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Dyslexia support suggestion

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Hey! So basically I’m just throwing this idea out there. I know it’s probably never been suggested but a player like me who want to feel confident using a command tag... and suffers from Dylexia would really appreciate if people like me could have some extra support?


To do this I really hope that guildwars could add an auto correct filter to help those who struggle with spelling so we can avoid the laughter at our disability and avoid having awkward moments of having to explain to people all the time :/ it would just reduce a bit of stress.


Thank you for reading ! Interested to hear others thoughts.



Tazz -

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I'd love this too! I imagine it would also help people who mainly use a 2nd (or 3rd, 4th etc.) language to communicate because not many people in-game speak their 1st language.


One solution would be chat macros: you write phrases you know you're going to stay a lot in advance (taking as much time as you need to get it right) and bind them to a key - then you just have to push that button and it automatically posts that message in chat. This is already possible with some keyboards, but it breaks the games '1 key press = 1 action'. If it was built into the game Anet could make sure it was only used for chat (and maybe limit it to short phrases so it couldn't be easily used for spamming).


But a built-in spell checker might actually be easier.

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Nobody would laugh about your disability. An auto-correction feature would often harm. I've read some worse stuff (e.g. license plaque number, or in German it turned from "Excel Tabellen" [MS Office Excel worksheet] to "Excel Tabletten" [Excel pills] or "difficult" turned for some reason into "difficat").


We had a dyslexic in our class back then in my school time. Nobody ever laughed about that. I'd just be very clear about that (maybe as macro) and then hop on; the community here is probably one of the few where you can do that. Your disability does not go away, and being true to yourself -- I'd admire that much, much more.



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I would be in favor of a built-in spell checker over an autocorrector, though the latter could make for a lot of amusing situations.


For example a few common names using the forums spellchecker suggestions:

(Though I realize names are not-so-good examples because they are likely to be specifically added)


Octovine - Doctrine

Tequatl - Equate

Mordremoth - Mordred

Zhaitan - Haitian

Primordus - Primordial

Jormag - Marjoram

Kralkatorrik - Oratorical

Selbbub - Selby

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Excellent points about the autocorrect term! I agree with Glacial and zedek about a spell checker would benifit better then autocorrect such as right clicking an underlined misspelled word. And with danikat, a good point about mixed language barriers.


An interesting argument, and I do agree that some people don’t really mind not understand a few words. However with 10 years of experience in mmos i have encountered a lifetime of unfortunate ‘grammar nazis’ (sometimes in large groups) saying things such as “you shouldn’t command if you can’t even spell” which creates chaos. Living with this it really feels like I can’t say certain things and I can never fully enjoy any mmo because of it sadly! And communication is the best part about guildwars. It’s a Frustrating situations for Dylexia’s, and other third languages.


Without autocorrect on my phone right now my entire post would be unreadable xD

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Most people in GW2 probably wouldn't laugh if they knew it was a disability. But dyslexia isn't obvious, especially online, it just looks like bad spelling or poor wording. If you misspell an 'obvious' word, especially if you do it a lot, you'll probably get some sarcastic comments on it. If you make a lot of mistakes people may see it as a sign of laziness and/or stupidity - not exactly popular traits for a commander.


You also have to bear in mind a lot of dyslexics are quite sensitive about this because it's not the odd mistake, it's a _constant_ part of your life, every day, especially online. It's always, without exception, being the person who holds the group up taking "ages" to read anything, even 4 lines of instructions at the start of a mini game or the "really obvious" text under a bosses nameplate in a busy fight (or having to skip it to keep up and hoping you can manage without information everyone else got). It's re-wording everything you want to say to avoid a word you know you cannot get right no matter how hard you try. It's knowing that any time you write anything you might misspell a common word and get mocked (however well intentioned) for a "blonde moment" that's been a part of your life, a part of who you are, as long as you can remember.


Once or twice you can laugh it off, and maybe if it's your friends or guild have a quiet word later on, but when it keeps happening it can really kill your confidence about saying anything at all.

