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Thoughts on displayed titles

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> When servers are removed in favour of the alliances system it would be a very cool mommento to have a title to remember our old communities. I’m on blackgate. Something like Veteran of Blackgate or Beastgate would be fitting and I’m sure other servers have something in mind they would like to carry with them.


Good idea, I would love something like that.

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I'm just sad Titles can't be customized. right now I just want one title just because it fits my warband name (Wolf Frayseeker, Siege Breaker title from Battle of Kyhlo) otherwise I wouldn't be even interested.


I think it should be nice if they added templates of words that you can arrange in order to customize your title. in MH4U for example, you could pick 3 words froma list that you can unlock and combine them to form a title (like for example, " 'Mercenary' 'of' 'Disaster' ").

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I want an achievement called "Krytan Fried Chicken," or KFC for short, in which you must kill so many chickens with fire damage. (Before anyone says that there is no fire damage, there is, but all it does is affect death animations.) Maybe they can slap a fancy title to it, though I have no idea what it should be. Speaking of slapping, is "Yakslapper" a title yet? If not, it should be.

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> @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

> I want an achievement called "Krytan Fried Chicken," or KFC for short, in which you must kill so many chickens with fire damage. (Before anyone says that there is no fire damage, there is, but all it does is affect death animations.) Maybe they can slap a fancy title to it, though I have no idea what it should be. Speaking of slapping, is "Yakslapper" a title yet? If not, it should be.


Pretty sure it is and you get it for killing dolyaks in WVW. Lots of them.

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> @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

> I want an achievement called "Krytan Fried Chicken," or KFC for short, in which you must kill so many chickens with fire damage. (Before anyone says that there is no fire damage, there is, but all it does is affect death animations.) Maybe they can slap a fancy title to it, though I have no idea what it should be. Speaking of slapping, is "Yakslapper" a title yet? If not, it should be.


It is. Earned in WvW

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I like the OP's suggestion: "Deadly to ..." is a fun meme and I can see lots of serious & silly uses.

> ****


> A nit: "Deadly to Fliers" is a description of the mordrem's abilities, not a title. Other mob descriptions: immune to damage while shielded, does increased flanking damage, and, my favorite, "throws tantrums."




And we do have Slayer achievements, so I think it would pretty simple to expand on those to earn a title (eg. kill 5000 Centaurs, earn title Deadly to Centaurs)


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I've always been of the opinion that I would like to see more titles in the game. I personally feel that that having a title shouldn't be worthy of merit, but rather that what title specifically you have decides whether or not you're worthy of merit, and rather having a title is something everyone has to let everyone else know, either something about their character's personality/backstory, or about the player's personality/achievements.


So, for example:

-Titles for all the "slayer" achievements. _(Exterminator (insects), Prince Charming (Ogres), KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT (Spiders), Ghostbuster (Ghosts), Master Of The Elements (Elementals), Vigilante (Bandits), Firefighter/Extinguisher (Flame Legion), Joker (Bats), Gardener (Plants), Poacher (Elona Safari), Privateer (Pirates), etc...)_

-Titles relating to the player character's personal story _(e.g. Hero Of Shaemoor for Humans. Adamant Guard, Spy, or Infanteer for Charr. Follower of Bear/Wolf/Leopard/Raven/Owl/Ox/Eagle/Wolverine etc... for Norn, so on so forth.)_

-Titles for Weapon Mastery _(Such as Swordsman, Rifleman, Marksman (Longbow), Backstabber (Knife), Bludgeoner (Mace), Bone Breaker (Hammer), Arsonist/Torchbearer, etc...)_


Colour coordinating titles sounds like a good idea, as previously mentioned.



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I think the server titles would be a great idea for when worlds are implemented. BUT, I think they should only be given to people who have never transferred (or maybe a separate server title for those who were actually loyal to a server).

They can give a "Bandwagon" title to all the full time blobfesters in it's place.

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> I'm just sad Titles can't be customized. right now I just want one title just because it fits my warband name (Wolf Frayseeker, Siege Breaker title from Battle of Kyhlo) otherwise I wouldn't be even interested.


