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Taking damage while stealthed


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> @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"SoulSin.5682" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > Make some skills locked and unavailable when using stealth.

> > >

> > > Of course not, try to imagine a Guardian or Warrior leaping trough a smoke field by accident to find they can't use heals skills for 3 seconds?

> > >

> > > That would be a new way to troll people at WvW.

> > >

> >

> > Warrior using heal skill? xD

> >

> > Jokes apart that's the only way to balance stealth in my opinion.

> > You go stealth to kite and get some space, defende yourself mindgaming with your opponent or for an ambush attack.

> >

> > If you are not able to use your healing skill then you have to think more carefully when to go stealth instead of spamming it every 3 seconds like deadeyes does.

> > Or even worse as I mentioned, those druids who are 5% health and exit stealth with 100% health again with almost zero counterplay.

> >

> > If you leap through a smoke field as a guardian and get stealth, use that stealth to reposition yourself, maybe you are no more the main target and no need to use your healing skill anyway.

> > And btw one attack and you are out of stealth immediately, so they are not 3 seconds of stealth.

> >

> > How you exactly troll someone stealthing him? I don't get it, he simply can't use the healing skill for few seconds, if he attacks a mob or an enemy he get rid of the stealth immediately if he wants too, but still benefit the stealth tho.

> >

> > It's the same as Elixir S in engineer, you even use this skill when you are full health to completely deny huge burst incoming, and you can't use any skill, just wait it finishes, probably dodging out of it for safety, and then return to fight.

> >

> > My propose was only about the healing skill. You can still use you teleports, mobility skills, elites while stealthed, except healing skill.

> >

> > Healing skill is by definition number one priority when fighting someone, the first skill you must interrupt (or at least try), watching the animation you interrupt it with a timed CC. If you play thief, maybe DP daredevil you know how it's great to use pistol4 and interrupt healing skills.

> > if you are stealthed I have zero counterplay for your healing skill.

> > And reveal is dumb mechanic which only few profession have and the range is so useless so you have to use it just before the enemy use stealth and not when he is already stealthed.


> And what if you are trying to run away, 10 conditions burning you and some thieve accidentally stealth you and you have to watch yourself melting because can't heal yourself for 3 seconds?


> Having one class affecting others negatively is bad design.

> I could literally make a thief full of aoe Stealth and start spamming stealth on players getting eaten alive by AoEs and watch they die because their heal got interrupted by an ally.


> Also "just attack something to break stealth" is a terrible argument. Sometimes you simply doesn't have anything to attack, and can still die to conditions on damage from outside your range.


Seriously tell me a realistic scenario in which you go stealthing other peoples to make them die by condis.

And usually healing skill does nothing against condis, but condi cleanses and resistance deal with condis, most the times you heal and die regardless.

But a thief made just to go around stealthing people full of condis it's just a scenario can happen once if you see someone dueling a scourge and you troll him.

In big zerg fights it's not actuable at all because of all the spam and targets and heals you receice by others.


So watch elixir s passive before the change, it could pop while you were casting the healing skill and interrupt it and you were full of condis and die in a few seconds later.

When you are stealthed you won't be able to heal, but your condi cleanses are still there, your teleports are still there.


You said sometimes there is nothing to attack to get rid of stealth?

So it means you are not in a fight and you.are not dying by condis as well if there is nothing around to attack, so your troll doesn't work.


Right now deadeye abuse stealth too much, it spam it through dodges and the lame thing is not deadeye damage but the stealth can't be interrupted in any way because it integraded in the dodge mechanic which provides evade frames, lame mechanic with zero counterplay.

Daredevil stealth spam is crazy good but you have a chance to interrupt his pistol5 dagger2 combo, and that's fair to fight against. Spamming dodging for stealth does no require skill and even if you are skilled you can't counterplay it.

And of course while in stealth the deadeye recovers full health. Now I don't see it as high risk as it should be. I know you are crazy glassy and get oneshot immediately if you do a mistake, but still it's too forgiving when you spam stealth.

Only few classes give you lot of trubles, holo, maybe a good rev too, dh if he manage to land even one f1 skill. Or spellbreakers with the pull.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

**you are crazy glassy and get oneshot immediately if you do a mistake**, but _still it's too forgiving_ when you spam stealth.

> Only few classes give you lot of trubles, holo, maybe a good rev too, dh if he manage to land even one f1 skill. Or spellbreakers with the pull.


