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Mortar Kit... Why?


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It's not meant to be damage, its meant for utility. Toolbelt is a relatively low cooldown blast finisher, every skill except the auto attack has a combo field. The auto attack is always a projectile finisher. Everything on the kit has a massive 1200 range, which is farther than pretty much everything else we have.


If you have explosives traited, it gets vulnerability. Taking shrapnel gives you the chance for bleed and cripple on hit.

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The range and rate of fire is awesome, definitely not a burst weapon. I use it a lot when defending in WvW. The water and light field is nice as is the blind when supporting allies. The damage I find comparable to rifle auto, just slower due to higher arc and longer travel its the only weapon we have other than lightning from hammer that can hit the top of keep walls.

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> @"Tehologist.5841" said:

> The range and rate of fire is awesome, definitely not a burst weapon. I use it a lot when defending in WvW. The water and light field is nice as is the blind when supporting allies. The damage I find comparable to rifle auto, just slower due to higher arc and longer travel its the only weapon we have other than lightning from hammer that can hit the top of keep walls.


It used to have the exact same firing speed as rifle, but they nerfed it.

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It's for utility, not doing damage, chill field + 1 breaks boss bars (not to mention the mass slow and more cd for pvp/wvw), light field + 1 removes conditions on aoe, and water field +1 heals on aoe, the poison field is the one I found weaker, but halts healing, so it's useful too.

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Make the auto attack unlockable so I can sit on the edge of WvW zerg battles and collect bags pls. /s


It's utility is pretty good but honestly it's all just extra, not needed imo. We have access to everything it offers easily in other places so I wish all of the skills would get reworked to be a good long range power option. Bring back the concussion barrage as a channeled ability in a similar way to meteor shower and add a high velocity rocket shot (similar to how rocket turrets tool belt works underwater).

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> @"Arimas.3492" said:

> Make the auto attack unlockable so I can sit on the edge of WvW zerg battles and collect bags pls. /s


> It's utility is pretty good but honestly it's all just extra, not needed imo. We have access to everything it offers easily in other places so I wish all of the skills would get reworked to be a good long range power option. Bring back the concussion barrage as a channeled ability in a similar way to meteor shower and add a high velocity rocket shot (similar to how rocket turrets tool belt works underwater).


Old school deployable Mortar but turned Rocket Launcher. lol

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > @"Arimas.3492" said:

> > Make the auto attack unlockable so I can sit on the edge of WvW zerg battles and collect bags pls. /s

> >

> > It's utility is pretty good but honestly it's all just extra, not needed imo. We have access to everything it offers easily in other places so I wish all of the skills would get reworked to be a good long range power option. Bring back the concussion barrage as a channeled ability in a similar way to meteor shower and add a high velocity rocket shot (similar to how rocket turrets tool belt works underwater).


> Old school deployable Mortar but turned Rocket Launcher. lol


Honestly, a rocket launcher would make it unique. Have 2-5 use the ammo system, and 1 about as strong as it currently is, buff the other skills to match. Would make it fit the engineer aesthetic (and TF2 aesthetic) and feel like a proper "elite" skill.

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I'd like to throw my two cents in and say that you have to consider this kit in the power to time ratio. This is the only elite in the game that is basically infinite; it has no timer and no ammo system or usage count, so you can pop it as you as you enter a map and run with it forever if you so choose. Because of that it simply can't be as strong as other elite skills that of a more "one and done with a long cooldown" type. This skill isn't a big game changer like other elite skills, and is really just "another kit" that provides more options for the engineer in typical moment to moment play. And, as has been said here already, with the right traits to buff explosion attacks it can do a lot more than it seems at face value. Indeed in general PvE and some world events I find it to be a rather powerful condi weapon that's great for clearing out swarms of weaker enemies.