> I think it should be nice if they added templates of words that you can arrange in order to customize your title. in MH4U for example, you could pick 3 words froma list that you can unlock and combine them to form a title (like for example, " 'Mercenary' 'of' 'Disaster' ").


I've played games that had systems like that before. (Main one I'm thinking of is Endless Ocean 2 but I doubt many people know that one.) The way I've generally seen it done is once you unlock two or more titles you can combine words from all of them to make a custom one. So it lets you customise it while avoiding the inevitable inappropriate titles that would come from totally free choice. The downside is all the titles have to fit the same format.


But maybe GW2 could do it with more flexibility, so 1 word titles would just be 1 part, and others would be split into 2 or 3 parts, then we pick to make a 1, 2 or 3 part title and drop it the words. I'd love to make a title like Crabgrabber Walking Amongst Mere Mortals or God of Skritt. Or maybe The Blazing Toymaker.

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Thanks for all the comments/responses!


I agree that for NPCs it is more a descriptor than a title; however, my stated goal was to offer alternative titles for entertainment.


Who knows, Anet may check these out and be inspired by one or more of your comments.


Regardless, thanks again for comments/responses and taking the time to share them!

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Uden Reavstone.3426" said:

> > I want an achievement called "Krytan Fried Chicken," or KFC for short, in which you must kill so many chickens with fire damage. (Before anyone says that there is no fire damage, there is, but all it does is affect death animations.) Maybe they can slap a fancy title to it, though I have no idea what it should be. Speaking of slapping, is "Yakslapper" a title yet? If not, it should be.


> Pretty sure it is and you get it for killing dolyaks in WVW. Lots of them.


2500 yaks these days yes. Used to be 1-3 million back at launch.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> I would love to have a "Boy-/Girlscout" title for reaching the daily/monthly AP cap.

> An upgrade to the fashion collector achi would be nice, adding the titles "Fashion Addict" and "Fashion Victim".

> Some Racial titles like "Warden of the Grove" or "Skald of Hoelbrak" would be neat.

> Along with the racial titles, it would be nice i we had the titles that are given to us in the story("Hero of Shaemor", "Savant Prize Winner", order titles etc.) as titles we can display.


This 10000000x

Yes, I would kill for more Racial Titles/ Armors/ Anything that is strictly Sylvari/ Norn/ Asura/ Charr/ Human

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> @"Rinn.2375" said:

> I miss the little gold star icon next to the name of my toon if it has 100% map completion. It should work with the expansions too. Two stars if you have 100% in core Tyria and an expansion too and three if you have all of them 100% with your toon.


Why do you miss it? It's still there. Nice idea, though. Would motivate me to actually complete those maps on one toon, rather than just a class I need for the Ascended weapons.

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I wish I could select one of the weapons I use as title, and I am talking about the description.

"You dispense death from the palm of your hand." (Pistol Master) did sound cheesy to me in the first moment, but gunning down things with Unload left such an impression that I decided for the Thief profession in the first place.


"You deftly mix precision and power with this two-handed weapon." (Rifle Master) would suit 100% to Rifle Deadeye etc.

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  • 11 months later...

Very late to this thread and bringing it back up because I joined this year, however I want to add a title suggestion as well.


I wish we had something along the lines of "Wanderer," "Drifter," or "Wanderlust" or something as that's what I enjoy doing in this game. I tell others I'm just enjoying drifting by and doing nothing in particular, just climbing ridiculous things, completing occasional events, and admiring the scenery so it'd be nice if I could have a title like that which fits the chara I do it most on. Just an add on to this thread

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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> Very late to this thread and bringing it back up because I joined this year, however I want to add a title suggestion as well.


> I wish we had something along the lines of "Wanderer," "Drifter," or "Wanderlust" or something as that's what I enjoy doing in this game. I tell others I'm just enjoying drifting by and doing nothing in particular, just climbing ridiculous things, completing occasional events, and admiring the scenery so it'd be nice if I could have a title like that which fits the chara I do it most on. Just an add on to this thread


Surely, the titles “Dark Traveler” and “Freebooter” would suffice for you then, no need to necro an old thread.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Surely, the titles “Dark Traveler” and “Freebooter” would suffice for you then, no need to necro an old thread.