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Sometimes people solely depend on picturing someone’s image/personality through an mmo with the way they type. And certainly with the way they spell sadly... I’ve had situations where I would host a party for PVP but then switching to discord and they would make a comment “huh, you appear way older/differently then how I imagined you” and I often think that’s to do with my Dylexia (however may not be the case) but that’s just my perspective. Even writing this threat I’m having panic attacks about saying the wrong word haha.

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> @"Tazzuki.2648" said:

> Even writing this threat I’m having panic attacks about saying the wrong word haha.


Noooo, please. There are millions of people online who _don't_ have dyslexia but can't spell properly if their lives depended on it. You're doing extremely well. :+1:


As for your suggestion, I used to receive very weird e-mails from my American ex, who would type while driving (bad!) and used auto-correct. They were mostly grotesque and made zero sense. Not sure how well ANet would be able to implement an auto-correct feature. But it's worth a thought. :)

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There are many forms of dyslexia, and the technical definition gets ... quite technical. So it might be useful simply to ask why the game doesn't have a spell check, since ultimately, that's what the OP would like to see. Plus, as others have noted, lots of people have an interest in a spellchecker, for reasons unrelated to a learning handicap.


If ANet was going to get into the business of overhauling the chat features of the game, this is something I'd like to see on the "nice to have list." Although there are plenty of other good ideas, including hyperlinks to the wiki, mouse over details for jargon words (e.g. for _CC_), ways to save chat logs, copy & paste, and so on. Among the reasons none of these are likely to end up in the game: it's not one of ANet's core competencies. To do it well, they'd have to contract to a 3rd party (and ANet hasn't always had the best luck with those relationships). It also probably wouldn't improve the game for as many people as much as a lot of other wonderful suggestions.


tl;dr good idea, but we'll probably never see it.



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I don’t think it’s personally difficult to get at least get every English dictionary word implemented in the game.. (even boss names/npc’s) Spell checker would be coded to detect errors and from a save file in the game database would allow at (least common used words) to be able to right click and select the correct word. The same way we can right click to preview an item someone’s linked in the chat.


In terms of the game keeping appearances good, this function could be available by ticking a box in the options menu. To keep the chat tidy for those who do not need such a thing :)


I don’t think they need third party’s, just extra tabs haha

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It’s not a case of “that’ll be nice” it’s a thing which all mmos in reality should have since most schools and jobs support these kind of things. If they did, Guildwars would be the first ever mmo I’d ever know to support Dylexia and language barriers issues. Which in itself is amazing! May even create headlines... or put mmos in a new light. (Thus more players woo)



(Can you see my persuasive tatics hinting to the forum staff xD tehe)

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The solution of chat macros is good imo. I am not only dyslexic but I also type slow. There has been a few situations where preprogrammed phrases on my mmo mouse have been helpful. An in game system that you could fill out in advance & link hotkeys or manually click would be nice.

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> @"Tazzuki.2648" said:

> When said “grammar kitten” it blanked out an n word, sorry if it made the post confusing


Don't worry, we understood what you were saying.


> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> The solution of chat macros is good imo. I am not only dyslexic but I also type slow. There has been a few situations where preprogrammed phrases on my mmo mouse have been helpful. An in game system that you could fill out in advance & link hotkeys or manually click would be nice.


Curiously, there are situations where the ability to "chat" with mouse macros would count as a competitive advantage. One example, although it's far from the only possibility:


In SWTOR, PvP takes place almost exclusively in "WarZones". These are themed matches with 8v8 or (in a few cases) 4v4. 4v4 is "sudden death" deathmatch, while 8v8 can be a variety of things, but NOT sudden death deathmatch. One format is "Alderaan Civil War", and the ability to hit a button on the side of the mouse to announce the functional equivalent of "three enemy players attacking grassy knoll" provides an advantage over someone who must take a moment to type "3 red at grass".


In fact, that sort of thing is *why* chat macros are bannable in most MMORPGs.


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> @"Zedek.8932" said:

> Nobody would laugh about your disability.


Sadly I'll have to disagree. Even with GW2's overall amazing community you'll have a few toxic morons here and there, and they'll make nasty remarks.


A commander in my ex-guild was dyslexic and he faced some pretty awful dirt from time to time because of it. He didn't care about it, but someone else might, so I can understand OP's suggestion.


