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My thoughts on a Third Expansion: Tyria United

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# **Guild Wars 2: Tyria United**


Kralkatorric is vanquished, and Aurene has been lost to you forever, yet the threat of the elder dragons, unceasing, remains alive...


The Dominion of Winds: a sanctuary constructed for the benefit of all Tengu as a stronghold against this threat is now coming apart at the seams. Though the destroyers had long shook the foundations of the island of Sanctum Cay, a new threat threatens to break its back, and crush the Tengu people beneath its weight: The Deep Walkers. Twisted amalgams of flesh and the ocean itself claw their way onto the beaches, cutting away food supplies, and slaughtering most who lay eyes upon them. And then there's the song; a sour, corrupting buzz in the ear of any sailor who attempts to leave the Dominion's shores. Driven mad, they either kill whomever they can get their feathers on, or drag them to the depths, never to be seen again...if you're lucky.


With no options remaining, and a nation crumbling away into the sea...the Tengu emperor must turn to Tyria, and Dragon's Watch, for help.



## **Key Features**

- Embark on a brand new adventure through the mysterious Dominion of Winds, where you'll fight a new threat across land, sea, and sky.

- Adventure the way **you** want by adding fully configurable AI heroes to your party, including other characters from your account!

- Fight them on the beaches with the newly implemented **Warzones**.

- Explore the seas in ways never before seen.

- New armor, weapons, trinkets, and more.



## **Nine New Elite Specializations**



Inspire your allies to victory with the staff wielding Paragon specialization. Gain access to Refrain skills, which get stronger the more times you use them,

as well as the ability to call spiritual allies to the battlefield using the adrenaline meter.



Pull spirits from the world beyond, and command them to bring you victory with the war-horn wielding Ritualist Specialization. Gain access to a deadly range of chain-bound spirits to help allies and eliminate threats. Your virtues are now imbued upon the ashes of fallen heroes, which can be held for strong passive effects, or dropped to cast a powerful spell.



Cleave at your foes no matter the number with the great-sword wielding Dervish specialization. Channel the spirit of the conceited prophet Varesh Ossa, and gain access to Prayer skills which consume both boons and conditions as a means of increasing their power. Transform into an avatar of Abaddon, and gain access to new weapon skills at the cost of being unable

to generate energy while using them.



Embrace the thrill of the kill with the ax wielding Butcher specialization. Gain access to an all new set of stances to help you hunt down foe, always. Stances like _Shadow Stalk_ , which for a time will teleport you into range for any weapon skills you cast, ensure that there is no escape; even if they try, simply use your hook and chain to let the good times roll.



Reach for the pinnacle of genius with the staff wielding Golemancer specialization. Summon a veritable army of mechanical marvel's to carry out your bidding, with a tool-belt reconfigured for achieving tactical perfection. Safely bombard foes from afar knowing that a golem always has your back. Just remember: they can't feel pain, so it's fine.



Go on a rampage with the hammer wielding Primal specialization. Gain access to Primal skills, which are cast by both you and your pet, and go on a rampage. As a primal, your pet is locked into a permanently aggressive state, and will always attack your target no matter what. As a trade off, your pet becomes much more powerful, with access to stronger abilities.



Turn disaster into your greatest weapon with the hammer wielding Cataclysm specialization. Gain access to a set of physical skills for the elementalist, becoming one with the elements' power to affect devastating blows. Your attunements now take the form of devastating spells in their own right, increasing their cooldowns, but becoming able to both hurt foes and benefit allies, all while empowering attacks from their like elemental weapon skills.



Impress your foes before they die with the pistol wielding Trickshot specialization. Gain access to the mesmer's very own set of trick skills to keep you safe and your enemies guessing. While they're guessing, however, you'll be killing with the new _Firing Squad_ shatter skill. Devestate enemies by commanding your clones to copy your own weapon skills for a brief period before shattering; letting them know that: it doesn't matter which of you was the real one, they _all_ killed you.



Take everything with the pistol wielding Graverobber specialization. Send your opponents to the grave with powerful Devour skills, which consume life force to increase their power. If your afraid of running out, however, don't be. With the Graverobber specialization, Death Shroud becomes _Devourer's Shroud_ which, while offering no protection, will dramatically increase the life force generated by attacks and enemies' deaths, as well as imbuing all of your attacks with life-steal to boot.





**Good luck commander. The only way we're winning this is together.**

_Coming 4/1/2019_

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Not bad. Some spec idea are quite nice (warrior, guardian, revenant and engineer mostly)


The exp idea is cool but that's mostly an introduction. I would be glad to join the dominion of wind and fight the DSD but we need to go further than tengu territory and seas of sorrows.



- why do you mean by "warzones"

- I don't believe for one second we will have AI customed heroes. It worked in GW1 despte controversies because it wanted to be an instanced game you could do on your own and that was fine. But that is no longer possible, is it?

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If this was the expansions content, I'd be fairly disappointed. Four out of nine of the ESpecs feel like fan service and the Dominion of Winds is way too tiny an area for an entire expansion even with ocean areas added. Warzones seem like Hero Battles so that would be hype but the rest isn't enough. This doesn't even include a new feature for the PvE side.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Anyone else kinda mad at the clickbait title? I thought it was the real deal, not yet another nostalgia-laden garbage suggestion...


