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Samarog is an epic raid boss.

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> @"Durzlla.6295" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > Nuff said this guy has 6 hands and looks like he's seen some stuff, the design of this raid boss **from the lore** to the environment is really epic, well played Anet, well played.


> wait... there’s Lore for Samurog?

Yep here I'll copy and paste it:

Samarog's origins and why it was locked up in the Bastion of the Penitent remain unknown. Scholar Glenna theorizes, however, that Samarog and other inmates of the bastion may have been political prisoners whom the mursaat wished to sway to become their servants via alternating between bribing them with promises of power and breaking their spirits with intense mental and physical torture if they showed any sign of resistance.


The mursaat eventually came to view Samarog as an exceptional inmate, turning it into the kingpin of the prison. In exchange for privileges, Samarog was tasked with watching over the other inmates, a duty it carried out eagerly during the mursaat's absence. Following a prison riot where several inmates tried to break free from the bastion, Samarog used the environment to its advantage to ambush several rioters and slaughtered them without mercy. During this time it enslaved the jotun Guldhem and the human Rigom under its will, tying their lifeforce into its own. After the carnage, Samarog continued watching over the now mostly empty prison and killing anyone it came across.


In 1330 AE, Scholar Glenna and a group of raiders entered the bastion and ran into Samarog while exploring the area. Samarog attacked the raiders with its two slaves, but the trio were ultimately felled after a fierce battle. The raiders, who had never seen a creature like Samarog before, were left with more questions than answers in the aftermath of the battle.

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Just throwing in this comment that, this thread was originally on the general forums and was moved here. This is an immense loss IMO, as the topic does not dwell into gameplay aspects of the fight and just congratulates on how amazing the ambience is (and it is). This topic has no sense being here and general PvE players should get this feedback on their forum instead, this is why Reddit >>>>> Official when it comes to actually talking GW2. See comment directly above me touching its difficulty for no reason now that this moved into raids forum.

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I think Samarog pales in comparison to Deimos from both a mechanical and story perspective.


I have no problem with Samarog being mysterious. He has a stellar design, he's imposing. But a lot of the fight mechanics have me scratching my head story wise.


Like how is he literally controlling Rigom and Guldhem? How do they come back to life after you kill them the first time in the fight?


Also the Inevitable Betrayal ability where he picks to teammates who will explode and deal massive to damage to anyone they overlap and suffer massive damage to themselves unless they're properly overlapping with each other. What is it? What is going on here? How do two players overlapping manage to nullify it? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me into how the mechanics of the fight play out with the story of the fight the way other raid fights do.


Other than that Sammy is a fine fight.

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> @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > look epic, difficulty 1/10

> >

> > 1/10 based on what scale tbh?


> Based on pugs were able to kill it within few tries after release scale.


What does that make mo then? -3/10?

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > look epic, difficulty 1/10

> > >

> > > 1/10 based on what scale tbh?

> >

> > Based on pugs were able to kill it within few tries after release scale.


> What does that make mo then? -3/10?

0/10 maybe


dhuum cm would be between 7 and 8 of 10. There is still quite a room for improvement if Anet wants to make a truly challenging encounter

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"Nephalem.8921" said:

> > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > look epic, difficulty 1/10

> > > >

> > > > 1/10 based on what scale tbh?

> > >

> > > Based on pugs were able to kill it within few tries after release scale.

> >

> > What does that make mo then? -3/10?

