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Do you have other classes of the same race as your main?

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I have 1 asura guardian, she is my main and i really love her. i created another asura ranger & mesmer, but by creating them i feel they make my guardian less special...

i had this idea of not having any other asuras to make my guardian stand out even more.. but these 2 classes appeal to me as asuras and i really dont want any other race for them..

so, i really dont know what to do and i feel too ocd about it, i thought asking you if you ever felt the same about your main?


thanks :)

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I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to help much since I have 65 characters but did you give them all very different names? That should definitely be start on making them individually special. Run them around for solid chunks of time as well, get a real good feel for them.


As for my guys, the oldest ones I consider my “mains”. They all get a run though and they all feel different.

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> @"tanf.8917" said:

> i had this idea of not having any other asuras to make my guardian stand out even more.. but these 2 classes appeal to me as asuras and i really dont want any other race for them..

> so, i really dont know what to do and i feel too ocd about it, i thought asking you if you ever felt the same about your main?


It's not the race that makes your character stand out. The things that stand out at least to me are what your character is wearing. Armor, weapons, backpacks/wings, cosmetics in general is what makes your character stand out rather than the race.


For example, on my characters (all human with the same appearance) my guardian is wearing the Protector's armor, the exact same armor as Logan Thackeray, the Commander of the Seraph. The weapons are Seraph themed and using dyes to match the theme of the guardian (silver with blue), it makes for a neat looking armor. When players look at your character, they'll think: "Judging from the armor and dyes, that's clearly a guardian". That to me is what makes my characters stand out, despite all of them being human.

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> @"zenleto.6179" said:

> I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to help much since I have 65 characters but did you give them all very different names? That should definitely be start on making them individually special. Run them around for solid chunks of time as well, get a real good feel for them.


> As for my guys, the oldest ones I consider my “mains”. They all get a run though and they all feel different.


wow 65, must be very fun switching between them! and yes, mine all got different names. i always had the idea of having no doubles but i feel limited because i have a lot of awesome ideas in my head. (for example asura mesmer - time traveler, charr mesmer - dream eater/breaker).

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> @"tanf.8917" said:

> > @"zenleto.6179" said:

> > I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to help much since I have 65 characters but did you give them all very different names? That should definitely be start on making them individually special. Run them around for solid chunks of time as well, get a real good feel for them.

> >

> > As for my guys, the oldest ones I consider my “mains”. They all get a run though and they all feel different.


> wow 65, must be very fun switching between them! and yes, mine all got different names. i always had the idea of having no doubles but i feel limited because i have a lot of awesome ideas in my head. (for example asura mesmer - time traveler, charr mesmer - dream eater/breaker).


Then be unlimited! :) Let your awesome ideas run free and see where they take you. Just keep your imagination intact so you can see past the fact that eventually they’ll all be doing the same things story wise. There’s so much to do in the game now that you can have them do different things entirely if you wanted.


And yes, it’s fun switching between them all :)

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nope, I come up with the concept for one character, trying to align that with a power play attitude. Sadly, that doesn´t work so well with elite spezialisation completely changing the character idea. And I just made sure I have at least one of every species: And I don´t have more characters than there are classes. Sometimes I wonder if I should create underperforming builds for flavor on different classes (like a flamethrower engineer in some containment suite like armor), but playing bad characters is just too frustrating for me.

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My main is a female human ranger. Yes, I know, but I wanted her to be descended from my GW1 characters and they all had to be human. For a long time I didn't have another human character, but that's just because I wanted to play the other race/gender combinations too, and found it surprisingly hard to come up with an idea for a human male which appealed to me.


But now I have a human male elementalist (weaver). I also have a male and female of every other race, and a 2nd female sylvari because I wanted 11 in total and really liked one of my 'throw-away' character designs so I ended up remaking her. I don't feel like making them the same race makes them less special. In my head they're still very different people. They look different, they're different professions so they play differently, their personalities and backstories are different. Yes their story is largely similar, but I tend to make up additional 'scenes' in my head to fit around the actual story and those are unique to each character.