Read what you wrote. there's 9 classes and almost half of them are losing battles from the get go.

I've said it once and I'll say it again. Annoying to fight does not necessarily mean broken. if a class goes down in one or two well timed hits, but it's incredibly annoying to get those hits in, it's not automatically unfair.


If you want to drastically increase thieves survivability in combat so they dont have to use stealth as much, go for it. Think about how that affects pvp nodes, though.

You cannot have both a highly visible and highly fragile target though. nobody will play it. The last time Anet tried that people shelved their thieves.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> **you are crazy glassy and get oneshot immediately if you do a mistake**, but _still it's too forgiving_ when you spam stealth.

> > Only few classes give you lot of trubles, holo, maybe a good rev too, dh if he manage to land even one f1 skill. Or spellbreakers with the pull.


> Read what you wrote. there's 9 classes and almost half of them are losing battles from the get go.

> I've said it once and I'll say it again. Annoying to fight does not necessarily mean broken. if a class goes down in one or two well timed hits, but it's incredibly annoying to get those hits in, it's not automatically unfair.


> If you want to drastically increase thieves survivability in combat so they dont have to use stealth as much, go for it. Think about how that affects pvp nodes, though.

> You cannot have both a highly visible and highly fragile target though. nobody will play it. The last time Anet tried that people shelved their thieves.


You go down in one hit or two, true.


But camping rifle at long range and spamming dodges you can kill your opponent in one or two hits as well tho.


Today playing dh I got rekt by a deadeye so easily, I even landed all my f1 pulls and he just stunbreak, remove reveal and dodge stealth again, then I always dodged the unblockable rifle oneshot hit, it has a pretty obvious sound and animation and used my shield properly to absorb damage.


I was full health, he stealthed again, malicious stab for 18k I was downed without any tell.


If played right it's pretty cheesy and unfair.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > **you are crazy glassy and get oneshot immediately if you do a mistake**, but _still it's too forgiving_ when you spam stealth.

> > > Only few classes give you lot of trubles, holo, maybe a good rev too, dh if he manage to land even one f1 skill. Or spellbreakers with the pull.

> >

> > Read what you wrote. there's 9 classes and almost half of them are losing battles from the get go.

> > I've said it once and I'll say it again. Annoying to fight does not necessarily mean broken. if a class goes down in one or two well timed hits, but it's incredibly annoying to get those hits in, it's not automatically unfair.

> >

> > If you want to drastically increase thieves survivability in combat so they dont have to use stealth as much, go for it. Think about how that affects pvp nodes, though.

> > You cannot have both a highly visible and highly fragile target though. nobody will play it. The last time Anet tried that people shelved their thieves.


> You go down in one hit or two, true.


> But camping rifle at long range and spamming dodges you can kill your opponent in one or two hits as well tho.


> Today playing dh I got rekt by a deadeye so easily, I even landed all my f1 pulls and he just stunbreak, remove reveal and dodge stealth again, then I always dodged the unblockable rifle oneshot hit, it has a pretty obvious sound and animation and used my shield properly to absorb damage.


> I was full health, he stealthed again, malicious stab for 18k I was downed without any tell.


> If played right it's pretty cheesy and unfair.


Consider that, as DH, you have traps you can sit on to prevent a thief from backstabbing you, and at that point any pull that puts the thief in a damaging trap after stunbreak will in most cases immediately down them, or make them have to reset. Even tagging a thief with spear of justice invalidates their shadow meld, if DE, for 6 seconds.

If you got put in a position to be backstabbed as DH, it's pretty likely you got outplayed. That means you got aegis tapped off of you, did not have an on demand aegis, did not have renewed focus, and did not have any damaging or aegis granting trap underneath you to ward off the thief. (if you did not have renewed focus, then you did not stand on dragon's maw). I can understand how it looks cheesy on the other side, but that match is mechanically weighted in your favor. Dragonhunter was built to hard counter thieves.

Just because you couldn't see the actual backstab didn't mean the possibility of it was not telegraphed. At max malice, you get a voice cue from the Deadeye no matter how far away you are, and the boons granted by mal 7 last 10 seconds. So you should expect either a DJ or backstab within 10 seconds once the thief vanishes after that sound cue. They must attack within that time, or else they lose the damage boost from their boons and risk not downing you.


Also keep in mind that all of that time, in conquest pvp, the thief is off of the point while you sit on it, so that strategy is detrimental where it matters.