I disagree. The connotation held to the word "Traveler" is different from "Wanderer" as wandering or drifting is done comparatively aimlessly. (Granted there is irony present here as one would be doing something purposefully for a title) And Freebooter is concerned with the sunken chests and is more of a treasure hunting title than exploration.


Sorry for no clarification and necroing and old thread. I joined the game early this year and wasn't around when it actually happened.



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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > Surely, the titles “Dark Traveler” and “Freebooter” would suffice for you then, no need to necro an old thread.


> I disagree. The connotation held to the word "Traveler" is different from "Wanderer" as wandering or drifting is done comparatively aimlessly. (Granted there is irony present here as one would be doing something purposefully for a title) And Freebooter is concerned with the sunken chests and is more of a treasure hunting title than exploration.


> Sorry for no clarification and necroing and old thread. I joined the game early this year and wasn't around when it actually happened.




Freebooter may be obtained via sunken chests, but it literally means lawless adventurer, which seemed to fit your narrative of “I tell others I'm just enjoying drifting by and doing nothing in particular”.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Freebooter may be obtained via sunken chests, but it literally means lawless adventurer, which seemed to fit your narrative of “I tell others I'm just enjoying drifting by and doing nothing in particular”.


I see. I wasn't aware of the specific definition of Freebooter. Often glossed over it in the "Titles" Wikia. Thank you for the info! :D


*Still will stubbornly wish for a loose "Wanderer/Drifter" Title but I'll work on getting Freebooter. Thank you :)



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Deadly to fliers isn't a title. Most mobs have a heads up attached for fighting them.

Titles I would like to see though:

* Holo Threat (For killing through a lot of hologram type foes or accomplishing many tiers in the survival mode.)

* Tour Guide (For doing world completion and owning all the tag types)

* Crazy Catmander (For getting all the Catmander stuff and home instance cats)

* Party Animal (For defeating 10-100 enemies with 25 Stacks of drunk from a guild banquet's keg. Note: this would be really annoying to do because you'll be basically missing your hits the entire time and fall down whenever you dodge.)

* Cheesy (Eat 1000 food items that are made with cheese wedges at some point.)

* Child at heart (Purchase and use 10 of all the Central Tyrian consumables offered by vendors after events. For example: the bandit bombs, experimental rifles or harpy pheromones.)

* Knows everybody (Converse with all the npcs within the six cities including home instances.)

* Provider/Host (Let 1000 players use food placements, banners, utility placements, guild banquet placements that you've placed.)

* Dependent/Humble Guest (Use 1000-5000 provided boon granting placements such as food, banners, utility like thesis, bonfires, guild banquets)

* Cook, Amorsmith, Tailor, Weaponsmith, Artificer, Leatherworker, etc (Master that craft field's basic recipes, excluding bought recipes, legendary related, and Expansion based items)

* Good Friend (Add and be added to a friends list by 50 or more people.)

* Creepy Stalker (Add 500 people to your friends list.)

* Fashion Fanatic (Use 1000 Transmutation charges.)

* Color Coordinated (Change dyes in the dye panels 10,000 times.)

* Sunshine (/cheer at the sun rising period, in the sunniest map, at the highest point.)

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> @"WinterSolstice.7829" said:

> Titles I would like to see though:

> * Holo Threat (For killing through a lot of hologram type foes or accomplishing many tiers in the survival mode.)

> * Knows everybody (Converse with all the npcs within the six cities including home instances.)

> * Color Coordinated (Change dyes in the dye panels 10,000 times.)

> * Sunshine (/cheer at the sun rising period, in the sunniest map, at the highest point.)


While all of your provided ones sound nice, I must admit these 4 in particular would be immense fun to have. Especially the "Knows Everybody" as I greatly enjoy talking to every npc possible and listening in on ambient dialogue. It also brings up the thought but it'd be cool if there was a title specific to Whispers players who have managed to talk to all Whispers affiliated npcs/found all Whispers affiliated locations. Would be a cool nod to the world from core gameplay.



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