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wvw Dying.


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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > Stop hugging onto your meta builds so tight for one. NO profession should be made to feel exempt from anything GW2 has to offer.

> >

> > They aren't exempt. And I think the word you are looking for is excluded.

> >

> > Nothing about 'playing your way' guaranteed you a spot in any squad. If your server commanders won't allow you into their squad then you have four choices:

> >

> > - change your style and build to what they need

> > - Run along and take the risk of getting dragged into a mess without knowing the reason

> > - run your own tag

> > - Transfer to a server that would welcome your class.

> >

> > Note the last two have similar in game gold cost.


> Doesn't really help any issue people have in wvw dying. Put up or shut up, wouldn't of expected any less.


Ahh. I thought you were posting here as a discussion point on a discussion forum. I was mistaken. Hope your day goes well!

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> @"Gemnaid.4219" said:

> Not dying. It’s dead.


What is dead may never die. Or if undead, the only thing that will destroy undeath is life itself.


More seriously, it’s not dead by a long shot. But the Alliance system can’t happen soon enough to address population balance issues.

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which is really sad is that almost all WvW Posts and Threads are mostly commented only by players. WvW Devs are giving us the thought that they're not active on forum but only in game devevelopment. It would be very appreciated that giving us more information/news maybe making more often events ( Vanilla mode (no elite specialization)....)


I'm feeling that WvW gamemode is like sailing in dark, trouble and foggy water without having any information from captain (Land or Capsize and sink?).


On GW2 now , i'm just logging in and go in WvW seen that there is no objectives, no competition between servers players nothing. then i log off few minute after.


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Every other MMO I've ever played lost almost all its hardcore guilds within six months so the fact that so many of them stuck it out for several years in GW2 is worth something. Also the fact that almost six years in WvW is still fairly active despite being the most neglected of the three gamemodes imo says something. It's certainly not as busy as it was at launch or around seasons or anything like that but I know from experience what a truly dead game looks like and this isn't like that at all.

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@"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > Stop hugging onto your meta builds so tight for one. NO profession should be made to feel exempt from anything GW2 has to offer.


Stop demanding groups are made for you. If you want a group to play your style; make your own group or find a group that shares your opinions.

Why are you joining groups who enjoy the game different from you to demand they play the game as you wish; yet refusing to make your own group for it.


> >

> > They aren't exempt. And I think the word you are looking for is excluded.

> >

> > Nothing about 'playing your way' guaranteed you a spot in any squad. If your server commanders won't allow you into their squad then you have four choices:

> >

> > - change your style and build to what they need

> > - Run along and take the risk of getting dragged into a mess without knowing the reason

> > - run your own tag

> > - Transfer to a server that would welcome your class.

> >

> > Note the last two have similar in game gold cost.


> Doesn't really help any issue people have in wvw dying. Put up or shut up, wouldn't of expected any less.


Stop demanding every group is a group for you. He told you to run groups which allow you, find groups which allow you or adapt your playstyle to match with the group you insist on chasing and you're still upset.


The reason WvW is "dying" is because of players like you. Expecting EVERYONE to play YOUR style. "Every group MUST play casual and allow anything I wanna play, whenever". If players tell me to find a group more suited to my needs "put up or shut up, wouldn't expect any less" like what.


No; they can run what they want. And you can run what you want. But you can't demand from them that they run what you want. That's unrealistic and insanely demanding while putting in no effort.


Goodluck finding a group that's willing to cater to you. Doubt it'll happen.

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+++ exploiting is (and has been for several months) on the rise due to general "not caring" mentality


Despite multiple reports done for many players, those same people seem to hang around for weeks on end before disappearing (my own server and enemies). Not because of temporary banning but because the exploiters themselves, got bored. Hello, week 5? teleporting under map golem group. Hello, infinite teleport hackers. You wonder why no one fights you. Right click, report botter - nothing...again...yawn, log out

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