Stealth is obnoxious sure, but I can't wrap my head around how being extremely fragile and having to announce presence and telegraph kill moves in the case of deadeye doesn't balance out that perk.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > **you are crazy glassy and get oneshot immediately if you do a mistake**, but _still it's too forgiving_ when you spam stealth.

> > > Only few classes give you lot of trubles, holo, maybe a good rev too, dh if he manage to land even one f1 skill. Or spellbreakers with the pull.

> >

> > Read what you wrote. there's 9 classes and almost half of them are losing battles from the get go.

> > I've said it once and I'll say it again. Annoying to fight does not necessarily mean broken. if a class goes down in one or two well timed hits, but it's incredibly annoying to get those hits in, it's not automatically unfair.

> >

> > If you want to drastically increase thieves survivability in combat so they dont have to use stealth as much, go for it. Think about how that affects pvp nodes, though.

> > You cannot have both a highly visible and highly fragile target though. nobody will play it. The last time Anet tried that people shelved their thieves.


> You go down in one hit or two, true.


> But camping rifle at long range and spamming dodges you can kill your opponent in one or two hits as well tho.


> Today playing dh I got rekt by a deadeye so easily, I even landed all my f1 pulls and he just stunbreak, remove reveal and dodge stealth again, then I always dodged the unblockable rifle oneshot hit, it has a pretty obvious sound and animation and used my shield properly to absorb damage.


> I was full health, he stealthed again, malicious stab for 18k I was downed without any tell.


> If played right it's pretty cheesy and unfair.


so in that case backstab having 0 tells is your issue, not them stealthing, not them healing in stealth etc. not even the damage as deaths judgement with similar damage you simply did avoid.

why are there soo many suggestions on this forum that dont fix the issue the people have suggesting them?

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Im thief main but i think good solution would be to not completly reveal upon taking dmg but to give some visual effect for a little time, some shade or some sparks i dont know. This way you wouldnt be able to target the stealthed guy, but it would be more fair. But if devs do that i demand more dmg for non DE thiefs

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The idea of damage on its own revealing stealth would essentially render it useless. If a thief (for example) even has so much as one damage condition ticking on them, they wouldn't be able to stealth, and when you consider that thief has poor condition removal capabilities, this means you'd basically be able to permanently keep a thief out of stealth.


At the very least, if you're going to suggest a mechanic, it would be better to break down how it would actually work and be viable, rather than making a very vague suggestion and hoping it sticks to the wall. Properly thought out suggestions will always fare better than knee-jerk reactions.

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> @"Pyraxy.1902" said:

> Considering the fact that they just changed how invulnerability works last patch (It no longer pulses condition damage while in the channeled skill),


> Why not fix another equally annoying problem?


> That being the fact that stealthed players do not get revealed upon taking damage, why is it that people who are predictable in stealth don't get punished for their playstyle?


Punish a class that relies on stealth... huh, what would that do? Break the class.

for Thief- Many of their traits rely on stealth as it is- and if they made it so that they were revealed when hit- then that is wasted initiative for them and that would be their entire focus of play, running away and trying not to get hit instead of actually attacking. Does that make sense?


Stealth is an important mechanic - **and what you are suggesting is class breaking to classes and builds that rely on it to actually function.** You do realize that? Because clearly you do not.

Also there is that other feature called taunt and revealed.

Why don't you just come out and say "Remove all stealth classes from the game because I said so"


> I feel like I don't need to go in depth with this question as it's not that complicated.


> Ignore any crying from thief mains on this thread.



You really should go more into depth because it comes off like you're just trolling and not making a good point.


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> @"SnowHawk.3615" said:

> > @"Pyraxy.1902" said:

> > Considering the fact that they just changed how invulnerability works last patch (It no longer pulses condition damage while in the channeled skill),

> >

> > Why not fix another equally annoying problem?

> >

> > That being the fact that stealthed players do not get revealed upon taking damage, why is it that people who are predictable in stealth don't get punished for their playstyle?


> Punish a class that relies on stealth... huh, what would that do? Break the class.

> for Thief- Many of their traits rely on stealth as it is- and if they made it so that they were revealed when hit- then that is wasted initiative for them and that would be their entire focus of play, running away and trying not to get hit instead of actually attacking. Does that make sense?


> Stealth is an important mechanic - **and what you are suggesting is class breaking to classes and builds that rely on it to actually function.** You do realize that? Because clearly you do not.