If anything makes my weaver feel less special it's the voice acting. Which is absolutely not a criticism, it's just that Nolan North is in _everything_ so he can end up sounded a bit generic. There was a scene with my weaver talking to Logan (Troy Baker) and Jennah (Jennifer Hale) where I ducked into the kitchen to get a drink and when I wasn't looking at the screen it was a bit surreal because without the visuals it was like everyone talking to everyone else.


(Oddly enough I get the opposite with Jennifer Hale most of the time. My husband recently started replaying Knights of the Old Republic and every time Bastila speaks it sounds like my sylvari impersonating Queen Jennah!)

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3 of mine are Human Female, all using the same face..... but they all look radically different in appearance. Something as simple as Skin tone and hair style is often enough to make 2 characters worlds apart. Mesh them with a good outfit/armor concept, and its enough that people can try to assume a personality associated with the design.


Most of my characters start out as a Cosplay concept, and over time I just change things as I spot notable design elements on other characters or NPCs. Color coding is also extremely strong with how this game's aesthetics work; enough that a simple color change on an outfit can make it go from terrible to runway model. This is why I wish there was an easy way to import an outfit or armor set into the preview window and dyes at the same time, as some materials look really different when dyed in various color groups.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> My main is a female human ranger. Yes, I know, but I wanted her to be descended from my GW1 characters and they all had to be human. For a long time I didn't have another human character, but that's just because I wanted to play the other race/gender combinations too, and found it surprisingly hard to come up with an idea for a human male which appealed to me.


> But now I have a human male elementalist (weaver). I also have a male and female of every other race, and a 2nd female sylvari because I wanted 11 in total and really liked one of my 'throw-away' character designs so I ended up remaking her. I don't feel like making them the same race makes them less special. In my head they're still very different people. They look different, they're different professions so they play differently, their personalities and backstories are different. Yes their story is largely similar, but I tend to make up additional 'scenes' in my head to fit around the actual story and those are unique to each character.


> If anything makes my weaver feel less special it's the voice acting. Which is absolutely not a criticism, it's just that Nolan North is in _everything_ so he can end up sounded a bit generic. There was a scene with my weaver talking to Logan (Troy Baker) and Jennah (Jennifer Hale) where I ducked into the kitchen to get a drink and when I wasn't looking at the screen it was a bit surreal because without the visuals it was like everyone talking to everyone else.


> (Oddly enough I get the opposite with Jennifer Hale most of the time. My husband recently started replaying Knights of the Old Republic and every time Bastila speaks it sounds like my sylvari impersonating Queen Jennah!)


that is really a good point. I sometimes think having no voice/lines at all would be a better solution. Sometimes what my character has to offer to the world makes me cringe, especially that whole "whatever" attitude in the face of the most wondrous and terrifying things.

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I have 3 totally awesome and totally different Asura on my team. They are the characters I play the most, and they are extremely unique, IMHO. They have different color schemes, sking tones and patterns, different sizes and ages... I think is kind of hard to make characters too similar, unless you are really trying to.

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> @"zenleto.6179" said:

> > @"tanf.8917" said:

> > > @"zenleto.6179" said:

> > > I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to help much since I have 65 characters but did you give them all very different names? That should definitely be start on making them individually special. Run them around for solid chunks of time as well, get a real good feel for them.

> > >

> > > As for my guys, the oldest ones I consider my “mains”. They all get a run though and they all feel different.

> >

> > wow 65, must be very fun switching between them! and yes, mine all got different names. i always had the idea of having no doubles but i feel limited because i have a lot of awesome ideas in my head. (for example asura mesmer - time traveler, charr mesmer - dream eater/breaker).


> Then be unlimited! :) Let your awesome ideas run free and see where they take you. Just keep your imagination intact so you can see past the fact that eventually they’ll all be doing the same things story wise. There’s so much to do in the game now that you can have them do different things entirely if you wanted.


> And yes, it’s fun switching between them all :)


How many of those are at 80 and geared? I am curious where do you find the time?

