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What is in your opinion the most toxic achievement?

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Im just a peasant in the achievements fields, with only 9k points and I think I've found one of the most community toxic achievements of the game. I would like you to share your opinions about achievements like this one.


The one I found is called "Realm-Portal Spiker", an achivement you can complete during the meta event of Desolation.

According to dulfy this is what you have to do to accomplish the achievement: During the start of Maws of Torment meta, you will need to escort three shadow demolitionist to the gates at North, West and East. Once they reach the gate, it starts an event to destroy the realm portal. As you kill Forged enemies nearby with Realm in their names, they will drop off Realm Residues. You want to pick those up and run up to a barrel called Portal Spike and interact with it to combine the Portal Spikes with your Realm Residue. After you done that, you can run up to the portal and press F to spike portal (or whatever you interact key is bound to). Do this 100 times for the achievement. You can usually do this about ~ 5 times per meta before the portal get destroyed or the meta fails due to lack of time.


The main problem with that achievement is that almost nobody does the meta event. Yesterday this happened to me 4 times in 4 different and conscutive metas:

I was cleaning the pre event, I was alone. I finished the pre, I was still alone. The meta started, I was alone killing mobs escorting the npc. I reached the portal. I was still alone killing the mobs that spawn near the portal and drop the residue when suddenly, 1-4 ppl appears from nowhere while im dealing with 7-8 mobs. They dont help dealing with mobs, the just got the residue and spiked the portal and leaved, getting the credit for the achievement while doing 0 effort.


I really encourage anet to change this achievement in order to everyone that is near the portal get the achievement credit for spiking, so those ppl that comes in the last moment and leech the work of others, at least share the spikes.


Do you know about other achievements like that?

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I don't like doing the event, because, as you say, you can work hard (sometimes alone) to make the spike event possible... and not get in any spikes yourself. The event is also tedious: the local mobs respawn quickly while the event is going on, which makes the escort events feel like a chore. And it takes a long time to get to the point where the more substantial rewards are possible. For the same effort, I could be doing any of a number of other things that are more enjoyable **and** more rewarding.


I'd like to see the requirement changed so that _any_ spikes successfully used during the event count for everyone's achievement. If ANet is concerned with people reaching the goal too quickly, perhaps it can be changed to a fixed maximum, e.g. 5 per event. (That makes it comparable to other such long term goals.)



A more interesting example is the no-fly achievement for the Shattererererererererer. There, the incentives are properly aligned: if you prevent the dragon from lifting off, the event is quicker and everyone gets their rewards sooner. So, theoretically, everyone should be working towards the achievement (prevent Big S from taking flight 20 times).


In practice, however, people do not. On the whole, the 'zerg' treats this as any other world boss: stand in a spot, press [1], and occasionally move to avoid damage. Since everyone gets the same rewards, it's certainly fine if a few people do this. The problem only arises when a large plurality of people ignore the mechanics. I actually like this fight and I think it's a fair achievement (even if I'm not close to getting it yet).


Perhaps this event could be tweaked so that those who glide and successfully hit the dragon twice or three times with bombs get an additional reward. For example, 2 greens & a blue with a 0.01% chance for a Shatterer transformation tonic or mini.



PS I don't think it's useful to apply the word, "toxic" to an achievement. It distracts from the goal, which is to improve events so that they are more fun, to improve achievements so that they less tedious. The events aren't toxic, they aren't even the cause of toxicity. It's more a case of a few individuals who decide their anonymity empowers them to take their frustrations out on others.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I don't like doing the event, because, as you say, you can work hard (sometimes alone) to make the spike event possible... and not get in any spikes yourself. The event is also tedious: the local mobs respawn quickly while the event is going on, which makes the escort events feel like a chore. And it takes a long time to get to the point where the more substantial rewards are possible. For the same effort, I could be doing any of a number of other things that are more enjoyable **and** more rewarding.


> I'd like to see the requirement changed so that _any_ spikes successfully used during the event count for everyone's achievement. If ANet is concerned with people reaching the goal too quickly, perhaps it can be changed to a fixed maximum, e.g. 5 per event. (That makes it comparable to other such long term goals.)