> Also there is that other feature called taunt and revealed.

> Why don't you just come out and say "Remove all stealth classes from the game because I said so"


> > I feel like I don't need to go in depth with this question as it's not that complicated.

> >

> > Ignore any crying from thief mains on this thread.



> You really should go more into depth because it comes off like you're just trolling and not making a good point.



It doesnt rely on stealth at all lmao. Just shortbow 5 and jump to get the most distance out of the skill and get out of any situation you find a threat.


Stop acting like thief is so hard to play.

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> @"Pyraxy.1902" said:

> It doesnt rely on stealth at all lmao. Just shortbow 5 and jump to get the most distance out of the skill and get out of any situation you find a threat.


> Stop acting like thief is so hard to play.







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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> As I lack object permanence and cannot anticipate when a thief engaged with me will generally be, I too would like stealth to be broken upon taking damage.

> That way, instead of bothering myself with anticipation and strafing, I can just put an AOE down where the thief was last and not have to bother with learning the mechanic or dealing with their stealth attacks.

> How dare thieves be sneaky. Play a real class.



> We absolutely must #RemoveStealth2k18



Bonus points for sarcasm. But not everyone here is going to take game so seriously and try to immerse in ... well game. If you expect everyone to be so hardcore, why not switch the places. How about you play with some other class for awhile and see how those "anticipation", "object permanence", and where "thief will engage" work out in practice for you rather than just words.


On the topic, maybe not instantly remove stealth but after certain damage is reached? That way classes that utilize stealth wouldn't de-clock in an instant and still reach some middle point of agreement between everyone.

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> @"Senteliks.2360" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > As I lack object permanence and cannot anticipate when a thief engaged with me will generally be, I too would like stealth to be broken upon taking damage.

> > That way, instead of bothering myself with anticipation and strafing, I can just put an AOE down where the thief was last and not have to bother with learning the mechanic or dealing with their stealth attacks.

> > How dare thieves be sneaky. Play a real class.

> >

> >

> > We absolutely must #RemoveStealth2k18

> >

> >

> Bonus points for sarcasm. But not everyone here is going to take game so seriously and try to immerse in ... well game. If you expect everyone to be so hardcore, why not switch the places. How about you play with some other class for awhile and see how those "anticipation", "object permanence", and where "thief will engage" work out in practice for you rather than just words.



I play every class. The only class matchup that makes me nervous vs thief is with reaper vs specifically deadeye.



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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Senteliks.2360" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > As I lack object permanence and cannot anticipate when a thief engaged with me will generally be, I too would like stealth to be broken upon taking damage.

> > > That way, instead of bothering myself with anticipation and strafing, I can just put an AOE down where the thief was last and not have to bother with learning the mechanic or dealing with their stealth attacks.

> > > How dare thieves be sneaky. Play a real class.

> > >

> > >

> > > We absolutely must #RemoveStealth2k18

> > >

> > >

> > Bonus points for sarcasm. But not everyone here is going to take game so seriously and try to immerse in ... well game. If you expect everyone to be so hardcore, why not switch the places. How about you play with some other class for awhile and see how those "anticipation", "object permanence", and where "thief will engage" work out in practice for you rather than just words.

> >


> I play every class. The only class matchup that makes me nervous vs thief is with reaper vs specifically deadeye.




but that is more a range than stealth issue :3

actually most of the issue people have against deadeyes in 1 vs 1, while they say its stealth, it is their range advantage. because a viable range weapon is the only way for a thief to be offensive while denying counterpressure. pistolwhip does it for a part of its animation but it has still vuln frames. yet with rifle you are in many situations out of your opponents range while you keep shooting. imagine rifle had a range of 600, your reaper would eat deadeyes alive..

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Senteliks.2360" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > As I lack object permanence and cannot anticipate when a thief engaged with me will generally be, I too would like stealth to be broken upon taking damage.

> > > That way, instead of bothering myself with anticipation and strafing, I can just put an AOE down where the thief was last and not have to bother with learning the mechanic or dealing with their stealth attacks.

> > > How dare thieves be sneaky. Play a real class.

> > >

> > >

> > > We absolutely must #RemoveStealth2k18

> > >

> > >

> > Bonus points for sarcasm. But not everyone here is going to take game so seriously and try to immerse in ... well game. If you expect everyone to be so hardcore, why not switch the places. How about you play with some other class for awhile and see how those "anticipation", "object permanence", and where "thief will engage" work out in practice for you rather than just words.

