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gryffon races.. please stop this

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_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


_"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_


yes, I think I got it the first 50 times




#Create a single Gryffon race at the sunspear peaks temple where a full tutorial is given,

#and then just leave the rest if the game in peace

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> Instructions are unclear. Do you have to be on the Griffin when leaning forward? What if you’re on your raptor?


By leaning forward, you can urge your raptor to levitate into the sky.

By leaning backward, you can urge your Beetle to roll up **the other way**

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By "leaning forward" I assume the game wants us to lean forward, touching the keyboard with our forehead, right. But how does the game know which button I will press like that and how does it know that I have keybinded diving to that button?

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There should be a hidden achievement for this. If you lean forward to urge your griffon to dive 50 times you've got the "Forward leaner" title and a backpack banner with the well known advice: "By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> By "leaning forward" I assume the game wants us to lean forward, touching the keyboard with our forehead, right. But how does the game know which button I will press like that and how does it know that I have keybinded it to that button?


When I lean forward I can no longer see the screen which normally causes me to crash into something. Worst. Design. Ever.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > _"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_

> >

> > yes, I think I got it the first 50 times


> Uhm, I am not getting this notification when participating in a griffon race. When/Where does it appear?


it's set for a few gryffon races around the world.

There only a few that have it, but the ones that do play this track constantly.

There's one race now in the labyrinthine cliffs, the one from atop the rocky pillar


almost like anet arbitrarily chose a few at random and said "okay, these are for beginners", with absolutely no control over which races people will do first.

I remember doing 3 or 4 gold rank races around the world, before ever running into the first 'tutorial race'


the whole concept of tutorialism should be disables as soon as you've already done it.

I've got like 10 gold rank achievements, why does the game feel the need to explain to me how a griffon works???

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> By "leaning forward" I assume the game wants us to lean forward, touching the keyboard with our forehead, right. But how does the game know which button I will press like that and how does it know that I have keybinded diving to that button?


You've heard of "facerolling" content right? Well now's your chance to do exactly that!

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > Instructions are unclear. Do you have to be on the Griffin when leaning forward? What if you’re on your raptor?


> By leaning forward, you can urge your raptor to levitate into the sky.

> By leaning backward, you can urge your Beetle to roll up **the other way**


Well it’s shockingly bad instructions. What they should be saying is “While flying through the air on your Griffin you can urge your Griffin to dive while leaning forward. Be sure to first acquire sufficient height for this maneuver and be wearing your safety belt. Put away any loose items into a closed container and put out any cigarettes. Also, remember the white zone is for immediate loading and unloading of passengers only. There is no stopping in the red zone.”

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > _"By leaning forward, you can urge your griffon to dive"_

> > >

> > > yes, I think I got it the first 50 times

> >

> > Uhm, I am not getting this notification when participating in a griffon race. When/Where does it appear?


> I've got like 10 gold rank achievements, why does the game feel the need to explain to me how a griffon works???


Because you didn't lean forward, urging your griffon to dive I guess. (Couldn't resist, I'm sorry, the voices are making me do these things...)

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