To be quite honest, I wasn't expecting anything official, seeing as that it wasn't published by A-Net in some form or fashion. Besides that, before I'd go making assumptions otherwise, I'd do a whole _lot_ of research. They haven't even came out with the third expansion, as far as I know. I don't see anything wrong with flights of fancy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else or is a detriment.

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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> OP, could you perhaps add "Suggestion" or "Idea" to your topic title? As it is, it's highly misleading and falls into the category of clickbait.


I _do_ agree with this, though. I can understand being upset about being mislead, I'm just surprised people didn't look at the OP and realize they were relatively new to the forums and probably didn't have legitimate information one way or another,

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> @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > OP, could you perhaps add "Suggestion" or "Idea" to your topic title? As it is, it's highly misleading and falls into the category of clickbait.


> I _do_ agree with this, though. I can understand being upset about being mislead, I'm just surprised people didn't look at the OP and realize they were relatively new to the forums and probably didn't have legitimate information one way or another,


The mobile version doesn’t really tell you much about the thread author when viewing the forum index.



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> @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > OP, could you perhaps add "Suggestion" or "Idea" to your topic title? As it is, it's highly misleading and falls into the category of clickbait.


> I _do_ agree with this, though. I can understand being upset about being mislead, I'm just surprised people didn't look at the OP and realize they were relatively new to the forums and probably didn't have legitimate information one way or another,


Oh, you're right. Given the fact OP seems to be a new-ish player, kudos for the great writeup! See my quoted critique as well-meant advice ;)

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> @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Anyone else kinda mad at the clickbait title? I thought it was the real deal, not yet another nostalgia-laden garbage suggestion...


> To be quite honest, I wasn't expecting anything official, seeing as that it wasn't published by A-Net in some form or fashion. Besides that, before I'd go making assumptions otherwise, I'd do a whole _lot_ of research. They haven't even came out with the third expansion, as far as I know. I don't see anything wrong with flights of fancy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else or is a detriment.


It wouldn't be the first time I found out about an official announcement via a player-created thread on the forum. I tend to come to the forum first and only check the main site if I've seen something somewhere else which lets me know there's news worth reading. So at first I thought maybe it was a leak/very early announcement for the next expansion.


But I agree with everyone else - the Dominion of the Winds is not big enough for an expansion and the story sounds lacking. There would have to be at least one more Living Story season first to explain what happened to Kralk (remember we're not killing dragons any more) and Aurene and who these new monsters are, otherwise players aren't going to care (yes I know some people don't care now, I mean of the people who currently do follow the story). Either that or the expansion story would have to be twice as long as any other...and then the shortage of maps is going to be an issue.


I'd love to see the Dominion of Winds at some point but I think it would be the other way around - introduce that in the Living Story ahead of an expansion set elsewhere.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Tsakhi.8124" said:

> > > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > > OP, could you perhaps add "Suggestion" or "Idea" to your topic title? As it is, it's highly misleading and falls into the category of clickbait.

> >

> > I _do_ agree with this, though. I can understand being upset about being mislead, I'm just surprised people didn't look at the OP and realize they were relatively new to the forums and probably didn't have legitimate information one way or another,


> The mobile version doesn’t really tell you much about the thread author when viewing the forum index.




That is unfortunately very true. I'm lucky enough to be at home at the moment.

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Nice ideas and concepts! Theorycrafting GW1 features into GW2 is always fun, and you're well on your way to that marketing certificate!

But a few points:

*We can't vanquish Kralkatorrik or lose Aurene until we understand or can create a replacement system to regulate wild magic. The Gods couldn't figure that out over nearly two millennia, why suddenly can we do that in a few months, enough so that it's not a concern?

*I think you're overestimating how big the Dominion of Winds is. It's slightly smaller than a major city like Divinity's Reach or Lion's Arch. However, there is tons of unexplored space west and north of Maguuma, as well as miles of unknown space east and south of Ascalon.

*Sanctum Cay is under water since the rise of Orr.

*"Bubbles" is neither Cthulhu nor Emrakul. It is a force of nature, and its objectives are just as simple.

*AI Heroes are not happening. (What, is the game not easy enough as it is?) However, it might be possible for a tactical HvH style battle, or at least incorporate AI mechanics into certain or specialized modes, using the existing mechanics (such as Ranger Pets) as a template. (Crosses fingers for Advanced Polymock!)

*Open-world PvP is not happening. Period. However, more and different WvW maps with different objectives/mechanics wouldn't go amiss, nor would different PvP modes and maps.

*Any flavors related to faith, prayer, belief, or higher-powers is not racially universal and as such makes no sense in-game. Why would a Charr utter a Prayer when gods make you weak? What would an Asura become a Paragon of? and how does that help them sing better? What or who are Sylvari Ritualists channelling, since they have neither ancestors nor spirits? Why would any Human rob the graves and consume the souls of their ancestors and/or families?

*Copy/pasting old proposals in new threads is annoying, especially to your intended audience.

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