> >


> I play every class. The only class matchup that makes me nervous vs thief is with reaper vs specifically deadeye.




That's great. But not everyone does that, and not everyone will. A lot people want and probably have time to play and learn at most 2-3 professions or stick to one. I am just saying that removing is not solution but also there can possibility where mechanic if tweaked properly can make almost everyone happy (at the end you can't make everyone happy). Or to come up with an alternative that would composite for change in invisibility. The way I see it, sooner or later Anet will re-design everything, so sarcasm is not going to help anyone.

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> @"Senteliks.2360" said:

> That's great. But not everyone does that, and not everyone will. A lot people want and probably have time to play and learn at most 2-3 professions or stick to one. I am just saying that removing is not solution but also there can possibility where mechanic if tweaked properly can make almost everyone happy (at the end you can't make everyone happy). Or to come up with an alternative that would composite for change in invisibility. The way I see it, sooner or later Anet will re-design everything, so sarcasm is not going to help anyone.


Ok, sarcasm off.


The point I am trying to make with that note is that every class has the potential to drop a thief as they stand right now, if they are not built in such a way that makes them vulnerable.


Asking for an entire mechanic to be changed because you cannot be bothered to learn it/how thieves generally behave when stealthed, which implies you think your time invested is more important than the time of people who spent time learning the class to be that effective to begin with, isn't a valid enough reason to reasonably demand a rework or tweak of stealth.


You asked me "why not switch the places". I'm telling you that I've done that and still don't see an issue with stealth objectively as a mechanic. It's not about how many classes people play. That being said, if by some event stealth does get toned down, thieves will need to have both damage and defense increased to compensate for the reduction. The span of that rework reaches much farther than stealth because I expect very few thieves will play a fragile, highly visible class competitively without some kind of active defense.

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This sums up my thoughts.



And I’ve played Rogue and every assassin/stealth classes in a lot of MMO. It’s just easy mode in GW2. If it was only stealth... but no. They need to have tons of teleports and way to disengage and engage from miles and doing 25k+ backstabs from the shadows. Bonus if you’re deadeye for perma stealth.

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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> This sums up my thoughts.




> And I’ve played Rogue and every assassin/stealth classes in a lot of MMO. It’s just easy mode in GW2. If it was only stealth... but no. They need to have tons of teleports and way to disengage and engage from miles and doing 25k+ backstabs from the shadows. Bonus if you’re deadeye for perma stealth.


This is 2015...

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > This sums up my thoughts.

> >

> >

> >

> > And I’ve played Rogue and every assassin/stealth classes in a lot of MMO. It’s just easy mode in GW2. If it was only stealth... but no. They need to have tons of teleports and way to disengage and engage from miles and doing 25k+ backstabs from the shadows. Bonus if you’re deadeye for perma stealth.


> This is 2015...


Yes, funny it did not changed much since then, right?


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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > > This sums up my thoughts.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > And I’ve played Rogue and every assassin/stealth classes in a lot of MMO. It’s just easy mode in GW2. If it was only stealth... but no. They need to have tons of teleports and way to disengage and engage from miles and doing 25k+ backstabs from the shadows. Bonus if you’re deadeye for perma stealth.

> >

> > This is 2015...


> Yes, funny it did not changed much since then, right?




These aren't the WvW forums. Food, armor rarity, trinkets, amulets and other factors all influence balance in that game mode. If that build is possible in spvp vs an armored opponent, then we can talk about adjustment.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Bad news guys, they are not going to rework stealth in any way. If they did, all the classes that have hard stealth utilities and weapon skills would require a rework to compensate. It's been in the game since inception.


> They may very well do some nerfing to DE stealth, but they will need to compensate. Stealth is literally the only thing that DE has. If you think otherwise, play a ranked game on DE without snipers cover trait, or shadow meld, or using the rifle 4 combo. Your other weapon set can not be d/p. Use zero stealth, just use your other "defenses". Let us know how it works out for ya.


thief have two "core mechanics" stealth(regardles of that i think stealths is a very bad implementation) and high movility, the fault is not compensating when designing the elite specs, DD have a great movility increase, shave theyr stealth acces, DE have a great stealth acces shave theyr movility


let the thinks

core thief: "medium" stealth and movility

DD: high "movility" low stealth

DE: high stealth low movility

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