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> @"Eddie Royale.9605" said:

> Is there a good way to use mortar from walls in WvW? I find that I often have to get to the edge of the wall to target anything and then I just get AoEd down by the zerg.


use the arc of the projectiles. be carefull with reflects.

but very often your mortar does not do much to zergs when you cast it from walls. there is no real pressure. better use the chill+blind on pushes, the poison on downstates and water on allies.

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Mortar Kit is far the best elite.


One thing to add, may be:


1 - Rename the trait "Granadier" to to something like "Tank Buster", "Anti Tank", "Propeled Missiles", ... and make it affect all missile explosives (Grenades, Mortar Shels, Aim-Assistent-Missile, Explosive Rockets, Rocket, Launch Wall, Crystal-Configuration-Storm, Prime-Light-Bean, Blast-Giro-Tag).

2 - Change his functionality to increase the travel speed in 100% and the range in 33%.




May be good for a better focus on explosion factor (unique for engineer profession):

1 - Rename the trait "Short Fuse" to something like "Enhanced Explosives".

2 - Change his functionality to increase all explosion radius in 33% (Affects all skills with "Explosion" factor).




To complete the Mortar Kit and Grenage Kit improvements, and improving others itens:

1 - Rename ter trait "Chemical Rounds" to something like "Enhanced Armor Penetration".

2 - Change his functionality to make all missiles unblockable and unreflectable (Affects all missiles, shooted or throwed).

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Mortar and grenades completely fail on range. They move way to slow and the grenades don't even reach their destination on unsteady terrain. Dont get me wrong beside that they are okayish. But they could be pushed way more in a decent role. Also a true range dps weapon/kit is missing, which could be filled by the mortar

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> @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

> Mortar and grenades completely fail on range. They move way to slow and the grenades don't even reach their destination on unsteady terrain. Dont get me wrong beside that they are okayish. But they could be pushed way more in a decent role. Also a true range dps weapon/kit is missing, which could be filled by the mortar


That's because Anet bna class development to carry badies, they need lots of movement easy access, wich will result in lot of skills being completelly useless due how game is ment to rush n' spam.


Still since they can do a decent job to make game requiring more skill and visual atention, mortar needs to be tranformed in something strong, sugested to use isege disablers on mortars at least would make it usable on WvW, to disable inner siege. :)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

> > Mortar and grenades completely fail on range. They move way to slow and the grenades don't even reach their destination on unsteady terrain. Dont get me wrong beside that they are okayish. But they could be pushed way more in a decent role. Also a true range dps weapon/kit is missing, which could be filled by the mortar


> That's because Anet bna class development to carry badies, they need lots of movement easy access, wich will result in lot of skills being completelly useless due how game is ment to rush n' spam.


> Still since they can do a decent job to make game requiring more skill and visual atention, mortar needs to be tranformed in something strong, sugested to use isege disablers on mortars at least would make it usable on WvW, to disable inner siege. :)


I would love to have class specific skills geared for WvW.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"NeroBoron.7285" said:

> > > Mortar and grenades completely fail on range. They move way to slow and the grenades don't even reach their destination on unsteady terrain. Dont get me wrong beside that they are okayish. But they could be pushed way more in a decent role. Also a true range dps weapon/kit is missing, which could be filled by the mortar

> >

> > That's because Anet bna class development to carry badies, they need lots of movement easy access, wich will result in lot of skills being completelly useless due how game is ment to rush n' spam.

> >

> > Still since they can do a decent job to make game requiring more skill and visual atention, mortar needs to be tranformed in something strong, sugested to use isege disablers on mortars at least would make it usable on WvW, to disable inner siege. :)


> I would love to have class specific skills geared for WvW.


Game needs more in depth mechanics for that to happen, i dont think Anet likes it hehehe since they are very basic.


But for sure would be fun to use it, to players could bombard inner and disable stuff, one thing that i dont remember is how engie mortar works, if its like the keeps mortar or just a aoe spell, for that to work decently it would have to work like the mortars in structures with power management.

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