put rev in that position. Now you're trying to say scourge is more difficult than rev?? At this point I just feel like you might be trolling.


> Back to the OP, I'd agree with the guy that said whatever you play least is the most difficult so for me that would be Elementalist, I've barely played any professions outside of {engineer, revenant, mesmer, ranger, guardian} and out of those not named elementalist is the most difficult for me.


> I'd say overall the most difficult are Engineer, Elementalist and Revenant/Thief/Mesmer(these three are close) in that order although personally I don't find engineer that challenging but I main it, I do recognise that a majority of others find it challenging to play so I assume that there is truth in this.


> I'd like to add that I also main revenant and I'd say that there is a large variation in the ability of players when they play a revenant, seeing how many people struggle with playing rev in pvp is testament to this. A lot of people pick up rev and think they know how to play it but they never actually use it to its full potential. So many non-rev mains under-estimate the legend Shiro because of its heal or the staff because of its lack of damage when in reality they are some of the best and most complete things about rev.


I wasn't putting down Rev. I think they're pretty good. Limited, but good. You seem to misunderstand my position on Revenant. Revenant is good and intuitive to play. Especially for people coming over from other games who are used to energy mechanics. Like myself. I am very used to limited resource classes because of GW1 and energy management. And this is especially true for Scourge which is more energy intensive than Revenant is. I have a lot of confidence in revenant and its abilities. I Criticizes The PvP comparison because it only accounts for current meta when in truth Revenant was at the top of the meta for a while because of its absurd evasion and damage output. This was toned down so clearly its a balancing issue not a difficulty issue. IF this was the case necromancer would have been the hardest class to play through most of its life because in PvP it actually was the worst class to use, easily being dispatched in higher ranks and relegated to low skill PvP. BUT in spite of this the class has always been considered a low skill profession. And No one has actually addressed this point because I do have a point.


I don't hate Revenant. I'm far far more critical of Necromancer than I am of revenant, and if you've read my old posts it on occasion almost sounds like open hostility toward the necromancer because of how frustrating its design is. Necromancer has been plagued with bugs, balancing flaws, glaring mechanical issues, party synergy issues, anti synergistic traits, slow under preforming utility, a mechanic designed for burst and not attrition yet being balanced as an attrition class. Death shroud is an absolute disaster of a mechanic that would be better off being scrapped and replaced with a more cohesive mechanic while Life force is reworked to better preform in low death situations and tuned down in high death situations. Necromancer is a balancing nightmare.


Where as Revenant isn't nearly as bad. Its energy mechanic is intuitive, forgiving and very easy to understand. The revenant lacks options. YES! that is a major flaw and one I've been fighting to get fixed because I actually love its design! Since a lot of its mechanical design was appropriated from GW1 professions. Dervish, Necromancer, Assassin, Monk mechanically. But it fails to live up to that potential because arena net hasn't actually completed the profession! Revenant is plagued by issues but none of them are related to how difficult it is to use. Its all current game balancing and their lack of options which hold them back.

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For me I'd say it's elementalist since it always felt so squishy to me but yet is fun in some points. I play all of the professions multiple times (Some characters are even more than twice. For example if you look at how many guardians I have) All professions have their strenghts and weaknesses. All professions can be fun in their ways in my opinion. But well, if you got a disability with hands, like me, certain controls can be a pain (and I mean literally pain) like for example engineer or elemtalist or jumping puzzles (but this is a different story).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If we’re talking playing _well_ I’d have to hand it to the Warrior. Easy to pick up and do OK with in general, but it is a very simple and limited class so to do _well_ with it (in PvP especially where any competent player with a class that has “fancy tricks” like teleports and stealth etc can run circles around you) takes tons of practice.


Well, practice or clueless opponents (like Thieves who don’t use their fancy tricks and instead tries to “out-melee” the Warrior).

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Elementalist for me took me the longest to adjust to since im a mesmer/thief main. Elementalist to me had no survivability or fluidity between weapons to me. So when weaver sword came out I was really happy since it has the escape potential and had the personal sustain/healing potential before that was nerfed. Also they have useless elites compared to thief and mesmer with ridiculously long CD's for solo play.

FGS is only good for escapes and mobility now - Idk what the others actually help with for DPS rotations even still. It took me a few months to feel comfortable with elementalist and this was during the end of the celestial meta.

Engineer is also hard as fuck to master- you have to have near perfect timing to pull off 1 thing. but the kits and stuff was sort of like switching elements for me, 4354353 different phases to go through to get 1 result.

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Any elite Engineer > Mesmer (Chrono) > Elementalist (Weaver)


It seems like almost no one played support Chronomancer in an average group in this threat.


I played all the Ele specs for few months, Weaver can be overwhelming becouse of the unique skill combination system, other than that its nowere as hard as people claims to be. Having more options doesnt equal to class being harder.


Playing support Chrono is like trying to run behind of 9 children and make sure they got their required dose of Alac/Quickness, dealing your part of the damage that can be ruined by a single missclick or misstiming and trying to perform a rotation that is made out of roundly 50 skills. All of that goes for the tank Chrono, and now you have to control the boss on top of that.


As long as people are actively dodge the wells, Chrono will be the hardest class to play just becouse of the fact that you are more like fighting against your party insead of the bosses.

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> @"Arionell.3574" said:

> Any elite Engineer > Mesmer (Chrono) > Elementalist (Weaver)


> It seems like almost no one played support Chronomancer in an average group in this threat.


> I played all the Ele specs for few months, Weaver can be overwhelming becouse of the unique skill combination system, other than that its nowere as hard as people claims to be. Having more options doesnt equal to class being harder.


> Playing support Chrono is like trying to run behind of 9 children and make sure they got their required dose of Alac/Quickness, dealing your part of the damage that can be ruined by a single missclick or misstiming and trying to perform a rotation that is made out of roundly 50 skills. All of that goes for the tank Chrono, and now you have to control the boss on top of that.


> As long as people are actively dodge the wells, Chrono will be the hardest class to play just becouse of the fact that you are more like fighting against your party insead of the bosses.


With that logic you can say that thief is hard to play because supports don't give it stability while it's kneeling. Other people not positioning properly isn't part of your problem, and even less of a problem for your class, unless you're the one who's positioned poorly if you're tank. Speaking of 50 skills it's more like 6 skills that you cast more or less at the same time or make sure that you cast some of them with each other, rather than individually. Basically what you have to get used to on every single build that uses more than 3 button presses to reach 90% of its potential. Tanking the boss happens on like 8 bosses and only 3 of those can be considered challenging since you actually have to move the boss and survive its hard hits (and one of them makes you isolated from the rest of the pug group, so you dont even get to support them for large part of the fight).


The only hard part I found on chrono was timing signets for distortion share (which is quite easier now since aegis lasts longer than distort) and managing to cc, reflect, pull mobs and whatnot in fractal CMs while managing rotation and boss mechanics (raids arent as overloaded as fractals are, especially CM fractals).


Basically a lot of builds are overrated in being hard to play and tons of those builds have simplified versions that do practically the same job, for much less effort. No builds can compare with constant weapon swapping from condi engi and sword (condi) weaver. Support chrono can afk during 20 sec downtime on skills, staff weaver "just" needs more time to get used to conjured weapon fiesta, holo is basically swapping between bombs and grenades with forge once in a while, renegade is probably like usual rev builds - use strong skills until you run out of energy, swap legend and repeat. All those 70-step rotations mean nothing if you can just repeat same 10-step templates and achieve 95% of dps/boon/whatever output. The only builds that dont have easy alternative are condi engi and weaver builds, where every button press has big value and every mistake gets punished heavily.

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