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So which Opponent is Harder?

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I mean the top 2 Queen's Gauntlet opponents i.e. Liadri the Concealing Dark or Turai Ossa? Personally I think Liadri is still harder due to the fact she can be a tough opponent to any class, meaning she is more ballanced. Turai Ossa however is more of an endurence test and some classes like Thief have much less problems with surviving his onslaughts, making him more of a problem of class preference than actual difficulty.

So what are your opinions?

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Liadri took me more tries than Turai did. I also just used memestrel Chrono to beat Turai, which I can't do with Liadri- I used some weird trapper soulbeast build for her that I pulled out of my butt. It doesn't help that I run with about 200+ ping on average and about 15 fps- so the constant AoE's murdered me, making dodging a bit difficult. Not sure if my opinion is biased or not.

EDIT: I also had to use lifesteal+condi food for her, and I didn't need anything for Ossa at all.

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I went with Liadri, not because she is harder than Turai Ossa in terms of difficulty, but because ArenaNet thought it was a good idea that in order to make Liadri harder, you have to hit her with orbs of blazing light eight times. Take into consideration that you also have to avoid Liadris' leap attack, trying to force the visions into the field that turns them into orbs, avoiding the unblockable Shadowfall attack and there's a time limit.

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> @"Hoodie.1045" said:

> I went with Liadri, not because she is harder than Turai Ossa in terms of difficulty, but because ArenaNet thought it was a good idea that in order to make Liadri harder, you have to hit her with orbs of blazing light eight times. Take into consideration that you also have to avoid Liadris' leap attack, trying to force the visions into the field that turns them into orbs, avoiding the unblockable Shadowfall attack and there's a time limit.


Shadowfall is not unblockable. You can avoid it with any type of block or dodge. But the visions are not avoidable by skills like Spellbreaker Fullcounter. Using a shield 5 on warrior can blow them up without harm though (or simply rolling through them with the right timing)


I did that achievement yesterday after around 500 attempts lol, tried many different classes but didn't feel confident on them so I went back to spellbreaker eventually. Learning you can block all of her attacks was the true power move

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My first wall was Strugar and Chomper, once I downed Chomper, Strugar came out of nowhere with a 12k dmg bite zomg, but I still beat them in about 7 tries.


I skipped Liadri after a few tries, need to get more focused on that one. Struggled against Master of Lightning because of his cc fest until I tried to CC him into oblivion.


But to hell with Champion Gladiator Waine, that guy is just annoying, one f*uck up and you're done. I tried to CC him but the instant frame he stands up he throws that Knockdown line. I used like 40 tickets on him and beated on my last try, just kitted the heck out of him.


Didnt get to fight the last two because I had no tickets left, i'm holosmith btw.

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Turai Ossa is just stupid difficult in my opinion. The whole blitzing after you as you run around the arena for 20 seconds dodging/blocking/teleporting so you can daze him on the center (if you have enough cc) is poor game design in my opinion. I've lost to him more time than I can count, most of them before even getting to his first breakbar. I did manage a couple times to get past his second breakbar and get him down to 50-60% health, but then he just blitzes me again and kills me. And this is with Condi Chrono running viper armor/weaps and zerk trinkets, with speed booster, damage booster, food that increased end regen (orrian steak or something like that) and utility that ups power (I forget which it was). So yeah, I'm done trying to beat him. Kuddos to those that have beat him.

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Probably Turai because the dude is built to be as cheap as possible. Huge Damage, huge chase range, increased move speed....

Liadri just has a small mechanics check and dps which is easier imo than playing dodge the wrecking ball coming for your booty.

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Tough call. Turai Ossa has more straightforward mechanics, making the fight easier to learn. However, he's quite dangerous, especially in the first phase. He becomes less dangerous as you learn how to handle him, but the threat is always there.


Liadri takes longer to learn, but is more of a distraction than a threat. Once you learn to watch and anticipate the positioning of the area effect and prioritize avoiding contact with Visions of Mortality, there's not much to the actual boss.

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Turai Ossa is an endurance test. It is all about blocking/evading and creating as much distance as you can from him until he jumps to the center. Dodge/Block/Destroy his sword projectile, CC him, and then repeat one more time. Once he loses his OP Buff and might stacks, he's pretty straight forward. Just pound him into the floor afterwards and that is that. It took a few tries but wasn't too bad.


On the other hand, Liadri is annoying to fight because of how many one shot dangers there are in the arena. You have the dark orbs, the clones, the cosmic rift pulling you into the dark orbs. After 3 orbs, then you have to deal with Liadri and that leap attack is something else. Not the hardest to avoid but when it does hit you, it does a good chunk of your HP + it cripples, which is the last thing you want in an arena where 1/2 of it is an alternating death trap. If not for Spellbreaker with numerous amounts of blocks+GS3, I don't think I would have ever achieved the 8 orbs achievement.


EDIT: Once I found out you can facetank the clones with Shield 5, Light Up the Darkness became much easier since the problem I had mainly was that picking up the orbs often got me killed from the clones.

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