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The maximum gold you ever had in your wallet?

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I hear a lot of players mentioning gold as it was peanuts... It makes me laugh because I've been a player since guild wars 2's launch and the most gold I ever had in my wallet at a time was 17 gold, lol. I seem to always find a way to spend my hard-earnt cash on who knows what... I feel I will get 250 gold for the griffon in 5 years maybe and the legendary in 10? ;P What about you, fellow casual players?

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> @"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:

> I hear a lot of players mentioning gold as it was peanuts... It makes me laugh because I've been a player since guild wars 2's launch and the most gold I ever had in my wallet at a time was 17 gold, lol. I seem to always find a way to spend my hard-earnt cash on who knows what... I feel I will get 250 gold for the griffon in 5 years maybe and the legendary in 10? ;P What about you, fellow casual players?


If you do your daily you’ll get 250 liquid gold in 125 days.

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1,981 gold is my record. Short version: I sold a legendary.


I'd made The Dreamer back before precursor crafting was anything more than a rumour and after crafting the precursor for the Bifrost I decided I really wanted to craft The Lover too. But selling the precursor would actually lose me money and I had no use for a 2nd Dreamer. So I decided to make it and sell it. Of course the 'downside' is because it took me so long to make it I had plenty of time to plan how to spend the gold. I had that 1,981 literally just long enough to take a screenshot of my wallet and about 30 minutes later I was down to 500g, and that was taking my time. I bought all 15 Istani mount skins, a bunch of mini pets and some dyes.


I'm saving that last 500g because for the last few years early August is when I start saving up for the now seemingly inevitable insanely expensive Halloween mini pet - like Oxidecimus the Shadow Raven or Gwynefyrdd. (The alternative was grinding The Labyrinth until I never wanted to see it again, but that made me hate what was one of my favourite festivals.) This way I don't have to go out of my way to save up or grind for it.


And if there isn't a crazy-expensive Halloween mini, or I don't need 500g to get it? I'm sure I'll be able to find something to spend it on. Normally I'm very much the type of person who saves up only until I can afford the next thing I want. I've been playing the game since launch and at least twice I got down to literally nothing in my wallet. I've lost count of how many times I've dropped below 1g. And I'm sure it'll happen again. I'm certainly not going to sell legendaries on a regular basis.


And if you're curious I've made 3 legendaries - 2 Dreamers and a Bifrost. The first took me 13 months and the shortest was about 7 months. That was just playing normally, about 2-3 hours a day at most, and with minimal time spent farming because I hate doing it. I got the gold for the griffon last Wintersday by selling all the presents I got on the TP. It is a lot of money and I wouldn't say it's easy to make 250g normally, but opportunities can come up, or if you're willing to be patient you can save up. Which is easier to do for the griffon because it's not one payment of 250g, it's 10 lots of 25g, so you can just buy one item whenever you get to 25g.

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The key to having a lot of gold in the wallet is ... not to spend. This game throws loot at us constantly. The only things that don't earn anything are chatting and sneezing. (That's only a slight exaggeration.)


* Don't impulse buy

* Do sell anything you can't use.

* Do ask for tips about what to salvage, who should open champ bags (and which ones), whether to sell|open|salvage unID gear, whether to sell|open unID dyes, etc

* Don't farm unless you like it (or at least don't mind it). It's an easy road to burnout.

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Are you serious OP? Well, maybe you dont really do profitable content on this game, but 17g is absolutely nothing lol i'm more surprised you've been playing since start.

The most I've had was like 450g if I remember well, and i've spent a lot of gold on getting some crafting disciplines to lv 500, crafting ascended equipment (cost reduced because I gather materials A LOT) and one 150g commission from a guildie <3 but yeah, the most profitable content I do are Fractals and the mandatory dailies.


Also i'm a 3 month old player.

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I don't remember the exact amount, but somewhere about *4500.* I usually hover around 2000, and the precursor for The Flameseeker Prophecies dropped, so I crafted the legendary and sold it. I also had some infusion sitting around. I wasn't using shields, and the infusion did nothing for me, so sold them both. Like Danikat, I immediately bought Permanent Merchant and Bank, a decision I've appreciated ever since.

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> @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

> > @"Jarl Petter Hinrik.1409" said:

> > I hear a lot of players mentioning gold as it was peanuts... It makes me laugh because I've been a player since guild wars 2's launch and the most gold I ever had in my wallet at a time was 17 gold, lol. I seem to always find a way to spend my hard-earnt cash on who knows what... I feel I will get 250 gold for the griffon in 5 years maybe and the legendary in 10? ;P What about you, fellow casual players?


> If you do your daily you’ll get 250 liquid gold in 125 days.


Exactly, and actually even less days than that once you factor in selling mystic coins, ascended mats etc from login rewards.

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> Are you serious OP? Well, maybe you dont really do profitable content on this game, but 17g is absolutely nothing lol i'm more surprised you've been playing since start.

> The most I've had was like 450g if I remember well, and i've spent a lot of gold on getting some crafting disciplines to lv 500, crafting ascended equipment (cost reduced because I gather materials A LOT) and one 150g commission from a guildie <3 but yeah, the most profitable content I do are Fractals and the mandatory dailies.


> Also i'm a 3 month old player.


A lot of people don't enjoy farming meta-events over and over and over. I spend most of my time doing the personal story (on multiple characters), map completion and other things which don't make much money. If I don't feel like doing the dailies it's not uncommon for me to make less than 1g a day, even on days when I play a lot.


If I wanted to I could make a lot more than that because I am aware of where & how to farm gold. But I find it extremely boring so unless I really want a lot of gold in a short time I'd rather not do it.

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Before I crafted my first legendary, I had close to 2200 gold in my wallet. Since then, I crafted 3 legendaries and started outfitting characters with ascended armors and weapons, and it steadily fell all the way down to around 670g. Recently, I've tried to hold off on doing much more crafting and by selling some mats during the Four Winds Festival I'm back over 800g. That still feels rather light, and I'd definitely prefer to get back up over 1K, or even 2K again.


My main tip for saving up gold? Don't spend it. It's that simple. After that, it's just a matter of finding ways to accumulate the gold in the first place. One very simple option is to do you dailies religiously - that's a free 2g per day. After a year that adds up to 730g right there.


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2200 after I sold my Bifrost. I built it, let it collect dust in my bank for 6 months, then realized I didn't want it any more. So I sold it, invested half the money into my guild, bought all the whispers, priory, and vigil weapons, enough tier 3 cultural armor for the title, and bought the rest of the amalgamated gems I needed to finish a gen2 legendary. I was back to around 100, where I usually hover, in less than a week.

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