> ****

> A more interesting example is the no-fly achievement for the Shattererererererererer. There, the incentives are properly aligned: if you prevent the dragon from lifting off, the event is quicker and everyone gets their rewards sooner. So, theoretically, everyone should be working towards the achievement (prevent Big S from taking flight 20 times).


> In practice, however, people do not. On the whole, the 'zerg' treats this as any other world boss: stand in a spot, press [1], and occasionally move to avoid damage. Since everyone gets the same rewards, it's certainly fine if a few people do this. The problem only arises when a large plurality of people ignore the mechanics. I actually like this fight and I think it's a fair achievement (even if I'm not close to getting it yet).


> Perhaps this event could be tweaked so that those who glide and successfully hit the dragon twice or three times with bombs get an additional reward. For example, 2 greens & a blue with a 0.01% chance for a Shatterer transformation tonic or mini.


> ****

> PS I don't think it's useful to apply the word, "toxic" to an achievement. It distracts from the goal, which is to improve events so that they are more fun, to improve achievements so that they less tedious. The events aren't toxic, they aren't even the cause of toxicity. It's more a case of a few individuals who decide their anonymity empowers them to take their frustrations out on others.



I mostly agree with all you say. Sorry my english is not perfect as is not my mother tongue. When I say toxic Im referring to the toxicity of that people that come in the very last moment, spikes as much times as they can and flee, getting the reward of the effort of others while preventing the people that worked on the meta to get any credit for the achievement.

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Toxic is definitely the wrong term here. "Tedious" or "annoying" apply much better imo.


Realm Portal Spiker is definitely up there. At best I get maybe 4 spikes off total, which is super annoying. I don't want to do this event I don't care about 30 times

All the "kill x thousand players" etc. PvP or WvW achievements are also not very enjoyable, though they aren't really something you're supposed to farm but something that eventually comes naturally through dedication.



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> @"alez.2137" said:

> I mostly agree with all you say. Sorry my english is not perfect as is not my mother tongue. When I say toxic Im referring to the toxicity of that people that come in the very last moment, spikes as much times as they can and flee, getting the reward of the effort of others while preventing the people that worked on the meta to get any credit for the achievement.


You're in good company. Plenty of native-English speakers make the same rhetorical argument. My point is that the events aren't toxic. At worst, they have competing incentives, which creates frustration, which some individuals use as an excuse to be toxic. People might be toxic, but the game itself isn't.


More importantly, making the conversation about toxicity distracts from your goal, which is to improve the events. Notice how we're having a side-conversation about toxicity (which is on-topic for the thread), when what you really want is for ANet to change things so that it's not so painful for those who did the most effort to get (at least) equal credit towards the achievement.


Or to rephrase, instead of asking ANet to worry about the labeling of events, go directly to the root problem: if we work hard on an event, we should get rewarded as much as those that showed up at the last minute or those who ignore mechanics.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Toxic is definitely the wrong term here. "Tedious" or "annoying" apply much better imo.


> Realm Portal Spiker is definitely up there. At best I get maybe 4 spikes off total, which is super annoying. I don't want to do this event I don't care about 30 times

> All the "kill x thousand players" etc. PvP or WvW achievements are also not very enjoyable, though they aren't really something you're supposed to farm but something that eventually comes naturally through dedication.




But Im not talking about hard or tedious achievements. I understand some can be really hard to achieve because they may require good timing, a lot of farming, etc.

I opened the post because I found one in particular in which, after you have done 99% of the work to get credit, a player can appear from nowhere and steal your ac credit, forcing you just resign while they will probably be laughling. Thats why I used the word toxic.


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Every collection which forces you to play old bug ridden events. For example the first collection of the legendary weapon Chuka and Champawat requires you to kill a largos assassin, to bad the event line is usually stuck somewhere so the assassin doesn't spawn. You can beat strong opponents but you can't beat the game tilting out on you.


Honorable mentions goes to collections which require you to do time gated crafting just to throw a bunch of money against a wall in the middle of nowhere and those which require you to deal with the more toxic parts of the community.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> PS I don't think it's useful to apply the word, "toxic" to an achievement. It distracts from the goal, which is to improve events so that they are more fun, to improve achievements so that they less tedious. The events aren't toxic, they aren't even the cause of toxicity. It's more a case of a few individuals who decide their anonymity empowers them to take their frustrations out on others.