> 0/10 maybe


> dhuum cm would be between 7 and 8 of 10. There is still quite a room for improvement if Anet wants to make a truly challenging encounter


I think all you want is an _exclusive_ encounter. Dhuum, Matthias and Xera are examples of fine bosses that input just enough individual responsibility for them not to be annoying during your chill clears but also present a fun time to try speedrunning through them. Anet so far has not shown the will to go beyond in difficulty, hopefully they won't anytime soon. Heck, even classes are being modified to the point that previous raids have basically become easier without changing the encounters themselves. As I always say to such pleas, if you want a competitive PvP game OR a PvE game with high difficulty spikes, I am unsure why GW2 was even a choice.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> look epic, difficulty 1/10


Kitty's had some pug groups disband at Samarog lately. Otherwise it's super-easy, yush but...in this time of DPS-fever, CC seems to be difficult enough for even good DPS groups to fail at. It's friggin 4000 breakbar damage! 3 deadeyes alone (not unusual) bring 2250 with Basilisk Venoms and remaining 1750 shouldn't be an issue. But it is an issue. Can someone popular make a CC tutorial?

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> @"LadyKitty.6120" said:

> Can someone popular make a CC tutorial?


Raid players don't need a CC tutorial. Breakbar attempts being failed are a result of DPS players grinding for their max numbers and because they want to be on top of the dps meter meaning competition against the other dps classes. In most cases it's an ego thing and the few remaining percent are players in tunnel vision who are overstrained due to some kind of pressure they put on themselves (new raiders etc.).

But I agree to a certain kind: There should be a tutorial for new/open world players.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> I'm pretty sure that venoms do _not_ stack.


They dont, but its also not that hard to coordinate.


> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

>Raid players don't need a CC tutorial. Breakbar attempts being failed are a result of DPS players grinding for their max numbers and because they want to be on top of the >dps meter meaning competition against the other dps classes. In most cases it's an ego thing and the few remaining percent are players in tunnel vision who are >overstrained due to some kind of pressure they put on themselves (new raiders etc.).

>But I agree to a certain kind: There should be a tutorial for new/open world players.


Add to this that most Chronos dont run with paralyzation sigill.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Nah, I just want encounters that cant be low manned or cheesed


I don't think you're going to get it. It will make it impossible for way too many players, including most of the active raiders. Too much effort in creating new content for too small audience.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Nah, I just want encounters that cant be low manned or cheesed


> I don't think you're going to get it. It will make it impossible for way too many players, including most of the active raiders. Too much effort in creating new content for too small audience.


I agree, I even wonder if it's possible to do without making the boss impossible to do

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Nah, I just want encounters that cant be low manned or cheesed


> I don't think you're going to get it. It will make it impossible for way too many players, including most of the active raiders. Too much effort in creating new content for too small audience.


Well additionally think of it like this. If an encounter can not be low manned, its either by mechanics or dps constraints. Lets consider dps as mechanics would be easy but also easy to make stupid and boring. It needs to be designed for the dps of the best group in the game using the optimal set up, and it has to be accurate to within 10% roughly. I'm sure we could debate that number. But still tuning an encounter that precisely isn't exactly easy. Additionally its not like Anet can just take golem numbers and use those to tune such an encounter, as the mechanics of the encounter can greatly affect group dps.


Essentially, to make an encounter that finely tuned, Anet would probably need to do an iterative process. Where the encounter is literally impossible at release, and then look at best attempts by groups and nerf the encounter back accordingly.


Even if Anet gets things to a point like that, tuned within 10% of optimal, what about balance patches? I think we have seen patches where group wide optimal dps in a specific encounter changes by 10%. An encounter that finely tuned could accidentally become impossible any time the optimal dps role for such an encounter gets nerfed, or group wide things like alacrity nerf, condi food nerf, etc.

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Not to mention there is a significant gap between the top %1 percent groups, and the middle of the pack. If you finetune based on the top (and you'd have to, or they _would_ be able to lowman it), the "average" raiders would suddenly find it too hard for them. And that would severely impact completion rates (and thus participation rates as well).


I'm not so sure if raids could survive, if the easy/initial encounter completion rates (escort, cairn, vg) dropped below 5%, and the hard ones (like Xera, Sh, Dhuum) below 1% (and those are _optimistic_ estimates - it could end even worse than that). I don't think that in such case raiders could expect even one new wing per year, less per the current 9 months (that are already too long for some).

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