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> @"Hevoskuuri.3891" said:

> > @"Zedek.8932" said:

> > Nobody would laugh about your disability.


> Sadly I'll have to disagree. Even with GW2's overall amazing community you'll have a few toxic morons here and there, and they'll make nasty remarks.


> A commander in my ex-guild was dyslexic and he faced some pretty awful dirt from time to time because of it. He didn't care about it, but someone else might, so I can understand OP's suggestion.



People can be pretty thoughtless sometimes, especially when faced with something they're not familiar with. Once at work I asked a customer to spell his name for me (which was actually company rules - it was for a government form so it had to be right and for every Mr Smith there's a Smyth or Smithe) and got "What, are you r******d?". (Stars are because I assume it would turn into 'kitten' otherwise and the actual word is important here.) I said something like "Well it's called dyslexia...but yes" and even over the phone I could tell he was embarrassed, but he was also not going to apologise because that would involve admitting he did something wrong. Instead he muttered something about how he couldn't know that...as if that made it ok.


He was very much the type of person who thinks everything in life follows predictable patterns, and gets very uncomfortable when anything doesn't go the way he thinks it should. Just the fact that he was having to call us meant that wasn't working and he was trying to use humour to deflect the situation and unfortunately most of it was pretty inappropriate (earlier in the call he'd joked about doing something which I'd had to tell him was actually illegal.) In this case his solution was to say everything LOUDLY AND S L O W L Y, which is pretty pointless because my hearing is fine, but I let him get on with it.


Luckily I haven't encountered anyone that bad in GW2 (or in real life for quite a while) but milder versions of the same thing are pretty common. At one end I guess for most people spelling mistakes aren't a big deal so jokingly pointing it out whenever it happens is helpful to get the person to correct it, and at the other extreme people will joke about all kinds of handicaps and compare perfectly normal behaviour to it (how many times have you heard someone say "Oh I'm really OCD about that?") and never think that the person they're talking to or about could actually be the kind of person they're making a joke about.


To some extent it's people being people and that's something technology can't fix. But anything which makes communicating and getting along with each other easier and less likely to lead to arguments or insults is useful IMO.

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I am dyslexic and I command raids quite often recently too but if this feature would be added into the game I wouldnt use it. As in game every person have some advantages and dissadvantages. Statisticaly speaking most of my fellow raiders will have at least 40 lower IQ. With this I would have something that helps me to get closer to players without problems so all I would have left would be my advantages and that doesnt seem fair to me. Also if i used this feature i would admit that I am somewhat inferior then normal player because I need help where others do not.

Life and games are same in this. You want to use your advantages while minimilasing your weaknesses. If someone laugh at me for failing to type I will counteratack by making him look so stupid he will never try that again :D

You dont want to fight on fronts where you have dissadvantage. To win battles you want to fight whene you have advantage from the start. To win a war you want to do as many fight s with advantages as possible and avoiding fights where you dont have advantage whenever you can.

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There's also the option of doing copy/paste for common phrases you might use...I know of a couple of lieutenant commanders in one of my guilds that do this when ever we do bounty runs, they have a set of instructions they give to the squad every single time, and there's no deviation so it's obviously a copy and paste job(no one types that fast).

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> @"Tazzuki.2648" said:

> Hey! So basically I’m just throwing this idea out there. I know it’s probably never been suggested but a player like me who want to feel confident using a command tag... and suffers from Dylexia would really appreciate if people like me could have some extra support?


> To do this I really hope that guildwars could add an auto correct filter to help those who struggle with spelling so we can avoid the laughter at our disability and avoid having awkward moments of having to explain to people all the time :/ it would just reduce a bit of stress.


> Thank you for reading ! Interested to hear others thoughts.



> Tazz -


Good idea. Also, wonder how possible it would be to add in a text font option like below...




What do you think @"Gaile Gray.6029"?

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So we have established that:


- Majority are up for the idea and are even implying other suggestions which is helping the thread and giving us an idea of who else the support would benefit.

- Some people would be nervous about using a spell check due to its unknown problematic prossibilitys but are welcoming to the idea.