I will agree, with one exception, the achieve that sprung to mind at the start of this thread:


Toxic Bacon.


You really can't get an achievement (well, hero point) more toxic than that ... >.>



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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > PS I don't think it's useful to apply the word, "toxic" to an achievement. It distracts from the goal, which is to improve events so that they are more fun, to improve achievements so that they less tedious. The events aren't toxic, they aren't even the cause of toxicity. It's more a case of a few individuals who decide their anonymity empowers them to take their frustrations out on others.


> I will agree, with one exception, the achieve that sprung to mind at the start of this thread:


> Toxic Bacon.


> You really can't get an achievement (well, hero point) more toxic than that ... >.>




Nah, that's a one-off. Thirst-slayer, now that's a toxic achievement. Consuming 100,000 drinks? Cirrhosis will do what gods and dragons could not.

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Well, I see too much controversy about why do I use the word toxic. I have to say Im a player that usually play for fun, to be with some friend that is in game, I dont insult, I dont laugh of others. A player that is not usually looking for problems.


Yesterday, I started doing this achievement and detected the attitude of some players coming in the last moment to leech my work. As you would have read, I did the meta 4 times. The first 2 I silently resigned, well I though, its just bad luck, may be they were around, etc.

The third time I was doing alone the meta I was just waiting for someone to come in the last moment so I had prepared a text to paste: "please man, go to other lane, this is almost the end of this line I did alone, dont steal all the work I did alone to reach to here...". Obviously this player ignored me, just took his reward leaving me with 0 reward, and fleed. I complained in the map chat. The responses I received from people that was not even there were the typical ones of people that is aligned with the bullier, or the toxic: "tell us more", "you are pro", etc.


On the 4th attempt I just waited until 1 min of the meta start, switched on my commander tag and called on map chat for meta start asking people to help from the beggining. How wrong I was. Yes, some people came to help, but those toxic people were there. Sure some of you know what they did. When the group was dealing with the mini boss of the first portal, they disengaged from the group, to go to the other 2 portals to be alone getting that spikes. They didnt care about helping they were just there for his achievement credit.


I hope you understand I dont say anet does toxic achievements, but there are people with bad attitude that take advantage of others and also when u say in chat they are covered by random people that instead of understand the problem tries to undermine.


Tbh, I was very pissed yesterday, Im leaving this achievement for some time, hope anet consider fixing it.

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So far I have not spiked one single portal. Last time I was at the meta was by happenstance as an RP adventure took my guild that way and we decided to work on the lanes. I finally actually saw the portal residue, managed to pick one up, then as I tried to figure out what to do with it the event failed and my chance was gone.


I would love to get the achieve in order to get the meta reward from doing all the Shadow stuff, but I've written it off as just not doable for me as implemented.

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> @"alez.2137" said:

> The main problem with that achievement is that almost nobody does the meta event. Yesterday this happened to me 4 times in 4 different and conscutive metas:

> I was cleaning the pre event, I was alone. I finished the pre, I was still alone. The meta started, I was alone killing mobs escorting the npc. I reached the portal. I was still alone killing the mobs that spawn near the portal and drop the residue when suddenly, 1-4 ppl appears from nowhere while im dealing with 7-8 mobs. They dont help dealing with mobs, the just got the residue and spiked the portal and leaved, getting the credit for the achievement while doing 0 effort.


> I really encourage anet to change this achievement in order to everyone that is near the portal get the achievement credit for spiking, so those ppl that comes in the last moment and leech the work of others, at least share the spikes.


> Do you know about other achievements like that?


adding my experience to yours...


even with squads of people doing the meta, the portal have so little HP that it's dead in like 3 seconds


so I prefer anet change it to base on lane participation rather than trying to spike the damn thing; but at the end of the day, it's the lackluster rewards why people dont do it

anet need to balance meta rewards base on the average time required to complete it; and most important of all, throw in amalgamated gemstone from meta event end chest, this is one of the major reason players revisiting HoT maps

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