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-Male Charr Support Firebrand (WvW)

-Male Charr DPS Dragonhunter (Raids)

-Male Charr Condi Reaper (Farming/sPvP/Raids)

-Female Charr Barrier Scourge (WvW)

-Male Charr Support Chronomancer (Raids)

-Female Norn DPS Holosmith (sPvP/WvW)

-Male Charr Revenant (no build)

-Male Charr Ranger (no build)

-Male Asura Berzerker (no build)


Just give them each their own build and look

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I have one male and one female of each race, and find it a little unnerving when my temporary key farmers speak in one of my permanent characters' voices. But not to an extreme degree. Partly because different classes have a lot of different dialog, My main is a female Asura ranger, and I have a feeling that making a second asura female ranger and hearing all the dialog in Cragga's voice would bother me more.

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My "main" is a male sylvari thief. He also happens to be my first character, and probably my most beloved.

I also have a male sylvari necromancer, and have plans for a female sylvari mesmer. All three characters have distinct personalities (I won't play through the story with the latter two), drastically different appearances, and I try hard not to listen to the necromancer's voice - it's, obviously, the same as my thief's...and I have that voice cemented in my head as "that's my thief's voice, no one else's."

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tbf Charr is the only reason why I got onto and i'm playing this game right now, also I got super charr biased so it isn't likely that I will be making a character of another race. not that i'm an altcoholic or anything.


I'm 4 months old on this game and I still only have 1 character, but someday I'm gonna start playing either a Warrior or a Revenant (just because Heavy Armor Shenanigans, and Great Sword/Staff and Renegade summon respectively) and it will be of course, a Charr.

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With the amount of color and armor combinations, why wouldn't they all stand out from each other? My asura manage just fine.

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/20b7893f9b0e61e07cf2d0059f4c8025/tumblr_p0h0k6oQEX1ulb5l5o1_540.png "")

![](https://78.media.tumblr.com/78b27a761ccc9f3242d98ff4c0dcf941/tumblr_p6cvw5zbAf1wdzl5fo1_500.jpg "")

Even before I changed the sliders on the second's face and maxed him, the last girl, and the one sitting down so they look even more unique from each other in game. I've even used the same face twice that, if she wasn't sitting down, you'd really notice the difference in the shape of her eyes from the pink-haired one. She's got them opened up twice as large as they should be.


My mains are two sylvari, though, so I get even more options to make them all unique looking. And there's so many other colors, faces, and armor for all the races I want to play around with. I want a green skinned asura, for one. All mine are brown or grey.


So no, I don't. I feel the opposite. Too many combinations I want to try.

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Oh, this thread is for me! ?

I have 71 characters,

3 Charrs

3 Asuras

The rest is mixed with Norns, Sylvaris and Humans.


My "oldest", aka my first character ever is what I consider my main, since she is what I've done most stuff with, (map comp, living world stuff, etc.)


My Pamela Fluorite (main) is a mesmer, a Chronomancer in fact, in order to make them and keep them unique is to give them different appereances, skills and abilities and even Elite Specs!



I have 6 Elonian looking characters, 3 counterparts for each profession armorweight, and for their looks, I went with Elonian faces and hairstyles from Path of Fire, darker skintint and with green eyes.

For these guys, I try to "match their theme", like, all of them have the Spearmarshal armor (each gender per armorweight), Elonian glider, Sunspear weapons, Awakened skins mounts.


Currently I have only 5 Canthan looking characters. But its the same thing here.

Black hair, light skintint, black eyes, Asian looking faces.


The rest of my human characters are based on Ascalonian and Krytan looks.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, using either Ascalonian weapons and/or Ebon Vanguard weapons, as Ascalonian-looking character.

Dark blonde/light brown hair, blue eyes. I also uses Seraph and Krytan weapons for some characters that are Krytan-looking.

Mainly I am wanting the White Mantle weapons but since they are raid-locked, it breaks my heart. ??


Another example for my Sylvari characters is really unique by their apperances since none of them are looking the same. Each one of them are having a different skintint, eyecolor, haircolor- just to make them to stand out as their own characters.


My suggestion to you is that, try to give your characters their uniqueness. Try to use different weapons for each one of them.

Your Asuran Guardian could be an Inquest themed Asura, you know- red and black colours and with their fancy weapons.

Your Asuran Ranger could be using more nature looking theme. Oh and give them special names too.

All of my characters has a jewel/gemstone as their lastname and their firstname could be anything, names that I like or have come across from other games/moves.

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