- A few speculate it could give advantages if it would appear as a macro


(I’m goibg to continue typing without using spellcheck)


I personally feel that using the idea of macros is a negative way of appoching this issue due to unknown exploitation. This subject should be implemented into the game similar to how a spell check works on an iPhone such as my current (iphone X) the spell check is pretty well functioning and has even probably improved my spelling looking back in this paragraph ^


When people type in-game a correct word would hover over the incorrect spellig, you will have an option to click an X to decline or accept the word (which is the same if you where clicking a skill that requires you to select a target so it wouldn’t effect time duration of pressing an X)


Dylexia of course has different waves, mine is clearly mild but people have it worse then me


(if an extreme case of Dylexia could reply without using spell check it might give outsiders a better perspective of why we need it)


I might add this to the top if it gets lost xD but anyway being on a role playing server that’s when I really struggle to keep up with everyone and the story flow, because of my problems too. Thank you for reading



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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Tazzuki.2648" said:

> > When said “grammar kitten” it blanked out an n word, sorry if it made the post confusing


> Don't worry, we understood what you were saying.


> > @"alphafert.6730" said:

> > The solution of chat macros is good imo. I am not only dyslexic but I also type slow. There has been a few situations where preprogrammed phrases on my mmo mouse have been helpful. An in game system that you could fill out in advance & link hotkeys or manually click would be nice.


> Curiously, there are situations where the ability to "chat" with mouse macros would count as a competitive advantage. One example, although it's far from the only possibility:


> In SWTOR, PvP takes place almost exclusively in "WarZones". These are themed matches with 8v8 or (in a few cases) 4v4. 4v4 is "sudden death" deathmatch, while 8v8 can be a variety of things, but NOT sudden death deathmatch. One format is "Alderaan Civil War", and the ability to hit a button on the side of the mouse to announce the functional equivalent of "three enemy players attacking grassy knoll" provides an advantage over someone who must take a moment to type "3 red at grass".


> In fact, that sort of thing is *why* chat macros are bannable in most MMORPGs.



What is SWTOR?

I haven't used chat macros in pvp, I just don't communicate like the rest of the noobs. I used it once when I was trying to get an event to fail for a legendary achievement & a few times while commandering a leather farm. Pretty sad if I got banned for either of those.

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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Tazzuki.2648" said:

> > > When said “grammar kitten” it blanked out an n word, sorry if it made the post confusing

> >

> > Don't worry, we understood what you were saying.

> >

> > > @"alphafert.6730" said:

> > > The solution of chat macros is good imo. I am not only dyslexic but I also type slow. There has been a few situations where preprogrammed phrases on my mmo mouse have been helpful. An in game system that you could fill out in advance & link hotkeys or manually click would be nice.

> >

> > Curiously, there are situations where the ability to "chat" with mouse macros would count as a competitive advantage. One example, although it's far from the only possibility:

> >

> > In SWTOR, PvP takes place almost exclusively in "WarZones". These are themed matches with 8v8 or (in a few cases) 4v4. 4v4 is "sudden death" deathmatch, while 8v8 can be a variety of things, but NOT sudden death deathmatch. One format is "Alderaan Civil War", and the ability to hit a button on the side of the mouse to announce the functional equivalent of "three enemy players attacking grassy knoll" provides an advantage over someone who must take a moment to type "3 red at grass".

> >

> > In fact, that sort of thing is *why* chat macros are bannable in most MMORPGs.

> >


> What is SWTOR?

> I haven't used chat macros in pvp, I just don't communicate like the rest of the noobs. I used it once when I was trying to get an event to fail for a legendary achievement & a few times while commandering a leather farm. Pretty sad if I got banned for either of those.


Star Wars: The Old Republic. Star Wars themed MMORPG. And yes, those two things would be pretty sad as ban reasons. My point was merely that there *are* competitive advantages in certain conditions for chat macros, which is why there's a risk. In the examples you cited, there's no noticeable advantage to be gained, but in objective-oriented fast-paced PvP conditions (WvW doesn't really count as that), there can be such an advantage, and that's why it is strictly speaking bannable.

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